Big Sex Little Death: A Memoir
Page 27
Aging Badly: “Editor in Chief.” On Our Backs shot a satirical pictorial for our fifth anniversary issue, “A Day in the Life of On Our Backs.” San Francisco, CA, 1989. Photo by Phyllis Christopher.
When I Came Back From My Honeymoon: Susie at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
Santa Cruz: Aretha Bright’s illustrated lunch bag for kindergarten, Santa Cruz, CA, 1995. Illustration by Jon Bailiff.
Acknowledgements: The Red Tide’s first issue, front and back cover, 1970.
Notes: On Our Backs photo shoot in Kathy Andrew’s workshop, a custom leather studio for women called Stormy Leather, San Francisco, CA, 1985. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
Photo Credits: Susie and Honey Lee Cottrell at home in bathtub, San Francisco, CA, 1986. Photo by Mariette Pathy Allen.
Also By Susie Bright
Love & Lust: A Sex Journal
Bitten, editor
X: The Erotic Treasury, editor
The Best American Erotica, 1993 – 2008, editor
Three Kinds of Asking for It, editor
Three the Hard Way, editor
How to Write a Dirty Story
Full Exposure
The Sexual State of the Union
Herotica, Herotica 2, Herotica 3, editor
Table of Contents
First Bites
Baby Teeth
The Irish Side
Way Out West
D - I - V- O - R - C - E
Runs Through It
The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said
The Red Tide
The Bunny Trip
The Churning Mist
Swim Banquet
George Putnam's Show
Sex Education
You Are Now a Cadre
Patty Hearst
Dago Armour's Apartment
The New Branch Organizer
The Master Freight Agreement
Greyhound to Detroit via Amarillo
The Aorta
Commie Camp
The Perfume Counter
All Along the GirlTower
School Days
How I Got Introduced to On Our Backs
The Feminist Vibrator Store
The Baby Showers
Models Crying
Les Belles Dames Sans Merci
The Daddies
Aging Badly
When I Came Back from My Honeymoon
Santa Cruz
Photo Credits
Also By Susie Bright