Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 14

by J. H. York

  Trevor remained silent, waiting. He knew that Evan really wanted to talk to him, and his curiosity was peaked. Finally Evan started, “Oh well...might as well. The other night Lindsey and I went to Sully's to watch the game.”

  The pit in Trevor's stomach began to roll and turn.

  Sully's Tavern...

  “So we were watching the game, and you know the Sox vs. Giants...Well when we left, there was this guy waiting for us. In the side parking lot...right on the way to my place, you know? He stepped out from behind a fence, with a two foot long lead pipe.”

  Walking slowly over to the liquor cabinet Trevor poured himself a small glass of whiskey. He didn't like where this was heading.

  “So he came at us. Wanted us to step into the dark lot and all. I was trying to get Lindsey to run back into the bar and get help. She wouldn't. She actually called him a fuckwad.” Evan started to chuckle and Trevor heard Lindsey faintly in the background say, “He was a fuckwad.”

  Trevor turned and stared at Bethany as Evan continued. Bethany cocked her head to the side and gave him a small smile. Quickly he took a sip of his drink.

  “Well he swung his pipe. I pushed Lindsey out of the way and he brained me. I went to a knee and he hit me again. I had my hands up so it wasn't full contact. I looked over at Lindsey and she...well she had a switchblade out. The guy knocked me to the ground.”

  Trevor couldn't believe his ears. He could hear the Chief of police in his mind... “The victim had also been stabbed four times, although those wounds were not life threatening. There is a possibility that the victim got into an altercation....”

  “She charged him and did like a baseball slide and put the knife into his foot as he swung at her. She jumped up and stabbed him a couple of times and then knocked him out with a knee to the jaw. After that she had to help me home...” He stopped and waited for Trevor to say something.

  Finally Trevor found his voice. “Holy shit Ev...did you find out who the guy was or anything?” The pause from the other end was about two seconds. “Yeah...we did. He was that guy that got shot sitting in his car the other day outside of Sully's...and I think Beth had something to do with it.”


  “Trevor is gonna meet us here tonight...” Evan said as he read the text on his phone.

  “Good...I told him to make sure that Beth didn't come. We have to see if he knows anything.” Putting his phone back into his pocket he looked over at Lindsey who was sitting on the couch in the office.

  “Why didn't he just tell you on the phone then? I mean he had the chance...” She reasoned.

  “Sure...if he were alone. He was with her. I'm sure of it. He sounded a little off, you know? Plus I can't remember the last time he had to run errands... So when he comes tonight we'll pick his brain.” He said as he sat down next to her.

  He gave her a gentle kiss in the cheek and smiled. “Maybe we're being paranoid...I mean she's a bitch, but I don't think that she would want to kill us. What does she have to gain?” Evan reasoned.

  It sounded hollow, however. She would be banking on my Will, or some way of getting the Estate. It was true, because even though she and he didn't get along he had her as the benefactor in his will.

  They sat for a moment in silence, both of them racking their brains. Finally Evan laughed. “We're just driving ourselves bonkers here...” He said as he looked over at her.

  “Yeah...” She said as she laid her head on his shoulder. “How long until he gets here?” She asked and slowly ran her hand down his stomach towards his crotch.

  “Jesus woman!” Evan laughed. “I'm not a piece of meat you know...” He joked and leaned in for a kiss. They kissed for a minute, but Evan stopped. He lifted his head and listened. “Is that a car coming up the drive?” He asked and stood up.

  Looking out the window he saw Trevor's car coming down the long driveway. He also noticed there was a person in the passenger seat.

  “What the fuck!” He cursed and turned to Lindsey who had stood up.

  “What is it?” She asked as she came to the window beside him.

  The car had pulled in front of the house. Trevor got out and said something to the valet. Bethany opened the passenger door and got out. She glanced up to the window where Lindsey and Evan were looking down at her. She smiled evilly and walked to the door.


  Evan stood behind the desk with his arms crossed. He was pissed at Trevor. Lindsey stood beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “Try and be calm, babe...” She whispered.

  He thought back to the night that Lindsey had fought Shea and remembered how cool and collected she had been. Inhaling deeply he held it for a second and then slowly let the breath out as he heard Trevor and Bethany coming up the steps.

  They came into the office, Trevor first. Bethany entered and then quietly closed the door. Evan was staring at Trevor and immediately asked, “First what are you doing here now, and second what is she doing here at all?” So much for calm.

  Trevor was looking at the floor, and Bethany still had her back to the room. “She made me...” Trevor began.

  Evan shook his head and interrupted. “For crying out loud man! Grow a set of fucking balls for once!”

  He started to come from around the desk when Bethany turned around. She was grinning, and it sent chills up Evan's spine. She was also holding a gun that was pointed in Evan's direction.

  “Oh he's right you know...” Bethany said as she grinned. “I did make him. And he has balls Ev...oh yes, big ones! He's twice the man you'll ever be!”

  Evan stopped in his tracks and looked from Bethany to Trevor.

  “Have you lost your ever loving mind?” He asked her. “Put that gun away!”

  Laughing loudly Bethany shook her head. “Oh Evan... you don't get it! I...DON'T...have to listen to you...YOU...and YOU...” She pointed the gun first at Evan, and then at Lindsey. “YOU...Have to listen a dear and make me a drink, would you?”

  Trevor looked up at Evan and then at Lindsey, then looked back at the floor as he walked over to the hutch. “You can make them one if they want...Might as well.” She said as she moved into the room, “After's going to be their last.” She smiled and laughed softly as she moved over to the couch. She sat on the arm of the couch with the gun still pointed at Evan and Lindsey.

  Trevor had turned around in shock. “What? What are you saying?”

  Casually Bethany glanced over at Trevor. Without answering she looked back at Evan. Smirking she stared at him. “It was you...” He whispered. “You hired Shea to beat us up.”

  Shaking her head she looked into his eyes. “No....I hired him to beat you both to death, and then throw your bodies into the Charles...He failed, obviously. But I won't.” She smiled broadly again.

  Lindsey stood looking at Bethany, shaking her head. “He's your BROTHER! How could you do such a thing?!”

  A surprised look passed over Bethany's face. “Oh! I forgot that ‘mommy dearest’ was still here!” She exclaimed. “'ll get to have what you deserve.”

  “It's not like that...” Evan said.

  Bethany looked back at him and snorted. “Of course it is! Why else would a twenty something go for a man in his sixties? Oh because he was a billionaire.”

  Nodding Evan spoke evenly. “That's what I thought as well...but Dad left a DVD...for me. It was a confession of sorts. On it he told me the truth about Lindsey. About Lindsey and his marriage.”

  Bethany cocked her head slightly. “Oh? And what is the truth?” Looking at Lindsey, Evan sighed softly. Turning back to Bethany he spoke quietly. “They were never married. It was a ruse…a way for him to buy some time. Remember when your Mom died?” He asked Bethany. She stiffened and held the gun tight. “Wait...hear me out.” He said and quickly continued, “About a year after Dad had to go to California. Remember that he started going out there a lot. Like 10 times a year. And he did that until one day he stopped. R
ight? It was always business, right?” Evan shook his head. “He had met Lindsey's Mom. Lindsey was a little girl. And all those years that he was going out there, he was with her Mom. Neither of them had wanted to get married again, so they kept their relationship on a level of to speak.”

  “Then she died. Lindsey was in College. She had reached out to Dad to let him know. She and he had become close when he was dating her Mom. She wanted him to come to the funeral if he was up to it.” He looked at Lindsey and saw she had tears running down her face. Looking back at Bethany he saw a look of disbelief and shock on her face. “He wanted to bring Lindsey into our family...adopt her. They were discussing the options. Dad felt responsible to provide for Lindsey. He decided that a fake marriage would be an easy cover...I guess. But they were never married. She's not technically part of the family.”


  Bethany sat staring at Lindsey and Evan. She was quiet, ingesting the information that Evan had just told her. Finally she exhaled loudly. “Huh...!Well isn't that something! What about the will? He named her in the will.”

  Nodding Evan said, “Kind of. The real will has her real last name. He had David adjust the will for the reading...he didn’t want to reveal her true identity at that time. He knew you were going to get upset as it was...”

  He shrugged and continued to look at Bethany. Glancing over at Trevor, Evan saw that he was standing there with Bethany's drink in his hand, a shocked expression on his face.

  Laughing Bethany shook her head. “Well that certainly is an interesting tale...Evan. I don't believe you. I think that you and the little slut have been up to something. And now you're trying to save her! Well it's not going to happen!”

  “It is true!” Both Lindsey and Evan said at the same time. “Look...the DVD is at my place...” Evan continued, “Let me get it. You can even drive me there. I don't care. But it's all true!”

  Bethany smiled. “How sweet Ev... protecting her. How sweet. She's good enough for you, huh? Is that it?” Standing up Bethany had a sneer on her face, and the gun pointed at him. “I...I ...was never good enough though...was I? Oh you always looked down your nose at me! From day one!”

  “That's not true, Beth! You never gave me a chance to!” Evan tried to reason with her. The way the gun was still pointed at him made him nervous.

  Trevor slowly started walking over with the drink in his hand.

  “Tell her Trev!” Evan demanded. “It wasn't like that at all!”

  “Leave him out of this!” She hissed. “He's MINE!” She glanced over at Trevor and smiled, but it was a sad smile. “Yes darling, bring me the drink. My nerves are frazzled!” Turning back to Evan she grinned. “But we are going to go for a ride. You, and Trevor, and her, and... me. We'll take a nice ride up to New Hampshire. We just got back from up there...we found a nice spot, didn't we Trev…?”

  Trevor had gotten to within a few steps of her. His face paled and he shook his head. “Beth...don't...” He started.

  She turned and pointed the gun at him. “Quiet...Trevor...don't turn on me also. I don't want to, but I'll put a bullet in you as well if I have to.” She turned back to Evan and Lindsey. “Now...” She began.

  At that moment Trevor leaped forward. He knocked Bethany's hand downward. There was a retort as the gun went off. Trevor tackled Bethany down to the floor.

  The gun lay on the floor and Bethany started screaming. Evan and Lindsey both quickly came from around the desk. Lindsey grabbed the gun and Evan helped Trevor hold Bethany down.

  Evan looked at Trevor and nodded his head. “Thanks brother.” He smiled.


  Evan watched sadly as Bethany and Trevor were put into squad cars. He had already called David Spencer, who would meet Trevor at the police station. He hoped that Trevor would get a light sentence for cooperation. Rita was crying and Lindsey had her arm around her, comforting her in Spanish. Evan decided he would suggest a psychological evaluation of Bethany, and hoped that they could determine her problem. He was certain she had one.

  Closing the door as the cars drove away he walked over to Rita and Lindsey. They all hugged and slowly strolled to the kitchen. “I'm not hungry but maybe some tea would be nice...” He said. “But I'll make two relax.”

  The ladies smiled at him as he looked around the kitchen trying to find the tea. Life is definitely going to be different...he thought as he found the tea. Turning he looked at Lindsey and a smile broke out on his face. Glancing down he saw that she was wearing the wedding ring again, but on her right hand. It’s time for that ring to go...times are a changing but for the better...

  The end.

  Other Books By This Author

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  Finding You Beneath

  by Jessica Hart!

  Recovering her memories... Will release his driven desires.

  He had the perfect life. Then…KA-BOOM…everything was gone in one shocking moment that left him broken inside.

  He’s the proven psychiatrist who helps the oh so many who need to loose a bad habit, get ride of an irrational fear, or explore their hidden past…

  She is his new female client that is stunningly beautiful, darkly mysterious and factually a troubled young woman who has lost her memory. As their sessions begin her deep dark desires are exposed and he finds out that she is not what she appears to be.

  When he uncovers her past he loses all sense of professional decorum. He realizes he needs to abandon their scheduled weekly encounters—but he just can’t help himself…

  What scares him most is what he is finding out about myself....

  She somehow knows that he is unlike any man she’s ever known. He is movie star handsome, with a ripped body and has that hot’n sexy, American Aristocratic accent. She can see what others can’t, there’s pain in his eyes and he won’t say why.

  To recover her hidden memories she grants him the permission to explore into the darkest places inside her mind, now flashbacks have begun. The big issue is that she doesn't recognize the people in her new dreams.

  She simply can’t say a thing because she fears he will cease his work with her and she just can’t let him walk away. She craves his smoldering gaze and desires his touch.

  He doesn’t know that the deeper he goes the more entangled they become....

  The content is recommended for 18+ due to mature themes and sexual content.

  The content is recommended for 18+ due to mature themes and sexual content.

  Finding You Beneath

  Story sample follows…

  Finding You Beneath


  Copyright © 2016 Jessica Hart

  All rights reserved.


  Her name was Olivia, but it wasn’t her real name. She couldn’t remember her own name. It was the name that was given to her by the nurses who treated her after the car accident that took her memory. She couldn’t remember anything at all, no matter how hard she tried. She felt lost and adrift, knowing no-one and recognizing nothing.

  Olivia’s medical care was administered by the Chesapeake Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland, not far from Washington D.C., or Baltimore Maryland.

  She spent three months in the hospital and was now ready to go home. But where was home? It could be a trailer park or it might be a mansion. It was the not knowing where she truly belonged that left her so very vulnerable and completely insecure. What she did have was the many new friends that were now looking after her; the nurses who cared for her now rounded together to present her with some clothes and toiletries they put together in a makeshift accessory bag. The paramedics that the nurses so often supported were happy to donate to the cause of Olivia. She almost wept at their kindness. Just before she left she was given the address of a women’s shelter, a card with the name of an eminent psychiatrist on it and the date and time of an appointment. The nurse lo
oked at the card, whistled with a little too much vigor and followed with an even more unsavory call out to those she had treated in the hospital whose memory was lost and tucked away somewhere hidden.

  “You’re going to see Dr. Mason? Wow! What I wouldn’t give for a session on HIS couch – if you know what I mean!” She winked. “Good luck, love.”

  The women’s shelter that she now called home was one of those places, which determinedly tried to look like a home away from home but failed dismally. Olivia was given a single bed with a faded duvet on it and the surroundings felt like a crowded dormitory. The other inhabitants looked drab and street-worn, some of them with track marks on their arms, most with bruises and all with the careworn look of those who had lost hope. Beyond greeting each one of them pleasantly, Olivia said nothing, retreating behind a trashy paperback thriller that she found on the one and only bookshelf.


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