Voyage To Submission

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Voyage To Submission Page 21

by Mlyn Hurn

  * * * * *

  Jack held Andy in his arms. After they had made love, he rearranged them in the bed, moving Andy’s limp body easily. He removed her chains after he stripped off his clothes, setting the gold on the bedside table on his side.

  Lying with her now, he admitted the strength of his response surprised him. He’d had a few D/s encounters, and not once had he lost control like tonight with Andy.

  When they started this charade, he’d made a simple plan in his head. If Andy were agreeable, he’d proceed, explaining different submissive expectations, and subsequent disciplines if disobeyed or ignored. But then that damned Waldron had shown up, asking for inspection privileges. He had been ready to spit, and then fight. As a gentleman, he agreed. A part of him wanted Andy to refuse, but she had not. At the time, he wondered if she completely understood how far it could go, but a look into her face, and he had guessed that she did. God only knew what he would have done if the Duke had touched her intimately.

  Hell! The minute he had her remove the breastplates of her outfit, he had regretted it. Maybe at some point he might be willing to share her beauty with others, but not now.

  Then when it had come time to actually strike Andy, he’d been torn. If he spanked her, and she hated it, there was a good chance she’d reject him, as well. There was also the risk that she’d love it and want even more. The truth was he’d never been into the pain thing so much as the role-playing and mind game. But when it came down to it being Andy on his lap, everything had suddenly changed and taken on a new meaning.

  When he’d entered her, he had almost stopped to grab a condom. Then he had thought that perhaps if she did get pregnant, they would stay together, and he had come to realize this is what he wanted. Andy in his life would complete his world. A pregnant Andy, while occurring a little sooner than what would fit his plan, he would accept wholeheartedly. He liked the idea of her belly growing round and her hips widening once more.

  Closing his eyes, he merged the old image of Andy, soft and plump, with a newer ideal, where she had a round belly and full breasts. In fact, it turned him on to think about making love to her. It would almost be like loving her back in college, which he’d longed to do so many times. Of course, the fantasy of taking her doggie style got him hard again.



  For the first time in his life, it felt right. He didn’t feel the need to run away. Instead he imagined holding a baby in his arms. It was even easier to see Andy breastfeeding his child. A few moments passed before he realized that in his fantasy, Andy was plump like she used to be. Pausing, he considered it, but he knew he loved her, regardless of her size. Now that he had her in his life, none of it mattered. What did was how they were going to find a way to be together? He was willing to do just about anything to be with her.

  Anything short of murder or a crime, anyway. It always surprised him in books and movies how people would do just those things to be with someone. Don’t they get it? The cops always win, what with DNA and all the forensic stuff these days. So, they’ll never be together anyway!

  With a big grin, Jack settled further down in the bed. It wasn’t too long before he fell asleep.

  * * * * *

  Jack was up early, which surprised him. He showered, shaved and Andy still slept. Going downstairs in the trousers from his tuxedo, he called Henderson to arrange a sumptuous breakfast for them. He went out on the balcony to wait for the butler to arrive with the food. As long as Andy slept, he’d let her go. Then he would tell her the slave thing was over and it was time to discuss the future. They had only one night to go on the cruise, and then it was over. He couldn’t let her walk down the gangplank and back out of his life.

  “Good morning, sir,” Henderson called out from the living room. “Would you like breakfast out there, or in here?”

  “It’s a little breezy, so we should probably stay inside.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Jack watched as Henderson set the food on the small table. He was just deciding to have a cup of coffee before he woke Andy when Henderson turned to hand him a cup of hot, steaming black coffee.

  “Would you like cream or sugar, sir?” Henderson asked.

  “No, thanks. Black is perfect.”

  “Coffee, coffee, coffee! Whatever happened to good old tea?”

  Both men turned to see Andy coming down the stairs as she shared her opinion. “Good morning, gentlemen,” she added, greeting them both.

  “Good morning, Andy! I was going to let you sleep a little longer.” Jack came towards her, shifting his cup so he could hug her. She had pulled on a black and white nightgown and dressy robe. Jack thought she looked like an actress out of an old movie from the thirties.

  “Thank you, but I don’t want to sleep away the last day. Hello, Henderson! How are you today?” Andy asked as she took the chair Henderson had pulled out from the table.

  “I am quite fine, miss, and good morning to you, as well. I included a pot of tea for you, just in case.” Henderson poured her tea into a porcelain cup.

  “How am I going to survive without you, Rick?” Andy asked, laughing softly.

  “I’ll make tea for you the first morning,” Jack told her softly. He waited, wondering how Andy would reply. He was nervous about their future, and this was testing the way…quite possibly for both of them.

  “Sure, that’s just the first! I’m worried about the next hundred.” Andy put a bite of eggs into her mouth.

  “I’ll contract for the next ten thousand,” Jack offered, raising his voice enough to be sure she heard him. He knew she did by the way her fork paused on its return trip to her mouth.

  Her hand shook and the fork dropped the bite of egg upon it.

  Henderson set a plate in front of him, but Jack waited to see what Andy was going to do. Henderson added more coffee to Jack’s cup, and then unnecessarily added more tea to Andy’s. He made a disgusted sound and finally spoke. “The conversational ball is in your court, Andy, answer him!”

  Andy laughed. “Thank you, Henderson, and you can go, hopefully without any further comments.”

  “Obviously, they would not have the needed effect!” The elevator doors slid shut on Henderson’s last comment.

  Jack continued to stare at her, waiting for her to look at him. Surely, she would say something. She’d have to respond…right?

  Andy speared the dropped piece of egg with her fork, eating it quickly.

  “Andy? I want to talk about tomorrow.” Jack reached across the table and caught her hand in his before she could refill her fork.

  “You mean when we disembark? I hadn’t thought about it actually. I assumed everyone would be catching his or her own flight to wherever. Of course, we can exchange emails and phone numbers.”

  Jack released her hand slowly. “You’re joking, right?”

  “Well, relationships can develop under unusual circumstances, but they can’t survive in the normal world where the people live everyday. It just happens,” Andy finished, staring at her plate.

  “Sounds to me like you have everything all planned. What about today?” Jack prompted impatiently. “Your slave contract.”

  “Uh, yes. If you still want to, we can do that today.”

  Andy’s reply pissed him off even more.

  “You make it sound like I’m your dog, and you’ll play with me because you have nothing better to do,” Jack pointed out immediately. His anger was boiling over.

  “No, Jack. I just wasn’t sure if you still wanted to…to—” She paused, struggling for the right words.

  Jack interrupted. “Fool around? Play little games?”

  “Yes…no! That is not what I thought. You are confusing me, Jack!”

  “Forgive me!” Jack shoved back his chair as his impatience and anger got the best of him. He stared for several long moments. Turning, he walked across the room towards the suite’s entrance. He grabbed his tuxedo jacket as he did so. Only as he opened the door did he speak
again. “I’ll see you later, Andy.”

  Andy continued to eat her eggs and only realized she had tears on her cheeks when a drop landed on the table. Sniffling loudly, she wiped her nose on the back of her hand because she wasn’t going to use a linen napkin to do it! Standing, she walked over to where a tissue box was discreetly concealed. Blowing her nose loudly, she had no idea why she had reacted to Jack like she had. The only reason she could come up with was fear. Maybe she was afraid that he’d been kidding, and later would come the “gotcha”.

  The fat girl inside told her that this could not continue. Jack would return to his perfect world, as would all the others. She had her own little life to resume, she reminded herself. But it didn’t make her smile. In disgust, she went upstairs and got ready for her last day on this amazing cruise ship.

  * * * * *

  Andy filled her day with so many activities she didn’t leave herself time to think. Tonight was the buffet dinner and costume party. Any type of costume was allowed and she decided to go shopping for one. First, she spent time over lunch with “the girls” to find out what they had planned.

  Gayle revealed Jack was playing racquetball with the others, which included lunch for them, as well. “Ray is reveling in all this ‘male’ time. He’ll probably want to continue it when we get back.”

  Margrit laughed as she sipped her lemonade. “I’m confused. Is there a problem with them spending time together?”

  Liz and Ruthie added their laughter. “When these men get together, too often, they turn into little boys. There is a long history.”

  Liz nodded in agreement to what Ruthie said, but leaned over to pat Margrit’s hand. “Since you live in New York City, as well, I wouldn’t be surprised if our ‘frat’ boys don’t adopt Ethan.”

  Margrit looked at the other women. “And you all still live in the city?”

  Ruthie nodded. “Pretty much, or nearby.”

  Margrit turned to Andy, who was on her right side. “And you as well, Andy?”

  “Yes.” Andy quickly decided to change the topic. “What is everyone wearing tonight? I still need to come up with a costume.”

  Liz grinned. “Well, Tony is going as Don Juan. Mark and I are going as chemistry professors.”

  “Unique! Not!”

  “Did you put your creativity on hold there, Liz?”

  Liz held up her hands. “Mark thought putting a tuxedo on was over the top. At least with this costume, he’ll be comfortable. I made sure he packed a clean, white lab coat.”

  Ruthie patted her friend’s hand. “I guess you’re forgiven. Danny wasn’t that much better, but I told him he had no choice…not if he wanted any chance of…you know. Anyway, I rented us clown costumes and brought them along.”

  “I love clowns,” Margrit smiled. “Ethan and I are going as Master and slave. We have some rather elaborate leather costumes.”

  Liz clapped her hands. “Sounds like our table is going to be very interesting. What about you, Gayle?”

  “Ray talked to Mark before we left,” Gayle added with a frown. “He and I are going as interns. We’ve got green scrubs and stethoscopes and so on.”

  “I’m sure it will be great.”

  Ruthie nodded. “You and Ethan are still sharing our table, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, we are. So, Andy, what did you have in mind for a costume?” Margrit asked softly.

  “None! I have no ideas at all.” Andy sighed heavily, feeling depressed at the way the morning had gone. “I made an appointment at the costumers.”

  “Hopefully, they’ll still have something,” Liz added.

  Ruthie nodded, and then turned to look at Andy. “What is Jack wearing?”

  Andy tried to hide her reaction to the question. It hurt to have listened to her friends all talking about their “guys” and what kinds of costumes they’d all worked out together. It was jealousy, she knew, but even more it was the pain of not being connected with Jack. Silly to care about something as small as costumes, but she did. It wasn’t easy, but she held back the tears that desperately wanted to fall. “I don’t know what Jack has planned. He hasn’t said.”

  “Do you want me to find out?” Gayle offered a moment later. “I’ll call Ray and have him see if he can do some snooping.”

  “I don’t think so, Gayle, but thanks. I’ll find something.” Andy forced a grin to her lips, hoping it convinced her friends.

  “Do you want company while you look?” Liz offered. “I could cancel my body wrap.”

  “No, don’t bother. I’ll find something, and this way I can surprise all of you.”

  * * * * *

  Andy hurried towards the Queen’s restaurant on deck three. All of the normal dining had been converted for the costume dinner and dance tonight. Walking in this outfit she’d found wasn’t easy, but there was no doubt it would get attention. The truth was that the only attention she really wanted was Jack’s. Tonight, she was determined to lay all of her cards, her intentions, on the table. If he rejected her, so be it. She wore her gold collar, and had the leash attached. It didn’t drag on the floor, but was tucked quite obviously into the top of her outfit.

  Jack sat at the table with his friends. He felt it couldn’t be more obvious the only empty chair was next to him. No Andy.

  Of course, they had so much “interest” at their table it was hard to even notice one empty chair, unless you were seated by it. As far as his costume, he’d relied on Ethan to bail him out. He wore a pair of his own black leather pants and boots. His top consisted of black leather straps, crisscrossing his chest, and had a scabbard across the back, which held a wicked-looking, twelve-foot long whip.

  Upon his arrival, he had quickly learned no one knew what Andy was wearing. He was more than curious. It had been tempting to bring a blanket just in case he felt the need to cover her body. Logic told him that was stupid, but he seemed to be operating on emotion ever since he set foot on this damned ship.

  “Is that Andy?” Gayle’s screech brought all of their attention towards the figure coming towards them.

  Jack felt his stomach sink and his shaft went rock-hard. Coming towards them was a woman, dressed all in white, with gold and pink trim. White boots came above her knees. She had on a white bustier and white bikini bottom, with the high French-cut sides. Above the elbow gloves, which left her fingers free, added to the pretty look. As she came closer, he saw she wore a wig, cut into a long, stylish Mohawk shape, and was a silvery white, with a long fall down her back, as if it resembled—

  Holy Crap!

  Suddenly, Jack jumped to his feet. He knew exactly what Andy’s costume was. “I should have brought that freakin’ blanket,” he muttered quietly as she neared.

  Gayle had gotten out of her chair, running forward. She hugged Andy, and then made her turn around.

  The rest of the table gasped but Jack knew what Gayle had just seen—a gleaming, silvery white three-foot long horse’s tail. It was held in place by the bustier and leather straps that circled her body and upper thighs. Atop her head was a headdress composed of sheer white material, gold and aqua accents and a full, one-foot long feather. Andy was the epitome of a high-class, well-cared for “pony girl”.

  All the men stood as she approached.

  Jack saw the faint flush of color that tinted her cheeks as she sat beside him.

  “Sorry I’m late, everyone,” Andy murmured, smiling.

  Tony whistled, leaning forward to get Mark’s attention. “Hey, Mark! Change places with me!”

  “No way,” Liz answered for him.

  Margrit leaned forward, looking around Jack next to whom she was seated. “Brava, Andrea! You look fabulous!”

  “Indeed! I must agree, Andy,” Ethan added, smiling. “You make the prettiest pony girl I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thank you, but I drew the line at the bit,” Andy replied. “I wanted to eat tonight.”

  “The buffet looks fabulous!” Ruthie spoke quickly. “I took a bathroom break so I could scope o
ut the tables and see what I wanted to eat first.”

  Danny put his arm around Ruthie. “It’s time to stop eating for two, Ruthie. Margrit is taking over that role. Oow!” He stopped to rub his newly bruised side.

  Ethan was already laughing. “Margrit started before we found out,” Ethan hurriedly scooted his chair back as evidenced by the scraping noise.

  “Well, I don’t care who is eating for whom,” Andy interrupted, pushing her chair back. “I’m going to eat now.”

  Immediately, everyone stood and moved towards the buffet tables. Andy didn’t move, which hemmed Jack in, or he could climb over five chairs. As soon as they were alone, Andy pulled her chain from the bodice and passed it silently to Jack.

  Jack took the chain, looping it around his hand. Gently, he pulled it until Andy stepped close. “What does this mean, Andy?”

  Andy took a deep breath and Jack watched as her breasts swelled from the bustier’s tight compression. He waited until her gaze lifted before he pressed her again. “I owe you an apology for this morning,” he told her quietly. His hand was now looped enough in the chain to rub against the soft skin of her cleavage. Taking advantage of the position, his knuckles lightly rubbed over the top of her mounded bosom.

  “I am sorry, Jack. I wanted so much—” Andy stopped as her voice broke.

  “Shh, sweetheart, it’s okay. How long do you want to stay here tonight?” Jack asked her, fighting the lump forming in his throat.

  “I want to talk to you and I want to spend time with our friends.” Andy shrugged her shoulders.

  “Come on, Andy.” Jack gently pushed her away from the table. Without another word, he led her from the room. They walked up the outer stairs to the observation deck one level up.

  The entire deck was empty, which wasn’t surprising considering this was their last night on board. Jack led her to two deck chairs, helping her keep her tail from getting crushed as she sat. Quickly he pulled the other chair around to face her, their knees touching.

  “I’m putting my cards on the table, Andy. I love you. I was an idiot when we were in school. I was stupid and I’ve spent the last years regretting what I didn’t do. I did try and find you. Gayle refused to speak to me for a year or so. I soon figured out Liz and Ruthie didn’t know.”


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