Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 13

by J. H. York

  The rest of the day seemed to drag by for Evan. He met with Marcus and instructed him to add the extra security. Marcus gave him a questioning look, but complied. After dinner Evan went to his room. He gathered up his toiletries and headed to the bathroom on the floor. A nice hot shower will be awesome. As he exited his door he saw Lindsey sitting in her room. She was sitting in front of a small set of candles, and seemed to be meditating. Smiling Evan walked to the bathroom.

  The shower felt great, and he could feel some of his tension melting off of his body. It was one of the first times that he had thought about the DVD his dad had left, and the information that it had contained. Smiling he turned off the water and dried off.

  He went to his room, noticing that Lindsey's door was now closed. Every bedroom in the house had a T.V. so after putting on a pair of basketball shorts Evan laid down on the bed and turned on the T.V. It was around 8 p.m. and he heard Rita leaving for the day. The crackle of the security coms echoed from below as they started their night shift. The Sox were on and Evan flicked over to the game. Smiling he laid back on the plush mattress.

  He watched as the game progressed but his mind kept wondering. Replays of Lindsey as she wielded her switchblade, and her gentle way of doctoring him kept going through his tired mind. A soft knock made him turn down the T.V. and get up out of bed. Glancing at the clock he saw it was just before 9 p.m. He walked to the door and opened it. Lindsey stood outside his door in a pair of pajama shorts and tank top. Her erect nipples were making little tents of her shirt and she looked up at him with those blue eyes.

  “Can I watch the game with you?” She asked with a gleam in her eye.


  “Afraid not...” The Other said. “I don't kill women...sorry.” He reached for the bundle of bills that Bethany had in her left hand.

  “I'm sorry too...” She said and quickly raised the gun from behind her back. Pulling the trigger she fired a shot point blank into his head. The retort was loud, but Bethany had soundproofing in her walls. The impact of the shot sent him flying off his feet, and blood and brains onto the furniture and floor. He slumped to the carpet and gurgled as he dropped the whiskey glass.

  “FUCK!” Bethany screamed. “Now do you see what you have gone and made me do?” She hissed as she stood over him.

  Pointing the gun at him she waited to see if he would get up, but he just laid there with lifeless eyes. Looking around she made sure to stay out of any blood. Quickly she walked into the bathroom and gathered up a couple of towels. She wrapped his head in them, and then looked around. That should at least keep a lot of blood from getting everywhere...but the stuff on the furniture...fuck-fuck-fuck...

  Standing up she started pacing. “Why did you do that?! Bethany! Why did you do that?!” She asked aloud. Thinking for a second she started laughing lightly. “Well for one, it saved me 10 grand. And for two, he was going to drink all my whiskey.”

  She walked over to him and rolled him over so she could get at his pockets. He had a wallet, so she grabbed that. In his front pockets were some mints and change. She left that and patted the rest of his torso. When she got to his legs she felt a bulge around his ankle. Slowly lifting his pant-leg she saw a small gun in a holster. Smiling she walked over to the desk and grabbed a tissue.

  Quickly she went back to him and with the tissue lifted the gun out of its holster. She put it in his hand, wrapping his fingers around the handle, then tossed it a foot or so from the body and stood up, inspecting the scene. Noticing the whiskey glass she scooped it up and went to the kitchen. Quickly she washed and dried the glass and brought it back to the bar. Looking around she made sure that there were no other possible incriminating things. After careful inventory she nodded and walked over to the bar. Pouring herself a drink she smiled as she glanced at her hand, it didn't shake at all.

  Slowly sipping on her drink she casually walked over to the desk where her purse and phone were. Taking a second she listened intently to see if there were any sounds of sirens. Good thing about having money...our buildings are pretty quiet. Plus, I don't think my neighbors would know a gunshot if it wasn't coming from a movie screen.

  She picked up her phone and casually flipped through the contacts while taking a sip of her drink. Frowning she paused. Should I really get him involved in this? She put the phone down by her side and slowly walked around the room. Taking a long drink from her glass she started breathing heavily. She did some jumping jacks and ran in place, and thought about her Mom dying. The tears welled in her eyes and started to run down her face as she gasped a little.

  Quickly she pushed a contact button and waited as the phone rang. The tears trickled down her face as she waited.

  “Hey you!” Trevor started from the other line. “Where have you been?” He asked.

  Bethany waited a split second and then with a breathless and tearful voice sobbed, “Trevor! Something terrible has happened! I need you now! Please...” and hung up.


  “Um... Of course you can...” Evan said as he stepped aside.

  She swished into the room and he hungrily watched her bottom as she walked to the bed. Nimbly she jumped up and cast a quick glance and smile at him. He stood numbly at the door as she laid down in his bed, breasts lightly jiggling. His groin throbbed slightly, and there was a sound like the rolling ocean waves in his ears as he closed the door. Walking to the bed he looked down at her as she languished in the multitude of pillows.

  She sighed and looked up at him. “No beers tonight fella...”

  “No... probably for the best....scoot.” He motioned as he climbed onto the bed.

  She giggled and slid sideways a little allowing him a small space to lay down. His pillow smelled of her fragrance as he fluffed it to lay on. How come she smells so good…? And it gets on everything so fast! Quickly glancing over he saw that she was up on an elbow, watching him, waiting for him to get settled. When he laid down she quickly put her head down on his chest and her hand on his stomach.

  He tensed a little but said nothing. They watched the game in silence for a few minutes.

  Without looking at him she whispered, “What do you know about me and your father...exactly?”

  The question caught him off guard, so he took a minute to think. Placing his hand on her back and gently stroking he realized she wasn't wearing a bra. “I know...everything.”

  Looking up at him she cocked her head and squinted her eyes. “Everything?” She asked.

  Nodding he touched her face gently. “I know EVERYTHING. Lindsey... Marie. …Merino...”

  In an instant she had pounced on him. Their lips met and melted together. Her hands moved over his chest and she straddled him quickly. Passionately they kissed and he held her head tenderly.

  Gently he separated their mouths for a second and asked, “Are you sure? I mean...”

  Slowly grinding on his straining crotch she nodded and smiled. “Oh yeah...I'm sure.”

  Taking his hands she placed them under her shirt on her flat tummy. She bent in and they began kissing again as Evan moved his hands slowly upward. When he cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples she sighed. Their tongues continued to dance together as she hastily reached down and began to run her hands over his cock.

  The scent of her hair and skin assailed his nostrils and turned him on even more. He felt his cock was going to break as she continued to stroke and tease him.

  “Mmmm...” she sighed, “Seems like the ex-ball player kept his bat...”

  She whispered in his ear as she yanked down his short fronts. Shifting his hands from her breasts to her ass he greedily kissed her mouth and neck.

  Moving up to her waste band he slowly pulled her shorts down. Lifting herself up slightly she kicked them to the floor and smiled down at him. Spreading her legs she straddled him and looked deep into his eyes. He held her thighs firmly and returned her steaming stare. When she lowered herself on top of him and he entered her, they both gasped with pleasure. Slo
wly moving on him they continued to stare into each others’ eyes. Evan had never felt such oneness, and being inside her was as an exhilarating feeling as he had felt.

  They moved in unison together for a few minutes and reached climax together, trying to keep quiet so the security detail wouldn't hear. Lindsey collapsed on top of him, and he hugged her fiercely. They were both breathing heavily with a slight sheen of sweat glistening off of their skin. Looking into his eyes Lindsey smiled. It was the first time he had seen this particular smile, and it was one that was unfiltered and complete.

  Winking she whispered, “Wanna play a double header?”


  Trevor stood looking at the scene in disbelief. Bethany looked at him with smeared mascara, and her gun in her hand. Moving forward he slowly reached for the weapon and looked over at the dead man on the floor with the towels wrapped around his head.

  “Beth...what the hell happened...?” He whispered as he took in the blood splattered furniture and carpet. Quickly he placed his hands on her face and looked into her eyes. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  Looking into his eyes Bethany shook her head. She breathed out slowly as she tried to compose herself. “He said...he said he was from the air conditioning company...he said there had been complaints...” Hugging Trevor she grasped tightly and began to cry again.

  He wrapped his arms around her and tried to comfort her. “Shhh... it's okay...we'll's okay Beth...I'm here...”

  Looking into his eyes she frantically continued, “I let him in....HOW COULD I HAVE KNOWN? I let him in...He forced me Trev... he forced me to open the safe...” Grasping his shoulders she implored him with her eyes, “I saw the gun...I always keep it loaded...I just shot. I didn't think, I just did it. Oh God....” Laying her head on his shoulder she began sobbing.

  Rubbing her back Trevor's mind raced. “Okay...okay...look....we can call Brian on the B.P.D. He's a friend of the family...I'm sure that...”

  Pulling back quickly Bethany looked up at Trevor with fear on her face. “NO! Trev! NO! We can't tell anyone! The family...the family name...we can...we can clean it up. We can make it disappear...”

  Trevor moved her at arms length and looked into her eyes fiercely. “ did nothing wrong. He had a gun. He was trying to rob you. You defended yourself. We can do this the right way.”

  Shaking her head she moved away and looked at the body. Turning back to Trevor with new tears streaming down her face she shook her head. “There was nobody here but me and's too risky...”

  Moving forward quickly she grasped his shirt. Looking into his eyes she sought his approval. “But we...WE... could just...get rid of him. Nobody would know. I have his wallet. We could wait until tonight and then dump his body...maybe in New Hampshire. Nobody would catch us Trev...” Hugging him fiercely she continued in a whisper. “I need you...I'm sorry I've been distant...but I need you now.” Pulling back she looked up and into his eyes. “Will you help me?”

  Trevor looked in her eyes and nodded. Against every instinct he would help her. They took the body into the bathroom and put him in the tub. Bethany had then gone to the kitchen and gotten a knife, which she used to cut his throat and wrists, draining the body of blood. They didn't want to leave any blood trails along the way. They had waited until 1 a.m., and then they had discreetly put him in the back seat of Trevor's car. The towel around his head had been replaced, and the old towel placed in a garbage bag. After draining the body of blood, they loaded it in the car, and cleaned Bethany’s place. The bloody rags were placed in the bag with the other towels. Later, Trevor would take them to a place to be burned.

  The drive to New Hampshire was uneventful, and when they found a secluded woody area they stopped. It was about 4 a.m. When they were rid of “The Other.” Bethany nodded and smiled at Trevor as they walked slowly back to his car.

  “Don't worry...there's nothing that can link us...I don't even know who he was.” She assured him.

  Trevor looked at her and hoped she was right.


  They had woken up at 5 a.m. And made love once more, then Lindsey went across the hall to her room. Evan had never made love three times in one night, let alone to the same woman. As he showered he smiled. She was a fantastic lover, but it was more than that. Everything about her felt right to him. Her body, her smell, her voice... everything. But how could he go about telling the family? As far as everyone knew, she and Roger had been married. Should he just come out with the truth?

  We'll just keep it a secret for now... Getting dressed Evan smiled again. They headed down to the kitchen together, smiling and making jokes. When they entered Rita had looked at them with a small smile but had said nothing. Rita had made them some scrambled eggs and cut up a cantaloupe, all the while humming to herself. It made Evan feel good to see everybody in the room smiling for a change. Not like Bethany.... At the thought of his stepsister Evan's face darkened. He would have to really see if she had anything to do with Shea, or if it was all in Evan's mind.

  Looking at Lindsey he smiled again, and knew that he would do everything he could to protect her. Which is exactly why his Father had chosen him to reveal the truth to about her. It was all on the DVD. As he sat and listened to her and Rita talk back and forth in Spanish, he reflected back to what was said on the DVD. “I know that you will protect her, and maybe...well maybe in time something special will come out of your closeness.” Roger Chamberlain had said from beyond the grave. Good call on that one, Dad...

  After breakfast Lindsey and Evan went out. They told Rita and Marcus that they were going down to the main office so Lindsey could start to get her bearings. It was the truth, they just happened to make a pit stop first. Entering Evan's, they kissed all the way to the bedroom. They left a trail of clothing as they greedily kissed and fondled each other. It was as if neither one could get enough of the other. They made love fiercely, hungrily, and when they were finished they laid on the covers, panting. Evan started laughing softly and looked over at her. Her hair was tousled, sticking up in parts and she had a satisfied look on her face. It had been her idea to… “make a pit stop.”

  “You're know that?” He asked and kissed her before she could answer.

  Pulling her to him they both laid back onto the pillows.

  “Yeah... I am trouble....” She admitted and laughed. “And you love it!”

  Evan nodded and smiled. “Yeah I do...” Looking into her eyes he paused. “And I think I might love you as well...”

  It made him a little scared to just throw it out there, but he felt if he didn't get things in the open he would only set himself up for a worse pain later. If she didn't feel the same, that is.

  “Do you have any of that going on? Or am I being silly?”

  Smiling she nodded. “Yeah...I do. And're being silly too. But I like it.” She laid her head on his chest and sighed. “I feel something different with you Evan. I've never felt it before. Safe. I know you would never let anything bad happen to me.”

  Hugging her tightly Evan whispered fiercely, “NOBODY...and I mean nobody is going to hurt you as long as I'm alive.”


  Trevor's phone rang and Bethany looked at him with an eyebrow raised. Looking at the phone Trevor said, “It's Evan... I'll let it go to voice-mail...just call him back later...”

  He started to put the phone back in his pocket but Bethany stopped him. “Answer it...but don't let him know we're together.” There was something in her tone that Trevor didn't like. Quickly he pushed the “answer” button.

  “Hey Ev...what's up?” He tried to sound casual and wondered if he did.

  Bethany sat down on her couch and kept her eyes on Trevor. The uneasy feeling he had gotten from her tone increased and entered the pit of his gut.

  “Not much...”Evan said. “I was taking Lindsey over to the main office and wondered if you wanted to meet us there. That is if you still are interested i
n learning what actually funds your allowance.”

  Trevor felt his anger start to rise. Why does he always have to say shit like that? He knew he should keep quiet but he really didn't want to. “You know Evan...” He started but Evan cut him off. “I'm sorry Trevor...I shouldn't have said that. It must be from the blow to the head I got the other night... two of them to be exact.”

  Trevor sat in shock for a second, not sure if he was more surprised by Evan's apology, or that he had gotten hit on the head...and how? “What? What happened?” he asked.

  There was a pause and then Evan asked, “Is Beth with you? Where are you?”

  Trevor looked over at Bethany and lied to his brother, “No... she's not with me. I'm...I'm running an errand. Why?” Again another pause. “I'd really like to talk to you about it...not sure if over the phone is best...but I might not be able to catch you away from her again.”


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