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The War for America's Soul

Page 16

by Sebastian Gorka

  Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s intellectual property theft, forced technology transfer, and its chronically abusive trade practices

  Confirmed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh

  Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration

  Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles

  Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup

  Opened ANWR & approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines

  Record number of regulations eliminated, saving $33 billion dollars

  Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions

  Made more affordable healthcare options available for Americans through association health plans and short-term limited duration plans

  Prescription drug prices declined in 2018, the first time in nearly half a century

  In 2017 and 2018, the FDA approved more affordable, generic drugs than ever before; many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases

  Signed legislation to end “gag” clauses so patients can find the lowest priced drugs

  Passed Right to Try to give critically ill patients access to more life-saving cures

  Reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars in 2018 alone

  Secured $6 billion in funding to fight the opioid epidemic

  Reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office

  Signed historic Veterans Affairs Choice legislation and the VA Accountability Act

  Expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, same-day urgent primary and mental healthcare, and launched the promised 24-hour Veteran Hotline

  Signed an executive order to help prevent veteran suicide

  Increased coal exports by more than 60 percent during my first year in office

  The U.S. is the largest producer of oil and natural gas—surpassing Saudi Arabia and Russia. We are a net exporter of natural gas for the first time since 1957.

  Announced our withdrawal from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord

  Canceled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan

  Signed a bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform bill into law

  Secured a record $700 billion dollars in military funding; $716 billion this year

  Secured a $100 billion dollar increase in defense spending from NATO allies

  Launched whole-of-government approach to women’s economic empowerment around the world (W-GDP) with a goal of empowering 50 million women by 2025

  Nuclear and ballistic missile testing in North Korea have stopped, hostages have been released, and the remains of our fallen warriors were returned home

  Began process to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the armed forces

  Initiated withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

  Withdrew from the one-sided Iran Deal and imposed the toughest sanctions ever

  First country to recognize Juan Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela

  Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy

  Took historic action to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights

  Protecting Americans from terrorists with the travel ban, upheld by Supreme Court

  ISIS has been driven out from all territory they once held in Iraq and Syria

  Issued executive order to keep open Guantanamo Bay

  Improved vetting for refugees and switched focus to overseas settlement

  We have begun building the Wall and support strong borders and no crime


  The war for America’s soul is a war between the forces of order and the forces of chaos and anarchy.

  We can win. And we MUST win. We can win because of the indefatigable power of truth. Sooner or later lies are exposed, and liars stumble and are caught in the act of dissembling.

  But how do you guarantee your access to the truth in the age of Fake News? How can you navigate media waters infested with propagandists and political activists masquerading as “journalists”?

  Do what I do, and rely on sources of information that are tried and tested, people and platforms that have proven themselves patriotic defenders of the truth and American values.

  I get most of my daily information from talk radio and podcasts, with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Mike Gallagher, Larry Elder, and my other Salem Radio colleagues at the top of the list.

  But where else can you get the trustworthy analysis and fact-based reporting that you need to make the right arguments to support President Trump and our Make America Great Again agenda? In addition to tuning in to my national show AMERICA First, available at and as a free podcast on the iTunes smartphone app, you can do what I do and turn to the best sources of information available on the Internet today.

  These are outlets that cover a wide array of topics, from politics and culture to entertainment and history, all with a devotion to conservatism and our great nation. Below are the thirteen most important sources I use to inform myself and prepare every day for my show and public appearances. These are platforms you can rely upon to give you the unvarnished truth about the threats we face and how the president is succeeding against them. These sources are indispensable to members of Team MAGA. Use them.

  Breitbart News (, Twitter: @BreitbartNews): What Fox News is to television, Breitbart is to online media, or “alternative media.” The website bearing the name of one of the greatest culture warriors in history has become a media war machine in its own right, years after Andrew Breitbart’s tragic and early passing. It was on the front lines of the 2016 election, even working its way into Hillary Clinton’s mind as an “alt-right” boogeyman, just proving how truly effective the site was and still is today. Breitbart boasts some of the sharpest and wittiest writers on the Internet, including Matt Boyle (@mboyle1), John Nolte (@NolteNC), Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak), and Allum Bokhari (@LibertarianBlue)

  American Greatness (, Twitter: @theamgreatness): For a website that is only a few years old, American Greatness has already made an incredible impact in the world of right-wing commentary. This journal unapologetically attacks political correctness, directly takes on the Left in the battle for our culture, and also has plenty of time to rip into the Never-Trumpers of “Conservatism Inc.” for their role in allowing the Left to become so dominant in the first place. American Greatness features such star-studded contributors as Dennis Prager (@DennisPrager), Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO), Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson), and Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr), as well as senior contributors such as Chris Buskirk (@thechrisbuskirk), Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2), and me!

  Human Events (, Twitter: @HumanEvents): The newly revamped version of the classic magazine, which was President Ronald Reagan’s favorite publication, has exploded onto the scene in spectacular fashion. After being purchased and relaunched earlier this year, Human Events has taken on a more firmly nationalist, populist, and pro-Trump tone that is fitting for the era. With a combination of the same eloquence, research, and depth of topics as such publications as the Claremont Review of Books, and the same politically incorrect and bold tone of Breitbart and American Greatness, this new and improved site has everything that is needed to take the fight directly to the Left in every way possible. Already skyrocketing in popularity, much to the ire of faux conservatives like Bill Kristol, Human Events has the strength, collection of talent, and resources to become the next big online publication that is truly just as much of a cultural weapon as it is a magazine, potentially as crucial to 2020 as Breitbart was to 2016. Its best and brightest minds include its editors Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) and Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain), as well as others like Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray).

  The Daily Wire (, Twitter: @realDailyWire): Founded and run by Breitbart alum Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro), The Daily Wire features excellent commentary from such fighters as Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) and entertaining podcasts from Andrew Klavan, both of whom have been guests on AMERICA First. It also features contributors like Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra), who is always on top of the media cycle with the latest breaking news around the clock. The Daily Wire continues to regularly demonstrate its motto: “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”

  The Federalist (, Twitter: @FDRLST): If you ever want some good long-form articles on the topics of the day, the Federalist is a safe bet. It also holds the distinction of having perhaps the greatest collection of extensive, in-depth investigative articles on the scandal behind Operation Crossfire Hurricane, including the FISA abuses, corruption in the FBI, and Deep State surveillance, among many, many other stories the legacy media doesn’t want you to know about. Some of the best contributors include Sean Davis (@seanmdav), Mollie Hemingway (@MZHemingway), David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi), and Ben Domenech (@bdomenech).

  Claremont Review of Books (, Twitter: @ClaremontInst): The publication arm of the excellent Claremont Institute, the CRB features some of the most erudite language on the Internet and takes the deepest of dives into our history and the philosophical foundations of our Republic. Their articles put our current socio-political climate into a broader context and also offer suggestions as to where our country should be heading. If you ever want to feel as if you are in a library, reading the finest collection of highly intellectual content available, CRB will provide you with just that. Some of the best authors include Robert Reilly and the Heritage Foundation’s David Azerrad.

  The Daily Signal (, Twitter: @DailySignal): “The Mothership of Conservatism,” the Heritage Foundation has its very own fantastic publication in the Daily Signal, which covers a wide array of topics including our progress in the culture war. The outlet showcases the best minds that Heritage has to offer, as well as many of my radio guests on AMERICA First, including James Carafano (@JJCarafano), Jarrett Stepman (@JarrettStepman), Hans von Spakovsky (@HvonSpakovsky), and editor-in-chief Rob Bluey (@RobertBluey).

  The Daily Caller (, Twitter: @DailyCaller): Perhaps no other site on the Internet does a better job of belting out dozens upon dozens of articles and videos every single day about the latest breaking news topics. From exclusive interviews and scoops to insightful commentary, the Daily Caller is a guaranteed source of the latest in our world, every hour of every day. Stephanie Hamill (@StephmHamill) is one of their star contributors.

  Townhall (, Twitter: @townhallcom): Another member of the Salem Media family, Townhall features some of the best columns you will ever read, with an equal balance of going after the Left and tearing into fake “conservatives” who are anti-Trump or who otherwise harm the broader conservative agenda. Some of their best writers include “Colonel K.” Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter), Fox News regular Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich), and the podcast team “Triggered” (@TriggeredTHM).

  The Washington Times (, Twitter: @WashTimes): The Washington Times is perhaps the quintessential exemplar of what a balanced, unbiased media outlet should look like. This daily newspaper covers all the latest breaking news and showcases great commentary from such writers as Charlie Hurt (@CharlesHurt) and Stephen Moore (@StephenMoore). It has the budget and professional appearance of the nation’s largest newspapers, but with none of the Fake News.

  PJ Media (, Twitter: @PJMedia_com): A member of our great Salem Media family, PJ Media is where you can find some of the most hard-hitting commentary against the Left, unapologetically going after some of the most radical Democrats in America today. In addition to politics, PJ Media covers issues of faith and culture, which are crucial to our ultimate success.

  City Journal (, Twitter: @CityJournal): City Journal features excellent long-form articles on just about everything, from culture to technology, from the economy to geo-politics, and from the founding principles of Western Civilization to the most relevant political issues of the day. The Journal’s vast stable of contributors even crosses the Atlantic to include great minds like Sir Roger Scruton (@Roger_Scruton).

  Newsbusters (, Twitter: @NewsBusters): When there’s liberal bias in the media, who are you gonna call? Newsbusters regularly publishes content featuring the most absurd statements and downright lies by Leftists in the Fake News Industrial Complex, including video clips and full transcripts. If you ever need to grab a ridiculous quote from MSNBC or CNN, this is surely the best place to go.


  Saul Alinsky is the most important figure on the American Left in the last century, and the most formative political thinker for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. It is telling that one of the few photographs available of “law professor” Obama has him diagramming Alinksy’s theories on a chalkboard. Likewise, it is equally telling that the dissertation Hillary Clinton wrote at Wellesley was about Saul Alinksy and his tactics for taking power in a democracy.

  In mapping the Democrat party’s radical swing to the Left. and the rise to prominence of true socialist extremists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it is crucial that you understand the central role of Saul Alinsky and his strategy for taking control of political systems through inside subversion.

  To that end, I am including here key passages of Hillary’s 1969 dissertation, “There is Only the Fight.” (If you want to read more, Clinton’s full thesis is available at:

  As you read Hillary’s words, just remember this, Alinksy dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to the first revolutionary, the Devil:

  Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins— or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom




  SEBASTIAN GORKA, PH.D., bestselling author of Defeating Jihad and Why We Fight, served as Strategist to the President in the Trump Administration. A frequent guest on FOX News and Sinclair TV stations across the nation, he is now host of the newest national radio show in America, AMERICA First. Check out his show at and follow him on Twitter at @SebGorka.



  PREFACE: What the Left Has Wrought

  1. “The Mission of the Churchill Institute,” Churchill Institute,

  2. Douglas Ernst, “Trinity College Defends Professor’s ‘Whiteness Is Terrorism’ Message,” Washington Times, April 29, 2019,

  3. Tyler O’Neil, “Professor Calls Whites ‘Inhuman A**holes,’ Tells Blacks to ‘Let Them F*cking Die,’ ” PJ Media, June 21, 2017,

  Chapter One: Obamagate: The Attempted Coup Against Donald J. Trump

  1. Tim Hains, “Flashback June 2015: Bill Maher and His Audience Laugh at Ann Coulter for Saying Trump Could Win Nomination,” RealClearPolitics, May 4, 2016,

  2. Adam Shaw, “Sessions Defends Decision To Recuse Himself from Russian Probe,” FOX News, March 10, 2018,

  3. William Barr, “William Barr Interv
iew: Read the Full Transcript,” interview by Jan Crawford, CBS This Morning, CBS, May 31, 2019, transcript,

  4. Jeff Mordock, “William Barr Appoints U.S. Attorney To Investigate Russia Probe Origins,” Washington Examiner, May 13, 2019,

  5. “John H. Durham Sworn in as United States Attorney,” News and Press Releases, United States Department of Justice, February 22, 2018,

  6. T.J. Singh, “Dan Bongino—Obama, Mueller, and the Biggest Scam in U.S. History,” filmed November 22, 2018, at the David Horowitz Freedom Center Restoration Weekend,

  7. Guy Benson, “Fact Check: No, New IG Report Doesn’t Prove IRS Targeting Scandal Was a Right-Wing ‘Myth,’ ” Townhall, October 30, 2017,

  8. Christopher Goffard, “Archives Show Nixon’s Targeting of Foes,” Los Angeles Times, December 3, 2008,

  9. “Vindictive Shutdown Theater,” National Review, October 7, 2013, ttps://

  10. Philip Bump, “Fox News Reporter May Face Criminal Charges for Reporting on the CIA,” The Atlantic, May 20, 2013,

  11. C. Mitchell Shaw, “Sharyl Attkisson: IG’s Office Swapped Out my Hard Drive after Fed Agents Hacked my Computer,” The New American, March 8, 2018,


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