Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 13

by Michael Berg

  “You speak as if you are from my time Bobby.”

  “In a little way I am.”

  He kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Your warmth is loving. Kiss me again Bobby.”

  He kissed her again, but this time he held the kiss for a few more seconds. It was all they needed to fuel the fire – a passion burning brightly despite their cordiality in most situations. Without hesitation, Candice led Bobby through the door, ensuring it was locked behind them. Tonight was her first of any kind of passion in many years.

  In her arms, Bobby felt the rush of excitement as he fought to retain his composure as he sought restraint to prevent his hardness intruding. He could do nothing. She felt him as soon as he arose and to his delight, she drew him closer wanting to him to touch her. After a few passionate minutes of kissing and holding, she withdrew softly thanking him for his courtesy and bidding him a good night. The door unlocked automatically as he approached, and as he turned to give her a last smile, her eyes were already welcoming him to come again another time.

  Jonathon knew they were becoming close as he watched Bobby and Miss Candice at the breakfast bar selecting food the following morning. It was self evident to him, as it was to Mister Weston, particularly since Miss Candice had been so informal recently. Neither of them took to minding for a second – both men were focused on their own appraisal of the mission and what would demanded of them. Matters of love to both were almost of destiny or fate, where neither were affected through lack or yearning.

  “How was your night Bobby?” He gave him a wink as he spoke.

  “Um, good Jonathon.” Bobby could see he knew the rendezvous with Miss Candice had taken place, and as he looked to Mister Weston, he detected a slight smile confirming he too was of similar mind.

  “Good morning Mister Livingston and Mister Weston. Mister Bobby and I were just discussing how we should research all the information known about Vindor via the command data base.”

  “Sounds like a good idea Miss Candice. Mister Livingston and I were only thinking the same thing immediately prior to you speaking. It is as if our minds are linked.”

  “We need to be if we are to be successful Mister Weston. Mister Bobby said the very same thing to me just now, for our achievements are rather collective.”

  “Just how a special outfit space command team should operate hey Bobby, even if close contact makes us feel something of lust…or what the Stonehenge women said where temptation could drown us.”

  “Staying put with the objectives is imperative Jonathon.”

  “We are to leave at this Earth day’s very end I see Mister Regal.”

  “They have brought our lift off time ahead by six hours Mister Weston. Our scientists have been able to accommodate the technology within the rocket faster than originally anticipated. They are running preliminary tests now as we dine.”

  “And if there is an issue?”

  “We’ll be shifted accordingly Jonathon. They have allowed a two day window in case of such contingencies.”

  Bobby fell silent, choosing to eat and think. His head was swimming with ideas, his heart with emotion, and his body with surges of chemicals leading to sensations bordering on physical love. He could feel Candice’s presence growing within him and he struggled to maintain focus for what lay ahead as he commanded the time scope mission to Vindor. He would need to draw on his sharpest senses to bring about success – these experiences now were the first time in his career he was losing to slight distraction. She warranted this and there was nothing he could do to fight it off, nor did he want to. Soon his measure would be realized.

  Miss Candice thought of this too as she recalled their embrace the evening before where Bobby had come against her. She had rarely tasted the virtues of a man true to heart in her heart and yet here he was, a man appearing suddenly from time who now took her headlong into another. She giggled a silent giggle. Love was finding its way – a love for Bobby, a love for herself, and a love for a life she could never have imagined living in nineteenth century Jonstown.

  “Hardly a word whispered by those whose thoughts are with their hearts wouldn’t you say Mister Livingston.”

  “Without doubt a keen observation Mister Weston. By the looks on their faces you would think they were already halfway to Vindor.”

  “Halfway to…? Oh Mister Weston, your wit is becoming. Is it obvious?”

  “It is Miss Candice. I…”

  “It won’t interfere with the mission Mister Weston.”

  “I should think not Mister Regal, considering the implications such a distraction could have and play out of Earth’s best defender.”

  “There is no need for concern Bobby. Weston and I have seen your fondness for Miss Candice.”

  Abashed and looking down, Miss Candice held her silence uncertain if her feelings for Bobby were to become an obstacle in the minds of Mister Weston and Mister Livingston. Like Bobby, she sought the approval of these men and thus wholehearted acceptance as equals without measure.

  “Never mind Miss Candice. I can read your thoughts. I would offer to fetch a glass of whiskey to relax your concerns, but as it is breakfast, and because I see you no doubt as quite capable, I am reluctant to make such a suggestion.”

  “For its worth Mister Livingston, your roguish nature is a blessing and a reminder for us all to be within our wits and remain slightly jovial in our application. I myself see a lightening of mood essential to revealing clarity otherwise one may well become congealed like old milk.”

  “A bit like this here on my bowl where my cereal does swim.”

  “Is it not fresh?”

  “Not as fresh as you Bobby.”

  For the first time he could remember, Bobby felt a little embarrassed at the effect of Livingston’s words.

  “Mister Bobby has the best intentions of all…”

  “I’m sure he does Miss Candice. All men are of the one thing though. Watch out for him. They don’t allow him to command without reason.”

  Miss Candice felt aroused at the thought of Bobby in command, deciding to present him with the opportunity of invigorating her senses with his masculinity.

  “Speak wisely Jonathon.” Bobby gave him a wry smile knowing all was in jest yet founded somewhat in truth.

  Time like stasis is periodic in those hours prior to embarkation upon a mission of importance, but its similarities end there. Stasis is an inert state, held in suspense with no real application of self, whereas in the hours leading up to a mission, one has time to think, to run through various scenarios, and time to evaluate self given the proposition ahead. It is with notable relevance though where stasis is a temporary impediment to reality, in contrast to those hours before a mission being a temporary impediment to movement. Sitting around renders one restless if a lessening of mindfulness creeps in.

  Jonathon had no more patience in reserve. He stood looking around as if to find something on offer he could do and thus distract himself from distraction. Whiskey was out of the question, the time of day did not suit any idea of celebration, and those around him appeared no closer to the place he sought than he.

  “What about some ping pong anyone? I for one cannot just sit around here doing nothing and all I can come up with is ping pong. Anyone in?”

  “Ping pong sounds rather strange to me Mister Livingston, but it does sound interesting. Perhaps I will join you.”

  “Thanks Mister Weston. Miss Candice? Bobby?”

  “You go Mister Livingston and Mister Weston. Mister Bobby and I would like to discuss some of the mission variables. It is with a great sense of anticipation your reporting back to me Mister Weston, on how this ping pong thing does eventuate. At present I have some concerns in my mind in respect to duty I seek to clarify with Mister Bobby’s attendance to my questions.”

  “Certainly Miss Candice. Mister Livingston and I will report back our successes.”

  “By your leave Miss Candice…Bobby.” Jonathon gave him a quick wink knowing the real
reason Miss Candice has asked to remain behind solely with their commander.

  As the two men left for the gymnasium, Miss Candice looked to Bobby with loving in her eyes. She sought distraction from the mission ahead, and considering she and the others had been advised to minimize how often they went through their mission specifics so as to save mental exhaustion, she thought this was an ample opportunity to evoke some feelings between her and Bobby. He picked up on this immediately as there were loose emotional ends developing between them he considered best tethered before they were to embark on a dangerous deep space mission.

  “Our focus is key Candice.”

  “Which is why we both know now is a good time for us to become closer Bobby. With our emotional questions answered, our directives can bet met with a degree of its own sanctity.”

  “I would say your words speak the truth Candice. Our mission today will draw upon our deepest realizations of self, and as such, if there are poignant remnants of unanswered questions floating around, they may well cloud our precision in decision making.”

  “Reminds me of those words from the old woman at Salisbury.”

  “She was right. We must don our best thinking caps if we are to succeed.”

  “Along with our best in emotional reckoning Bobby. This is why you and I need this time now whilst Mister Weston and Mister Livingston play ping pong.”

  “I sensed this before this day…actually since the very first encounter we had so very long ago in chronological time in Jonstown.”

  “It was a cold morning strangely as it was the warmest to my heart I can ever recall. Without word, a sense almost immortal came as if we touched far across the galaxy into which we are flying today. At hand my commander - a man whom for I feel love. Virulent, our admirable steward of Earth. Such high stature yet a man humble, open and enquiring. We travel time through unorthodox measure arriving together ready to embark immediately.”

  “Alight with fire. Passion deep into which we travel…”

  “To place now so we may find this connection’s potential. Exercise our strength to discover our wisdom growing unified.” Candice took Bobby’s hand, pulled him to his feet, and then led him back to her quarters with determination. They were hurried yet unhurried. It was a ravenous hunger they suddenly realized as it met occasion for expression. Together they loved searching for the infinity place of energy…creation, splendid in mystery and beckoning. Oneness came together as they exalted simultaneously for what seemed an eternity – their consummation a voyage through stars, beyond universe, headlong into the realms of creative essence forever in place.

  Chapter 12

  “It is a mere half day walk I would think.”

  “And the rest Arthren. There is the accomplice’s quest to discover themselves in order I may make it to the spring.”

  “I realize Beth. I have been working on such an aspect.”

  “Continue both of you. There is no time to relent your will to anything other than to discover those elements of yourselves transcending the virtues of how most Vindor people live and seem to thrive.”

  Beth’s words resonated yet further determination – a characteristic both Valeena and Arthren could sense was growing in stature. She was driving them towards this destination and temporary conclusion. They accepted fate and were required to work on shaping their fate.

  Through forest thick with undergrowth, the three pushed on towards where Beth knew the spring would be. It would only become apparent to them all if Valeena and Arthren took into their modality, the strength of determination to fulfill the legendary birthing rites for the next ascended mistress of the pond. Neither could source knowledge of what to do through provision from external reference, or from any clue they were tempted to seek from Beth. It was to be each their own exploration or self and realization of self leading them to a basis in feeling where their opened awareness would allow them to see the spring and thus lead Beth in.

  Their path was one of construct as they traveled for the forest bore no such openings other than to permit passage only to cut their trail. Arthren led the way brandishing a large machete he used to cut away those branches impeding their progressing. In the mountains, it was an arduous task tempered only by the altitude and its cool crisp air.

  “Shadow fall is near. Help him Valeena. He struggles and now our time is apparent.”

  “What can I do Beth? This is also a struggle for me.”

  “I understand my love. How could we dream of such a place yet find ourselves here. You will feel it and I will tell you.”

  “A spirit notion?”

  “Connected and so much more. Yes…a spirit to feel and take us beyond.”

  “To where dear?”

  “Places we know and some forgotten. All will be sure where sure as sure can be.”

  “In other words, we cannot know what to expect or rely upon.”

  “Only on self Valeena we rely. Go to him. He wants you, I know how he needs to learn from you and so do you. Let it happen.”

  Valeena walked to Arthren who appeared to be struggling with some internal issue gauging by the confusion in his eyes.

  “Hold steady. We need to connect as accomplices now Arthren. Don’t intellectualize it. Beth said it just flows…happens.”

  “Come both of you. Shadow fall is beyond this dell.” Beth urged them to follow showing no time for restraint – she had to be there as the time destiny unfolding made it apparent.

  A peculiar purple haze fell over the ground resonating a faint gold tinge at angles now and then. The sight was a wonder to Valeena as Arthren looked around to find Beth. She was standing in the centre of the area almost invisible as if she had begun to change colour herself. He was right – her skin had indeed turned to the purple and gold spectacle before them. As Valeena too found this sight, she joined Arthren and walked towards her.

  “Come in to the sanctum. It is time we journeyed to the spring.” Beth’s voice had changed as if it had lowered a few octaves. Her words were calm yet assertive – direct in addressing Valeena and Arthren, and in a way, invoking a trance state in them both.

  When they reached her, she reached to them taking their hands and connecting to their energies. Valeena had helped Arthren find his place simply through her words of advice from Beth and her presence by his side. Unknowingly she had reached the same point herself without conscious recognition of doing so. Together in an instant they disappeared traversed the legends of their world. Together in a moment’s breath they released their bind as the essence of their destination engulfed their senses. Seemingly through an infinite existence they merged elementally realizing they too were gold and in essence their universe was the instigator for its transmission of the information for creation.

  As they left the planet Vindor to travel the stars, the sole man who had managed to track them all the way from Masquerdon, had seen enough. He had sufficient evidence to relay this story and soon all Vindor would know of the destiny now unfolding for Beth, Valeena, Arthren, and the entire planet.

  Without effort the three of them were accepted and so became apparent the most majestic of all Vindor culture – the Golden Spring appeared as a vision before them splendid in apparition, evoking sense through such splendor their imaginings could have never expected. Beyond all they conceived, beyond anything experienced, and more graceful than any sense of the highest Vindor pride, Valeena and Arthren came to see themselves and their place as the accomplices for the next Queen of their people.

  Beth would be this queen – the first of many in a new period of Vindor born from its past. Such was the legend begun in truth, for Vindor once was the place of gold. It was with excessive pride where ego took its way destroying the reign of the peaceful queen and sending the planet towards the abyss it now faced from the death of its red sun. Gold was the life of the blood and in the blood of life Vindor people had always known of this coming fate. In the past they knew of their destiny, and then lost it to the vestiges of their power struggles
and overt sensibility of opinion and self appreciation. Within its preciousness a code provided their answers, their truths, and their future. It too had been lost…almost forgotten, now to be reawakened.

  Their new Queen would show them – some would follow, others bound to dissent. For her now it was all making sense. Her path for many years had led her to this place. Meeting Valeena had given her the insight into herself, she had given her love and support believing Beth had something to make of herself, and now it had come to fruition. Yet this was only the first phase and much more was to be done.

  “This place of magic holds the key, to the energy, the reverence, and the grace of all Vindor. Within its sacred sphere influence begets malice gracefully adoring the moment of unification for a people lost to their minds. You our new Queen are here now to become for yet it is not your time. I am your feminine accomplice and I accept all bequeathed within me as part of all surrounding me.”

  “Acceptance is poignant for without myself, I cannot accomplice and as such would fail masculinity in this moment of creation. I accept myself as male accomplice. I accept femininity. I accept our Queen.”

  “Then we must build the chrysalis for passage is to commence and from here we tend the royal jelly for period of eleven Vindor moons until Queen is born.”

  A brilliant gold flash erupted around them and in a moment, they all awoke beside the actual golden spring itself.

  No longer were Valeena and Arthren dressed in traveler’s clothes. They had somehow changed as they transitioned space dimensions to arrive at the spring wearing garments of similar design and style with variations for their gender difference.

  Around them the air and sky were of Vindor with hints of purple and a slight orange haze. It was around the spring as wide as two tall trees on end, where they both marveled for the spring waters themselves were of droplets containing gold sending a shimmering to the air where many were caught on invisible winds then rendered with tiny gold particles as they floated off beyond their vision. Surrounding the waters, bright green grass cushioned them underfoot, giving way to a plentiful supply of fruit trees laden with a bounty they would feed upon as they tended the precious chrysalis. They took to drinking the waters using one of the few large and small pots stacked for such purpose - they were the accomplices and as such, deemed necessary to sample the golden drops.


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