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Darren's Downfall

Page 1

by Arizona Tape

  Darren's Downfall

  Arizona Tape


  Copyright © 2017 by Arizona Tape

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication or cover may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to Arizona Tape. Just don't steal stuff. Seriously. It's mean.

  This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to people, places, or events, are purely coincidental.

  Chapter 1.

  "They sure are scary looking," Aspen muttered to me. He nudged me against the shoulder and pointed at the head of the knights. "Do you think he ever smiles?"

  "His name is Kuz. And no, he never smiles," I whispered back, glaring at the man in steel. He really was one of Father's scariest knights and I wouldn't have minded not having him here. Even as a child, he scared me.

  "Are you certain we can't carry you, my prince?"

  I shrugged Lance's hand away and shook my head. I'd been walking on my own legs for the past years, I didn't need any assistance. Not from them, anyway. "No thank you."

  "We'll gladly carry you, my prince," he tried again, waving at the four men in the back lugging a king carrier. I glanced at Danny and declined again. No way would I let myself be carried around like a pompous twat. She'd never let me live that down.

  "I said no."



  Lance turned beet-red and made an awkward bow as she shuffled away. "Of course, my prince."

  "And stop calling me that. I'm not your prince," I scoffed, ignoring the giggles from the twins behind my back. They were loving every moment of it, I could tell.

  "Oh but, my prince," Ashleigh snickered, waving at the four carriers again. "Won't your legs be too tired to walk?"

  "Yes, my prince. Don't exhaust your precious feet," Aspen weighed in, snorting as he jumped to slap one of the royal banners. I hid my face in my hands and groaned. So much for travelling light and incognito. We'd been right, Father did send his twelve fastest Riders to get me. We'd been wrong in assuming that was all he would send. The Twelve were followed by another group of twenty riders and infantry to carry me. And then half way, we were greeted by another parade of banner bearers, trumpeters, two cooks, and a smith. All wearing the royal insignia, of course. Gods, Father was a schmuck.

  And they kept pestering me, trying to carry me. No thank you, very much. Being carried was only slightly worse than riding a horse myself. Even though I grew up in a court with all kinds of awful lessons, I never got the taste for riding. I much preferred to walk on my own two feet. Or my own four paws, whichever it was.

  A horse neighed next to me and I turned to look at Regan. The past weeks in the castle had done him well. The role of Lord suited him in a way that it would never fit me. The role of husband suited him even more. But that was something I could see myself fulfil. Hopefully, some day. If she wanted me, of course...

  I turned to find my woman and enjoyed the sight. She rode the horse with such grace and elegance, I could hardly believe she was mine. But she was, I knew she was. My wolf softly growled in my chest, whining as he felt the familiar pull towards her but couldn't act on it. Not with Regan right next to me.

  "My prince," he said, nudging at the empty saddle of the white horse.

  "Not you too," I groaned, cringing everytime someone called me prince. I didn't want to be anyone's prince. Especially not when I knew where that would lead.

  "Call it payback for my Lord," Regan replied, spurring his horse into a trot as he left to join Kuz at the front of the line. I almost swore I saw a glint of what could be described as a smile on his face as he said so. Huh, so he had some sense of humour.

  Lance popped up behind me and tried to push a whip into my hands. "My prince, your horse? Or the carrier after all?"

  From the corners of my eyes, I found the twins mocking the subservience of the riders and I just nodded my head. If Father heard I walked the whole way home, he'd surely punish one of them for it.

  "I'll take the horse."

  Lance's eyes lit up in glee. "Excellent. Certainly. Good choice, my prince."

  I held up a hand. "But only if you stop calling me that."

  He made a little bow, almost tripping over a root on the forest floor. "How would you like me to refer to you, my prince?"

  "Literally anything else would be better," I muttered sarcastically.

  "Your Highness?"

  I groaned. "Except that."

  "My eminence?"

  "Or that."

  "My future King?"

  "Just Darren!" I shouted, losing my patience once again. Lance apologetically pushed the reigns of Julian into my hands and shuffled back to the end of the procession. At last, some peace and quiet. I patted Julian's white manes and wound up somewhat grateful that Father sent my own horse and not another wobbly bastard. Surprised at how familiar the movements felt, I swung myself up in the saddle. At least a horse was better than a stupid carrier. But why Father thought this whole ceremonial parade was necessary, I'd never understand.

  "Looking good up there, your Highness," Aspen chuckled, hiding his grin behind his hand.

  "Nice horse, my future King," Ashleigh weighed in, not bothered by the angry stares they were receiving from the Riders.

  "Shut up," I huffed, nudging Julian so he'd trot away from the two troublemakers. His hooves dug into the earth as I pulled up next to Danny.

  "Hi," she smiled, a glint dancing in her eyes.

  "Hey". The first smile broke since the morning broke through on my face as I found myself next to Danny. No matter how many times I awoke before dawn, the twins could stand on their head, the morning was an awful, awful time. I'd never enjoy waking up before the sun.

  "How are you holding up?"

  "Not bad..."

  "Your father sure likes showing off," Danny muttered, subtly nudging at the whole parade surrounding us. I nodded in exhaustion. With the whole poo-ha, it would be hard for Chesca not to find us.

  "Not exactly how I imagined our trip to the Court would be," she grinned, patting the light brown horse underneath her. "But hey, horses and lots of food. At least that's nice."

  As much as I hated the whole farce surrounding royalty, she had a point. Having a full belly and a dry bed in Regan's castle had definitely been a welcome change from all the nights I spent in the mud or in a leaking shack. And even though Danny certainly didn't need a man to protect her, having extra ears and eyes was never a bad thing. Especially not with how well trained the Riders were.

  "So how are you? Enjoying the married life?" I inquired, nodding at the band around her finger. She held up the rosewood ring and smiled. Her eyes sparkled and a softness befell on her expression. A softness only Regan seemed to invoke.

  "Loving it."

  "That's great."

  "Yes, I'd do it all over again. Maybe I will someday," she hinted, winking teasingly as she nudged her horse into a gallop. Her red hair danced in the wind as she left me bewildered and bewitched. My wolf whimpered, wishing I'd run after her, but I calmed him down. She wasn't ours to chase, not like that, anyway.

  Maybe someday...

  "My prince, something is blocking our way!" Kuz called from ahead, pulling me out of my thoughts. Of course, something was always amiss. I spurred Julian on and trotted towards the front of the procession.

  "What now?”

  He pointed at a massive oak cross over the way and grumbled.


  "We can't get across."
r />   I frowned and inspected Kuz. Yes, the reason Father liked him at the top of the Riders was definitely his unimaginativeness and his will of obedience.

  "We can can just jump over with our horses," I sighed in exhaustion, trying not to show my frustration. This was the third hitch he came across that could've been solved with just simple common sense and some creativity. Kuz had neither.

  "What about the people on foot?"

  "They can climb over."

  Kuz gave me a blank look and for a moment, I felt sorry. For his whole life, he'd been told what to do and took every command of Father. When I was still a child, he didn't need to listen to me. But here I was, a man. I puffed up my chest, hoping to appear bigger than I was. And Father must've directed the whole group to address me with my proper title, maybe it was his way of showing that he finally respected me and my choices.

  I felt a strange tingle in my stomach as that thought made its way through my mind. Yes, that was rather pleasant.

  "Kuz, you're the front of the company. Just get everyone over this darn tree or move it. I don't care, just get it done," I barked, giving out my first command. Huh, that felt more natural than I imagined. Maybe watching Regan as the Lord of his castle had inspired me. He did seem to bask in his role, and Danny definitely found it unbelievably sexy. I could tell from her fluttering eyelashes and the blushes on her cheek when she watched him at work.

  "And don't bother me with these things anymore," I huffed, spurring on Julian into a gallop that catapulted me smoothly in a graceful jump over the fallen tree.

  If they were going to treat me like their prince, I better should start acting like it. I gave Kuz a dismissive clack with my tongue as his horse effortlessly jumped over the obstacle and nudged him to continue on. I could wait and make sure that everyone got over safely. One by one, the other Riders followed their leader and continued their journey. They all gave me rather strange looks, but I didn't pay any attention to it. No, if they wanted to look funny at me, that was their business. I was just here to do what needed to be done for Danny, for my friends. They had a mad woman chasing them and a war that needed stopping, and they needed my help. I was the only one that could help them and I would. It was my duty, as Danny's lover, as a man. As their prince.

  I waved happily at Aspen and Ashleigh as they approached the tree. The two seemed lost in another of their typical bickers and as always, they tried to settle it with violence. Aspen pushed out his foot and tripped his sister. With a very loud and satisfying smooshing sound, she fell face-first into the swampy mud.

  "Aaaaaaspen!" she screeched, rising from the dirt as a swamp monster. She aimed a handful of dirt at her brother, but accidentally hit the cook.

  "For the love of all that is good and sacred, I will kill you!" he bellowed, pulling a cleaver from his belt as he ran into the direction of the projectile. "Who threw this!?"

  The riders scattered apart at the sight of the enraged butcher and all pointed shamelessly at the muddy woman.

  "You... You!"

  Ashleigh scrambled up from the ground and with a loud chuckle, darted away from the crazy cook. I held back a grin of my own as I remembered getting into trouble just like it when my brother and I stole food from the kitchens.

  "Come... back... you..." the butcher panted, holding his big belly as he aimlessly waved his cleaver in the air. Most of the knights didn't pay much attention to the little scene unfolding in front of the fallen tree and just hopped over it, quickly following Kuz like sheep.

  "It wasn't me, it was Aspen!" Ashleigh chanted, pointing at her brother climbing over the tree.

  The big man took a moment to catch his breath and groaned loudly as he climbed over the big tree with a surprising amount of ease.

  Aspen shrieked and quickly leapt over the tree. He pointed at his sister. "No, wasn't me. It was her!"

  The butcher hesitated for a moment, glaring at the twins. Almost as if he was trying to make up his mind who to blame. "I'll just come for the both of ya!"

  "No, not me, not me!" Ashleigh chanted as they scattered and jumped back over the tree.

  Surprisingly agile and fast, the butcher leapt after them with his cleaver. "Don't think I won't get ya, I've chased many chickens in my day!"

  "Bock, bock, bock," Aspen called, flapping his arms as if they were wings. They were definitely a handful, but they were amusing to watch. For certain.

  Danny passed over the tree and threw me a confused glance. She gestured to her friends and mouthed: "What's going on?"

  I shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure." I also didn't care anymore. Being next to Danny pretty much erased any other thought I had.

  "You're looking mighty fine on your horse," she smiled, her eyes gliding over me appraisingly.

  I puffed up my chest even bigger, although I knew I couldn't compete with Regan's shoulders. He really was one broad man and I couldn't really match up to that.

  Danny winked teasingly and spurred on her horse, galloping back into the line so she could join her husband. So much for that.

  "Y-You're looking a l-little d-distressed."

  I turned to find JP watching me as I watched Danny. Busted...

  "No, I'm not. Why would I be?" I lied, my cheeks colouring in shame.

  "B-Because t-they are s-such a perfect f-fit."

  "They are," I sighed, not unable to deny that. There was no denying it. Danny and Regan were made for each other, in a way that no unmated pair could understand.

  "She has a b-big heart, y-you know." JP adjusted the strap of his coat and smiled at me. "She likes y-you."

  I bit my jealousy away and nodded. I knew she did, she'd definitely made her intentions towards me clear. But I didn't want to be some fun on the side, I wanted to be one of her men. Equal to the other two, but how could I be? I was secondary to Regan, I'd always be secondary to him. Nobody could challenge a first bond and that was just a fact.

  With a bitter taste in my mouth, I turned away from JP's concerning eyes and looked back at the twins. They were still fleeing from the butcher as they pretended to be poultry. How nice and carefree of them. They must not know the agony of not being able to mate the person you wanted to mate.

  Aspen imitated a rooster and narrowly dodged the swinging cleaver. But the broad grin on his face made it pretty clear that he didn't care. He was having too much fun.

  How annoying. And not just that, they were holding up the line. I jutted Julian and trotted to the cook. Mud splattered against his legs, but I didn't care.

  "That's enough," I growled, irrationally annoyed at their spat.

  "Those two rascals need punishing!" he gurgled, his face red in anger.

  "I said enough!" I bellowed, my voice much harsher than I intended it to be. The butcher frowned, but didn't protest any longer.

  Aspen grinned and clapped his hands. "Now that was impressive, your Highness."

  "Stop it," I snapped, not in the mood to play around. "You're holding up the line."

  He narrowed his eyes and frowned. "Woah, my apologies. Your Highness.” Before I could apologise, he threw his sword over his shoulder and beckoned to Ashleigh. “Let’s go, Lee-Lee.”

  “Don’t call me that!”

  Bickering like they always did, the twins threw me a dirty glance and followed the rest of the procession. I sighed and sank a little into my horse. Being a figure of power never suited me, at all. There was a reason I left my place next to the throne and scoured the land like a vagabond. The rogue life suited me a lot better. Being on my own was what I did best.

  I traced the parade until I found the familiar head of red hair. Yes, being on my own was what I did best. Until I met Danny. Until I fell in love with her and decided to follow her wherever she went. Even if that meant facing her crazy friend and going back home to do what I’d been avoiding for the past years.


  I could do that for her. I would do that for her. And nothing, nobody would stop me. Not Chesca, not the scattered clans, not my father, and
certainly not Lara.

  Dread settled into my stomach as I thought back about the woman I left at the Keep. There was no way she’d have left her position. No way on earth.

  I glanced at Danny again and gulped audibly. I should warn her, let her know what was waiting for us. But did I really want to? Did I really want to tell her about Lara and why I really left my name behind?


  JP really was everywhere. He was the most attentive person I’d ever met and always managed to catch me at the right moment. Yes, I liked him a lot. I could tell why Danny loved him.

  “Yes, JP?”

  “J-Just be y-you.”

  I narrowed my eyes, wondering what he was getting it. “What do you mean?”

  His lips curled up in one of his mysterious smiles. “Y-You know.” With a strange glint in his eyes, he spurred on his horse and joined Danny and Regan at the front of the procession. Even without a wolf, with no claim to Danny’s heart, he was carefree and frivolous. He didn’t care about mating bonds or wolves. All he knew was Danny and the love they shared.

  Regan patted him on the shoulder and I stared at them. They were comrades and they had Danny’s back. Together.

  And Danny loved them equally. The time I spent with them all had made that very clear.

  Maybe someday, someday I’d get on equal footing with those two. Somehow. Maybe.

  Julian neighed and trampled his hooved impatiently into the mud. I beckoned Lance and he came running, practically tripping over his own two clumsy feet.

  “Yes, my Pr— I mean, prince Darren?”

  With a sigh, I decided to let this one slip. I didn’t want to waste more time arguing about names and titles.

  “Make sure everyone gets over the tree safely, Lance.”

  His eyes glimmered and he bowed so deeply, I bet he could smell the mud at his feet. “Of course, your highness. Certainly, your highness.”

  As a last attempt, I patted him on the shoulder. “Just Darren, Lance.” I spurred on my horse and joined the front of the parade. Danny’s laugh found my ears and she threw her long hair over her shoulder, a gesture I had come to love.


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