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Kyle's Reveal

Page 20

by Royal Blue

  “Hey, Leslie. What can I do for you?” I ask.

  “I was hoping I could talk to you,” she says softly.

  “Sure, come on in.” I wave her into the office.

  “Thanks,” she replies, looking over her shoulder before she steps inside.

  My forehead wrinkles. I’ve never seen her behave like this. I wave her to sit in the seat across from my desk, before reclaiming my own.

  “I think I’m going to puke,” she says when she flops down into the seat.

  “Excuse me,” I say.

  “I came in here to do something really stupid, but you’ve never been anything but nice to me,” she says, dropping her face into her hands. “This is so crazy.”

  “O… kay. First, I think you should tell me what’s going on here,” I say slowly.

  “I… I.” She blows out a breath that causes her lips to flap, then pulls a face. “Listen, things have been crazy for me. My ex made sure I got nothing in the divorce but my little girl. I’m so tired. We make great money here, but with a little girl it’s still not enough. I’ve been working odd jobs. I’ve considered joining one of those sugar daddy sites for Christ’s sake—”

  “Calm down. Where is all of this going?” I ask as she looks worried—wringing her hands one second and shaking them out the next.

  “This guy turned up on my doorstep. He offered me so much money. I mean, a hundred grand would go a long way. You’re the nicest guy ever, so at first I was reluctant, but my car broke down. The camp I need to send my daughter to this summer so I can work went up on its price. I just don’t know how I’m going to make it all work,” she rambles on.

  “Wait, someone offered you money to do what?” I narrow my eyes.

  “I was supposed to make sure people saw me come in here and then burst out of here like I have fire on my ass,” she replies, biting her lip while giving me an apologetic look. “In a few days, I’m supposed to file a sexual harassment claim with the board.”

  “You have to be shitting me,” I say incredulously.

  “I’m sorry, Andy. If you fire me for this, I don’t blame you.” She starts to fan her face as tears begin to roll down her cheeks. “I just didn’t think I could live with going through with it. You truly are a very nice guy. I was just going to turn around and leave, but I thought you should know someone is out to sabotage you. You wouldn’t hurt a fly. These children love you.”

  “Can you tell me what this guy looks like?”

  “Yeah, I’ll never forget someone like him. He has the coldest dark eyes and blond hair that’s graying around the left temple. I remember that because I found it so odd. I got the feeling he felt like talking to me was beneath him, but he never turned off that wolfish smile,” she says and gives a shudder. “It was kind of creepy actually.”

  “Did he tell you his name?”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “He never gave me a name. When he left his number in case I decided to take his offer, the number was printed on a simple plain black card. Nothing but the number. I found that sort of weird too.”

  I sit and stare at her for a few minutes. Just then Mitch’s name comes up on my phone. My mind is working overtime. I have a feeling when my brother looks into Kyle’s aunt he’s going to find one big rat behind all of this.

  “Don’t move,” I say to Leslie, holding my finger up at her.

  I answer my phone, grateful my mother insisted we learn Gaelic. I fill my brother in on everything Kyle told me and the bomb Leslie just dropped in my lap. I’m fuming by the time I’m done.

  “Tell her to do what she came to do. I have a plan to throttle that rumbly fuck, I do. He picked the right one to fuck with, he did. Let’s give him some rope,” Mitch says and hangs up.

  I look into Leslie’s eyes. She stares back, fidgeting in her seat. She looks a lot like a scared mouse. That will help with what I’m about to tell her.

  “Make your money, hon. Don’t tell him anything you told me. Rush out and make it look good,” I say tightly.



  IT’S BEEN one hell of a day. I’m still fuming when I leave my office for the day. To think, I was in such a great mood only hours ago. Now, I’m so mad my head could pop. I don’t know how I made it through the rest of the day.

  To be so conniving and deceitful. Using that woman’s situation against her. I couldn’t loathe Michael any more than I do in this moment.

  With my messenger bag over my shoulder, I head to the empty parking lot to get into my SUV. I had to stay late to look over the summer budget and place the order for the new curriculum we’re implementing next year.

  Cracking my knuckles the entire way through the lot, I’m ranting in my head about Leslie. I’ve just placed my bag inside the car when I hear something move behind my truck, drawing my attention.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Michael purrs, leaning against the back of my car.

  “Get your ass off of my car,” I hiss.

  “Oh, so there is a bit of fire in the little schoolteacher,” he says, flashing that annoying grin.

  “More than a bit. Trust me, you don’t want to find out how much. Get off of my car and get away from me,” I fume.

  “Why so hostile?” he says with a pout, his head twisting to the side. “Has Kyle been telling you bad things about me?”

  I rein in my temper, remembering he’s not supposed to know that he’s been exposed, nor does he know that I’ve had my brother prying into his life. My fists are tight at my side as I look into his smug face. Not for the first time, I want to punch that smile right off of his face.

  “What do you want?”

  He drags a finger across the paint of my truck, pulling his hand away to look at it. He rubs his fingers together, making a distasteful face. His eyes are dead when they turn back to me.

  “You should take better care of the gifts Kyle gives you,” he says in disgust.

  “You have to be shitting me. You’re here to chastise me for dirt on my car?”

  I give him an incredulous look. I realize too late that I’ve fallen into his trap. He was only fishing for information. His eyes light up, homing in on me, with the new detail I unknowingly coughed up.

  “Nice gift. Was it for your birthday? Something to drive the little brat around in? Just a lover’s reward? You look like you’re a good pet,” he says condescendingly.

  “Again, why are you here?” I snarl.

  “One of your employees paid you an interesting visit today,” he says slyly.

  I tighten my jaw, trying not to give him a reaction. I don’t want to give Leslie away. I’m not sure if he knows she turned on him. I measure his words carefully. He sounds too smug to know the truth.

  “I would be concerned about that visit if I were you,” he continues.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I want to know his end game. I fold my arms over my chest, focusing on his body language. He is so sure of himself. I want to laugh in his face.

  “Let’s just say, you do something for me and I’ll make sure she doesn’t go telling stories to the board that just offered you that pretty little promotion,” he replies.

  My head whips back. I don’t know how he knows about the promotion. It hasn’t been announced.

  “You’re a complete asshole,” I retort.

  “That’s up for debate,” he says, waving me off. “Walk away. Leave Kyle. Don’t give him a reason, just leave.”

  “You want to me to break up with him in the middle of the finals. Have you lost your mind? Ya have… this is what yer aiming for. Distracting him from winning. Trying to take everything from him. And on top of all the other shitty stuff happening to him, ya have been trying to expose him and our relationship,” I say in complete revulsion.

  Michael starts a slow clap, his grin turning into a full-out wolfish smile. His eyes roll over me with a look that makes my skin crawl. He licks his lips slowly.

  “You’re not only nice to look at, y
ou’re a smart one. I see why my Kyle likes you. But let me tell you something, sweetheart, you have no idea how far I’m willing to take this. How far I’ve already taken this,” he says, his face turning dark. “You don’t want to test me. Walk away.”

  “Fuck ya and the rock ya crawled out from under. Ya better go ask about me. Don’t let me poormouthing fool ya. I’m not scared of ya or ya money. Threaten me again, y’all be sure to find out who yer taking a piss at, ya will,” I fume.

  “Oh, that’s just sexy. Do you use that accent when he fucks you? Do you really think I care about your little Irish clan? I’ve looked into your family. Everyone thinks it’s the money that gets me what I want. It’s a lot more than that. I’m relentless in my pursuits. I’m willing to annihilate anyone standing in my path, anyway I can,” he tossed back.

  “Then ya bring all ya got,” I say and spit in his direction. “Kyle and I aren’t crawling into some hole to please ya.”

  “Feisty, I like it. You’re still missing one critical point, pretty. I don’t want him in a hole. I want him out. I want him standing by my side in all his glory,” he says.

  “Go fuck yerself,” I snarl.

  “Good luck with that promotion. It was nice to know you could’ve had it, isn’t it?”

  With that he turns to walk away. I’m tempted to jump in my car and run him over. The asshole isn’t worth it.

  Instead, I pull out my phone and text Mitch. I need to figure this out without disturbing Kyle’s focus on the finals. He has enough on his plate.



  “HOW ARE you feeling?” I ask as I stare at the screen on my phone.

  For someone about to go play such an important game, Kyle looks so serene. His eyes are clear, and there’s this peacefulness written all over his face. The finals have stretched all the way to game seven.

  I’ve watched every game in awe of him. Still, this is the most calm I’ve seen him since the series started. It’s a quiet determination that I admire.

  “We’re going to win,” he states with such assurance.

  “Cocky much?” I tease.

  He twists his lips into a smile and shakes his head. “Nah, not at all. I just feel it in my bones. We’re going to win, even if I have to drag us there,” he responds.

  “Well, when you do, know I’m right there cheering you on.” I smile.

  His eyes take on a thoughtful look. His brows pinch a bit. He nods at his own thoughts.



  “When I win, I want you to know how much I appreciate you for being behind me and having my back. I love you for understanding me and helping me with Mas. I just… tonight. Remember this….” He shifts the phone, pounding his chest. “My family.”

  My eyes soften, and I smile. “Sure, babe. I’ll remember. I love you too.”


  THE CLOCK runs out, and I throw my arms out to my sides, letting a roar rip from my chest as I drop to my knees. I don’t hold back my emotions as tears roll down my cheeks. I did it. I dragged this team to the championship.

  Some of the team had been ready to give up three games ago, but I refused. Seven games, but this one meant everything. This was my answer to Michael, my example to my nephew, my thank-you to Andy, and my tribute to my sister.

  “Yeah, Tyson, Yeah, yeah, baby,” someone cheers.

  My teammates crash into me, almost knocking me over. The moment is surreal. I’ve dreamed of this for so long. I’ve overcome so much to get to this point in my life.

  “You did it, bro,” someone says in my ear, as they hold me in a headlock and embrace me. “That’s how you light up the court, B. I’m proud of you. Glad to be on your team.”

  My body is charged with energy, my scalp is tingling. Through my tears and silent praise, I recognize the voice as my teammate Russ. He has had my back during all of this. One of the few I’ve been able to count on, on and off the court.

  Others are patting me on the back. I have goose bumps all over my skin. I came for this win and I got it. Now, my job here is done.


  MY VOICE is gone. I hollered so hard when the clock ran out, sealing the deal. Not that the other team had a chance to turn things around. Kyle was a true god on that court tonight. I saw him glow with focus and determination from the time he stepped out there.

  “I knew he would do it,” Mason says with a huge grin.

  “That he did,” I say hoarsely to Mas.

  “All he needed was his family,” he says, looking around the box.

  This moment couldn’t be better. I look around as well, taking in our family as they’re gathered around us with smiling face. Everyone is here, my family and Kyle’s. The joy I see is confirmation of Mason’s words. We’ve cheered and sent our love down onto those hardwoods.

  However, in the end, it was Kyle’s heart that pulled in that victory. I just wish I could be down on the floor embracing him during his celebration. That would make this all the more memorable.

  “Your boy did the thing.” Chris comes over to pat me on the back.

  I nod proudly.

  “This calls for a huge celebration,” Javier croons. “I’ve already planned something at the club.”

  “As if you need a reason to throw a celebration,” Beau teases.

  “What?” Javier shrugs.

  Beau waves him off. I laugh, looking around again at all the people that Kyle has in his life. His friends would give the shirts off their backs for him. My family has fallen into the fold as well. Kyle is well loved.

  “Everyone quiet down,” Emma calls over the group as she turns up the sound on the monitors.

  Kyle appears on the screen. Tears mixed with sweat on his face. He lifts his jersey to wipe the combination away. My throat clogs with my own emotions as I watch him rein it all in.

  “That was an exceptional performance tonight, Kyle. How are you feeling?” the commentator asks.

  “I’m feeling a whole lot of things. I can’t even describe this,” he responds, shaking his head and running a hand over his hair.

  “You’ve put up an amazing fight this series. Can you attribute the heart you displayed to any one thing in particular?”

  “My family,” he says, pounding a fist over his heart.

  My eyes close as tears threaten to overtake me. It’s a simple gesture that no one else would catch, but it means the world to me. It’s almost as good as being on the court with my arms around him. No, I think it’s better.

  I didn’t understand that this was what he meant this morning. That he wanted me to remember because he planned to send me a message. Thinking back to that call now, it all makes sense. Kyle’s thoughtfulness chokes me up.

  I seriously didn’t think I could fall more in love with you, Kyle Tyson. Boy, was I wrong.



  “MAS WANTS to go to the Ideon Cave,” Kyle says. “We can take him tomorrow.”

  As I sit in the middle of the bed, I barely follow his words. Between him rubbing oil into all of that gorgeous brown skin, the towel around his waist, and my scattered thoughts—I’m having a hard time staying focused.

  This trip to Greece was supposed to be a reprieve, but I’ve been on edge for weeks. Once Michael threatened me, things changed. Mitch was livid and wanted to make him disappear that night. Once I calmed him down, he went back to his plan, but he did decide to take Leslie and her daughter somewhere safe. I covered for her at the school. The school year was already coming to an end anyway.

  My lids close, cutting off the image of Kyle rubbing his chest. I shake my head to focus my thoughts. Taking Mason to the cave is an awesome idea.

  “Oh, he is going to love that,” I reply.

  I open my eyes, locking them on Kyle’s face. He breaks into a breathtaking smile that warms my belly. I love it when he gives that smile that reveals his teeth. It’s him in all of his glory.

h, I know. The birthplace of Zeus himself. Might not be able to get him to leave.” Kyle chuckles.

  “That I’m sure of.” I smile, looking down at my phone for the millionth time.

  I’ve been waiting for Mitch to give me something, anything. I need to know what’s going on back home. Everything seems fine, but I know what’s lurking in the shadows.

  When I placed the request to take a week this summer, it was granted without a problem. I trust my brother, but I’m starting to worry about what he’s up to. So much is riding on him having my back. Michael is a psychopath, and I want to deal with this without involving Kyle in all of Michael’s crazy.

  I frown. If only I could keep my mind from running off. I need to stay in the moment.

  “He’s having a great time,” I continue, looking up from my phone, fighting to stay focused.

  “True. He’s not the only one. As a kid, I never thought I’d get to come some place like this. It’s so beautiful here,” he replies, his eyes taking on a distant look.

  “You deserve it. You worked hard.”

  Kyle nods. “It’s bittersweet, you know what I mean? I wish my sister were here. None of this would have been possible without her pushing me when I was younger.”

  “Yeah, I understand. I’m sure she’s smiling down on you. So proud of you and everything you’ve done.”

  “Yeah,” he says softly, swallowing hard.

  Sensing the need for a change in subject, I place my phone down on the bed and crawl to the edge. Reaching for his waist, I pull him closer. We’ve been sleeping in separate rooms while here. With all of the sightseeing and spending time with Mason, we haven’t had much alone time.

  “You know, you’re rivaling the Greek gods in this towel,” I tease.

  “Is that right?” He grins.

  “Yes, it is.”

  He leans in to take my lips. I sag into the kiss, my arms going around his neck. He breaks it much too soon, leaving me breathless and dazed.


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