Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 15

by Michael Berg

  “You won’t push it…too much to drink?”

  “I’ll be right Bobby. Just follow my leads when you need to. Otherwise keep low and quiet but not so much as to appear suspicious. Just relaxed.”

  “In present company, always at my ease. Think nothing of it Mister Livingston. I am sure Mister Bobby, myself, and Mister Weston will maintain an adequate profile.”

  “Almost a tradition by now Miss Candice, considering we have carried such a profile through almost a century.”

  “Indeed Mister Weston. How exhilarating! Our quest is so far from the evening lamps of Jonstown. Through all those years until we met Mister Bobby, there was a voice waiting to call out.”

  “And now we may call free as any bird as we fly space in this electric rocket.

  We could be the eagles of space.”

  “What a great idea! Bobby, this rocket doesn’t have a name does it?”

  “Just a resource number Jonathon.”

  “I’ll go with Weston’s suggestion. How about we call it Eagle of Space? Think of our mission…Eagle of Space.”

  “I like it Mister Livingston. How about you Mister Weston?”

  “A fine name Miss Candice, though we are not shaped much like an eagle as such Mister Livingston.”

  “Think of it metaphorically with the keen eagle as our mascot.”

  “Then how about it Mister Bobby?”

  “As space commander and Steward of Earth Defenses, I name this rocket Eagle of Space. Please note the records Miss Candice, marking the Earth time.”

  “Aye sir. I take it you are fascinated with eagles Mister Livingston?”

  “I am Miss Candice. Have been all my life. I see them as my animal guide.”

  “Then I hope your animal guide as our ship is named, will see us good fortune Mister Livingston.”

  “You can trust him Miss Candice.”

  “How is trajectory for Eagle of Space Mister Weston?”

  “On course Commander Regal.”

  Deep space – a myriad of colour as distant galaxies spiral through the cosmic inkiness, pulsars pulse brighter than almost anything other than the nearest stars, and where gas and nebulous clouds streak through the heavens in colors billowing into the void. Instruments were mapping the regions through which they passed, mapping their views to distant objects, their constellation, and their relativity to Earth. Scientists would now have knowledge gathered from dimensional shift transcending light.

  They were in place, yet not. Stationary within and their eagle as space moved around it, bending, warping, as did their electric vessel driven, blending with the movements of time scope travel sending concept of lineal time reeling. Laterally they were speeding beyond their very manifest through their small galaxy where so many thousands of other galaxies were in view. They were a mere tiny speck, streaking across an infinitesimally small space defined within the indefinable. Wonder exceeding their previously conceived limits was around them – they were part of it, as was their rocket…blended in space and time destiny bound.

  Mister Weston brought them a pot of tea so they may enjoy a conversation during travel time. He had fashioned a teapot so it could be plugged into the rocket’s circuits for heating water and making a fine brew. He set it down along with a tray of cups, insisting they take this time to embrace the simplicity of drinking some.

  Bobby could see Mister Weston at work. Not only was he focused as ships’ engineer, but he was taking to ensure they all ran smoothly as well. The value of this time to relax was well established amongst service personnel, so he took to Mister Weston’s offer. Not long after his, Bobby then took time to sleep and rekindle the fire of command within.

  “There’s only just over ninety minutes travel time left Mister Bobby. You asked to be woken at such a time.”

  “Thank you Miss Candice. Mister Weston’s tea sure worked relaxing me.”

  “We all took turns to rest and watch. We thought it best you rest and be your best.”

  “Best I have felt all day. You may rest if you would like Miss Candice.”

  “I think it best I stay. I’ve been blessed with rest already Mister Bobby.”

  “Then I take it we are all good for our final approach.”

  “Perhaps Mister Livingston could advise you an update Mister Regal.”

  “We have intercepted some strange transmissions coming from Vindor Bobby. It appears as though there is an upheaval in their society. Something is happening and people everywhere are becoming confused.”


  “From the interceptions, it appears as though Vindor is experiencing a sudden conscious birthing as one person described it.”

  “Are you saying there is dissent within the ranks of the super proud Vindors?”

  “It would appear so. From the information we have there is nothing really happening. It is more a feeling for many.”

  “Then perhaps our arrival is timely.”

  “As destiny or fate or whatever would have it Bobby.”

  “How is our veil of secrecy holding up Mister Weston?”

  “Better than expected Mister Regal. Power output to the shield is lower than our scientists calculated, allowing us to conserve extra energy for use in other systems.”

  “Good. We might need a bit of propulsion unexpectedly.”

  “Anything else for our plan once we arrive?”

  “I was thinking of what the woman said Mister Weston, and I see almost an undeniable co-incidence or connection. She told us to them you will venture and they will masquerade as your friends and your enemies. I cannot help but see the fact we are to land in proximity to a town named Masquerdon. She also told us to don our thinking.”

  “Mister Livingston and I discussed it at length Mister Bobby. We cannot help but feel this town of Masquerdon should be our first place of call.”

  “Are you in agreement Mister Weston?”

  “I have no objection Mister Regal.”

  “We must prepare traveling packs for ourselves. As soon as we land, this rocket will be placed in low power mode using the time scope weapon to conceal its position. We need to leave the ship immediately to avoid anyone seeing us anywhere close by.”

  “We are going to need currency Bobby.”

  “I have been given some rough gold. We should be able to exchange it for money.”

  “There will be a certain way we will have to convey ourselves Mister Bobby. If you consider the implications for both Mister Weston and myself, you will see it is a challenge within. The old woman spoke similarly…beyond, across, and within.”

  “I note your point of issue Miss Candice, but I am suddenly wondering why we have placed so much emphasis on this woman – a stranger who may well just be playing a joke.”

  “If you think and feel what we have been through and with our mission potentially being more rewarding than before, then is it not prudent we try to investigate Mister Regal? Surely you have examined your doubts before this time.”

  “I am normally not one of doubt Mister Weston. It befits a space commander to be astute in application to his surroundings. In this case, I have thought it through thoroughly and now seek to see your thoughts on this.”

  “We have discussed the merits of her and her words at length. Miss Candice was thorough in her application of mind, as was Weston. We could not come up with anything other than to proceed as we have been. Our reckoning aligns with how easily we have come together on a path of destiny if you will. Allow yourself to loosen Bobby. I notice you seem to become a little uptight now and then…almost regularly.”

  “Perhaps it is the drill of so many missions in battle Jonathon.”

  “Then it is as the old woman said. Listen to Miss Candice. She has mine and Weston’s confidence.”

  Bobby knew their words were just and realistic. His doubts came from how much emotion and feeling was being applied to this mission. Normally his status was one of military operations with investigations. Whilst he could always adapt, his de
epest senses were regularly being probed and released, causing him to experience superfluous moments of misdirection. Somehow he felt there was a loss coming, yet there was also a wonder unimaginable.

  “Mister Bobby? Mister…”

  “Um, yes yes. What is it?”

  “You were staring into space there for a few moments.”

  “You appeared quite departed from our presence Mister Regal.”

  “Forget it. I’m alright.” Bobby quickly reckoned his previous position. Having a well trained mind permitted him to appraise himself, facilitating a fast response and return to normal cognition.

  “Suggest we maintain station for our final approach Mister Bobby.”

  “Good idea Miss Candice.”

  “Dampening field parameters are set Mister Regal. Our deceleration procedure is aligned for insertion into Vindor space three seconds before we encounter their atmosphere.”

  All aboard were aware of the implications if the dampening failed to operate. They had been through the simulation of how it worked – now it was up to the technology to come through in practice to avoid them all being disintegrated within the rocket.

  The final fifty minutes of flight to Vindor was in relative silence, aside from regular updates of status coming from Mister Weston as he monitored the craft’s engineering systems. Jonathon was deep in thought going through scenarios now Bobby had entrusted him to lead them, and Miss Candice stood steadfast at her post casting a smile now and then to the others.

  Bobby ran through procedure after procedure – he must not overlook any system or contingency if he was to pilot them to their designated landing in secret.

  Vindor began to appear ahead of them. It was not a typical image of a planetary sphere floating in the blackness of space. Rather it was two dimensional as it appeared to reverberate pulsing closer then more distant, then closer again.

  Eagle of Space was close. They were not tense, yet at the ready. Twelve seconds more to insertion into normal space – Mister Weston would have to make the switch at precisely the right moment to prevent them entering the atmosphere just above light speed.

  At precisely eleven milliseconds prior to scheduled normal space, Mister Weston flicked the switch, and with time scope system shutdown at eight milliseconds, the difference of three was well within the range of nine.

  In three dimensions, Vindor loomed large and purple. It was impressive and so removed from any other planet Bobby had ever seen within the solar system. Jupiter was a cloudy reddish purple giant, but Vindor had seas, land, and clouds, with an orange haze creating a myriad of light refracting effects rendering a sparkle about the planet. They all stared aghast for a second or two until the reality of atmospheric injection occurred to them.

  After some initial buffering, Bobby brought the rocket down to a safe concealed landing. Their last few moments of flight were filled with visions of vast green valleys, high mountains topped with orange snow, and seas glittering under a red sun. Within a stand of forest remote in location and steeped on all sides by sharp ridges and cliffs, Bobby landed Eagle of Space vertically in take off position. Ten seconds later, all four had disembarked, leaving the invisible rocket standing there as they walked towards the only way out of the location onwards to Masquerdon.

  Trees similar to oaks, and others entirely new with strange curved branches often spiraling to end in a globule cluster with yellow pear like fruits emerging, along with bushes moving in a quivering way despite there being no wind, formed the forest around them. Amazing as it was, they restrained from speaking loudly about its wonder. Bobby had instructed them to keep their voices low in conversation about what they saw to avoid any wrong impressions for people they would encounter.

  “Lead the way Jonathon. We are in your hands now.”

  “This trail is probably going to lead us to Masquerdon. We’ll take a look when it reaches the crest about a mile ahead.”

  “Nothing like the hills and forests around Jonstown is it Miss Candice?”

  “Oh Mister Weston, the strange and bizarre. This is a place of my dreams as a girl.”

  “Look at the distant sea through the gap in the trees ahead. It is a shimmering silver purple.”

  “Incredible isn’t it Mister Weston.”

  “A wondrous sight Mister Regal.”

  “Oh look! Three moons! They are just rising above the horizon. Mister Bobby, do you see them?”

  “Keep your voices down. I think someone is approaching.” Jonathon hushed them changing their moments of intrigue to an air of caution. He was right – in a minute two men were upon them.

  “You look fair enough. How about lending us what you have then.”

  “What do you mean? We are not carrying anything of worth.”

  “You must. Nobody has nothing. What about currency?”

  “You can’t have our last few…”

  “Oh yes we can. Both of us have experience at this sort of thing, so I recommend you comply peacefully.”

  “Or what is it you will try?”

  “You don’t want to find out.”

  “There are four of us.”

  “But you don’t look like you have any weapons do you.”

  “Not like your ray gun there. How old is it? It looks older than you.”

  “Miss Candice, please step aside. I am going to set these two men straight.”

  “I think not Mister Weston. If these two men do not withdraw, then they will surely face the consequences.”

  Bobby and Jonathon looked at Miss Candice as Mister Weston kept an eye on their assailants.

  “So you put it upon us to remedy this situation Miss Candice?”

  “Most certainly. I am already tired of this infraction.”

  “As you wish.” Jonathon sent the armed man to the ground, relieving him of his ray gun before any chance for him to fire. The other assailant began to withdraw, before he was brought to a halt by Bobby.

  Surprisingly, Mister Weston then commenced an interrogation, “Like you, we would like to acquire currency…even gold. How are our chances for this in Masquerdon?”

  “Like anywhere, you can get it if you know how.”

  “Do you know how?”

  “I’m not telling you. Ha, you have about as much chance of getting anything out of me as you have of finding the gold spring.”

  “The spring is merely a story…a myth.”

  “Some say yes, others no. Regardless, I am not giving up anything.”

  “What about Masquerdon? Do you…?”

  “No more questions. Do what you will or let us go.”

  “What do you know about the spring?”

  “Why should you care? You think it is a myth.”

  “I like stories.”

  “Then go and read a book about it. You should know by now anyway.”

  “Know what?”

  “Some say it has activated again. There is a presence at the water’s edge.”

  “Such words don’t suit you…your demeanor.”

  “How do you know what suits me?”

  “Let them go Mister Weston. I think there is nothing we can obtain from them.”

  “As you wish Miss Candice.”

  “I’ll keep this ray gun though.” Jonathon shoved the man aside, as did Bobby. Their menace was evident as the men skulked away – they would not return to bother them alone, but being of such cowardly nature, they could return with others. Jonathon reconciled their manner and thought of any other potential eventualities. Already Vindor had proven rough within a mere half hour on the road.

  When they reached the bare crest on a hill a mile further along, they could see all the way to the hazy town of their destination and to the glittering silver purple sea beyond.

  No other interruptions presented to them on their way into Masquerdon. Arriving at sunset, Jonathon had relaxed a little after seeing no other trouble – his focus now would be to steer them in the right directions. First on his list was to find a currency vendor.

nbsp; The rate was poor and the fees high. Jonathon could do nothing but take the best price he managed to barter. Although it was far from its true value, he handed over the small gold nugget.

  “We need to find lodgings at least for tonight so we have a base from which to plan, and somewhere I can wash.”

  “Good thinking Miss Candice. I’ll try and find us something like a hotel on Earth. Somewhere with a bar and lodgings.”

  “You can have your first taste of Vindor whiskey then Mister Livingston.”

  “I intend to Miss Candice.”

  Chapter 14

  Valeena was restless. Arthren appeared to be taking more to periods of meditative practice – he was exploring a spiritual side to himself he barely knew of previously. It was awakening his cells and his soul.

  She couldn’t watch him for long as her distractions took precedent in her mind more and more often. She had never been very adept at moments of solitude in mind when she knew something was to present itself with implications for her life. No sense of befuddlement ever came over her though as she always saw to organizing herself in such a way even moments like those of pure erotic pleasure she had experienced with Bobby, could be expressed in all their raw authenticity.

  A degree of angst had taken over her. How one could feel such a thing beside a pond with a fountain of golden water droplets, surrounded by plentiful fruits and the greenest grasses, is difficult to apportion. Nevertheless Valeena felt a sense of urgency not part of the presence an accomplice to Beth’s metamorphosis should hold.

  Bethany would be re-birthed soon enough and all of Vindor would become aligned as it had in the past, which in recent times had been so easily forgotten through greed. Trouble was deep inside her at how this would unfold rendering all she had aspired to in her own way, becoming suddenly irrelevant and meaningless. It was testing her will, her integrity, and her darkness. So much on offer was tempting in the least and she felt the pangs of excitement every time she thought about how her role in this would bring splendor to her life, washing away the last remnants of her disgrace. With Arthren, she could shape the future. Beth would be born anew and require both of them for her first hours of reckoning. Their influence hence would affect the new Queen of the Spring and how she would affects Vindor’s evolution in coming years.


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