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Voyage To Submission

Page 6

by Mlyn Hurn

  She knew it was not a wise choice, but old habits die hard. In times of stress, she usually started writing. Only this time…maybe it was being in a strange place, or facing old friends—she wasn’t sure why her usual methods weren’t working. Of course, she could have puttered about, tried writing or even sleeping to stop the desire. But she knew just as surely as she recognized her face when she saw it reflected in the reflective glass behind the bar, nothing else would work tonight. A few minutes later, she hung up the phone and settled back on the sofa to wait.

  * * * * *

  Jack opened the door to his side of the double cabin. According to the travel agent, it was really a “deluxe balcony” not a cabin. And there certainly was a lot more glass to look out of than just a porthole. Stepping into the room, he realized he wasn’t alone. At the far end of the room, sitting on the small sofa, Ray watched television. From the look on his friend’s face, Jack figured his friend’s evening hadn’t gone as he’d hoped either. “Hey, Ray. I thought you’d be across the hallway, sharing that half-empty cabin with Gayle.”

  Ray glared at Jack, took another sip of beer, and then turned back to the screen. “So did I.”

  “You fought?” Jack tossed his suit jacket on the nearest twin bed. As Ray nodded, Jack asked him another question. “Got any more of those?”

  Ray lifted the hand holding the beer and pointed to the refrigerator on the other side of the television stand. Jack pulled out one and twisted off the cap. Taking two long swigs, he sat beside Ray because other than the desk chair, there wasn’t any place left to sit. Immediately he compared the room to Andy’s suite. God! They were as different as night and day.

  “Everything seemed great at dinner. What did you guys fight about?” Jack asked after a few more swallows of cold lager.

  “You and Andy, and before you say anything else, damn it all, it was my fault. I was being Mr. Sensitive and listening to Gayle prattle on and on about Andy this and so on…well, I screwed up. I brought up the night in your room as a sign of your concern for her baby pigeon.”

  “So? You said she was fine with it once you explained everything,” Jack shook his head and took another deep swallow of the cold beer. This evening just wasn’t going the way he’d planned in the least.

  “Well, thinking it would help, I told her something else…and she, uhm, didn’t follow my logic.”

  “What did you tell her, Ray?”

  “Remember how we used to joke about our nicknames? I was doc and Mark was the professor.”

  “Sure. Danny was bean-counter and Tony called himself playboy.” Jack chuckled softly. “He didn’t like the name we gave him.”

  “Maybe, but more likely Tony didn’t like it was you we called playboy.”

  Jack shook his head. “You never called me that.”

  “We did.” Ray shrugged. “We knew you wouldn’t like it so we would call you J.D.”

  “Just when I was around, otherwise it was playboy? Great!” Jack leaned his head back against the wall behind the small sofa. “So finish the story.”

  “All right. I finally told Gayle to quit worrying because playboy would never hurt anyone deliberately, let alone—”

  Ray’s voice trailed away so Jack turned to look at his friend. The truth was written on doc’s face.

  “You didn’t Ray, did you? Remember I made you all swear to never use that term again after spring break. You promised me, Ray, as my best friend since grade school.”

  Ray stood and walked to the far end of the stateroom, standing in front of the entrance. “I’m sorry, damn it! It slipped out. I had too damned much champagne. God, I don’t know. So, now I’m cast out and I’ll probably end up sharing the queen-size bed with Danny.”

  Jack watched as his friend turned and lightly banged his head against the wall. Damn! Nothing about the first night aboard this so-called pleasure cruise of their lifetime was going very well. Standing, he went to the refrigerator again and pulled out two beers. He held one out to Ray as he walked towards him. The room was small enough for Ray to reach out and grab it as Jack sat on the edge of the first twin bed. He watched as his friend twisted off the cap and took a sip. Shaking his head, he dropped back to lie on the bed.

  “Why are we drinking alone in this tiny room?” Ray asked a few seconds later.

  Jack lifted his head to look at his friend. Had he gone crazy? Early “old-timers”? “Because you opened your big mouth to Gayle. Did you at least get her to promise she wouldn’t tell the others?”

  “She laughed in my face and gave me the speech about how she thought she knew me, but now that I’ve kept a secret from her for all these years…yada yada yada.” Ray stood and began walking the short distance between the door and balcony. He paced a few times as he continued speaking. “That’s when I left. Why are you here? How come you aren’t down winning another fortune in the casino or looking for a sweet companion in the bar?”

  Jack opened his mouth to reply when a tapping at the door stopped him.

  Ray turned and opened the door.

  A second later, he saw Ray fall back against the wall as Gayle sailed in right past him. Her gaze landed on him. She tilted her head slightly, looking down her nose. He was pretty damned sure it was contempt he saw in her expression. Once again, he felt like he was the dog shit on another unhappy person’s shoes. Hell!

  Sitting up slowly, he lifted his bottle towards Gayle. “Salute, Gayle. Did you come for some more sharing with Ray? He’s pretty bummed at having to sleep with Danny tonight.”

  Gayle folded her arms, looking at Jack and then Ray. “Yes, well…stop distracting me. Where is Andy?”

  “She’s in her suite. I assumed she went to bed.”

  “Take me to her then. I want to talk to her.”

  Ray came to stand beside Gayle. “Why don’t we call her, sweetheart? You can use the phone here.”

  Jack watched as Gayle glared at her lover. The two of them had been off and on since college. He had little doubt this minor disagreement would blow over like all their tiffs. “Sure, Gayle, call her,” he added a moment later.

  “I tried already. Her phone is on ‘no-call’ until morning. I must speak to her as soon as possible.”

  “I doubt she is in the mood to hear any of this crap tonight,” Jack muttered softly.

  “I would never tell her what creeps you guys were in college. It’s bad enough I’ve had to learn what complete assholes you all were. How dare you call her that?” Gayle asked, nearly shouting, disbelief evident in her tone. After a short pause, she asked Jack a question. “What did you do to her?”

  “I didn’t do anything, as you are implying. I’m sure she was going to bed after I escorted her back to her cabin.”

  Gayle flopped down on the other bed. “Why are you back here then? I thought the goal for you guys was to ‘bag as many babes’ as possible.”

  Jack lifted his gaze towards Ray. “Good Lord, Ray, is there anything you haven’t told her?”

  Gayle smiled and patted the mattress beside her.

  Ray sat, gratitude to be back in her good graces evident on his face.

  “Pillow talk, Jack. Now, I’ve got an idea. You two put on your pajamas—” She stopped at the appalled look on the men’s faces. “Geez, you guys! Pretend and just put on something that will pass as pjs and a robe. If anyone asks, we’re just taking a last-minute stroll. Well, what are you waiting for? Change!”

  Jack stood. “At least turn around, Madam Dictator. I don’t want you telling everyone I’m fast and loose.”

  Gayle stood and walked over to the glass door leading to the small balcony. “Wouldn’t you like to boast on your first night of the cruise a woman saw you naked?”

  Jack groaned as he started to move off the bed. “Why haven’t you drowned her yet?”

  “Because he loves me, Jack.”

  She started to turn to add something when both men yelled. “Hey! Eyes front!”

  Twenty minutes later, they stood outside the impressi
ve double doors to the Balmoral suite. Gayle rapped her knuckles on the door loudly.

  “If these doors are any indication, this must be some cabin.” Ray looked around them, and then down the long hallway.

  “We have staterooms, darling,” Gayle reminded him gently.

  As the door opened, all three turned to smile at Andy. Instead, there was a tall, dark-haired man dressed in silk pajamas, slippers and a monogrammed robe, all in deep, rich burgundy and hunter green. From head to toe, he looked like the gentleman’s magazine ideal for a pajama model that was worth a million bucks.

  Gayle was the first to speak, a grin spreading across her face. “Wow! Talk about trading up.”

  Chapter Four

  Not too much earlier, in the crew’s quarters—

  The phone rang twice before it was answered.

  “Hey, Rick, good buddy, did you forget to sign out?” The voice on the phone asked, more joking than serious.

  Richard Henderson the fourth closed the leather-bound book he’d been reading. “I haven’t signed off, David. What are you talking about?”

  “The kitchen called the night-duty desk to see what the problem was.”

  “David, stop stringing this out and just tell me what you need.” Rick made no effort to keep his frustration out of his tone.

  “You must have pissed off the ritzy lady paying for your lone ranger ride in the Balmoral, friend. She just called room service, instead of ringing the night desk.”

  Rick came to his feet immediately. Once he’d left Ms. Bond, he had assumed she retired for the night. He’d also gotten the distinct impression the gentleman with her planned on sharing her bed. Over the last fourteen years, he’d seen all kinds of wealthy people occupying the largest and most expensive suites on this cruise line. None of his passengers had ever complained about his work service, which was one of the main reasons he’d been promoted when this newest ship had come off the production line last year.

  He was fourth-generation English butler and very proud of his history and his work. After attending the prestigious school in London, he could have had any number of posts considering whom his father worked for. Instead he’d decided to travel and see the world. The money was good, he had a bed at his parents’ house for vacations if need be and he enjoyed what he did. David’s voice caught his attention again.

  “So I’ll deliver this but I’ll need you to turn your call button over to the night desk now.”

  “No thanks, David. Tell the kitchen to prepare whatever it is, and I’ll be down in less than five minutes to pick it up.”

  Seven minutes later, Rick waited quietly for the elevator doors to slide open for the Balmoral Suite. A soft, deliberate ding sounded. Alerting guests of the suite that the elevator was arriving, it could be turned off. Stepping into the living room of the suite, he was surprised to find it partially lit.

  “Oh! Hello!” A soft feminine voice called out.

  Immediately, he recognized the voice as belonging to Ms. Bond. Rick’s head turned and he saw her seated on a chair she’d pulled to a few feet in front of the double doors, which led into the suite. She stood though, as soon as she saw him.

  “I called room service because I didn’t want to disturb you.” Andy smiled. “I figured you’d be sound asleep.”

  Rick smiled in return, shaking his head. “I knew there was the reason,” he spoke half under his breath. Talking louder, he continued. “Aboard ship your butler service, namely me, or the night staff if I sign out to them, takes care of these things for you. I serve as your link to the other services.”

  “Damn and I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t get anyone in trouble.”

  “Not at all, Ms. Bond. Leave the chair, miss and I’ll get it. Where would you like to eat this?”

  Andy sighed and crossed to the deep, rounded sofa. She plopped down in the middle, crossing her legs Indian-style, and then rearranging her robe to cover her legs.

  Rick set down the sterling silver tray and then spread a large, crisply ironed and folded white linen napkin across her lap. “I apologize we were unable to fulfill your request exactly, but I had them put three large scoops of the best kinds of chocolate ice creams we have into this bowl.” He handed her a shining silver bowl piled high, with one spoon. “I’ll be happy to go back for more if you wish.”

  There was no missing the flush that flooded the lovely woman’s cheeks. Dressed in the golden peignoir set, she was very attractive. Straightening, he stepped a foot backwards, moving to the shorter side of the coffee table. He was too much of a professional to ever become involved with a passenger, but there was something about this one that was different. The fact she so obviously was not used to this kind of living, endeared her to him. She seemed fragile—

  “Why don’t you join me, Mr. Henderson? I see you brought another spoon.”

  “I always bring an extra, in case the first one is dropped.”

  Andy took a bite of the ice cream.

  He watched as she closed her eyes for a moment, obviously savoring the taste.

  She then pointed the spoon at him. It moved slightly with each word, as if to further enunciate her words. “Smart thinking, Mr. Hen…uhm, Henderson. Can I call you by your first name, since I’m not supposed to use mister?”

  “If you prefer, miss. My first name is Richard, but I tend to answer better to Rick.”

  “Nice name and totally British. Actually, I think it’s a good name for a hero. A good name is strong, short…two syllables or less is preferred, with one being best and it should have a strong masculine tone. So, you see Rick is good, as are John, Robert, or Mike.” She stopped and pointed at the extra spoon. “Please join me or I’ll feel like such a glutton.”

  Reluctantly, Rick picked up the spoon and took a small bite of the ice cream. Surprisingly, he found it pretty tasty. When Andy patted the sofa, he perched on the edge and joined her in a second spoonful.

  “Are you married? I didn’t see a ring.”

  He was swallowing when she spoke again. Coughing, Rick recovered quickly. He’d never had a passenger inquire about his personal life. Shaking his head a little, hopefully to get some sense into it, he then answered. “No, I’m not married.”

  “You’ve got a fiancée, or you’re very close to popping the question.”

  Rick sputtered this time. “How did you know that?”

  Andy grinned and pointed the spoon again. “Simple.” She passed the bowl to him to hold. One finger popped up as she spoke. “You are a good-looking man. In most circles, I bet you’d pass for buff and stud.”

  Rick watched as she wiggled her eyebrows at him. He barely contained his laughter.

  “Two is you’re straight,” she finished.

  “Wait, how do you know that?”

  “Women know…unless they lie to themselves. And I picked up a definite heterosexual vibe from you earlier.”

  “I apologize if you feel that—” he said quickly.

  “It’s nothing you did towards me. Let me see…two was straight. Three is that you appear to be fastidious so I doubt you are a cruising Casanova.”

  Rick handed her the bowl and then reached over for another spoonful as he considered her words. “You seem pretty good at this. Are you a private detective?”

  Andy laughed. “No, but if I tell you what I do, you’ll have to promise to keep it a secret.”

  “Of course,” he said, straightening his spine. “I give you the word of an English butler, ma’am.”

  “You know what would be good with this?” Andy asked quickly.

  She surprised him by the change in subject so abruptly.

  “What?” Rick asked, thinking this was definitely one of the oddest things he’d ever done at a passenger’s request. It would definitely go down as one of his top ten oddest passenger encounters.

  Andy was already pushing the bowl at him once more before she scrambled to her feet. Behind the bar, she began opening cabinets.

  A knock at the suite’s front door stopp
ed them both for a second.

  “It’s probably David checking up on me.” Rick spoke as he set down the bowl and crossed to the front doors. “He is the guy serving the night shift.” Holding the spoon in one hand, he opened the door.

  Andy nodded as she continued looking for something she’d seen earlier. Most likely, the people who usually stayed in a suite like this would be interested in champagne and unpronounceable wines. Then she spied the squat black glass bottle with the signature gold paper. Jumping up, she spun and danced her way to the entryway. “I found it!”

  Immediately, she saw his fellow butler had not joined Rick. Rather Jack had returned, bringing Gayle and Ray with him. And quite amazingly she noted lastly, they were all dressed in their pajamas and robes. She met Rick’s gaze and saw his concern there. Instinctively, she shrugged and lowered the bottle. Taking a deep breath, Andy realized that everyone had gone from looking at Rick, to staring at her. As a person who always avoided being the center of attention, she felt a heated flush cover her cheeks. With false bravado to disguise the sudden rush of insecurity, she spoke loudly. “I see we have guests, Henderson. We’re going to need more spoons!”

  * * * * *

  Andy cursed loudly as she turned over in bed. She realized the curtains had been opened and the gentle breeze blew in. Rolling over, she saw Rick, once again perfectly attired in his black suit, carrying a tray in her direction.

  “Good morning, Miss. I’ve brought you some tea. Would you care to have breakfast on the upper deck or the lower?”

  Andy pulled up the sheet over her head. “What time is it?”


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