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Butterfly Style: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ A Cobra Short

Page 12

by Bianca Sommerland

  Smiling, Chicklet stroked her back. She loved all the games, loved the freedom to explore her every twisted desire, but none of that compared to having someone to share them with. She’d never imagined she needed that, but now that she had Laura, she couldn’t even remember how she managed without.

  The music faded away and Chicklet blinked as the lights came on. Almost everyone had cleared out of the club while she’d been lost in her thoughts. She hated to disturb Laura when she was being all relaxed and cuddly, but it was time to get her back to her own bed.

  “Come on, love.” Chicklet eased Laura onto the loveseat and stood to grab her clothes from the bag. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  “Will you come with me?” Laura stood shakily, her eyes big and filled with hope. “Will you stay?”

  She wasn’t asking for only tonight. Chicklet wished she could say yes, but how could she work at the bar with her father while living almost three hours away?

  It’s not like you work every day.

  No, but what about her team?

  They only play a couple times a month.

  One of the best things about her life was there was nothing holding her down. And she’d found a woman who needed a little taste of that. She could keep her place in Digby and steal Laura away once in a while to enjoy everything that made the town the place she’d always call home.

  A place she hoped Laura would call home too when she retired. Maybe they could build a house near her father’s, convince him to expand the bar into a small restaurant. Her step-mother wanted to run a bed and breakfast. Chicklet wasn’t nice enough to help her deal with tourists, but Laura would be great at that.

  Dude, she’s not asking you to plan out the next twenty years. She’s asking you to live with her.

  Laughing softly, so happy she felt high, Chicklet met Laura’s eyes. And said the only thing she needed to hear. “I’ll stay.”


  Three years later.

  * * *

  Clearing the beer bottles from the crowded table, Laura weaved carefully through the noisy throng, breathing a sigh of relief as she finally made it to the bar. She set down the tray and tugged at her ridiculously short skirt. Her face heated as she caught Chicklet watching her with a little smirk on her lips.

  The leather skirt and the practically transparent white shirt were revenge for the dress Laura had chosen for Chicklet to wear on their last date night. She knew very well Chicklet didn’t do flowers, but the dress was so pretty and Laura begged her to wear it.

  To repay her, Laura had to wear whatever was chosen for her during her three-week vacation. Which was fine at Chicklet’s place, but the bar was a completely different story.

  She’d expected tonight to be bad, since everyone in town over eighteen seemed to have come to watch the game. After the team was eliminated, they began clearing out. Things were quiet for a few hours.

  Then the players showed up.

  News traveled fast. A few of the guys looked like they’d hopped out of bed and ran to the bar without getting changed. Every man and woman in the bar fought to get as close as possible to the players, ordering them drink after drink, shouting questions about bad plays, missed shots, and stupid penalties.

  Laura almost felt bad for the players. Not too bad, because they could have avoided all this by going home to drink. Fine, Sloan’s father lived here, and he spent most of his summers in Digby, but did he really have to drag the other two along?

  One of the guys, shorter than the other two, with rumpled blond curls and light blue eyes, squeezed through the press of bodies around his table and made his way to the bar. He slipped onto a stool, hunching his shoulders as a couple of men stepped up to his sides, ignoring his very clear leave-me-the-fuck-alone vibe.

  Chicklet slapped her hands on the bar and glared at the men. “All right, you boys need to back off. Sloan’s answered all your questions. So has Mason. Tyler doesn’t feel like talking.”

  “He’s still hurting because that chick dumped him. It’s her fault they lost.” A bulky, bearded man, Pierre, who never seemed to leave the bar, patted Tyler’s shoulder hard, almost knocking him off his stool. “Find yourself another piece of ass, son. You’ll feel much better.”

  Tyler clenched his fist on the bar. “She wasn’t a piece of ass.”

  Pierre laughed. “Of course she was! And from what I hear, she was making her way around the whole team. Nasty little slu—”

  Glass shattered, as Tyler spun to punch Pierre.

  Before his fist could connect, Chicklet latched onto his wrist. “None of that. Why don’t you come around the bar and keep me company, cutie?” She shot Pierre a cold glare. “You’re fucking wasted and I’m tired of your shit. Pay your tab and get the fuck out of my bar.”

  “Me?” Pierre pointed at Tyler as the young man walked around the bar. “He tried to hit me.”

  “You’re lucky I didn’t hit you. Oriana’s a friend of mine.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t care. Leave before I have you removed.” Chicklet sighed when he folded his arms over his chest. “Where’s a cop when you need one? Oh, wait!” She grinned at Laura. “You wanna take care of this for me, love?”

  Snorting, Pierre looked Laura over. “Really, Chicklet? You’re siccing your pretty little girlfriend on me?”

  “Absolutely. I’d take you out myself, but the last thing I need is an assault charge.” Chicklet pulled a cold beer from the fridge under the bar and handed it to Tyler. “I think drunk and disorderly is fitting. You can arrest him, can’t you, Laura?”

  Laura shook her head, her lips quirking at the excitement in Chicklet’s tone. She’d been asking Laura if she could watch her arrest someone for a while. Maybe they’d have to negotiate a scene.

  “This isn’t my jurisdiction, Chicklet.” She turned to Pierre. “But if I see you get behind the wheel of that truck of yours, I’ll make sure someone arrests you tonight.”

  “I think I’ll walk.” Pierre grabbed his jacket and strode out.

  Good idea.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Chicklet focused on the young man slumped against the bar beside her. “She’s no fun.”

  Tyler shrugged and stared at his beer.

  “All right, sport. Talk to me. I know it was a rough loss, but you guys went further than expected. You’ll do better next year.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “Unless Pierre was right and this is really about Oriana.”

  “I was falling in love with her.” Tyler picked up his beer, shook his head, then placed it back on the bar. “The sex was fucking amazing. I didn’t mind the sharing… Well, most of the time. I figured we’d both have our fun and one day she’d see I was good enough for her. But I wasn’t. I’m not…” He looked over to where Sloan and Dominik were laughing with their many fans. “I’m not them.”

  “No, you’re not. And Oriana needs to give up control, needs a strong master and an experienced sadist to satisfy her.” Chicklet slid her hand to the back of his neck. “You have nothing to offer her, angel.”

  Licking his bottom lip, Tyler grabbed his beer. “Gee, thanks.”

  As Chicklet stroked the side of Tyler’s neck with her thumb, Laura bite back a smile. It had been a long time since Chicklet had shown any interest in the submissives around the clubs they went to. She’d found a few Doms to do some pretty intense scened with Laura, but she couldn’t play her favorite fucked up games with them.

  This young man was perfect. Watching Chicklet slowly seduce him was sexy as hell. Before the end of the night, he wouldn’t remember the name of the woman who’d dumped him.

  He might not even remember his own.

  Over the years, Laura’s desires had become almost as twisted as her Mistress’s. The limits she’d once held fast to had changed. The only thing that hadn’t changed was her need to please the woman she loved.

  Tonight, that would be easy.

  “What do you say, Laura?” Chicklet gave her a hooded look as she
brushed her lips close to Tyler’s ear. “Did you bring your handcuffs? I think Tyler could use some cheering up.”

  Laura grinned. She didn’t know many people whose mood improved while in handcuffs, but that was a disadvantage of the job. If anyone could give her a new outlook, it would be Chicklet.

  She’d done it with every other aspect of her life.

  Besides, the young man was better looking than most of the real criminals Laura arrested. He’d be amusing for the night. She’d try not to hurt him.


  “You bring your toy.” Laura winked at Tyler. The boy didn’t know what he was getting himself into. “And I’ll bring mine.”

  * * *


  Game Misconduct


  * * *

  The game has always cast a shadow over Oriana Delgado’s life. She should hate the game. But she doesn’t. The passion and the energy of the sport are part of her. But so is the urge to drop the role of the Dartmouth Cobra owner’s ‘good daughter’ and find a less . . .conventional one.

  Playmaker Max Perron never expected a woman to accept him and his twisted desires. Oriana came close, but he wasn’t surprised when she walked away. A girl like her needs normal. Which he can’t give her. He’s too much of a team player, and not just on the ice.

  But then Oriana’s father goes too far in trying to control her and she decides to use exposure as blackmail. Just the implication of her spending the night with the Cobras’ finest should get her father to back off.

  Turns out a team player is exactly what she needs.

  “Ms Sommerland takes us on an extremely incredible journey as we watch Oriana’s master her own sexuality. She comes to realize that there is more out there that she craves and desires, than she has ever realized.” Rhayne —Guilty Pleasures

  “With a delicious storyline and kinky characters outside of the norm, Game Misconduct pushes you outside of your comfort zone and rewards your submission with phenomenally erotic sex. If you’re a fan of hardcore BDSM, then this book is going to top your list of must reads!” Silla Beaumont —Just Erotic Romance

  Defensive Zone


  * * *

  Silver Delgado has gained control of the Dartmouth Cobras—and lost control of her life.

  Hockey might be the family business, but it’s never interested Silver. Until her father’s health decline thrusts responsibility for the team he owns straight into her hands. Now she has to find a way to get the team more fans and establish herself as the new owner. Which means standing up to Dean Richter, the general manager and the advisor her father has forced on her. The fact that their “business relationship” started with her over his lap at his BDSM club shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Their hot one-night stand meant nothing! But how can she earn his respect when he sees her as submissive? Can they separate work and the lifestyle she’s curious to explore?

  Balancing her new life away from Hollywood, living among people who see her as the selfish Delgado princess, has her feeling lost and alone until Landon Bower, the Cobras new goalie slips into her life and becomes her best—and only—friend. The time they spend together makes everything else bearable, but before long his eyes meet hers with more than friendship, reflecting what she feels. Which could ruin everything.

  Two Dominant men who see past her pretty mask and the shallow image she portrayed to the flashing cameras. A gentle attack from both sides that she can’t hope to block unless she learns how to play.

  But she’s getting the hang of the game.



  Against some attacks, the only hope is to come out and meet the play.

  Last year, Jami Richter had no plans, no goals, no future. But that’s all changed. First step, make up for putting her father through hell by supporting the hockey team he manages and becoming an Ice Girl. But a photo shoot puts her right in the arms of Sebastian Ramos, a Dartmouth Cobra defenseman with a reputation for getting any woman—or, as the rumors imply, man—he desires. And the powerful dominant wants her…and Luke. Getting involved in Seb’s lifestyle gives her a new understanding of the game and the bonds between players. But can she handle being caught between two men who want her, while struggling with their attraction to one another?

  Luke Carter’s life is about as messed up as his scarred face. His mother is sick. His girlfriend dumps him. When he goes to his favorite BDSM club to blow off some steam, his Dom status is turned upside down when a therapeutic beating puts him in a good place. He flatly denies being submissive—or, even worse, being attracted to another man. He wants Jami but can’t have her without getting involved with Sebastian. Can he overcome his own prejudices long enough to admit he wants them both?

  Caught between Luke and Jami, Sebastian Ramos does everything in his power to fulfill their needs. His two new submissives willingly share their bodies, but not their secrets. When his own past comes back to haunt him, the fragile foundation of their relationship is ripped apart. As he works to salvage the damage done by doubt and insecurity, he discovers that Jami is hiding something dangerous. But it may already be too late.



  A pace ahead of the play can send you back to the start. And put everything you’ve worked for at risk.

  Single mother and submissive Rebecca Bower abandoned her career as a sports reporter to become a media consultant with her brother’s hockey team. A failed marriage to a selfish man makes her wary of getting involved with another. Unfortunately, chemistry is hard to deny, and all her hormones are dancing when she gets close to the Cobra’s sniper, Scott Demyan.

  Zachary Pearce ‘came out’ to the world last season to shift attention away from a teammate. And his one night with Scott Demyan had been unsettling. There could be more there, if only Scott was a different person. Instead, a night of sensual BDSM play with Becky leaves him wanting more, but she thinks he’s gay and questions his interest. It’s been a long time since a woman has attracted him both as a man and a Dom, and he’ll do everything in his power to prove she’s the only one he needs. Or wants. His one time with Scott was a mistake.

  Scott might have forgotten what happened in his childhood, but the effects linger, and he specializes in drunken one-night stands…until he meets Zach and Becky and sees what he’s missing. But neither one believes Scott can be faithful. Although he’s trying hard to clean up his act to avoid getting kicked off the team, they want more from him. He’s willing to make changes, but the most important one—putting their happiness before his own—means he’ll probably end up alone.

  Delayed Penalty


  All choices have consequences, only sometimes they’re . . . delayed.

  Cortland Nash fled Dartmouth to avoid being arrested for murder, but his best friend, Ford Delgado, is in danger. Cort returns, prepared to keep his head down, and do whatever it takes to keep Ford breathing, but when he finds a beautiful young woman out in the snow, frozen in fear, his plans change. He needs to make sure she’s safe—even if the greatest danger is him.

  Akira Hayashi never thought she’d overcome her fear of men, but the care of an experienced Dom helped her achieve so much more. She’s embraced her submissive side, and found her strength as the captain of the Dartmouth Cobras’ Ice Girls. There’s nothing she can’t do—except function when she’s mugged in a parking lot. The intimidating stranger who rescues her makes her feel things she never thought possible. The only problem is his connection with Ford, a man she’ll hate forever because she refuses to feel anything else.

  With the constant threats from the crime lord he once called “Dad,” Ford Delgado has no room in his life for love. Unfortunately, Akira already has his heart—which is split in two when he discovers Cort is dating her. The betrayal has him lashing out, trying to move on, to grow as a Dom, and free himself from Kingsley’s crimin
al empire. He tries to forget what Akira means to him, but one look into her eyes shows him the last thing she needs is for him to let her go.

  Iron Cross


  Too many penalties may leave the goal vulnerable without the IRON CROSS.

  After overcoming a potentially career-ending concussion, Tyler Vanek, Dartmouth Cobras first line forward, couldn't be happier with his life. Until his boyhood hero-worship for Raif Zovko, a newly acquired player, develops into more. His mistress, 'Chicklet' encourages him to explore his feelings, and with her enjoyment of toying with the powerful Dom, Tyler figures it might be fun.

  Laura Tallent, a dedicated officer with the Halifax PD, and Chicklet's first sub, is tired of Tyler's fun disrupting the structure of her world. Devotion to her mistress kept her silent for two years, but a horrible case and more proof that Tyler is the worst sub in existence has her wondering how much better life would be if he was someone else's problem. Someone like Raif.

  Raif won't deny the lust he feels for Tyler, but he refuses to play games with a young man who's questioning his sexuality--he won't be an experimental phase for an unruly submissive. But when Laura draws him into a plan to remove Tyler from her poly relationship with Chicklet, his protective instincts take over. He partners with Chicklet to protect Tyler and dig deeper into the reasons behind Laura's scheming. Chicklet clearly loves her boy, she won't let him go. And before long, Raif realizes neither can he.


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