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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

Page 8

by J. H. York

  Bethany had a blank look on her face, Trevor seemed a little stunned that he wasn't getting the corvette, Evan sat stoic and Lindsey sat tensely. “Then if there are no questions, I will ask that Mr. Haynes and Mrs. Mendez please exit the room so that we may continue in private.”

  Rita and Marcus left as the room sat quietly. Spencer poured a glass of water and waited until the two had left.

  “Well then...shall we proceed?” He asked. Taking a small sip of water he looked down at the will and quietly cleared his throat. “Having attended to the my desire to reward two of the most loyal people I had the pleasure of knowing, I would like to now name the Executor of the will.”

  The silence in the room was broken only by the ticking of the grandfather clock, faintly from behind the closed door.

  “I name Evan Bradford Chamberlain to Executor, to carry out the wishes of the deceased including the distribution named hereafter. This is to include the trusts that have been set up in the names of Bethany Michelle Chamberlain, Trevor Gene Chamberlain, and Lindsey Marie Chamberlain. It also is to ensure that the estate monies and land will be divided as outlined forthcoming. It is also so that as I name Lindsey Marie Chamberlain as majority holder of Chamberlain Enterprises, Evan will be her right hand man, guardian and confidant to advise her on the best interests of the enterprise.”

  Spencer stopped and looked up at the family.

  Bethany had a frown of confusion on her face. “Wait...what just happened?” She asked quietly.

  Clearing his throat Spencer replied, “Your Father has named Lindsey as majority partner for the enterprise, and Evan is Executor of the estate and it's monies.”

  Shaking her head Bethany snapped, “In English David! What the fuck does that mean!”

  Leaning back in his chair Spencer shrugged, “ It means she's in charge of the business and he's in charge of the estate. There are bequeaths to yourself and Trevor moving forward but...most of the will is going to them.”

  Chamberlain Affair 3

  Secrets Revealed



  Copyright © 2017 Jessica Hart

  All rights reserved.



  0 ABOUT chamberlain affair3 , SECRETS REVEALED

  This story began with dirty hidden secrets of love in Chamberlain Affair – Part One, A New Bride... and continued in Chamberlain Affair – Part Two, A Turn of Events. Chamberlain Affair – Part Three, Secrets Revealed begins after an attack on Lindsey and Evan’s lives.

  The story began with Evan. He was the bad boy that everyone loved. Though he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he’s learned a thing or two in all the right ways. He set his sights on the one woman he couldn’t have, his stepmother, Lindsey. She stirred a desirous, possessiveness in him that made his insides churn and twist.

  Lindsey was the young, blonde beauty married to the bad boy’s stepfather. Lindsey figured out fast that everyone felt she was the gold digger. Even Evan, whom she couldn't stop thinking about.

  The bad boy didn’t trust her but he didn’t want to bury her like the circumstances that revealed that someone does… Someone, perhaps her stepchildren want her six feet under, in fact…

  Lindsey is still protecting a secret that Evan uncovers unbeknownst to her. Since the accident, Lindsey is completely available and granted the interest and control of the Chamberlain estate and multi fortune enterprising business… Someone close to her wants to unseat her from her newly acquired fortune and Evan is both executor and protector as assigned by his stepfather… The question is, can the bad boy execute a rescue when both of their heads are now marked for murder…?

  The content is recommended for 18+ due to mature themes and sexual content.


  Family attorney, David Spencer, had just informed the room that Lindsey Chamberlain would be the majority owner of the Chamberlain's businesses, and that Evan would be the Executor of the trusts and in charge of all monies and assets. There was a silence in the room as the family digested the information, and then an eruption simultaneously by Bethany and Lindsey.

  “What the flying fuck!!! How does she get the business?!”

  “I...I don't want to be majority holder! I don't know how to run a business!”

  Spencer sat patiently as the women voiced their concerns, and then held up his hand. “Please...Bethany, Lindsey...Roger knew what he was doing by naming Lindsey as majority and Evan as Executor. His decision may not be clear at this time, but I'm sure over the course of...” He was saying when Bethany cut him off.

  “Spare us, David. You're a snake lawyer, not a psychologist, so save the speech. What did daddy dearest leave for me and Trevor?” Even as she said this she turned and gave Lindsey a stare full of daggers. Lindsey was sitting with a look of complete shock on her face.

  Evan sat, observing the scene. On his deathbed Roger Chamberlain had told him that this was his plan, and that Evan was to protect Lindsey, and guide her. As he looked at her he wondered if she could handle not only the rigors of the business, but Bethany's venom as well.

  David Spencer's lips tightened as he held back his anger, and he adjusted in his seat. He paused for a second as he looked down at the will, and then let out an exhale of breath slowly, calming himself. Still looking down he read. “As for Bethany Michelle Chamberlain, and Trevor Gene Chamberlain, the continuances of the $5 million a year allowances will remain in place. However, their portion of the bulk sum of the estate will be placed in a trust, to be levied by the Executor. The Executor will be supplied with a separate and private set of guidelines as to the ultimate distribution of said Trust.”

  As he read Spencer held up a sealed envelope. “The Executor, Evan Bradford Chamberlain, will be the distributor of the Trust, and will outline to the mentioned beneficiaries the details of distribution. There are specific parameters and guidelines that the beneficiaries must meet before receiving the Trust.” Looking forward David Spencer handed the fat envelope to Evan.

  “You can go over the details with Trevor and Bethany after we finish. If you wish me to be present as a witness, I will stay.” Spencer said, but it was apparent he had no wish to be in that meeting. Shaking his head Evan replied. “No... that's okay David. I think we can handle it.”

  Nodding Spencer returned to the will. “As for the beach house in Florida, and the condominium in California, they will remain attached to the estate. The family will be allowed full access to those residences, and the Executor will have full authority to name ownership if he so wishes. As for the lesser objects not named specifically I hereby authorize the family to divide them peacefully and fairly amongst yourselves. It is my hope and prayer that the family will bond together with my passing, and not allow greed and earthly possessions to tear them apart.”

  Looking up Spencer finished. “These are my final wishes, and I name them in my last will and testament. Signed Roger Chamberlain.”


  Closing the door behind him David Spencer left the office. He sighed with relief as he walked, as he was now out of range of the inevitable outrage from Bethany. A loud shout from behind the door, somewhat muffled by the oak of the door, but a clear enough “What the fuck!” was heard. He smiled and shook his head. All yours Evan... good luck. While it was true Spencer would still have interaction with the family, he was set for a 10 day vacation, leaving in two days. He was certain he would be able to avoid her without difficulty. He opened the door and stepped out into the yard to await his vehicle.

  “Calm down Bethany...I mean this can't have been that much of a surprise to you.” Evan said as he walked over to the hutch and broke out four glasses. He held up a bottle of scotch and looked around at the others in the room. They all nodded solemnly, and he turned back to pour. “You have shown zero interest in the actual business that dad was involved with, other than a couple of lucrative government jobs. As for the estate that typically goes to the e
ldest...” Turning with the tray of drinks he grinned a toothy smile. “In this case that would”

  He walked over to Lindsey first, then Bethany, and last to Trevor to offer them a drink. He set the tray down on the desk, and picked up his own glass. “Shall we?” He asked as he raised the glass in a toast.

  Bethany was sitting with her glass, and it appeared her disbelief of the situation was beginning to become palpable. Numbly she held up her glass in unison with the others. Evan almost felt sorry for her for a second, and then he remembered that she was not an innocent little girl. She was a deceitful, devious woman who played on emotions.

  As if on cue she shook her head and looked down at the floor. “I just thought...well that I would have a bigger role in the business, and I never got the chance...” She started. Evan looked over at Lindsey who was watching Bethany intently. He could already see what was going to happen and he sat back to watch the show. Let's see...will it be a tearful silence, or a pleading gesture full of humility...directed at Lindsey. Place your your bets.

  “I never got the chance to really work with him...I mean I guess...” She turned to Lindsey “I could have taken the time you know? I mean...I was going to make time.” And with that a tear rolled down her cheek. A part of Evan actually bought her act, but it was a small part.

  “Yes sure could have. But you didn't. I'm sure that now would be a good time to start looking for a good job, though.” Evan said as he stood up and walked around to sit behind the desk.

  Bethany whipped her head around to cast a scornful look at him. “This is NOT the time to be vindictive Evan!!”

  Shrugging Evan held up the envelope with the directives of the Trust. “I'm not...You and Trevor have a limited time on the “dole” of …” He paused and looked at the paperwork, “Oh here it is. Five million dollars a year.” Evan smiled again, and he could practically hear Bethany's outrage that was boiling inside of her. “Some would actually say that is a lot of money...for doing nothing.”

  Before she could retort Lindsey spoke up. She was looking down at her untouched drink. “She can have the business. I never wanted that.” She looked up at Bethany who had turned in surprise. “I never wanted any of this...” She looked back down at the drink and shook her head. “I just wanted to be around Roger...he made me feel special. I didn't even know who he was until a short time ago...after...after we had...” She tailed off and Evan felt a strange feeling come over him...compassion and empathy.


  There was silence in the room as Lindsey sat looking at her drink. Evan cleared his throat quietly. “Unfortunately that is not possible...” He said as he looked at Lindsey.

  Startled she looked up quickly, spilling her drink slightly. “What?” She asked softly. Bethany had turned quickly to him, and echoed Lindsey's response. “What do you mean...not possible? Of course it's possible. She just said she didn't want any of this. Why shouldn't she be able to let it go?”

  Holding the letter of the trust guidelines up again, Evan let her look at him. “This...says implicitly... IMPLICITLY,” he repeated the word again with a faint smile on his lips, “That Lindsey is to,” he pulled the letter down to his eyesight and read the directive, “Maintain her position and holdings in the enterprise for no less than one year. The Executor of the trust is to revoke any purchase offer, sale offer or other opportunity of abandonment of said ownership.” Smiling he laid the letter down on the desk as he saw red flush Bethany's cheeks.

  Bethany quickly put the glass to her lips and drained the contents. She kept her eyes closed, and Evan could see she was trying to maintain her composure.

  Shaking his head he looked over at Trevor, who had not said a thing this whole time. “Trev...?” he asked quietly, “You okay?” As if to answer he took a sip of his glass and nodded. “Yep...” he whispered.

  Evan went to go back to the letter when Trevor continued. “Basically Beth and I have 10 years of allowances to get our shit together...right?”

  Evan was startled by the matter of fact way that Trevor voiced his thoughts on the matter, but nodded. “Yeah...pretty much. I mean I wouldn't have...” He tried to continue when Trevor cut him off. He stood up, and set his drink down. “So those of us that are not “first born” but are blood get less than some...some...” Frustrated he pointed at Lindsey “Little slut that just came waltzing into the picture.”

  Before Evan could respond or calm the moment Lindsey quickly stood up and threw her full glass at Trevor.

  It hit him full in the chest and his look of shock would have been humorous if not for the circumstances. When she had hurled the glass some scotch had splashed on Bethany's pants. Bethany went to stand but Lindsey pushed her down, using her leverage and Bethany's head to force her back downward. “Sit...” she hissed. Bethany fell back into her chair with a look of utter shock on her face.

  Taking a step forward she advanced on Trevor who took a step back in surprise. “What did you call me?” She whispered. Evan had never seen a woman more intent of causing bodily harm than the blond angel that stood almost directly in front of him, across the desk Trevor was still staring at her in disbelief. Her transformation from the frail flower that was previously sitting, to the demon that was about to spit fire had been so sudden that Evan wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it first hand.

  Trevor's mouth went to move but Lindsey cursed at him shutting him up. “Fuck hear me? Fuck...YOU.” She said. She didn't shout, she didn't scream with trill contempt.

  Evan felt cold rush over him and goose flesh rose on his arms.

  “You know nothing about me...or who I am.”

  Standing up quickly Evan came around the desk so that he was in between Lindsey, who had stopped advancing, and Trevor who was still standing mouth agape.

  Looking sternly into Lindsey's eyes Evan barked, “Enough! This is not the time,” He turned to look at Trevor, “Or place for this bullshit.” Looking back at Lindsey he saw her eyes were on Trevor, and Trevor alone. There was a slight pull at the corner of her mouth, almost a smile. Her eyes never left him, however, and Evan caught a wave of uneasiness as he looked at her. From behind her Evan saw Bethany sitting in her chair with a look of absolute shock on her face. He also saw fear in her eyes.


  “That was by far the weirdest thing I've gone through.” Evan thought as he turned the key in his lock and opened the door to his place. Walking inside he flicked on the lights and made his way to the kitchen. He was famished, and a sandwich and a beer sounded great right about then. He started to take off his suit jacket but in an the odd way the slight bulk and weight of one side pocket that moved to remind him that there was a CD inside of it from his dad. Evan stood for a second with his jacket in his hand, and then reached in and grabbed the sealed envelope containing the CD. He stared at the little label that read “Lindsey Chamberlain” on it, and thought back to his final conversations with his dad.

  Turning the CD over in his hands he contemplated on whether or not to play it. Spencer had advised that he take some time before doing so, but how much time was the question. A day? A week? A year? Evan stood in his living room, jacket slung over his left arm, mystery envelope in his right hand. He stared at the envelope as if it would give him the answer. Sighing he tossed the envelope down on the side table and walked to his bedroom. Have a bite and a beer. Then think about it. Sound good?

  “Lindsey Chamberlain” ... Such a vague label. As he changed into his sweatpants he thought about her actions at the reading. What had Dad said at the celebration when we saw Beth and Lindsey almost get into a fight? That Beth “had better watch herself around that one.” Evan carefully hung up his suit and put his tie in the drawer. He grabbed a long-sleeve T-shirt and pulled it on. Walking back toward the kitchen, his mind bounced back to the CD.

  He passed the table and the envelope and went to the kitchen. His stomach grumbled loudly as he flicked on the light and headed to the refrig
erator. Opening the door he pulled out a beer and twisted the cap off of the bottle. Taking a long pull from it, his mind continued to work. So that's been twice that she has stood up to Beth, and now once to Trevor. Certainly doesn't shy away from physical aggression either. He set his beer down on the counter and grabbed some bread, lunchmeat, cheese, and the bottle of mustard. He swung his hip and closed the door. Walking over to the counter he set down his sandwich makings and took another sip from his beer. Quickly he fixed a fat sandwich with mounds of turkey, stuffing a few pieces in his mouth as he closed up the containers.

  After putting the food back in the refrigerator grabbed his beer and his sandwich and walked into the living room. He set his plate and beer down on the coffee table and absently turned on the TV. The Red Sox were playing, so he set the remote down and picked up his plate. Sitting back he began to eat. He tried to watch the game, but his mind kept wondering. Reaching over he picked up the envelope containing the CD.

  Taking a big bight of his sandwich, Evan used his other hand to turn the envelope around. “Lindsey Chamberlain” stared back at him, tempting him, taunting him. Why had his dad left him this? Had he foreseen something? His death? No way... But...he had been a very observant individual. Had there been some “writing on the wall?” Evan stuffed the last bit of sandwich in his mouth, and contemplated making another one. He took a sip of his beer, still looking at the envelope. Making up his mind he flicked his finger along the length of the envelope and unfastened the seal. Opening the envelope he pulled out the disk.'s a DVD...not a CD. Duh. What did you think that dad was going to sing you a freaking song about her or something?


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