Voyage To Submission

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Voyage To Submission Page 22

by Mlyn Hurn

  “Ruthie didn’t know until the last few years, when I needed a lawyer.”

  Jack nodded. “The only way I’ll let you walk away from tomorrow is if you say there is no chance in hell for us.”

  Andy couldn’t breathe. Surely, she had not heard what Jack just said. He loved her? No. She misheard him. “You love me?” She unconsciously voiced her doubts.

  Jack’s hand touching her cheek drew her gaze to his. “Yes, Andrea, I love you. I want to marry you, but if that isn’t what you want, then I’m willing to work on defining a relationship the way you want.”

  “Are you sure, Jack? This person you’ve met on this cruise…me…well, I’m not like this normally.”

  “None of us are, Andy. This cruise is like a one-time deal. We’ve all had our grown-up clothes on. After tomorrow, we all get back to normal. I want you in my normal life, from now on.” Jack put his hands on her knees, rubbing in small circles.

  Andy was intensely aware of the heat coming from his slow, gently caress. She forced a deep breath. “You don’t know me.”

  “We all have things to learn about one another, Andy.”

  “This is bigger than that. I’ve lied to you since you knew me. Gayle was the only one who knew the truth about me, and then Ruthie found out, when she became my attorney.” Andy took a deep breath.

  “Just tell me, sweetheart,” Jack slid his hands up, curving his hands over her thighs. “I think we’ve learned a lot about each other so far.”

  “I don’t have the family I always talked about. I spent most of my life in foster homes, and then I met Gayle in high school. Her family took me in. I was at school on scholarship and hardship grant money. I was very lucky, I know. But at the end of four years, I had nowhere to go. No job and I refused to sponge off Gayle’s parents any longer. That’s why I just took off. I didn’t want anyone’s pity.”

  “Oh, Andy, honey!” Jack lifted his hand and rubbed the back of his fingers against the side of her face. “What did you do? Where did you go?”

  “To the city, New York City. I checked the want ads and looked for apartments. Again, I got lucky and met this wonderful woman who needed a companion. I had free time and I started to write. She encouraged me to submit to a publisher.” Andy paused and took a deep breath. After so many years of silence, she had to get the truth told as quickly as possible.

  “I live next door to a wonderful elderly gentleman. He was the one who sent me the champagne and further upgraded my cabin to the suite. And before you have time to think any nasty thoughts, he cooks and has me over for dinner. I do his shopping, run errands for him and take out his garbage.”

  Jack nodded. “Sounds like a great setup. Is there room in the apartment for two?”

  Andy was trying to catch her breath after spilling her guts. Wait! What did Jack just say? Did he ask her a question?

  “Is there room at your place for both of us? I don’t mean we have to live together right away, but I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I have a place, but it sounds like your place is more of a home. I had my place professionally decorated and while it looks a magazine layout, it’s not comfortable. And I’m not really on close terms with any of my neighbors.”

  “Live together?” Andy was having trouble taking it all in.

  “Yes, darling. I want to live with you. I want to marry you.” Jack leaned forward and put his hand flat on her belly. “I want to have a baby with you. If you don’t want kids—”

  Andy put her hand over Jack’s mouth. “I do. I want your baby, Jack. I love you…so much. I don’t know how good I’ll be at this stuff.” She paused to flick her hand at the feather on her head, meaning the outfit, and all it represented.

  “This stuff is icing, fluff. Like electronic toys…fun if you can afford them. It’s piqued my interest over the years, and if you want to pursue it, we will. Otherwise, I’m perfectly happy with a deck of cards and you.” Jack smiled.

  Suddenly, Andy pressed her hand to her heart. Jack had just referenced to a time they’d spent most of a day together, just the two of them, playing card games. Tears suddenly filled her eyes. Sniffling loudly, she had to ask him the all-important question. “What if I gain weight, Jack? Like with a baby, or something? It wasn’t easy to lose it, and I may not be able to lose it all again, or maybe just some of it.”

  “So what if you do? I wanted you back in college, Andy. I was a fool. If you gain weight, I’ll help you lose it, if you wish. We will take walks with the baby and get some workout equipment for the apartment. But if you do or don’t, you are still my Andy, the woman I love. Every sweet, soft inch of you.” Jack reached into his pocket, pulling out something.

  Andy recognized it as a ring box the minute his hand turned it over. “Oh, my God!”

  “It’s amazing what a person can buy on a big ship like this,” Jack said quietly. “I hope you like it. If not, we can return it in the morning and we’ll pick one out when we get home.” He opened the lid, showing her the ring.

  “Oh, Jack!” She lifted her left hand, extending it towards him.

  Jack grinned. “I take it this means yes,” He laughed and slipped the diamond ring onto her ring finger. “I love you, Andy Bond. Will you marry me and end my misery?”

  “Yes, Jack. I love you, too. I think I’ve always loved you!” Andy threw her arms around Jack as he stood up. She kissed him quickly, pressing her lips against his.

  “I love you, my sweet Andy. Shall we go back and tell our friends?”

  She had no doubt their friends would be surprised, but they would certainly share in their joy. Andy nodded and she practically skipped back to the party, more than ready and eager to start her new life with Jack.


  Andy laughed as she danced for the third time with her dear friend and next-door neighbor, Mr. Edwards.

  “Yes, my dear, you make me feel like a young man. You have indeed enriched my life, Andrea.” Emerson Henry Edwards smiled.

  Andy noted once more how dapper he looked in the traditional morning suit he and Jack both wore for the wedding. Only the three men were in the small wedding. Since their reunion cruise nearly eighteen months earlier, she’d been in each of her friends’ weddings. After talking to her college friends, and learning they were all pretty much “wedding drunk”, Andy asked Margrit to be her matron of honor. Ray served as Jack’s best man. That’s where the small quality about everything ended.

  “I’m not letting you claim all the benefits, Mr. Edwards. I’ve adored living next to you all these years, as well. You were always cooking me healthy meals and reminding me to eat.” Andy protested with more laughter.

  “We’ll call it a draw. But I will fully understand, as I’ve told you before, if you choose to move.” The elderly gentleman reminded her in the middle of executing a complicated dance step. As he finished, with Andy gasping in his wake and merely following as best she could, friends and family on the dance floor stopped to applaud. Quite graciously, Henry gestured to Andy, bowing towards her.

  She shook her head first, and then her finger at the older man. She had to raise her voice to reply. “We’re very happy! You will have to evict us.” Andy paused to rub her obviously pregnant belly beneath her white wedding dress. “And what kind of mean condo owner would evict a pregnant woman?”

  Henry held up his hands. “Very well, my dear. I accept you are happy, as is your new hubby, who gave me the same answer when I approached him earlier. And soon we’ll have a new baby to make us all laugh.”

  Andy walked with Henry back to the main table where they were seated. “I hope you will still feel like this when the baby is crying at one in the morning and then again at four.”

  “Of course I will, Andy, my dear. I’ve received one of those sound machines as a wedding gift,” Henry told his neighbor with a big grin on his face.

  “Who gave you a present on my wedding day?” Andy asked, frowning at the older man’s comment.

  “Your husband, actually. He t
old me that he got the idea from his father. Me? I am just grateful for his thoughtfulness and generosity. Now, is there a honeymoon?” Henry asked, just as they reached the table.

  Jack, seated at the table, stood to hold Andy’s chair. “I’ve been trying to keep that a secret, Henry. I hoped we could sneak away at some point this evening, when everyone is distracted with food and dancing.”

  Henry nodded. “That sounds like a plan.”

  Jack leaned over to whisper to Henry, “I have to be careful, after what I and the others did at the three weddings we’ve attended since we’ve been back…let’s just say retribution could be hell.”

  Henry took the chair beside Andy. “Those would be the weddings of your college friends?”

  Andy looked at Jack, seeing him flush around his neck. “They were very bad boys, to say the least,” she told Henry.

  “I’m hoping to get out of here before my friends can formulate a plan,” Jack explained with a grimace.

  “They tried to rope me into the plan, but I begged off, citing that the baby comes first,” Ethan added with a grin.

  Margrit shook her head. Seated next to her husband, she explained, “He keeps claiming the baby, but I’ve yet to see him nurse her even one time.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Ethan grimaced as he added, “I tried once, but she didn’t care for it!”

  Jack joined in the laughter, patting Andy’s belly. “I’ll keep that in mind, Ethan. Thanks.”

  “Of course, that means you have to get up, change the diaper and bring the baby back for feedings,” Ethan pointed out a moment later.

  Jack shrugged though. “I won’t complain for the first four.”

  Henry chuckled. “The first four weeks you mean?”

  “I meant the first four kids,” Jack clarified with a laugh and kiss on Andy’s cheek.

  Andy saw Margrit looking almost cross-eyed as she mouthed the word “four”. Andy shook her head, and held up two fingers. As the evening wore on, dancing with her college friends distracted her.

  At ten, she tossed her bouquet, followed by Jack removing her lacy garter. She thought they were staying the night, but when she went upstairs to use the bathroom in the suite, Margrit followed with the news she was to change her clothes quickly. Jack would meet her at the front door in twenty minutes. She was stunned the whole time Margrit helped her get dressed. Dimly she heard her questions, but had no idea if or what she answered.

  Once she reached the rental car, Jack and Ethan were standing beside it, idly chatting as they waited. Both men smiled as the women approached. Hugs were exchanged and as Andy got into the front seat beside Jack, she overheard Margrit speaking to Jack.

  “You be good to her, Jack Riley.”

  “I’ve been waiting a long time to do just that, Margrit.” Jack smiled gently at the other woman.

  Ethan grinned as he wrapped his arm around his wife, pulling her close. “I’ll wait until people start asking where you are, which will probably be about thirty minutes. Then I’ll spill the beans about the honeymoon escape. Have fun, you two, and we’ll see you back here in a week!”

  Andy waved as Jack started the car forward. “Where are we going?”

  “I thought you might enjoy a relaxing cruise, before the baby comes. After that, it could be a number of years before we can get away,” Jack answered.

  “Oh, Jack! That is so sweet! I love the idea.” Andy reached over and caressed Jack’s leg. “Wait! Clothes?”

  “Margrit, with Henry’s help on the timing, packed a bag for you. We fly out tonight and embark tomorrow. We will cruise the Hawaiian Islands.”

  “I love it, Jack. It sounds perfect! I love you so much. Thank you for thinking of this.”

  He kissed her cheek, quickly returning his attention to the drive.

  Andy found it difficult, but she managed to barely feed the curiosity that bubbled over inside. On the plane, they put away the armrest between their first-class seats. After takeoff, followed by the seat belt lecture, they were treated to a glass of champagne. Her friends, after Margrit let them in on the truth when she needed some help, arranged the expensive champagne. A congratulation note accompanied the bottle, as well as permission from her obstetrician.

  When the “fasten seat belt” sign darkened, Andy heard Jack sigh heavily. She turned to look at him. “That sounded like you had doubts we were going to make it.”

  Jack shook his head. “Never!”

  Andy laughed. “Well, I am impressed. I was afraid we were going to end up either with a bed filled with condoms or a car dragging God-knows-what down the street.”

  “I had hoped to avoid that, as well, and hopefully I have.”

  “I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to change clothes though, Jack.”

  “Don’t fret, Andy. I’ve got casual stuff in my carry-on. I’m going to change in a few minutes after I talk to them about the dinners I ordered.”

  “They don’t serve food on these late flights, Jack.”

  “Normally, no, sweetheart, but they have taken pity on the runaway bride and groom.”

  A stewardess stopped by Jack’s aisle seat. “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Riley. Congratulations!”

  Jack smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Yes, thank you very much,” Andy added.

  “I’m preparing your dinners and they’ll be ready in about five minutes.” The stewardess offered another glass of champagne.

  “No, thanks,” Jack paused, looking at the nametag. “Ms. Phillips. My wife’s obstetrician limited us both to just one glass.”

  The stewardess laughed. “How sweet! I’m telling my husband that one.”

  “I’m going to change my clothes, if there’s time,” Jack told her.

  “I’ll make the time, Mr. Riley.”

  * * * * *

  Andy and Jack followed the directions to their suite. They walked around the living room, and out onto the deck, which featured a table, chairs and two lounge chairs.

  “I like it, Jack,” Andy told him as she went back inside.

  He followed, sliding the screen closed. “It’s not as big as your suite was, but this one is the best they had on this ship.”

  “It’s beautiful. Now, is this the bedroom?” Andy walked into the next room. “Ooh, Jack! Look at this bathroom!”

  Jack followed her, but then he turned her to look in the other direction. “Just go past the bed, and you’ll see,” he prompted her.

  Just beyond wall, through the glass door, she found a semi-concealed deck, which had a lounge chair on one side, and on the other was a Jacuzzi, which opened up to a fantastic view of the ocean. As she turned around, Jack stepped out as well. “I’ve had them turn down the heat on the tub, but we’ll check it for sure before we use it.”

  “How do you manage to think of this stuff?” Andy asked, walking back into the bedroom. She sat on the silky down bedcover.

  Jack shrugged, closing the glass partition behind him. Their bags still needed to be delivered. Otherwise, there was nothing to do until then. “It’s easy. I have a book and two doctors on call.”

  Andy looked at her watch. “What do you want to do? Do we have time to…uhm?”

  Jack grinned. “No, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time for that, Andy. The bags could be delivered at any time. Also, we have butler service with this suite. I’d hate to get caught in your robe again.”

  Andy giggled and lay back on the bed, kicking off her shoes. “That one doesn’t fit at the moment, so I hope Margrit didn’t pack it.”

  “I have the credit cards in case there is anything you need and don’t have.” Jack sat down beside Andy.

  “I thought honeymoon couples don’t usually leave their room,” she suggested, and then winked at Jack.

  “Well, I guess we’ll just do what the mood tells us.” Jack replied as he kicked off his shoes, and then removed the jacket, tossing it onto the small stool in front of the mirror on the wall opposite the Jacuzzi. He swung his legs around
and stretched out beside her. Reaching up, he pulled down pillows.

  Andy took one of the pillows and scooted closer to Jack. “You know what I really want to do, Jack?”

  “Well, if it is what I need to do—”

  “Sleep?” Andy asked, glancing up at her new husband. “I sound terribly boring, don’t I?”

  “No, darling, because that is precisely what I need. We just need to recharge our batteries,” Jack added.

  Andy felt his hand lightly stroking her hair. “I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too, Andy. And I think we should do whatever we damn well want while we still can. Soon we’ll have another person to direct our lives, and I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to that day.”

  Andy snuggled even closer. Very quietly, she murmured, “Thank you, God.”

  A few seconds later, she felt Jack press his lips to her forehead, kissing her. “Yes, indeed, Andy. I’ve been thanking him every day since I saw you on our last cruise. I’ve been blessed in many ways since then. Let’s snooze for a bit so we can at least not fall asleep in our salads later!”

  Andy chuckled, but she promptly obeyed her husband.

  About the author:

  Mlyn lives in Indiana, USA. She worked as a Registered Nurse for 23 years in Pediatrics. Reading Barbara Cartland and Harlequin romance novels in high school spurred her to start writing. She did technical writing for her employers until she started writing erotica four years ago. She began her own website for people to view her stories. Mlyn is single and lives with her cranky cat Georgia, whom she named after her favorite artist for inspiration, Georgia O’Keeffe.

  Mlyn welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, OH 44224.


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