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Season of Rot

Page 3

by Eric S. Brown

  After helping Jack prepare for the guest—or guests?—who would arrive in the morning, Mitchell returned to Alyson’s quarters. She lay naked and uncovered on the bed, so drugged up she wasn’t even aware of his presence, her eyes distant, her mind drifting somewhere far away. He considered taking her just because he could. If she remembered later when she came to, he could always pay her, but in the end Mitchell dismissed the idea. He stood at her window, listening to the moans of the dead below. Their cries seemed louder tonight, more desperate.

  On the bed, Alyson rolled over onto her stomach. Mitchell turned and took in her naked form, lusting after her despite the session they’d shared this morning. Physical release distracted him and kept him sane—if anyone in the place could be called sane. It was his escape, his drug. Alyson’s red hair was the fire that cleansed his soul.

  He loosened his belt and walked toward the bed. For a while he would join Alyson in heaven. It would help pass the time until dawn.


  As the sun rose from behind the distant mountains, Daniel waited on the hospital roof, smoking one of the last few cigarettes to cope with the excitement and stress. Laura and Vince stood by his side, flanked by Jack, Mitchell, and two of Jack’s hospital guards. The men all held assault rifles, except for Jack, who shouldered their sole missile launcher, ready to fire the instant anything went wrong.

  They heard the helicopter before they saw it, the roar of the engine drowning out the soft, distant noise of the dead below.

  Daniel had brought a portable radio. He switched it on. “He’s coming,” he said to Laura, stating the obvious as the small helicopter made its way toward the hospital.

  Vince watched it through a pair of binoculars. Jack studied it through the missile launcher’s sight.

  “He’s alone!” Jack barked over the whump-whump-whump of the helicopter’s blades. “Or looks to be.”

  Daniel’s radio awoke in his grasp. “Joseph Hospital, this is Martin Kier approaching your position. Do I have permission to touch down?”

  Laura nodded at Daniel, then motioned for the others to stand down and clear the space for the bird to land safely. She thanked God that Vince persuaded everyone else to stay inside. The excitement over Martin’s arrival had reached a fever pitch. If it hadn’t been for Vince’s convincing nature the whole group of survivors might have been on the roof. It was chaotic enough with just the small group she had.

  The helicopter landed and its engine shut down. The man who called himself Martin Kier took off his flight helmet. He stared at them for a second, appraising them through his thick, dark glasses before stepping out of the helicopter. Martin wore green military fatigues, and he never removed the heavily tinted glasses as he came to greet them. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, well built and of average height. His midnight-black hair grew slightly longer than the mandatory military cut. The man moved with feline grace as he offered his hand to Jack. “Hello.”

  Jack didn’t take Martin’s hand. “You can call me Jack. The lady in the lab coat is Dr. Laura Smith. We’re the leaders of this group. That chain-smoker over there with the radio is Daniel.”

  “Whoa.” Vince shook Martin’s hand and introduced himself. “I’m one of the people in charge here too. We’re damn glad to see you. Sorry about Jack. Being a rude, hard-ass is his reason for living.”

  Martin smiled, or attempted to. The expression looked awkward and out of place on his lips. “I brought the food and gear you requested.”

  Vince waved at the helicopter dismissively. “Don’t worry about that now. Good old Mitchell and the guys can unload it. I bet you’re tired from your flight, and we have a hell of a lot to talk about. Let’s go inside and get you a drink.” Half joking, he added, “You brought coffee, right?”

  Mitchell and Jack’s men unloaded the supplies as Martin followed the others into the stairwell. Daniel tossed aside the cigarette he was smoking and stayed behind to scope out the helicopter, get a feel for the controls. He wanted to be ready in case something happened and he needed to fly it.

  Glancing around the cockpit, Daniel saw the standard controls of a military bird. He’d only flown traffic copters before the plague, but the difference didn’t look too drastic.

  Vince led Martin and the others down what was usually the quickest route to the conference room, but the hallways were clogged with refugees. They all wanted to see the man who had restored their hope. Vince hurried past them as quickly as he could, dragging the others with him as if by sheer force of will. With each person they passed Martin’s muscles tensed underneath his clothes, as if he expected the group to attack. Vince kept glancing at the twin side arms strapped to Martin’s hips, praying no one spooked the stranger enough to make those weapons leave their holsters.

  On the trip down, Martin only paused once to really take in the people and the surroundings. It was when Chris, carrying his daughter Natalie, nearly bumped into them outside the conference room. Martin’s eyes went straight to Natalie and stayed on her as if he didn’t register Chris’s presence.

  Finally, he looked up at Chris. “Is the child yours?” Martin asked, awed.

  Chris nodded, unsure of how to respond.

  Martin’s eyes drifted back to Natalie. “You must be very proud.”

  Before Chris could reply, Vince shoved Martin into the conference room. “You can meet folks later, Martin. We really need to talk right now, okay?”

  Martin glanced at Vince and saw the man’s fear naked on his face. “Yes, you’re right,” Martin agreed.

  Vince closed the door behind Jack and Laura as they entered.

  After he finished familiarizing himself with the helicopter, Daniel caught up to the group outside of the conference room. Martin could hear him talking with Chris in the hall, but he took a seat at the table anyway. Laura sat at the head of the table, facing Martin, and Vince and Jack sat on either side of him.

  “So you made it, Mr. Kier,” Laura began. “There were those among us who thought you wouldn’t show, or that if you did you’d only bring death and trouble with you. It seems they might have been wrong.”

  * * *

  Out in the hall, Chris clutched Natalie close to him. “Did you see the way he watched my daughter? It wasn’t right.”

  Daniel said, “Come on, Chris, he’s military. He may be one of those guys who are freaked out by kids. No offense, but I am too.” He laughed.

  “No. It was more than that. He looked at Natalie like she was some kind of alien.”

  Daniel put a hand on Chris’s shoulder. “Everything’s going to be okay, Chris. He kept his word and came alone just like he said he would. I think he’s been alone for a long time, as long as we’ve been cooped up in this hospital. Solitude will do that to a person. It can affect people in a lot of ways. He’s been through as much, if not more, than we have. He was just happy to see breathing people again, I’m sure.”

  Chris shook his head. Cradling Natalie in his arms he walked off, leaving Daniel to frown after him.

  * * *

  Martin met Laura’s eyes across the table. “I brought only what you asked,” he said, then changed the subject. “You have children here. This place is not safe.”

  “Beggars can’t be choosers.” Vince’s joke hung in the air like the stink of sour meat. No one laughed.

  “It’s been safe enough so far,” Jack informed Martin coldly. “We’re all supposed to be friends here. Why don’t you put your weapons on the table, Mr. Kier.”

  Laura blinked at the gall of Jack’s request. To her surprise, Martin unsnapped his belt, placed the weapons on the tabletop and slid them toward Jack, who took them eagerly.

  “Mr. Jack, isn’t it?” Martin asked. “If I wanted to harm you, you’d be dead by now. Having me relinquish my weapons does nothing to change that fact, though I am willing to do so if it will put you more at ease.”

  “Were there children in the base you’re from, Mr. Kier?” Laura asked before Jack had a chance to defend his manly

  “No. I had never seen a child before until just a few moments ago. Today is a day of new experiences for me.”

  “What about your family?” Laura asked. “Were they killed by the virus?”

  “Yes. My fathers all perished from the disease.”

  “Fathers?” Vince asked.

  “The men who gave me life,” Martin said, a quizzical look on his face, as if he had said nothing peculiar.

  The room fell silent. Jack wondered if Martin was insane, but both Vince and Laura caught what Martin meant, or were able to guess at it.

  “They were doctors?” Laura proceeded cautiously, hoping she was wrong.

  “Scientists.” Martin’s face was impossible to read..

  “Do you mind if I ask how old you are, Martin?” Laura was on the edge of her seat with nervous energy.

  “I am slightly over thirteen months old.” Martin attempted a friendly smile to assure her that he was not offended by such an odd question.

  “Jeez.” Vince shook his head.

  Jack stood up. “Thank you very much, Mr. Kier. I think that’ll be all for now. If you’ll just wait outside, we need to discuss some things privately before we continue.”

  Laura said, “Sit down, Jack. Now.”

  He hesitated, considered disobeying her order. Finally he took his seat.

  “Martin,” Laura said, “you were one of the projects at the base, weren’t you? It’s how you survived whatever happened there, isn’t it?”

  Martin felt both relieved and worried that his attempt to pass for a normal person had failed. “Yes, Ma’am. My first name was X2114, but I named myself Martin Kier after two of my fathers who died. I was created as an experiment in human genetics. It was an attempt both military and scientific in nature. Though I may be different from you and immune to the dead virus, please understand that I am human. My fathers told me so.”

  “Martin,” Laura began, but this time Jack put her in her place.

  “Oh for God’s sake!” He slapped the table. “This is insane! And you’re full of shit! Who in the hell are you? I want to know: were you really living in that base, or did you just break in after everyone was dead and set yourself up as a king? Were there some people left? Did you kill them off yourself so that everything would be yours? Is that how it went down?”

  “I have told you the truth.” Martin’s face was stone. Laura and Vince could see him struggling against what must have been an implanted urge to defend himself from Jack. At that moment, Laura knew Martin meant what he claimed: he was human—or he wanted to be. If he was just a weapon the military had created, Jack would have been long dead..

  Laura tried to warn Jack, but he whirled on her and Vince. He couldn’t believe they were buying this horseshit. Without another word, he stormed out of the conference room.

  “I’m sorry,” Laura said, shrugging her shoulders. “Jack isn’t always like that, I swear. Some things are hard for him to accept.”

  “His response was what I had expected from all of you. I must confess, I didn’t think you would find me out so soon.”

  “Martin,” Vince said, “what were you created for?”

  “I was created as a weapon. The military took over the project not long after it began. I was originally supposed to be the first cloned human being, but the military made sure I was much more.”

  “Then why didn’t you react like a weapon when Jack threatened you?” Laura wondered. “Surely you were designed to defend yourself with lethal force. I can’t see the military settling for anything less.”

  “The project may have been taken over by the military, but it was originally civilian in nature. My fathers taught me about humanity even as the military tested and honed my offensive capabilities. I believe my fathers hoped what they were teaching me would make me useless to the army and allow them to continue with the project without the army’s interference.”

  “Okay,” Vince said, dragging out the word. “I don’t suppose it matters much now. You’re here and you’re not like the flesh-eating monsters outside, so I guess that makes us allies.”

  “Where do we go from here?” Laura asked them both.

  “Daniel expressed to me your desire to leave this hospital, but it may not be wise for you to travel to my base. It was infected with a mutated strain of the dead virus, and despite the base’s automated safety measures and my personal efforts, I cannot promise that you wouldn’t be exposed to the new airborne pathogen.”

  “We have to try something, Martin,” Laura argued. “We can’t stay here forever, even if you continued to bring us supplies. The people here are coming apart at the seams. It’s not just about surviving anymore. It’s about starting over. And I don’t think the virus has mutated in the way you believe it has. If it had, you would’ve carried it here with you, I’m sure. Its gestation period is usually only a matter of minutes, not hours.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “I can’t be, but none of us have changed since you came and that’s a good sign. I just believe it’s unlikely. If everyone here remains uninfected by the time we’re ready to send the first few members back with you, then we at least know the virus wasn’t altered enough for you to carry it here. The first group that goes can check out the base and make sure it’s safe before we transport the others.”

  “What about Jack?” Martin asked.

  “Jack will come around in time,” Vince assured him.

  Laura shook her head. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Not until he sees proof that you are what you say you are, Martin. Just try to stay out of his way until then.”

  “And the others here?” Martin asked.

  Vince laughed. “I’ll introduce you around while Laura and I decide who your first passengers will be. Don’t worry. Jack’s Jack, and most people aren’t like him.”

  “Thank you,” Martin Kier said, nodding. He hoped Vince was right. He’d come to help this group of fellow survivors, not kill them in self-defense. Perhaps what disturbed Martin the most was that, after seeing the child, he was not sure he could bring himself to execute them, even if they chose to eliminate him first.

  * * *

  Mitchell headed down the corridor to Alyson’s quarters, tired from unloading the supplies and pissed that he always got stuck with the grunt work. As much as he needed Alyson at the moment to take away the stress, he nearly went back the way he had come when he saw Jack marching toward him. He could feel Jack’s anger like it was a physical force. He stopped dead in his tracks, clutching his fists just in case.

  Jack walked right up into his face and looked him dead in the eyes. “Get the guns. It’s time.”

  Mitchell’s mouth dropped open. He’d always known Jack walked a thin line with the other members on the tribunal and had hoped one day Jack would take command of the hospital by force. He never thought it would happen though; it would start a civil war, and Jack wanted the group to survive more than anything. It was the driving purpose, perhaps the only purpose, in his life.

  “Jack, are you sure about this?”

  Jack grabbed Mitchell and flung him against the wall of the corridor. “Get the damn weapons! Get the others too. Laura has gone too far this time. I can’t sit by and watch her take us all to hell.”

  Mitchell forgot about Alyson. He could get off later after things were put right. He darted down the passageway back the way he’d come.

  Jack smiled after him. Maybe today, he thought. Maybe today is going to be a good day after all.

  As Jack set his plan for a coup in motion, Vince called a meeting in the hospital’s cafeteria. His voice echoed over the intercom throughout the building, urging everyone to attend and meet their new guest. Vince wasn’t worried about low attendance. Even the dejected like Alyson and Chris were curious about Martin and the new sense of hope his presence had bought. In fact, Alyson was the first to arrive in the cafeteria where Martin and Vince waited.

  Out of habit, Martin stood at attention beside Vince, who
’d plopped into one of the chairs. Alyson approached them and smiled at Martin. “Hello, stranger,” she purred, flicking her long red hair out of her face with a slight shake of her head.

  “Hello,” Martin answered. A good number of the base’s staff had been female, but none of them had ever acted in such a fashion toward him. He realized her movements were designed to initiate mating, but he could neither explain nor understand the feeling inside of him as she drew closer to kiss him on the cheek.

  “Back off, Alyson,” Vince said. “Martin isn’t human.” He saw the hurt in Martin’s eyes and immediately cursed himself for being so tactless.

  “What?” Alyson squeaked, retreating a few steps.

  Vince hated his poor choice of words even more. “That’s not what I meant,” he said, trying to explain himself to both of them at once. “Martin’s a person just like us. I just meant give him some space, okay?”

  “A person like us?” Alyson asked. “What in the hell is that supposed to mean? Why would you say shit like that?”

  “I am a bio-genetically engineered weapon capable of evolution and independent thought,” Martin explained.

  “Oh,” Alyson gasped. Neither Vince nor Martin could tell if she believed him, but she did seem calmer and she continued to look Martin over. “I’d let you be one for me.”

  More people started pouring into the room, and Martin locked onto Chris and his newborn daughter as they entered. “I came here to help,” he announced to the crowd.

  Vince grabbed his arm. “Wait. Wait until everyone’s settled and then explain. That way you only have to do it once. It’s easier, trust me.” Vince stood up, putting a hand on Martin’s back, and Martin deferred to his wisdom.

  * * *

  After Laura had left the conference room, she’d returned to her quarters. She had faith that Vince could introduce Martin and convince the group that he wasn’t a threat. Jack’s reaction had upset her, but there was nothing she could do except give him time to calm down. In his current state, she knew reasoning with him would be out of the question, it would only make matters worse. Anyway, she had more important matters to deal with. She could feel another attack coming on, and she wanted to make sure she was alone when it hit.


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