Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 14

by Michael Berg

  At first neither of them could see Beth until their eyes rested on a tree on the far side of the spring. They could not actually see her, but they knew she was inside the cocoon of jelly hanging from its most stout branch. Within this cocoon, Beth would transform over the coming eleven days at a time where moon shadow fall would be on the spring at each eclipse. This was a rare moment of alignment and so began the second cycle of the Queens of Golden Spring upon the planet Vindor.

  Under a sun more tinged orange than red, Valeena and Arthren came to know themselves and their place in the future of Vindor. This was first evidenced when they realized they were no longer on their home planet, but upon the distant planet Dealas.

  Here under a young star, the planet Dealas thrived with valleys of gold, oceans and rivers of silver, and mountains of diamonds. Fruits and vegetables adorned almost every patch of ground left bare from forest, basking in the ever presence welcoming warmth.

  Few in numbers, the people of Dealas lived a simple life mostly void of technology. Aside from a defense force they had used against Vindor, only a distant remnant of some civilization past was held at their central city – their only city. It was a machine they could use to know of others who like themselves lived upon worlds within the great galaxy. Dealas peoples preferred only to possess this knowledge and not act upon it, for they saw their world as paradise and as such, there was no reason they should leave.

  Almost naked, they walked its forests, played on its beaches, and climbed its mountains on the way to vast open plains, free from many burdens of an organized society, free from the element of malice in their souls, and free to express their lives as life rather than lives in schemes they knew existed on other worlds.

  At the very centre of their one large land mass existed a spring of golden waters. It was a place of legend other worlds seek for their aspirations. Planet Dealas was a key component in the galactic energy grid and so upon this spring resided the foundation of many cultures from many planets. Each bore to the evidence of actualization and so rendered the presence of the fountain in their own way as was the event now for Vindor. A place between dimensions, out of time, yet connected to the time of those who came to its place…with their worlds and defined so by their worlds.

  The moment Beth, Valeena, and Arthren arrived, the wise elders of Dealas knew a residence had come. There could be trouble ahead for Dealas if those who took place at the spring were not authentic and for some reason sought malpractice. Of their eldest, wisdom was connection, aware of all who came to live legend, and in these eldest there was a reason for caution. They sat around fires under a clear daylight sky soon to pass into dusk. It was silent in consideration. Wildlife about withdrew hushing the forest, and the stream of water nearby seemed to lose its trickle…lulled into a dour pour smothered by obstacle.

  Valeena and Arthren knew what they must do immediately. She gathered a few foods to cook – Valeena loved to stew fruit. Arthren took to arranging some fallen wood into a rough shelter in case wind or rains came. There was nothing to indicate a change was coming, but he thought best to exercise his skills taking care of sheltering them both. Little did he or Valeena know how soon they would require his rough house.

  Within what they thought were mere moments, a storm began to brew and the spring was buffeted with wind. It lost none of its magic, but the weather became unpleasant enough for them both to seek shelter with a fire out front so Valeena could stew her beloved fruit in waters of gold.

  “We learn these elements now upon this world Arthren. It evokes our most basic pleasure.”

  “Born from existence free from ego desire. It is a pleasure simply of being.”

  “With so much to offer…yet to come.”

  “We cannot be certain Valeena.”

  “Perhaps, but we can be purposeful with intent.”

  “They were almost the first words spoken long ago setting Vindor on course to where it is now.”

  “Soon to change…so much for the better.”

  “Too familiar hearing such lines. As accomplices we must hear the call to traverse beyond.”

  “We have already and it is beautiful. Where it leads is evocative.”

  “As such Valeena, we must not be tempted.”

  “How could I be tempted? I know Arthren, I know.”

  Valeena’s stewed fruit was as good as she had imagined. Arthren took immediately to the tart and sweet mixture – to him there was some kind of inner connection within as the fruit was grown with waters of gold feeding the roots of its vines and trees. Valeena too felt its golden touch as she fed a ravenous hunger until she had finished all she cooked. Arthren had left her by the fire by then to inspect the aftermath of the winds.

  He had heard tales of how they rendered horizons of gleaming gold struck by light in such a way as to bring shimmer to the distant landscape. He had been right. Far beyond the immediacy of the spring to the blue tinged mountains, the wind has cast the horizon to gleam in such a way it seemed to reflect his own inner sense of hope and prosperity. Whilst a man of travels, deals, and tough experiences, Arthren had been forced to find this path. He was an outsider to the mainstay Vindor population and at the fringe, sought a destiny more worthy than their pursuits.

  Arthren was finding all the reasons for all the years now making sense for they had led him to this place and moment. He was projecting more than any Vindor trapped in the constant battle of status. He was as remote to them now as he ever was and the further the distance his identity from the mainstay grew, the more excited he grew at the mystery of possible realms awaiting him.

  As Valeena arrived at his shoulder, she too admired the distant spectacle. Inside she was ever so accustomed to her direction involving Beth and the spring of water gold. Nothing could stop her to deny the urges she felt as splendor sent her senses soaring. Not even the thought of Bobby on Earth in deep connection could sway her now from the elevated feelings of self she was growing to love.

  Like Arthren and Beth, she was finding her true course and calling. It sent her to previously unknown places within invoking surprise at parts of herself she never knew existed. She made notes of them carefully, taking time to consider and then to revisit in feeling. Something in her role as accomplice was swelling her desires, driving her to find the source of her hunger. She had felt this stirring and at times visions came to her not so much in essence of the spring.

  When the light of the day had retreated, they retired suddenly feeling exhaustion not long after sunset. The first day of eleven would be marked by moon shadow fall the next day, as would the first stage of Beth’s and their transition during the chrysalis period. By fortune for them both, they fell asleep enchanted by the night sky of three moons wondrously full of stars with almost every one reflected in the golden waters rising high above the surface of the spring. At the water’s edge lay boulders of gold and crystal lying restfully as the water gently lapped. Deep inside each of these stones were eggs of creation – the creative will and the alignment of manifestation through choice. Beth would soon be called upon to exercise these powers, as would her accomplices.

  Chapter 13

  “Five, four, three, two, one, and then it is off we go.”

  “Hold on to your helmet Miss Candice. Here it comes.”

  “T minus seven, six, five, engines engaged, two, one, liftoff! Commander Regal you are clear to fly.”

  “Acknowledged ground commander. Departing Moon Base now.” Bobby steered the gently humming rocket slowly out the sub surface hanger, through a door hidden inside a crater, and gently into space.

  “We will hold position awaiting time scope device information.”

  “Acknowledged Commander Regal. Please stand by.”

  “Holding rocket at stationary position one hundred feet above crater doors.”

  “Thank you Miss Candice. Mister Weston, your work is exemplary, and Mister Livingston, please stand by to engage time scope travel specifics. This will be a momentous day in the year of ni
neteen sixty two for human history as we take flight beyond the speed of light for the very first time.”

  “Well said Mister Regal. A sentiment I must heartedly agree with.”

  “Thank you Mister Weston.”

  “Standby Bobby. The science team is calculating final geometries and powering up time scope booster.”

  The booster was the machine built upon the specifications of Bobby’s travel back through time when he brought Miss Candice and Mister Weston with him, along with the refinements gathered during their mission to the distant Vindor sphere. It was built into the rocket they piloted, soon to take them beyond their very knowledge of physical matter.

  “Calibrating sonic frequency Bobby.”


  “We have your final specifications Bobby. Telemetry and geometric variables are established. Sonic insertion frequency is at two point three hertz and electric plasma coils are ignited. Have a safe journey. We will be watching you all the way.”

  “As best you can considering we will travel fast than light.”

  “It is how Vindor reaches us. Now show them what the Earth can do Bobby. Your travel time over twenty three light years will be seven hours and four minutes. At seven hours and three minutes, deceleration will commence. You will break back under light speed ten seconds prior to arrival.”

  “Are you reading this Mister Weston?”

  “I can hear it all Mister Regal and have made necessary engineering adjustments. Our flight should proceed as command sees fit.”

  “Reading you there Mister Weston. Stand by for initiation of time scope propulsion and moon escape velocity.”

  “Standing by.”

  “Ready now to proceed Bobby. Space Command says you may leave at will.”

  “Fire it up Mister Weston. Let’s see what this rocket can do.”

  Bobby took the rocket to one mile above the lunar base before he instructed Mister Weston to activate the time scope drive. Jonathon stood at the ready should any unforeseen contingency arise, and Miss Candice was prepared to maintain their course once they breached light speed.

  The moment they reached the required lunar altitude, Mister Weston initiated the first instance of human time scope space travel.

  “I have set the dial to seven Mister Regal. It is marked moon escape and should project us well beyond this heavenly body.”

  Bobby thought of Miss Candice for a moment before confirming Mister Weston’s words. “Aye Mister Weston. Please tell me what is number nine on the dial there?”

  “Vindor escape sir. Apparently we require a bit more energy to make the voyage home.”

  “Are there any other settings?”

  “No Mister Regal, just seven and nine.”

  “Okay, set it at seven and let’s go.”

  “Already done sir. Engaging in three, two, one…”

  Around them all light stretched beyond imagining as it disappeared to become a mixed melee of construct altering all sense of material reality. Stars and other celestial bodies were no longer recognizable as they traversed the space away from normal space, traveling course where few ever dared. Very few populated planets in the solar system sector of the galaxy possessed such means of travel – Bobby and his crew were more pioneering than they realized. Other civilizations thousands of light years from Earth had time scope technology as a way to move between planets, stars, and systems, but they were unknown to both humanity and to the people of Vindor or planet Dealas.

  Bobby and the others were making the first inroads into space where many had dreamed of traveling, and as such, their mission was keenly watched by a select few officials on Earth. Humanity had no knowledge it was happening - this was not a news event, rather a covert mission kept secret from all, especially Vindor.

  “Proceeding as planned Mister Bobby. Mister Weston is maintaining course specifics and Mister Livingston has calculated several alternatives based on our current projections.”

  “Thank you Miss Candice. I think we can all stand a little to ease as we have over six hours of flight time remaining.”

  “Have you made any progress with the words from the old woman at the stones Bobby?”

  “Miss Candice and I spoke last night. I suppose you and Mister Weston have discussed the clues she gave us?”

  “We have Mister Regal. Both Mister Livingston and I think there is something we have been told existing on Vindor which could realize much more than we may have realized. Indeed, it is gold and more and…”

  “The woman in her guise was a clue for the connection to this mystery. Sorry Mister Weston.”

  “No offence Mister Livingston.”

  “Miss Candice and I did think there is some legend or story we have to discover. I mentioned it privately to our superiors. As space commander I hold rights to their ear. They listened and so as instructed, I can now reveal the changed nature of our mission.”

  They all looked surprised at him having kept information from them before realizing their place in command. Immediately after, the surprise of their mission dawned on them, casting each to their own – faces mystified, excited, and determined.

  “We know Vindor and gold go…well, as well as Earth and gold.”

  “We are going to seek the legend of all Vindor gold aren’t we Mister Bobby. Those rumors might be more than just stories.”

  “Indeed Miss Candice. We have very vague details on some Vindor stories and one in particular refers to a legendary fountain of gold.”

  “How was this information sourced Bobby?”

  “By chance from some Vindor pilots we overheard having conversation…to fill in time we think. It was not a battle scene.”

  “Mister Bobby and I found it late last night when we searched through the library of information about Vindor.”

  “Couldn’t sleep then hey Bobby.”

  “You could say so Jonathon. Miss Candice had a hunch so she dug deep into the records and was the one who found this story. It is the best we have and considering the nature and accuracy of the old woman along with the gravity she seemed to carry in the air about her, we thought it best to follow up.”

  “How do we know what to do once we arrive on Vindor? Our previous mission was specific – a reconnaissance with a hit, but now…”

  “Command has decided it is not imperative to go straight in and blow any chance we might have to gather more than just what was originally planned. If there is some truth in this legend of gold, then we are to follow it up but not at the risk of being discovered. You were told there could be unexpected circumstances Jonathon, well, this is it.”

  “So we have to track down some lead on where this legend could point us to?”

  “We are going to need you to lead us there. You have the character for such a role. The rest of us can arrange ourselves in ways avoiding suspicion. Just keep our wits and our clothes on.”

  “What then Mister Regal? Our rocket will require some adjustments for these changed events will it not?”

  “Only our destination approach speed Mister Weston. We will require seven more seconds of time scope power followed by a rapid deceleration, so the dampening field must be in place otherwise we shall all be squashed flat at the front of the ship.”

  “I shall make the adjustments now. Is our destination changed?”

  “It is. Our new heading is for a remote location twenty miles from the coast on the west side of the largest continent. Here are the co-ordinates.”

  “There are two locations within twenty miles of this point. A town called Alencsha, and another named Masquerdon.”

  “Then we will have two starting points from which to choose and begin our quest Mister Weston. We do know such towns as these on the planet Vindor, are home to the outcasts and those who seek alternative ways to the main population don’t we Miss Candice.”

  “Oh yes Mister Bobby. Our research was so exciting.”

  “Our invisibility device will work Mister Regal?”

  “We did source
it during the first part of this mission. As long as you set the device properly, we should be able to enter Vindor space, and their world, undetected as they did to us on Earth.”

  “It will be set accordingly Mister Regal.”

  “We need to talk Bobby.”

  “I was getting to you Jonathon. Miss Candice can you join us and tell Mister Livingston what you think about this gold on Vindor.”

  “The woman did say to listen to her Bobby.”

  “Um, yes she did.”

  “The Vindor conversation Bobby described was not one of much detail Mister Livingston. We do know towns like these two we shall be placed between, are the likely origins of finding something out about this legend. To begin elsewhere in the large cities would be too difficult. Vindor has a strong following amongst its’ main population. Only those at the fringes ever bother with information not concerned with elevating their sense of pride and status.”

  “We will probably put ourselves straight into danger.”

  “We are counting on it Jonathon. So we need you to lead us.”

  “The rough and tumble end of town then. How did you know Bobby?”

  “I sensed it straight away when I first met you. No offence, but I think you have what is needed should things go a bit dark.”

  “You could say I know a trick or two.”

  “You might find yourself some Vindor whiskey Mister Livingston.”

  “Then it would be a pleasure to share a round in your company Miss Candice.”

  “What are your first thoughts Jonathon?”

  “I can test the waters in the eyes of those around if I casually mention some vague place of gold. Eyes will be our first indicator. If we strike lucky, I can lead a conversation places to see if we are on the right path.”


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