Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 4

by J. H. York

  She reached down and stroked him through his pants. “Mmmm...” She murmured as she felt his size.

  He reached around and squeezed her ample backside. “You were right...” He said as he spun her around quickly, taking in the view of her ass, “It does look much better without a skirt.”

  Carmen giggled and shook her cheeks. Evan grinned as the thong clad Carmen danced a little for him. She moved away and crawled onto his bed.

  He started to move toward the bed, undoing his trousers.

  Laying down, Carmen spread her legs and tugged on her nipples. “Yes...yes Mr. Even...come to me...” She whispered.

  Evan found himself extremely turned on, and smiled. “Is that what you to come to you?” He asked.

  His member was engorged, and he reached down and stroked it a little. Carmen's eyes had followed his hand and she moaned. Mirroring his actions she reached down and began to massage herself through her panties. “Mmmm...yes...that is what I want...” She said as she stared at his movements. “Come give it to me...”

  Her breathing was faster and he could tell she was as turned on as he was. He started to climb onto the bed when his cell phone rang from the pocket of his pants. He paused for a second as it rang, and then climbed on the bed. Carmen smiled and quickly pulled her panties off.

  Evan smiled at the sight of her. “Oh...very nice Carmen.” He acknowledged.

  Crawling toward her he could see how excited she was. His phone stopped ringing and he thought Just leave a message please...I'm a little busy right now.

  Grabbing her ankles he pulled her gently down toward him.

  She giggled and then moaned as he put his mouth on her. “Ohhh...yesss.” She sighed as he ravished her with his tongue.

  Thrusting her hips to meet his touch, she closed her eyes. Evan inserted a finger and Carmen let out a little squeal of pleasure.

  From his pants pocket his phone started ringing again. Evan lifted his head up and stopped his sexual movements. Carmen opened her eyes and looked down at him.

  “I don't get very many phone calls at this might be an emergency.” He mused out loud.

  Carmen was looking at him with a mixture of frustration and understanding. “Maybe you should get it...” She said.

  Evan reluctantly started to back away and off of the bed. “Don't go anywhere...”

  He grinned.

  Carmen giggled and reached down to massage herself. “Don't take too long...” She teased, “I might be all done without you if you do.”

  He had reached the end of the bed and was climbing off, his member still at attention. “But then what would I do with this?” He said as he pointed down.

  “Mmmm... I may have to help you out…in the long run after all then...”

  Evan grinned at her. His phone had stopped ringing, and he paused. Maybe it's just Beth drunk dialing...I really don't want to deal with that. He stood for a minute debating. Carmen giggled at the sight of him standing there, bare-assed and with a boner. Glancing over at her Evan grinned. Yeah it's probably just drunk Beth wanting to rant about Lindsey.

  He chuckled at the thought of Lindsey smacking Beth's drink out of her hand. Very few people stood up to Bethany Chamberlain. His Dad's words flashed through his mind, “Bethany had better watch herself around that one... Lindsey may be a beautiful woman, but she has had a hard life.” For some reason a feeling of unease stole over Trevor and he decided he should check and see who had called. As if to confirm his decision the phone began to ring again.

  His pants were about five feet away, and he could see the phone lighting up through his khaki pants. He couldn't make out the caller I.D. He started to walk toward it, with the feeling of unease amping up. Suddenly feeling foolish for being naked, he stopped and picked up his boxers. Putting them on he heard a little moan of disappointment from Carmen. The phone was still ringing, and he looked back at her. Walking forward he picked up his pants, reaching into his pocket to grab his phone.

  It had gone silent again. He pulled out his phone and saw the three missed calls. They were coming from “Home.” Evan noticed that the “voice mail” icon was visible. If it is Beth calling from the Estate...and she left a message...I could just listen to the voice mail first. Evan tapped the icon and waited as the phone rang. “You have one new message” came the automated voice. I know that...Evan thought as he turned and looked at Carmen. She had put her panties back on and was sitting up on the pillows. Well this is a mood killer...The sound of Marcus, the head of security, broke Evan out in a cold sweat.

  “Mr. Evan, please call us immediately at the estate. This is an emergency.”

  As the automated voice asked Evan if he would like to delete the voice mail or save it, he lowered the phone from his ear, head swimming with thoughts and questions. What kind of emergency? Had Beth done something rash to Lindsey...or the other way around? Shit... He raised the phone back up, hung up, then went to call logs. He tapped on the last phone call, reading, “Home” and waited as the phone rang. It rang three times, and Evan was beginning to get worried. Finally the call was picked up.

  “Mr. Evan...” Marcus began, he sounded out of breath as if he had run to answer the phone.

  “Marcus...what the heck is going on?” Evan demanded.

  There was a pause and then the big mans voice came through in a tone that Evan had not heard before. It was wreaked with worry.

  “It's Mr. Chamberlain...your Father...there's been an accident. Please come quickly he doesn't have much time and he's asking for you.”

  Chamberlain Affair 2

  A Turn Of Events



  Copyright © 2017 Jessica Hart

  All rights reserved.



  0 ABOUT chamberlain affair 2,


  This story began with dirty hidden secrets of love in Chamberlain Affair – Part One, A New Bride...

  Evan was the bad boy that you always wanted to root for because he’s learned a thing or two in all the right ways. He sets his sights on the one woman he shouldn’t have. She stirs a desirous, possessiveness in him that makes his insides churn and twist.

  Evan’s not just bad; he’s also very, very rich. Lindsey’s very young, blonde, fabulously beautiful, and married to the bad boy’s stepfather. Lindsey knows that everyone thinks she’s a gold digger. Even Evan, whom she can't stop thinking about.

  The bad boy may not trust her but he doesn’t want to bury her like his stepbrother and stepsister do…or at least circumstances seem to suggest that they want her dead and buried…

  Lindsey also has a secret that she doesn’t ever want anyone to discover. She was completely unavailable until the accident… This is the story of the bad boy who seeks to rescue the damsel in the crosshairs of targeted distress…

  The content is recommended for 18+ due to mature themes and sexual content.


  Evan rushed into the house, his head swirling in a fog of thoughts. Why on earth is he not on the way to the hospital? What the hell happened? Where the hell is everyone? As he ran down the hall, he looked around. The emptiness of the mansion was a stark contrast to the joyous crowd that had gathered earlier that day. Marcus opened up the door at the end of the hallway and emerged. Looking up Marcus saw Evan and hurried over to meet him.

  “Marcus! What happened?” Evan cried as he got near to the big man.

  Marcus was visibly upset. He had been with the Chamberlain's as far back as Evan could remember, but it didn't seem that he had aged. Now as the moonlight cast across Marcus' face through the vast windows on the lower level, worry seemed to have aged him twenty years. Marcus was from Mattapan, and had grown up hard. He had gotten away from the “gang life” when he was twenty. He had seen death and pain, but this new development with Roger was a blow to his “family.”

  Mattapan was full of diverse cultures and a la
rge amount of immigrant-owned businesses. Irish, Jewish, and Haitian immigrants now called this neighborhood adjacent to Boston, home.

  In his deep baritone voice, hushed to not excite Evan further, he said, “ He and Mrs. Lindsey went out after the party...” As he talked Evan and Marcus walked quickly to the end of the hall. “She was upset and he wanted to get her calm her down a little. When they got back, he asked me to stop the car so he could get the mail....” They had reached the end of the hall, and went through the large oak door. Taking a left they headed to the guest bedroom considered as Room 1. Marcus motioned toward the door at the end of the hall.

  “He's in there...with Dr. Sullivan....” Marcus stood still, and his face crinkled with anguish. “I told him I would get it, Evan ... I told him I would get the mail...but he insisted! He got out of the car and went to the mailbox.” Tears started flowing down Marcus's face, but the big man pushed on. “A car came out of nowhere...a black mustang...and hit him while he was at the mailbox.”

  Evan took a shaky step backward, sure that he was going to pass out...or puke...or both. Hearing Marcus vocalize what had happened to his father immobilized Evan. He reached out and held onto Marcus's massive shoulder for support, but also to comfort the big man.

  “Where is Lindsey? Trevor? Beth?” Evan asked softly.

  “Mrs. Lindsey is up in the bed...we gave her a pill to sleep...she was hysterical...Mr. Trevor and Ms. Bethany are on their way...He wanted you Evan ... He wanted you first. Go... Dr. Sullivan said that he has massive internal bleeding, and the Evac-Chopper is on the way. He wants to see you.”

  Nodding, Evan squeezed Marcus's shoulder.

  Looking into his eyes Evan nodded. “It's not your fault hear me?”

  Swallowing and letting a tear fall down his dark cheek, Marcus nodded. Evan exhaled and took a shaky step forward. I don't want to see this...I don't want to see him like this. He felt a lump in his throat as he walked. His emotions were running at an all-time high, and he reached the door to the room. Turning the handle quickly he entered guest Room 1.


  “Marcus! Marcus what is happening?!” Beth shouted as she and Trevor hurried down the long hallway.

  Just moments earlier they had entered the mansion together. They looked around quickly, but started down the hallway when Marcus appeared. Marcus had composed himself to some degree, and tried hard to remain calm.

  “Mr. Chamberlain has been...injured. He was struck by a motor vehicle outside the estate.”

  Bethany and Trevor both looked as if they had been struck. Mouths open, they stood in shock.

  “Where is he now?” She demanded in a whisper.

  “In guest Room 1... He is with Dr. Sullivan... and Evan. He wanted to see Evan.”

  Hearing this Trevor and Bethany exchanged a quick look.

  “Can we see him?” Trevor asked.

  Shaking his head “no” Marcus continued.

  “They are planning on having him evacuated with the medical helicopter... It's inbound and should be here within minutes.”

  Nodding Bethany looked around. “Where is Lindsey?”

  Then her eyes narrowed a little and she looked at Marcus.

  “Where was she when this happened?” She asked with clear suspicion in her tone.

  Marcus shook his head. “She was in the car with me. We were right there... this was an accident Ms. Bethany. She's upstairs in bed...Rita and I gave her a pill. She was hysterical. I've never heard somebody wail like that...”

  “I see...” Bethany began.

  She was silent for a second, then asked with a sudden realization.

  “The car that struck him...where is it? I saw the police across the street, but I didn't see any other cars!”

  Marcus nodded. “Yes ma'am...the car fled. I called in the make and color of the car...but the license plate had one of those tinted plate protectors on it. I could only make out a few of the letters and numbers...”

  Trevor shook his head in disbelief. “I cannot believe this is happening...” He whispered.

  Walking to the hall chair he sat down slowly and put his head in his hands. Bethany walked to the window. Looking out she scanned the sky, intently looking for the helicopter.

  “Where is it?” She asked to no one in particular.

  There was a noise from guest Room 1, and the door opened slowly. Evan walked out with his head down. Looking up, Trevor quickly stood up. Bethany stepped away from the window and watched as her older step-brother slowly walked toward them. Evan's face was pale, and he appeared to be in complete shock. Trevor and Bethany both moved over so that they were standing with Marcus in the middle of the hall. The ticking of the grandfather hall clock was the only sound other than Evan's slow footfalls.

  “Evan?” Trevor asked quietly.

  Stopping in front of the three, Evan looked up. He slowly looked from Trevor, Marcus and Bethany.

  Shaking his head he whispered, “Dad's gone.”


  The pouring rain seemed very fitting as the guests paid their respects to Roger Chamberlain. Evan stood disbelieving his Father was dead. The sudden end to his life hadn't sunk in yet, and Evan wondered if it ever would. He glanced about the cemetery at the large crowd that had gathered. It was amazing how many people were present. Evan guessed over a thousand had attended the funeral. Next to the casket Lindsey was standing and sobbing.

  Overdoing it a bit there aren't you? Evan sourly thought. How could that tramp give two shits about Dad? She's just a dirty gold digger, and now she gets everything. Even as the thoughts were running through his mind he didn't quite believe it though. She genuinely seemed upset, even more than Bethany to be truthful. Evan looked at Bethany and saw her standing, not a tear in sight. She had a sullen look on her face, and every now and then she would look at Lindsey with disgust.

  Trevor was visibly shaken, and his eyes were red from tears. Evan felt that Trevor was taking this extremely hard. I'll have to really be there for him. He's fragile right now. As the oldest Chamberlain, Evan was the recipient of the majority of condolences. He numbly thanked those that offered them, his head still in a fog.

  The police had found the man responsible, he had been drunk driving. Evan would have to go down to the Police station and make a formal charge. His life as he knew it was over. The oak casket that held his father's lifeless body slowly began it's decent. Evan walked forward and put the first shovel full of dirt into the grave. Unable to help himself he began sobbing.


  The reception was held at the Chamberlain's estate, and the crowd was limited to “distinguished” guests only. Evan would have been fine if they had not had a reception at all. He just wanted this day to be over. In his mind he kept replaying his final conversation with his Father. Had he been in his right mind? He had kept saying that there was a big secret that needed to be revealed, but that it wasn't the right time. What secret?

  Bethany's perfume wafted in his nose and he looked to his left to see her standing next to him, holding a drink.

  “At least the free-loaders aren't here...” She said. Her face was darker than usual. “Have you heard when the will is being read?” She asked as she took a sip of her drink.

  Evan was disturbed to realize that her question didn't surprise him. “Can't even wait until his funeral day is over can you?” He whispered, contempt clearly evident in his voice.

  She continued to look out at the crowd, cold eyes scanning. “Unpleasant as I may appear to be, it's a valid question. The sooner we get it out of the way the sooner we can go on with our lives.”

  Shaking his head Evan started to walk away. “I understand that...but you could have at least waited until the end of the day Beth… Excuse me.”

  Evan couldn't take it any more. The crowd, the house, the coldness of the people in his life. Moving forward he dodged and sidestepped people. He just wanted to get outside for a few minutes. The rain had stopped, and the sun was breaking
through the clouds as he walked out the door. He turned right and walked toward the rose garden. His father had set up the garden for Abigail, and it had survived due to Roger's own care taking. He hadn't allowed any of the landscapers or gardeners to work on it.

  His first wife Abigail, was the mother of Evan and Trevor, and had died when the boys were just 13 and 10, respectively. She had been flying to a meeting for their company when her plane had gone down. Two years later and probably too soon, Roger had married Lily. She had been a single mom, as Bethany's Father had split town. Lily had not come from money, and she was almost overwhelmed with Roger's wealth. Bethany had taken right to the privileged life, and to this day continued to live off of the family's fortune. Obviously, Abigail’s memory meant the world to Evan and clearly it meant even more to the memory of Roger, as well.


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