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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 31

by Alice A Bailey

  The planetary Logos of this scheme is one of the four minor Logoi, or Lords of the Rays, and is specially concerned therefore with the development of one attribute of manas. Each of the four minor Rays is, as we know, eventually synthesised, or absorbed into that Ray which is represented on our earth by the Mahachohan. He is the Lord of the third major Ray or Aspect, and synthesises the four. These four Rays with their synthesising Ray make the five rays of Manas or Mind. We can consider them as:

  a. The fivefold Brahma Aspect.

  b. They were the five Rays of prime importance in the first solar system, and were the five individualised Heavenly Men, called the Mind-born Sons of Brahma. Through the individualisation of the four in that system the individualisation of the great cosmic Entity we call Brahma was brought about. He individualised and the four go to the content of His body.

  c. They are represented on our earth by the five Kumaras Who obeyed the Law, and took human form, as H. P. B. (S.D., I, 493) hints in several passages in the Secret Doctrine.

  This scheme is considered as the fourth and the one of the most importance in the system during this particular cycle for the following reasons:

  Our solar system, being considered as of the fourth [362] order, and our scheme being the fourth in order, there is consequently a moment of special opportunity afforded our planetary Logos through the alignment brought about. It eventuates in the turning of the attention of the logoic kundalini fire towards this centre, our scheme, and the subsequent results are in process of working out.

  Within the scheme the chain that concerns us the most, and which is temporarily of the most vital importance to the planetary Logos, is the Earth chain, the fourth in order again, thus bringing about another alignment of very grave moment. This carries with it special opportunity, and permits of the entry of force from the cosmos itself, or of extra-systemic electrical vitality. This super-stimulation results in what looks to us like cataclysms, and a stupendous shattering of forms, but it is simply the necessary sequence to the vitalisation of the life within the form, and the breaking of the limiting form unable to bear the cosmic action.

  Again within the chain, the globe at present receiving planetary polarisation, or at present embodying in a special sense the life of the planetary Logos is the Earth, the fourth in order. This brings about a still further alignment.

  Add to the above facts the accepted knowledge that this is the fourth round and we have a fivefold alignment which is of paramount significance to us all, though it had even greater significance and force in the fourth root-race, and brought about that stupendous psychic event—the opening of the door of Initiation to the human Hierarchy.

  These very important facts merit close attention, and the consideration of all occult students. They hold the key whereby some comprehension of manas and of planetary evolution may come about. What have we, therefore, in this special cyclic alignment? [363]

  1. A solar system of the fourth order.

  2. The fourth scheme in the system.

  3. The fourth chain in the scheme.

  4. The fourth globe in the chain.

  5. The fourth round. (134)

  All these are found active within the same cycle, and all therefore bring about a simultaneous alignment which results in the clearing of a channel direct from the heart of our scheme through every ring-pass-not to the cosmic correspondence, found outside the solar sphere.

  To the above realisation, we must add yet the further fact that the fourth Creative Hierarchy is the one whose evolution we are considering, and it will be apparent to the most superficial student that in these thoughts lies hidden the clue, not only to man but to the entire cyclic evolution in which he is taking part.

  The fourth Creative Hierarchy is essentially the Hierarchy of manas. This is no play on words, but a statement of deep occult significance. The statement has been made with entire accuracy that five Hierarchies out of the twelve have passed out and that seven remain. Of these seven, our human Hierarchy is the fourth, making it literally the ninth when counting the entire twelve. In this connection it would be well to link up the statements that have been made to the effect that the five Kumaras or Heavenly Men Who definitely embody the manasic principle (or the five Rays over which the systemic correspondence to the Mahachohan presides) developed [364] manas in an earlier system; They passed out of the wave of manasic influence as far as their own Nature is concerned.

  We must remember also that nine is the number of Initiation, or of the major Initiations of Manas, wherein man becomes a perfect Nine, or literally is the number of his Hierarchy. This is from the standpoint of the three systems, though his present systemic number may be four.

  In occupying ourselves with these various statements anent our scheme and its Ruler we have seen that this particular cycle, or incarnation of His, is one of great importance, not only to Himself but to the entire system. The planetary Logos of this scheme is primarily occupied with a particular group of units, or with those Monads who vibrate to His key, are colored by the same colour as Himself, answer to the same number, and are esoterically known by the same Name. One point here needs emphasis: all Monads pass at different times under the influence of the different planetary Logoi, and all are found at some time in each scheme. This does not mean that every human unit passes a period of incarnation in each scheme. It means that on some one globe in every scheme, human units will be found either prior to physical incarnation, between different egoic cycles (a totally different thing to periods between physical lives), between different rounds or manvantaras, or between the various root-races and subraces. As stated in various occult books, many of the present advanced humanity individualised on the moon chain, and only took physical bodies in the earth chain during the fourth root-race, thus escaping incarnation during the first three rounds, and the first two races of the fourth round. In the interim, they came under the planetary influence of another Logos of a scheme, and were occupied during that immense period of time in fanning the manasic flame, and developing [365] the attributes of manas, so that the Atlantean root-race found them adequately equipped to cope with life conditions.

  This participation in the life and influence of the different schemes is effected in four different ways:

  First, through passing the interim between egoic cycles of physical incarnation on the particular globe of their scheme, which numerically coincides with the particular other scheme whose influence is desired, either from deliberate choice or karmically necessitated. Each globe in a chain is occultly linked with the chain of its own number, and with the scheme of a similar number. For instance: Globe 2, Chain 2, and scheme 2 during round 2 are specially linked and vitalised, and are the focal point of peculiar attention on the part of the Logos of that scheme. Similarly (again in illustration) globe 2, chain 2 during round 2 in any scheme such as the fifth, for instance, are aligned or connected esoterically with the second scheme. This gives opportunity for the units in the body of any Logos to come under the influence of another Logos, and within his vibratory radiation.

  Second, through a direct transference of the units in incarnation in any scheme (during an interlude) to some globe in another scheme where they are subjected to the stimulation and vibration peculiar to that scheme. These two methods are the most usual. This transference will seem mysteriously impossible unless the student is careful to realise that it is the transference of the individualised lives and not the transference of the forms which they occupy. The whole matter is psychic, and based on the unity of the anima mundi. It is only possible at those periods when two Heavenly Men are mutually finding each other—under the Law of Attraction—and thus swinging into the magnetic radius of each other.

  Third, through a conscious passage of the initiate, [366] through initiation, from one scheme to another. This is frequently done, and hints of it have been given by different writers and thinkers, though several have confused the globes of their own chain with the scheme of the same number, or have mista
ken another chain within the scheme for another scheme.

  Fourth, the fourth method of transference of consciousness, and the bringing of the life units under the focal power of a Lord of a Ray, can be brought about through knowledge of certain mantrams and formulae. On this we may not enlarge as these mantrams are esoteric and the use of them is fraught with much danger to the uninitiated.

  The planetary Logos of this scheme is called “the First Kumara,” the One Initiator, and the statement is made that He came to this planet from Venus, Venus being “the Earth’s primary.” This needs elucidation somewhat, though it may not be permitted to do more than convey a few hints as to the truth. The fact is one of the most mysterious in the development of our scheme, and in it lies hidden the secret of this world cycle. It is not easy to convey the truth and words but seem to veil and cloak.

  Perhaps a hint may be given in pointing out that there is an analogy between the coming in of the Ego in full sway and its taking hold at certain periods in the life of a human being. At seven years we are told the Ego “takes hold,” and again at adolescence; at twenty-one that hold may be made still firmer. Again, as lives are passed, the Ego (in connection with a human being) grips its vehicles and so sways them to his purpose with more effect and fullness. The same procedure can be seen in relation to a Heavenly Man and His body of manifestation, a scheme. It must be remembered that every scheme has seven chains; that each chain has seven globes, making a totality of forty-nine globes; [367] that each globe is again in turn occupied by the life of the Logos during what we call seven rounds, making literally three hundred and forty-three incarnations, or fresh impulses to manifest. We must add to these major manifestations such lesser ones as those named by us root-races, and subraces, also branch races, and thus we are faced with a complexity that is enough to stagger the average student. The planetary wheel of life turns on its lesser scale the wheel of life of the little pilgrim we call man; as it turns, it sweeps the life of the evolving planetary Logos into ever new forms and experiences until the fire of Spirit burns up all lesser fires.

  As earlier pointed out, each Heavenly Man is linked with one of His Brothers under the Law of Mutual Attraction, which manifests so degradingly as yet upon the physical plane, through the life of the human unit, imprisoned in physical form. Psychically the link is of a different nature, and such a link is found between the planetary Logos of the scheme we call Venus, and the Logos of our scheme. This psychic interaction has its cyclic ebb and flow, as ebbs and flows all life force. In Lemurian days came a period of close interaction which brought about an incarnation on the physical planet of the Logos of our scheme, the Head of the Hierarchy, and the One Initiator. This could not have been effected had not the planetary Logos of the Venus scheme been in a position to link up closely with ours.

  c. Venus and the Earth Chain. This question of the coming of the Lords of Flame to the planet Earth is deeply involved (as stated above) in the relationship existing between the Heavenly Man of the Earth scheme and the Lord of the Venus scheme. Until more detailed information is permitted publication anent these two great Entities, little more can be done beyond indicating some probabilities, and pointing out certain factors which students should carefully bear in mind. The statement [368] has been made that (owing to the Venusian scheme being in its fifth round) its humanity is consequently further advanced than ours, and can help us, and that this help came in Lemurian days. This is an instance of a partial truth and its misinterpretation. The Venusian scheme is—as stated in the Secret Doctrine (I, 187. II, 33-36,626)—in its fifth and last round; its humanity is very far ahead of ours in certain particulars, but the momentous occurrence in the third root-race was due to the following causes, and not to the factor of the greater advancement of a certain group of human beings:

  First, the Venus Scheme, viewed as a logoic centre, is more active than ours, and therefore its radiatory magnetism is far more widely spread. Its radiation is such that on the buddhic plane it swept within its magnetic radius that chain in our scheme which is composed predominantly of buddhic matter. Then, via that chain, it magnetised the corresponding globe in our chain, and this resulted in a specific vitalisation in the dense planet itself.

  Second, just as in the case of man, certain triangles of force are found at different stages of evolution, or (to word it otherwise) different centres become geometrically linked, such as the

  a. Base of the spine,

  b. Solar plexus,

  c. Heart;

  or again,

  a. Solar Plexus,

  b. Heart

  c. Throat

  so, in the case of a Heavenly Man, or of a solar Logos, a similar event occurs. Such an event transpires in this round in relation to the centre which our planetary Logos [369] embodies. It became geometrically linked with two other centres, of which Venus was one, and logoic Kundalini—circulating with tremendous force through this adjusted Triangle—brought about that intensification of vibration in the human family which resulted in individualisation. We might here enumerate the schemes as a basis for our further work:

  The seven planets, centres, or schemes:

  1. Vulcan (the sun, exoterically considered).

  2. Venus.

  3. Mars.

  4. Earth.

  5. Mercury.

  6. Jupiter.

  7. Saturn.

  The three synthesising planets:

  1. Uranus.

  2. Neptune.

  3. Saturn.

  The One Resolver.

  The SUN.

  I would caution you here against attaching any importance to the sequence followed in numbering these seven schemes, either in connection with their order of development or importance, or their position in relation to the central planet, the sun, or to each other. Only two are to be considered numerically accurate at this stage and in this round, i.e., our Earth, the fourth scheme, and Venus, the second. Venus is either the second or the sixth scheme, according to whether the schemes are counted mystically or occultly. Inversely, Jupiter will be either the second or the sixth, and it must be remembered that: [370]

  a. The planets Venus and Jupiter are exceedingly closely connected with the Earth, and form eventually an esoteric triangle.

  b. Saturn is the synthesising scheme for the four planets which embody manas purely and simply, or is the major resolution of the minor four, and eventually for all the seven.

  c. Mercury, the star of the intuition, or of transmuted manas, is, at this stage, considered as the fifth scheme.

  Therefore, the Heavenly Men of Venus and Jupiter are magnetically linked with the Heavenly Man of our scheme. The relationship of the Logos of Jupiter and His influence will not be realised nor felt until the sixth [371] round is in full force, though during the sixth root-race His vibration will be acknowledged and sensed; in the middle of the fifth round the Logos of Mercury will, with the Logos of the Venus scheme, and of our Earth, form a temporary triangle of force. We have here information given that has only been hinted at hitherto but for which, in this fifth subrace and in this fourth round, the world is now ready; it holds the solution of the mystery of this round.

  Third, the statement that the great Kumara or the One Initiator came to this planet from Venus is true in so far as it embodies the fact that He came to this dense planet (the fourth) in the fourth chain from that chain in our scheme which is called the “Venus” chain, and which is the second chain. He came via the second globe in our chain; His scarcely felt vibration was sensed (occultly) in the second round, but only in the third root-race of the fourth round did conditions permit of His physical incarnation and of His coming as the Avatar. Very reverently might it be said that the first three rounds and the two succeeding root-races in this chain correspond to the period prior to birth; and that His coming in the fourth round with the subsequent awakening of manas in the human units find their analogy in the awakening of the life principle in the unborn infant at the fourth month.

  The an
alogy holds good, for a Heavenly Man at the end of the seventh round reaches full maturity, but requires the final process of rounding out and perfecting which He attains during the two final periods

  a. Of synthesis into the major three schemes.

  b. Of resolution into the final one;

  making again—with reverence may it be said—the nine cycles which cover the gestation of a Heavenly Man, and which precede His birth into yet higher worlds. In this lies much food for thought, and much of moment [372] for the profound student. We might couple with these suggestions the recollection that we are speaking here only of the Logos of our own scheme, and must carefully differentiate other cycles for the other Logoi—a thing as yet impossible for us. As this is meditated upon and studied, the wonder and beauty of the plan will become apparent.

  A clue to the idea of the final Avatar is likewise to be seen here. Many temporary incarnations precede this consummating one, which will be the incarnation wherein the Heavenly Man, in the full beauty of His completed seven cycles, and prior to His merging into His synthesising goal, will demonstrate as the embodiment of that perfected quality, or logoic aspect, for which He primarily stands. As a centre in the body logoic, He will be fully vitalised, and the logoic kundalini will have stimulated, and aroused to perfection His systemic Lotus. For a brief period He will shine forth radiant as the Sun in His glory; then the kundalinic fire will pass in higher progressive spirals, and He will gradually become centred in the corresponding logoic head centre, the higher triangle or the major three schemes. To illustrate by means of a human being, the microcosm: Man attains a period of high development wherein his heart and throat centre are perfected and vitalised; they become radiant whorls of fire, fourth dimensional in action, and allied with each other and with some other centre; they become likewise the object of the attention of human kundalini. This is a period of great activity and magnetic usefulness. It is succeeded by still another, wherein the three head centres are synthesising their seven minor correspondences, and the force of kundalini passes there. As above, so below. [373]


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