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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 11

by Red Phoenix

  Both men burst out laughing, filling the car with their masculine mirth.

  Rytsar was shocked to find Brad leaning on his crutches by the ICU doors when they arrived at the hospital. He resented the intrusion, and realized he still couldn’t forgive the man.

  Brad made a point to greet Brie first, smiling as he transferred a crutch to his other hand to give her a tight hug.

  You’re only making it worse for yourself, Rytsar thought bitterly.

  Brad let her go and held out his hand to Rytsar. “Look, I’ve thought about what you said yesterday, and I wanted to come here to apologize formally.”

  Rytsar stared at his hand with disdain, not making a move to shake it.

  Not taking no for an answer, Brad grasped his hand and shook it vigorously. “You were right. I was not a good friend to you. You deserved better from your old college mate.”

  Rytsar’s frown deepened.

  Brad laughed uncomfortably. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

  “I cannot forgive so easily.”

  “No, Rytsar, please don’t say that,” Brie begged. “Master Anderson was good to me and made sure my baby got the nutrition she needed when I was too distraught to eat.”

  Rytsar snarled. “While I appreciate you looking out for the welfare of the babe, I cannot so easily forgive the wrong committed against me.”

  Brad shook his head, looking at a loss.

  “Well, I for one am so glad to see you,” Brie told him, giving Brad another hug. She placed the crutch back in his hand and suggested they all sit down.

  “How has Cayenne been doing? I miss that little orange tabby.”

  Brad’s smile quickly turned into a scowl. “My poor, poor baby…”

  “On no, what’s happened to her?” Brie cried.

  “She’s having…” he spat the next word out in revulsion, “…babies.”

  Brie clapped her hands together, crying out happily, “Kittens are wonderful news!”

  “No, young Brie, they are not. Your beast of a cat defiled Cayenne. She’s still just a kitten herself.”

  “Apparently not,” Rytsar interjected.

  Brad glared at him.

  “No, no…I’m sure he made sweet, romantic love to her,” Brie insisted.

  Brad huffed angrily. “You must know nothing about domestic cats.” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, growling under his breath. “I knew he was trouble the moment I saw the black bastard.”

  Ignoring his sour mood, Brie exclaimed joyfully, “You’re going to have a house overflowing with tiny kittens!”

  “Really? Must you add salt to the wound?” Brad complained.

  Rytsar actually found his discomfort entertaining. “Tell me, does this Shadow creature hate you?”

  Brad glanced at the scratches on Rytsar’s arms and answered, “Not as much as he appears to despise you.”

  Rytsar punched his fist into his palm. “You are wrong. I just had to show it who was boss.”

  Brad gave him a sarcastic smile. “That may work on people, but animals are different.”

  “I beg to differ. But no matter, it’s not my pet who’s been violated,” Rytsar replied with a smirk.

  Brad instantly tensed again. Rytsar would enjoy getting mileage out of this unexpected turn of events.

  “Well, at least you two are talking again,” Brie cooed. “That’s worth celebrating and I know it would make Sir happy.”

  The two men stared at each other, the mention of Thane making everything feel as childish as it really was. “Fine,” Rytsar grumbled. “I…” he had to force the word out, “forgive.”

  Brad nodded, a relieved smile on his lips. “I’m glad to hear it. Life’s too short to hold grudges.”

  “I do not agree,” Rytsar countered, “but you and I are square.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear.” He gave Brie one last hug before standing back up with his crutches. “I’ll let you go to your husband now because I’m sure he’s anxious to see you.” His hand grazed the bandage on her wrist as he let go of her hand, and he chided, “You need to be more careful, young Brie.”

  He nodded to Rytsar. “You watch out for her.” As he was leaving, however, his eyes landed on the bandage around Rytsar’s own wrist and he frowned, glancing back at Brie’s.

  Rytsar met his troubled gaze. “You have no reason for concern. She is completely safe with me.”

  “It’s not her safety I’m concerned about,” Brad answered.

  Brie broke in. “Master Anderson, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Rytsar has only Sir’s and my best interests at heart.”

  Brad eyed Rytsar. “Still, I think you and I should have a chat.”

  “Do not go looking for trouble where there is none,” Rytsar warned.

  Brad turned his attention back on Brie. “My door is always open, young Brie. Don’t let this stupid leg prevent you from calling if you need me—for anything.”

  Rytsar stood up, trying hard to control his anger. He leaned in close, stating in a low voice, “I would never do anything to dishonor my brother. Don’t even go there. The fact you would even question it is insulting.”

  Brad glanced down at his wrist and raised an eyebrow. “Guess you’re going to have to explain that to me.”

  “Why don’t we discuss it over drinks sometime—like old college buddies,” Rytsar quipped.

  “Let’s,” Brad said drolly.

  He tipped an imaginary hat to Brie before turning to leave.

  “Give Shey my best,” Brie called out. “Oh, and give little mama Cayenne an extra squeeze from me!”

  Brad grumbled under his breath on his way to the elevator.

  Rytsar watched him go with a tinge of regret. Despite Brad’s offensive lack of trust, it was good they had reconciled. Who knew if he would be given another chance?

  While Brie spoke to Thane, Rytsar took a seat to watch their interaction. Even though it was one-sided, she somehow made Thane a part of the conversation with her comments and facial expressions, as if she could hear him through the silence.

  Whether it was foolish to do so or not, her love for Thane was obvious and was comforting for him to witness.

  Brie pulled out her computer and plugged in her headphones. “I have some serious googling to do. You can talk privately with Sir if you like.” She slipped on the headphones and the faint sound of dubstep could be heard as she bounced to the deep bass while surfing on her computer.

  Rytsar took the opportunity to tell Thane his elaborate plans for Lilly. He noted a slight increase in the rhythm of Thane’s heartbeat, although nothing else of significance changed. Rytsar was certain what he had laid out met with Thane’s approval.

  He was about to broach another topic when he noticed the strange expression on Brie’s face.

  Rytsar tapped her shoulder and she blushed as she slipped her headphones off. “I never knew…”

  “Knew what?”

  “That it is like that for cats.” She looked up at Rytsar with wide eyes. “Something just came to me and I’ve got to write it down. Pardon me.” Brie put her headphones back on and began furiously clicking her keys as if the words couldn’t pour out fast enough.

  Rytsar watched her, fascinated by the passionate look in her eyes as she typed.

  “Your beautiful wife is suffering from lack of release, moy droog. I know you can’t see it, but it’s quite apparent to me.”

  A short time later, Brie ripped off her headphones again, her eyes shining with lustful excitement. “Can I read you what I just wrote? I totally understand why Master Anderson is upset, but I’m certain it wasn’t that way for Shadow and Cayenne. This,” she said, pointing to her screen, “is how I imagine it went down.”

  “Please do, radost moya,” Rytsar said with a smirk. “The two of us would enjoy hearing your take on it.”

  Brie smiled as she glanced back at the screen. Her voice suddenly took on a sultry tone as she weaved an erotic spell with her words. “Shadow
looked down at Cayenne lying on the floor, noting her alluring scent. She was a female in heat.

  “Shadow knew from experience that there was no denying a female in this state. The instinct to mate was so strong that she would offer herself continuously until seed had been planted.

  “But he also knew this was her first time in season. Everything was new and unfamiliar to her.

  “Cayenne meowed seductively, prostrating herself on the ground and rolling her hips side to side. She didn’t know yet that the act would hurt. His shaft was barbed, created specifically to scratch her inside to stimulate ovulation whenever they coupled.

  “‘You do not know what you are asking,’ he said, jumping down from the bed to join her.

  “‘Please,’ she begged. ‘I’m aching inside. I need you…’

  “‘I understand your need, but it will be painful. There’s no way around it.’

  “‘Then make it hurt,’ she cried passionately. ‘I want you to hurt me.’

  “Shadow took in her female scent. Just the smell of her was enough to make his shaft stiff. Even if he wanted to resist her feline advances, nature wouldn’t permit it. Once a female was in season, she would be relentless until she was taken multiple times.

  “He circled around her slowly, his whole body responding to her inviting mews and the way she stuck her ass in the air, moving her tail to the side so he could see her willingness.

  “Very well.

  “Like she, he was an animal of instinct, and everything in him wanted to hold Cayenne down and claim her.

  “He started by licking Cayenne on the back of her neck. The area he would soon be biting as he shoved his shaft into her.

  “She rubbed her cheek against him in response, the heat of her need consuming them both. She meowed again, low and deep. The kind of meow that stimulated his more primal instincts.

  “Shadow moved down to her hind end, which she promptly lifted up to him. He began licking her, knowing he was the first male to do so. She purred passionately, ‘Oh, that feels so good. So good…Shadow.’

  “He continued licking, drawing out this first time—wanting Cayenne to remember the sensuality of the act to counterbalance the pain that was about to follow.

  “‘Please, Shadow,’ she begged again. ‘I need you.’

  “With permission given, Shadow mounted her, pulling her closer to him with his forepaws and taking the scruff of her neck in his teeth. She instantly flattened herself, clawing at the ground as she raised her hips to him, her body begging to be claimed.

  “At that point, all reason left as feline instinct took over. He began the exploratory thrusts, his rigid shaft needing to take her. He bit down harder on her neck, and she meowed lustfully, her whole body primed for this moment. He needed to make kittens with her, his soul cried out for it.

  “Shadow continued thrusting, knowing that he was excruciatingly close. He changed angle slightly and his barbed shaft finally slipped inside her. He bit down hard and Cayenne tensed, the pain of his entry causing her temporary shock.

  “It was enough time to pump her full of his seed before she cried out. But he didn’t let go of her afterward. He kept her in that position once he pulled out and waited, growling seductively as he gave his cock time to recover.

  “Cayenne lay still beneath him, softly mewing. It was as if her body knew when his shaft was hard again, because her hips began their dance, edging her sweet heaven closer and closer to his shaft. Opening herself to be claimed again.

  “This time, she knew the pain it would cause and yet she still begged for it. ‘Hurt me, Shadow. Hurt me so good…’

  “He let go of her neck momentarily to get a better hold.

  “Biting down caused her to flatten herself again, raising that sexy ass in the air, her body pleading for the release and pain only he could provide.

  “Shadow growled hungrily as he began thrusting again, seeking her warmth.

  “The two remained in that sexual dance, so close but not quite connecting for several moments. It was with great satisfaction when his hard shaft finally found its home, stabbing her repeatedly with its love.

  “She screamed in pain and pleasure as he pumped life into her body.

  “It soon became too much for Cayenne and she cried out for him to stop. He instantly released her and backed away.

  “Cayenne fell to the floor and began rolling beside him, wiggling contently, looking like a playful kitten. What she did not realize yet was that her instinct to roll had a purpose. The act made sure his sperm traveled deep inside her body so when her eggs released they would be penetrated and fertilized by him.

  “After several minutes, Cayenne became still and stared at him in longing and fear.

  “‘What’s wrong?’ he asked.

  “‘It hurt so bad, but I want you again.’

  “Shadow smiled to himself, grateful that the two of them were compatible as mates. He had a long week ahead of fucking her whenever she called out, but he couldn’t wait to begin round two…”

  Brie looked up at Rytsar questioningly when she was done. “So, what do you think?”

  “It’s perfect. In fact, I think you should print it off and tuck it inside a congratulations card for our good friend—to cheer him up.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes. In fact, I insist you go down to the hospital gift shop and pick out a card right now so you can send it to him.” He held out a twenty to her.

  Brie’s eyes sparkled as she took the money, giving Sir a quick kiss before heading out of the room.

  Rytsar turned back to Thane, shaking his head. “What did I tell you, moy droog? Your woman has serious needs. I’m sure you can appreciate the toll it takes on her body when physical release is denied for an extended amount of time. With that in mind, I have made a purchase on your behalf. It arrives tomorrow, just in time for me to speak with the obstetrician at your wife’s next appointment. Never fear, comrade. Nothing will touch your woman without the doctor’s seal of approval.”

  He left Brie in the capable hands of Titov after receiving word that Lilly had been successfully delivered. Rytsar spoke to his men before entering the room, congratulating them on their prowess.

  “No issues at all?”

  Yegor shrugged. “None. It was an easy assignment.”

  “That is what I expected to hear. Well done.” Rytsar shook each of their hands before heading into the room.

  He was purposely silent so she would not detect his presence as he stared hard at the enemy. Lilly was a freak of nature, the exact replica of Ruth—down to the thin fingers that ended in blood-red fingernails resembling claws.

  He cleared his throat and noticed her jump. Rolling her shoulders back to regain her composure, she turned to face him, clutching her bulging stomach in a vain effort to gain sympathy.

  “And you are?” she asked dismissively.

  “Your nightmare.”

  She laughed in disgust. “I very much doubt that.”

  Rytsar walked toward her, eyeing the woman like the maggot she was. “Your breath is mine.”

  Lilly mistakenly turned away, stating flippantly, “Spare me your dramatics.”

  In the blink of an eye, he had his large hand around her throat, squeezing her larynx. As she gasped for air he leaned in and hissed, “Do not play games with me, pizda.”

  Rytsar let go abruptly and watched in satisfaction as she struggled to regain not only her breath, but her balance.

  “You are going to tell me everything I want to know.”

  The look of pure hate Lilly shot his way pleased Rytsar far more than she knew. “Don’t you ever put your hands on me again!”

  “Or what?”

  Her nostrils flared as she scowled at him, refusing to speak.

  Rytsar snorted with amusement. “Do you not see I can kill you with my bare hands? Your threats mean nothing here.”

  Lilly tilted her head up with a look of superiority. “What I may lack in brawn, I make up for in intelli

  His laughter filled the small room. “You were easy enough to apprehend, which makes your level of intelligence highly suspect.”

  She looked at him with disdain, obviously not used to being put in her place.

  Rytsar’s eyes narrowed, his hate for her easy to read in his voice. “Do not lie to me or you will suffer greatly.”

  Lilly lifted her chin a little higher. “Buffoon.”

  Rytsar’s eyes flashed with predatory hunger as a cruel smile played across his lips. “I have no problem hurting you to get what I want.”

  She rubbed her belly with a smirk on her face. “You don’t want to harm this baby. Thane Davis is a very important man and he’s not going to like it.”

  “There are ways to torture a woman that do not inflict damage on the fetus.”

  Her smiled faltered slightly. “Who are you, really?”

  Rytsar ignored her, barking his first question instead. “Whose child do you carry?”

  Lilly did not hesitate when she answered, “Thane’s.”

  “Are you sure you want to stick with that answer?” he asked menacingly.

  “What? Do you plan to kill me unless I say otherwise?”

  Rytsar gave her a disarming grin, even though rage filled his heart. “What were you planning to do after you drugged Mrs. Davis?”

  Lilly shrugged with seeming disinterest. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  His smile disappeared as he turned and started toward the door.

  Rytsar could feel her scornful gaze on his back and smiled to himself. Without warning, he turned and rushed her, pinning Lilly to the wall with one hand wrapped tightly around her scrawny little neck.

  He lifted her off the ground and stared into her bulging eyes, wild with fear. “I promise you will look back on this day and wish to God you had told me the truth.”

  Letting her go, he watched Lilly slump to the floor, her hand clutching her throat as she struggled for breath.

  Rytsar walked away from her, his boots echoing loudly as he headed out the door. He slammed the door shut and slid the lock into place, letting the clang of it be the last thing she heard before he left.

  He went to his men with instructions.

  “First, shave off her hair and cut her nails down to tiny nubs. Oh, and strip her. The pizda doesn’t deserve the dignity of clothes.”


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