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The Collection (Volume 3): Another 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

Page 9

by Caitlyn Norrel

  Selena winced as she felt the redhead’s fingernails rake against her flesh, but she continued to pound away at Breanna’s cunt mercilessly. Selena came again and again as she attacked her rival’s pussy relentlessly with her own, but the redhead’s screams told her she had already won.

  Tears streamed down Breanna’s face as her enemy fucked her body helplessly on the cold stone floor. The redhead’s form was so drained of energy that she could barely move, and as she screamed and cried she could do nothing but suffer the brunette’s cruel violations.

  “What’s the matter bitch?” Selena cackled victoriously. “After all that talk, I thought you’d be better than this!” She spat wetly into the redhead’s glistening face, grinning maliciously when her enemy failed to respond. “Why Daren would even look at a little slut like you is beyond me!”

  “Please…” Breanna panted desperately, but the redhead’s cries only seemed to drive the brunette to fuck even harder. The redhead’s eyes grew wide in pain as her former friend continued to pound away at her body. “Please, God damn it! You win! Let me go, please!”

  “Who’s the better woman?” Selena demanded venomously. She continued to fuck the redhead viciously as she cackled; her rival’s helplessness was the most gratifying thing she had ever witnessed. “Who’s the better woman, you clit-licking slut!”

  Selena watched as Breanna opened her mouth to respond, and immediately seized her chance. Before the redhead could get even a single word out the brunette lurched forward, forcing her glistening pussy fully across the redhead’s mouth.

  Breanna gave a muffled scream as the brunette’s sex filled her lips. Her eyes widened as the flow of air was cut off, and she clawed and scraped at Selena’s naked body wildly; but the brunette rode Breanna’s face like a bull. She smothered her rival, glaring down at the redhead spitefully. She grimaced as her rival’s claws dug viciously into her flesh, but she kept her cunt plastered across the redhead’s mouth in a spray of primal victory.

  The redhead desperately struggled to break away, but the lack of oxygen made her attack on the other woman’s flesh weaker and weaker. Her vision began to grow dark; and the last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was the brunette’s snarling face, glaring down at her with her dazzling green eyes.

  Selena felt Breanna’s struggling body grow limp, and as the redhead’s arms dropped from the brunette’s tender, reddened flesh, she raised her ass from her former friend’s lips. She took her rival by her crimson tresses, using her unconscious nemesis’s hair to clean her flesh of the arousal that stained her gorgeous thighs.

  Dirty, nasty thoughts circled around Selena’s mind as she stood. She glared down on Breanna’s naked form, admiring how the redhead’s smooth, voluptuous breasts rose and fell with her shallow breath. She eyed her enemy’s cunt hungrily…then shook her head and looked around the barren cavern.

  She spied the Pendant of Lucifina deep within the shadows, glowing dimly against the blackened wall. The golden chain felt warm against the palm of her hand, and as she moved towards the pile of cum-stained leather clothes, she glanced back at her fallen rival lustfully.

  She shook her head a second time, reaching instead into the pocket of her leather jacket. She pulled out a cellphone and put it to her ear, and as she heard the click of the receiver on the other end, her voice echoed through the caverns.

  “I have the Pendant.” Selena stated, taking her clothes in her hands and walking towards the staircase. She listened to the voice on the phone as it directed her towards the drop point; the heads of Losaria felt it best not to bring the pendant directly to headquarters…just in case Breanna wasn’t the only traitor.

  Rain still pelted down from the cold, black sky as Selena walked out of the ruins. She glanced up at the clouds, closing her eyes as she let the tears of the storm run across her naked body. The cool water felt refreshing against her tender flesh, and she allowed herself a few seconds of ecstasy as she let the accomplishment of her bitterest victory wash over her.

  “Rodger.” Selena whispered, then glanced back to the ruins. “You should be quick…the traitor won’t stay unconscious for long.” She listened to her commander for several seconds, then smiled. “You should send Daren for this one…I think he might want his whore back.”

  She ended the call, then threw her clothes in her motorcycle’s satchel. She glanced back towards the sky, then straddled her motorcycle gracefully and started the engine. Her ride came alive with a benevolent roar, humming against her tender flesh as if trying to lessen her injuries. She glanced towards the dark horizon, then revved the engine and sped away. The landscape passed by her in the darkness, and the cool wind blew her tresses in waves behind her.

  Despite the events that had just transpired, she felt an unnatural calm wash over her. Now that she had shown that little redhead bitch who the better woman truly was, she could focus solely on the mission. She headed west towards the drop point; with any luck, she would make it there by daybreak.

  In the Master’s Bedroom

  Mia and Myra looked deeply into one another’s eyes, both women gazing into each other’s soft hazel orbs with a mixture of admiration and anger. The two women stood at nearly the same height, and their massive chests rose and fell in unison as they breathed. The sexual tension between them had finally broken; and now that they stood face to face, the two girls marveled at how evenly matched they seemed to be.

  Their light chestnut skin seemed flawless, and looked soft to the touch. Long, dark tresses framed two beautiful faces; and their bare, slender shoulders framed curves that seemed even in almost every respect. Their plush girl-lips were held tight in a determined sneer as the two Indian beauties looked each other up and down.

  They held one another’s spiteful gaze as each woman slowly took in the scent of the other’s perfume. Their quiet breathing echoed around them, and both women imagined how sweet her rival’s cries of desperation would sound. Thin, sleeveless dresses of the finest silk were draped across their skin; but both women had a sneaking suspicion that the fabric would soon be stripped away.

  Their lavish surroundings seemed fitting. The two women stood barely a foot apart in the bedchamber of Kishen, the eldest son of one of the most prominent families in India. Both women had been servants in the household; but soon their beauty had caught the eye of the eldest son. For months both women had been bed by their master, and until recently both had believed them to be the only woman for Kishen. They had even heard whisperings of the eldest son’s plans to marry a beautiful brunette servant, and both women believed it to be her; but their convictions were shattered the moment the two girls had set eyes upon each other.

  At first, Kishen had been discrete; no promises of loyalty had ever been spoken, but for nearly two months neither woman had even been aware of the other’s presence. Both girls felt their bodies tense with anger as the memory of their initial meeting flooded back to them; a moment that had been etched into their visions since.

  Myra had been leaving Kishen’s bedchambers after a night of furious, passionate sex at exactly the same time Mia had been arriving. The meeting had been short, but bitter; and both women could feel their fists clenching in hatred as they remembered that fateful night.

  Mia had just been about to knock on her master’s door when Myra had opened it. The two women had locked eyes almost immediately, and a surprised gasp had escaped their lips as they glanced across one another’s form. Neither woman even bothered to exchange words; one look at their revealing attire had given them all the information they needed no know.

  Mia had worn a flowing nightgown that showed off all the right curves, and her perfume had practically screamed eroticism. Myra’s body had been clothed by nothing but a lavish bath towel, and her hair was still damp from the spray of Kishen’s shower. Each girl had given a faint hiss of challenge as they stood facing each other in the master’s doorway; and without a moment of hesitation the two had dropped the cloth from their bodies.

nbsp; Myra and Mia had given one another a second hiss as they stared across each other’s perfect, naked forms. Each girl tried to convince herself that her body was more beautiful; but the longer they stood against each other, the angrier they got. The two naked women had nearly tossed their bodies against each other then and there; but when Kishen’s voice echoed from the bedroom, the two had forced their rage beneath the surface.

  Their master had offered no explanation, and no denial. He had kissed Myra passionately on the lips in front of Mia, thanking her and telling her goodnight; then he had taken Mia gently by the hand before the other woman had left, leading her affectionately into the bedroom and locking the door behind him.

  Neither woman had been able to shake the emotions caused by that night. They had stood naked before each other for such a small period of time, probably for no longer than a few seconds; but the tension had made their meeting feel like a lifetime. To make matters worse, they now noticed each other everywhere around the massive estate; and the two brunettes that had never even been aware of one another’s existence now seemed unable to escape each other’s presence.

  For the next several weeks the two gorgeous servants seemed to compete against one another discretely. Skirts would get shorter and shorter as each girl showed off more and more of her gorgeous thighs with every passing day. Scissors would be taken to their own outfits, showing of their lithe, perfectly toned bodies and breasts.

  Each girl would occasionally catch the other staring at her gorgeous body; and as their eyes would lock the two would mouth bitter insults silently. Eventually Mia and Myra could take it no longer, and they had nearly torn into each other in the middle of their master’s lavish study. They had felt like they were alone; but before either woman could attack, Kaniz the maid hurriedly stepped in. Both women feared she would tell the master of their jealous acts, but instead the maid had an idea; and it was one that had sent shivers down their spines.

  Kaniz had led them silently into Kishen’s bedroom. She could tell as soon as Mia and Myra stepped into the chamber that the erotic memories of their nights with the master were flowing back to them. As she locked the door behind them she turned, and watched with bated breath as the two gorgeous women stared each other down.

  The maid listened to the two beautiful brunettes hiss at one another in Hindi, their vehement words barely audible as they argued beneath their breath. It had seemed just too perfect to let these women settle their differences in the middle of their master’s bedchamber; and as she watched their gorgeous faces twist in bitter anger, she could tell that the question of which girl gave her master more pleasure hung heavily in the air.

  “You little bitch!” Mia hissed with a menacing sneer. “Back away now, before I leave your pathetic body broken! We both know I’m the better woman here!”

  “Fuck you, slut!” Myra growled back, looking the other woman up and down before laughing haughtily. “There’s no way an ugly little skank like you could catch Kishen’s eye!” She spat heavily into Mia’s face, grinning as her gorgeous counterpart coiled from the advancement. “I’m the better woman, you stupid—”

  A deafening smack echoed throughout the room as Mia’s palm connected violently with the other brunette’s cheek in an open handed slap. The impact drove the rest of Myra’s words from her mouth, and her fingertips shot to her reddened cheek in shock. The adrenaline drove all inhibitions from Myra’s form; and as she glared at the other woman hatefully, she knew she would have to teach this bitch a lesson.

  “Shut your mouth, you fucking cunt!” Mia growled; and she couldn’t keep a thrill of satisfaction from shooting through her body as Myra’s glare of pain and disgust met her own. Mia spat wetly against the other brunette’s face, grinning maliciously as she watched a flash of rage shoot through her rival’s gorgeous eyes. “Kishen is mine, and you have no right—”

  The words were torn from Mia’s voice as Myra’s hand whipped through the air, catching the other brunette in a wicked slap that echoed through the room. As Mia brought her hand quickly to her cheek she could feel the warmth caused from the impact spreading across her skin; and as the two brunette babes glared deeply into one another’s eyes, they knew immediately that words were useless.

  Kaniz watched in awe as the two gorgeous mistresses set into each other almost immediately. Neither woman defended herself as they took turns slapping one another’s beautiful face with vicious hatred. Quiet cries of pain escaped their mouths with every impact, but the attacks seemed to come harder and harder as the seconds wore on. Every slap seemed stronger than the last; and as their cheeks grew redder and redder with every blow, their cries of anger and pain grew shrill.

  After what felt like the hundredth strike sent her face to the side, Myra gave an angry screech. She grabbed the other brunette’s wrist before Mia could react, then sent another furious slap across her rival’s cheek. Mia grabbed Myra’s arm immediately after the impact sounded through the room, then pulled hard. Myra stumbled forward clumsily; but not before mirroring Mia’s maneuver.

  The two women crushed body to body in the center of the bedroom, each girl uttering a primal grunt as she felt the other’s clothed breasts jab violently into her own. The sensation of another woman’s tits challenging her own was maddening; but as each woman glared deeply into the other’s glistening eyes, they forced their bodies to hold their ground.

  For several moments the two Indian beauties silently took in the sensation of one another’s sexual forms pressing together, and their chests rose and fell in unison as they panted heavily into each other’s faces. Their tender cheeks had been stimulated to a deep shade of red, and a single tear of pain and rage caressed both women’s flawless, tanned skin.

  “You stupid bitch!” Myra panted, forcing the pain from her voice. She had traded slaps with female rivals before; but never one who had gone more than a few exchanges. Despite the stinging that pulsed through her cheek, she had always found these bitter slapfights to be strangely arousing; and as their faces lay just inches apart, she had to fight off the urge to take the other woman’s lips in her teeth.

  “Fucking slut!” Mia replied. Despite the pain that coursed through her reddened cheeks, the adrenaline that flowed through her veins was throwing her desires into overdrive. She could feel Myra’s sweet breath against her skin as they panted against each other, and it took every ounce of self-control to not bite the face of her gorgeous rival.

  Mia could feel Myra’s massive breasts compressed against her own; and as she stood against the other gorgeous woman, she pressed forward lightly. It wasn’t much, just enough for the challenge to be perceivable; and when she felt Myra’s responding pressure, she couldn’t keep a thrill of sexual excitement from coursing through her veins.

  Myra’s heartbeat quickened as her chest rose and fell against her rival’s, and her mind raced with dirty thoughts as the primal sensation coursed through her skin. Just thinking about what she wanted to do to this other woman’s body was pushing her vicious desires over the edge. She held the other woman’s gaze with confidence; but as the seconds of silence between them grew, she could feel her nipples hardening from the tension.

  Mia and Myra each took a second step forward, and the two Indian beauties gave a quiet gasp as their dense titflesh finally came into contact. Their eyes left one another briefly as the two gorgeous girls glanced down at their warring breasts. Each woman’s fantastic cleavage quivered against the other’s in a beautiful display of power; and as their tits seemed to compress in a virtual stalemate, each girl could feel the other’s stiffened nipples digging into her skin through the fabrics of their dresses.

  Kaniz watched with awe as the two women before her pressed their gorgeous bodies against each other in defiant challenge. Slowly the two warring brunettes shifted their hands, each woman carefully interlocking her slender fingers with the other’s tightly. As they dug their nails into the skin behind each other’s knuckled they pressed forward again; and the maid felt a thrill
of arousal shock between her legs as she saw Mia’s lips slowly graze against Myra’s.

  For several long moments the two gorgeous girls struggled silently in the center of the bedroom. They held one another’s arms wide, pressing viciously against each other in a sort of mock crucifix. Each could feel the other’s sweet breath directly upon her lips as they panted heavily, bodies wrestling in a virtual stalemate.

  Each woman gave a silent cry of desperation as they pressed in harder. Their bodies rocked back and forth as they struggled, neither woman able to gain an advantage within their sweaty mass. Slowly they lowered one another’s hands to their sides, giving their struggling breasts even greater leverage; but still neither woman could feel a weakness in the other’s grasp.

  “You little bitch!” Mia panted, pressing against her rival as hard as she could. Her lips rubbed gently against Myra’s as she spoke, but both women knew there was no compassion within their soft caress. She knew if the two of them were to lock lips, it would be only to prove which one of them was the better kisser. Each girl saw the gleam in the other’s eyes, and knew they both wanted to have a taste of the other’s sweet saliva.

  “Stupid cunt!” Myra growled, barely able to make her words heard over their combined, panting breath. Both women were strained against each other with all of their might, bodies completely even in their muscular strength. Their fantastic breasts struggled between their gorgeous, toned bodies, and the beautiful tension between them was causing their nipples to grow stiff with excitement. Their eyes were locked with fiery passion; and as each girl became more and more aware of the other’s stiff rods jabbing into her skin through their dresses, each woman secretly wondered what the other’s bare flesh would feel like pressed against her own.


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