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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 9

by Michael Berg

  “A good idea Mister Weston. I will recommend it to the science division.” Bobby engaged the gravity modulator returning the cabin to seventy percent of Earth’s gravity as they continued on unchallenged towards Saturn.

  As the hours passed, the great ringed planet grew larger until they could discern different rings within the rings, along with Titan, Mimas, and Enceladis – three of many moons belonging to the majestic cosmic body.

  “We are aiming for the southern polar vortex Miss Candice.”

  “Acknowledged Mister Bobby. Will we see the hexagonal vortex I saw during my studies?”

  “If the clouds are clear Miss Candice, we should have a wonderful view.”

  The view to the hexagon stretching further than a dozen Earths was a spectacle they all admired. Shining bright red and slowly moving about as if on its own axis, Miss Candice stared in wonder as it seemed to defy the laws of physics. Mister Weston held as much intrigue, and Jonathon watched on allowing yet another space moment to sink in. He was rapidly aligning to a new life in space, hoping this mission and their next would not be their last.

  “Set course correction for Uranus Miss Candice. We do not want to miss the gravity throw.”

  “Aye Mister Bobby. Automatic correction will follow gravity surge.”

  Rapid acceleration increase from the close run by Saturn’s mass was a noticeable surge according to Miss Candice’s description as they were sent onward. The journey from the Moon was just over halfway complete with the long depths of space to come on way to their target near far flung Uranus.

  “Tactical in heightened status due to proximity Bobby,” Jonathon announced four hours later.

  The trip was long and they were far from the Earth space command outpost situated near Neptune’s orbital path. Alone and entirely reliant on themselves, their mission was now in orange alert status – only a Vindor attack would take them to red. Jonathon raised his own alertness level. It was the time for proving his worth to Bobby and the others, and to their superiors. Most of all, he realized how much the fate of humanity was resting on their actions now.

  “I have our destination now showing on scans Bobby.”

  “Keep an eye on it Jonathon. Mister Weston, how goes our capacity for weapons?”

  “All weapons are available Mister Regal. Firing is available when ready.”

  “Let us hope we are not called upon to use our weapons today then. Miss Candice, please plot best courses for evasive action based on your Vindor strategy studies yesterday. Remember there is always the unknown contingency. You too Jonathon.”

  The disk of Uranus was visible to them for this last section of their inaugural space voyage together. It stood alone. So far flung and an almost faultless surface, it was a majestic lonely jewel cast deep into the black velvet of the cosmos. Its’ beauty was often not admired for it had become a focal battle point so unbecoming to its natural presence.

  The Vindor sphere was in geo-synchronized orbit ten million miles away hovering above the solitary storm cloud breaking the otherwise smooth surface of the planet devoted to the Greek God of the Sky. This was the story Vindor had taken to heart – a rarity for they seldom appreciated aspects of Earth culture, and it was to the skies of Earth through this god where Vindor would seek precious metal as a means to take themselves closer to being gods themselves.

  The rocket was equipped with the latest in long distance scanning. Jonathon brought up an image of the Vindor sphere the moment it was within range. No evidence had yet appeared resembling any Vindor defense of the object, for which Bobby was suspicious.

  “Run a diverse spectrum random analysis projection Jonathon. See if we can pick anything up out of the ordinary because this situation is already out of the ordinary.”

  “I’ll run the scan Bobby. It will take a minute or two to obtain a full reading.”

  “Take the time. We are on standby aren’t we Miss Candice…Mister Weston.”

  “As requested Mister Bobby.”

  “On standby. All systems are nominal Mister Regal.”

  Moments later, Mister Weston alerted to a Vindor presence in their vicinity, “Now you are going to need them. Three Vindor ships on their way.”

  “Ready the weapons charge Mister Weston, and Miss Candice, please continue our course to take us within half a million miles of the sphere for our scan today.”

  “Yes Mister Bobby, our rocket is on course.” She gave Bobby a wink which he was not entirely sure of in meaning. He guessed and hoped his guess was right. Miss Candice had surprised him causing a momentary distraction from duty as he considered her after their mission was complete where they would be in a position to socialize.

  “How is the charge Mister Weston?”

  “Ninety five percent. It will be complete in twenty seconds.”

  “How long is each recharging after we exhaust our energy banks?”

  “Forty seconds. Once we have charged up once, recharging is faster.”

  “Then if we need to keep firing and must rely on a second or third charge, you will have to be at the ready to plot us around their attack for at least forty seconds Jonathon. Some tactical deduction will be required.”

  “Charge is at one hundred percent Mister Regal.”

  “Good. Standby weapons Mister Livingston for the enemy is at hand. Remember we only want disabling fire. Our intent is not to kill, but to gain enough ground so Jonathon and I can board the shuttle rocket for the information sweep of the sphere.”

  “Weapons are set to plasma field disruption Bobby. It will take out their drive for five minutes at a time, and render their weapons useless for a minute or two longer. I would say each charge will give us twenty firings.”

  “Then be ready to guide us quickly in and quickly out Miss Candice for I am sure these approaching Vindor balls will be tough to fight off. Get ready Jonathon. The shuttle is engaged. All we need to do is a fast three minute run. The weapons delay of five minutes will do us nicely.”

  “This is exciting Mister Bobby. I feel so thrilled.”

  “Your candor is pleasing Miss Candice. It is with stead you apply yourself and I do admire your qualities. In fact, I would say you are quite the right choice.”

  “They don’t know of our scanner do they Mister Regal? I would think the only method they could detect it by would be if they ran a broad voltaic spectrum analysis looking for…well, everything.”

  “Only such a broad scan would do it Mister Weston. I doubt they will commence in such a way. Maybe they will find it after some analysis when we have long gone, but our mission will be successful by then where such revelation would not affect our outcomes.”

  “Not even if they know we have such technology?”

  “No Mister Weston for Vindor already possesses similar and superior technology themselves.”

  “Almost time to fire Bobby. They are getting close.”

  “Wait until the right time and then hit them with two bursts each Jonathon. We only have another twelve minutes before we are in range don’t we Miss Candice.”

  “Eleven minutes and fifty seven seconds Mister Bobby. Can you last?”

  “Much longer. I can make it an all day affair if required. The information must be gathered.”

  Miss Candice viewed the radar scope closely, “The Vindor ships are powering weapons. Ready in three, two, one…fire!”

  The blast emitted from the electron pulse drive canons placed strategically around the rocket. More of a surge than blast, it crossed the distance between the rocket and the three Vindor ships in a second sending two electric bolt pulses each immobilizing them stationary in space. Jonathon stood by ready to lock targets to fire again if they recommenced their attack as Miss Candice maintained watch over progress of their course.

  “Nine minutes to go Mister Bobby.”

  “Four minutes and thirty three seconds until Vindor ships are enabled again Bobby.”

  “Watch out as they change their attack mode and be ready to adapt Jonathon. K
eep those charges coming Mister Weston and make sure our rocketry force field is in place.”

  “It is holding Mister Regal. Their weapons effect stands at fifty nine percent reduced.”

  “Consider the time factor as well Mister Weston. We could face an as yet unknown weapon.”

  “Always alert to variations good sir. I have already managed to develop a phasing voltaic audio pulse based on our concepts from time travel. I must say, I would never have imagined a space ship using a sound wave weapon.”

  “Life is a marvel as we go Mister Weston. Wonders always come. I am pleased to say my trust in you is proven yet again. Continue if you please.”

  “We can bring forward our arrival time at the sphere by twenty three seconds if we make a slight adjustment and use its mass to help acceleration. I have just run some theoretical tests Mister Bobby.”

  “Your work is exemplary Miss Candice. Mister Weston, please transfer whatever information you require to your operations station, as should you too Jonathon. Take each calculation and make adjustments to the systems in real time. How long now then Miss Candice?”

  “With our new speed, seven minutes and twelve seconds Mister Bobby.”

  “One minute and ten for the Vindor ships.”

  “Plot your weapons range Jonathon. They know of our capacity and will be a very different foe this time.”

  The lead commander of the Vindor squadron of three spheres knew electron pulse weapons better than any human. Vindor firepower did not rely on brute force energy release. Their effectiveness came from deep penetration electron discharge sufficient to disable Earth forces during successful Vindor attacks. Many of Bobby’s command and crew had experienced their craft rendered listless, and now Bobby and his crew would use the very same technology to strike back.

  Somewhere inside him a melody of feeling was drawing on his inner warrior mind where his heart also sang a similar tune. He knew this type of calling – it had led to his appointment as Steward of Earth Defenses. When the look in his eyes confirmed to his crew of new friends, they immediately took to the notion of his realization, focusing on their roles instantly with added vigor. He had told them all of something more far reaching than the war with Vindor. A master stroke was emerging and to whom it was bequeathed, would be then be draw to act.

  “Ten seconds Bobby.”

  “How long until the Vindor ships could close the gap between us in order to fire Mister Weston?”

  “Their speed and acceleration ratios would see them be close enough to fire thirty one seconds after enablement Mister Regal.”

  “Approximately five and half minutes is our timing and then we need to hold them off for three minutes whilst we make the scan…not to mention then escaping their pursuit as we escape. Do you still see it as a thrill Miss Candice?”

  “Most certainly Mister Bobby.”

  “Three more ships just left the sphere Bobby.”

  “And then there were six. We can expect more regardless if we destroy any of them or not.”

  “They might want to capture us and examine this rocket Mister Regal.”

  “We have considered apprehension Mister Weston. Mister Livingston has been briefed on the intended plans of action should we require such a defense. Rely upon him if circumstances require quick decisions to enable our escape.

  “Ships in ten seconds from rear and ninety two seconds from front Bobby.”

  “Deploy a wide sweep moderate strength firing field phased at random frequencies now Jonathon. If they fly through it, they will be thrown around a bit and it might give us time to lock on and give them a taste of plasma charge.”

  “Too late. The charge field sweep is away but one ship fired half a second earlier. Stand by for voltage disruption.”

  Their rocket shuddered a second later sending them scrawling for a hold as dampeners lessened the impact of the disruption. Jonathon had hit two ships – one with two pulses to disenable it, and the other with one pulse. It maintained pursuit with diminished weapons strength only able to rock the rocket a little each time it fired. Jonathon sent another pulse sweep to further interrupt its course as he readied for the onslaught of the three new Vindor ships coming straight at them.

  The first Vindor ship to successfully fire on them came again and this time Jonathon disabled it with two rapid pulses. Two were down and a compromised third on their tail barely bothered them. Bobby then gave him a nod Miss Candice and Mister Weston could see. Jonathon swung over the tactical control array, to reach a button located at the top right corner. It was the surprise weapon he had learned of in his research with Bobby. The biggest surprise would be for the Vindors though as he fired causing a distinct very low pitched electrical discharge sound to emanate from the rocket. Within moments all three oncoming ships were rendered motionless.

  “Where did that come from Mister Livingston?”

  “Some things are kept secret for all the right reasons Mister Weston. No offence.”

  “None taken. It was fine shot indeed .And cheers for our commander who leads us on such a fine mission…for real this time.”

  “Three minutes Mister Bobby.”

  “Lead us there Miss Candice. We have the time.”

  Time was of the essence and in essence they had all they required. They arrived at the sphere to gasp at its enormity being a mile in diameter and perfectly silver. The patrol craft they had encountered had been dispensed via ducts at its base, yet there was nothing visible, not one single flaw as it surpassed the view nearby Uranus with its one storm cloud.

  Bobby and Jonathon instantly took to the shuttle rocket. They boarded and launched within half a minute, took the three minute scan sweep of the sphere, and then inside one more minute, were situated back inside the rocket with Weston and Miss Candice. Bobby instructed Miss Candice to make haste for return to the Moon taking a new course away from the Vindor ships on an intersect trajectory with Jupiter, the moment he was on the bridge.

  After time when they had passed the giant planet with its swirling storms, their electric rocket was within the protected sector where no Vindor ship had ever ventured. As evening then turned to night on Earth, a new type of rocket closed in on the Moon – it could not be seen from Earth by those who looked skyward to see its glowing full moon glory, but it was there and aboard was a crew whose operations were in a sense, to watch over those below.

  Blank time travel information mission retrieval reports to be completed, were awaiting the four crew members when they returned to Moon Base. There was no call for them to attend immediately to details for the commander had given them until mid morning the next day. He saw no use in over tiring his personnel with potential for oversight and memory loss.

  The mission had been a long flight taking most of the past day beginning prior to dawn at Earth Space Command Headquarters, to then end well into the night past midnight. Bobby felt no energy for engaging in being social, preferring instead to retire and rest. Miss Candice saw this as no offense for she too felt similar and was content to have a decent night’s sleep.

  In the morning they awoke refreshed and gathered for breakfast in the main food hall at the base. By late morning they had each completed their report, and prepared to meet their superiors for briefing them on the details of their flight to the Vindor sphere.

  “Our science teams are already working with the time travel information you retrieved Bobby. At this very preliminary time, we estimate your next mission can be brought forward and will be good to proceed in just over a week. I suggest you all take some time off and return to Earth for a few days.”

  Chapter 9

  Time spent alone was barely possible as activity at the base increased due to the pending mission ahead – the time had well and truly arrived for becoming accustomed to life as space operatives for Miss Candice, Mister Weston, and Jonathon Livingston. Two days into their week of respite from duties, they all took the available transport rocket for the trip back to Earth. Leave from duty on their home planet w
as designated as four days, before they were scheduled for return to the lunar base and commence the next phase of operations.

  The rarity of the times meant moments to reflect and come to terms with their recent experiences and relations with people they all felt they had each known for much longer than just over a week, were to be taken to with vigor. As the moments unfurled, they each individually flagged the time as one to which they were called together for the purpose of becoming their true selves. Even Bobby could realize this feeling as separate to his familiarities as a space commander. Trained space commanders were sent to the schools of meditation and wisdom to focus their mind, connect to their heart for the virtues of being forever in learning, realizing wisdom is in learning, and to remain humble for sake of a clear mind and genuine application of self. Now, these times with his new friends as crew, brought upon him, realizations he himself knew nothing of previously. He was learning to the arts of this connection going beyond the mere comradeship he shared with fellow space operatives to this time.

  By fortune, their landing found them near Salisbury in England – a nation born from royalty now given to mastering the best of equality, diligence, and the mindful appreciation of life. Gone were the foundations of autocracy begun before the people could out rule them and thus dissipate the ranks of those who espoused to such idioms of congress. They had fortunately been usurped in their infancy, preventing humanity taking a passage to elitist rule and the inevitable wars ensuing from such ignorance. Since its beginnings as a flowing effect sweeping planet Earth in the late nineteenth century, this sense of freedom brought with it the age of wonder cleansed of dust from misbegotten fortunes in the recent centuries past.

  “I would so like to visit the Stonehenge site Mister Bobby. I have read it has a certain mystical wonder.”

  “By all means we can go Miss Candice. Be true to yourself and perhaps the stones will give you something of wonder. To each individual they have a different effect.”

  “I can imagine given their pagan origins. They are preserved within a beautiful field with remnant forest at the fringes. Apparently everyone decided to stay well away and look after the site.”


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