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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 81

by Alice A Bailey

  It is here—in the relation between positive electrical energy in its fourfold differentiation, and the triple negative receptive lower substance—that scientists will eventually arrive at certain definite deductions and discover:

  a. The secret of matter itself, that is, matter as we know and see it.

  b. The key to the process of creation upon the physical plane, and the method whereby density and concretion on the three lower levels are brought about.

  c. The formulas for organic transmutation, or the key to the processes whereby the elements as we know them can be disintegrated and recombined.

  Only when scientists are prepared to admit the fact that there is a body of vitality which acts as a focal point in every organised form, and only when they are willing to consider each element and form of every degree as constituting part of a still greater vital body, will the true methods of the great goddess Nature become their methods. To do this they must be prepared to accept the sevenfold differentiation of the physical plane as stated by Eastern occultism, to recognise the triple nature of the septenary manifestation.

  a. The atomic or Shiva energy, the energy of the first subplane or the first etheric plane.

  b. The vital form building energy of the three ensuing etheric levels.

  c. The negative receptive energy of the three planes [918] of the dense physical, the gaseous, the liquid and the truly dense.

  They will also eventually consider the interplay between the lower three and the higher four in that great atom called the physical plane. This can be seen duplicated in the atom of the physicist or chemist. Scientific students who are interested in these matters will find it worth while to consider the correspondence between these three types of energy, and that which is understood by the words, atoms, electrons, and ions.

  All that manifests (from God to man) (284) is the result of these three types of energy or force, of their combination, their interplay, and their psychic action and reaction. During the great cycle of logoic appearance it is the second type of energy which dominates and which is of evolutionary importance, and this is why the etheric body which lies back of all that is visible is the most important. This is equally true of gods, of men and of atoms.

  Much time is spent in speculating upon the sources of life, upon the springs of action, and upon the impulses which underlie the creative processes. Hitherto science has worked somewhat blindly and has spent much time investigating the lower three planes. It has dealt principally with the Mother, with the negative receptive matter, and is only now becoming aware of the Holy Spirit aspect, or of the energy which enables that Mother to fulfill her function, and to carry on her work.

  Considering the same problem microcosmically it may be pointed out that men are only now beginning to be [919] aware of the springs of spiritual action, and of the sources of spiritual life. The energy of the higher planes is only revealing itself as men begin to tread the Way, and to come under the influence of buddhi, which flows from the fourth cosmic etheric plane.

  Finally, when scientists are willing to recognise and to co-operate with the intelligent forces that are to be found on etheric levels, and when they become convinced of the hylozoistic nature of all that exists, their findings and their work will be brought into a more accurate correspondence with things as they really are. This, as has been earlier pointed out, will be brought about as the race develops etheric vision, and the truth of the contentions of the occultist is proved past all controversy.

  It will have been noted that in the enumeration of these two main groups, we did not touch upon that great group of Builders who are called esoterically “Those who transmit the Word.” I have only dealt with the two groups who constitute the “Army of the Voice.” This is due to the fact that in this section we are only dealing with that army, or with those builders, great and small, who are swept into activity as the Word of the physical plane sounds forth. The “Transmitters of the Word” upon the first subplane or atomic level are those who take up the vibratory sound as it reaches them from the astral plane and—passing it through their bodies—send it forth to the remaining subplanes. These transmitters may be, for purposes of clarity, considered as seven in number. In their totality they form the atomic physical bodies of the Raja Lord of the plane and in a peculiarly occult sense these seven form (in their lower differentiations on etheric levels) the sumtotal of the etheric centres of all human beings, just as on the cosmic etheric levels are found the centres of a Heavenly Man.

  The connection between the centres and etheric substance, systemic and human, opens up a vast range for [920] thought. The “Transmitters of the Word” on the atomic subplane of each plane are devas of vast power and prerogative who may be stated to be connected with the Father aspect, and embodiments of electric fire. They are all fully self-conscious, having passed through the human stage in earlier kalpas. They are also corporate parts of the seven primary head centres in the body of a solar Logos or planetary Logos.

  Though connected with the Father aspect, they are nevertheless part of the body of the Son, and each of them, according to the plane which he energises, is a component part of one or other of the seven centres, either solar or planetary—planetary when only the particular centre is concerned, systemic when that centre is viewed as an integral part of the whole.

  Each of these great lives (embodying deva energy of the first degree) is an emanation from the central spiritual sun in the first instance and from one of the three major constellations in the second instance. Systemically they fall into three groups: Group 1 includes those transmitters of the Word who are found on the three lower subplanes of the plane Adi, or the logoic plane. Group 2 comprises those great builders who transmit the Word on the three next systemic planes, the monadic, the atmic and the buddhic. Group 3 is formed of those who carry on a similar function in the three worlds of human endeavour. Fundamentally they are also emanations from one of the seven stars of the Great Bear in the third instance.

  In these triple emanatory forces may be found the origin of all that is visible and objective, and through their agency our solar system takes its place within the greater cosmic scheme, and a certain basic cosmic fire is formed. They are the sumtotal of the head, the heart and the throat centres of the solar Logos, and their correspondences will be found within a Heavenly Man, a human [921] being, and an atom. Hence the scientist, as he discovers the nature of the atom, is putting himself in touch with these three types of solar energy, and is unravelling the central mystery of the system. As the triple nature of the atom stands revealed, so likewise the triple nature of man and of God gradually becomes proven. The energy of these groups passes through the physical sun, and from thence they sound the Word for the particular plane of their specific endeavour.

  The student must not make the mistake of thinking that these seven great transmitters are the seven Heavenly Men. They form one half of Their real nature. This is all that can be said of this great mystery, though it might be added that from another angle of vision, they form but one third of his threefold divine nature. Man is dual, being Spirit and matter; he is also, during evolution, a triplicity, so it is with a Heavenly Man, and hence the mystery.

  The great Transmitter of the Word on the physical plane, which is the one under our consideration, is the energising factor of the throat centre of Brahma. An interesting tabulation of the threefold centres and the three divine aspects might here be given which may prove of use to the student, though he should carefully bear in mind that these centres are for the purpose of generating and transmitting energy.

  1. The transmitter of energy on the physical plane forms the throat centre in the body of Brahma, the third aspect.

  2. The transmitter of energy upon the astral plane forms the heart centre of Brahma.

  3. The transmitter of the Word on the mental plane forms the head centre of this, the third aspect.

  These three Raja Lords, devas, or transmitters, form the three centres of logoic force in the
three worlds. They are the lowest energy aspect of Brahma. [922]

  4. The Transmitter of the Word upon the buddhic plane forms the throat centre of Vishnu, the second aspect. From thence the Word goes forth that builds the dense physical form of a Heavenly Man or of a solar Logos.

  5. The Transmitter of energy upon the monadic plane forms the heart centre of Vishnu, the second aspect.

  6. The Transmitter of force upon the atmic plane forms the head centre of Vishnu.

  This tabulation will be confusing to students unless it is realised that we are here considering these aspects only as dualities, and are dealing with one of the dual parts. It will be apparent that in the Vishnu aspect, for instance, which manifests upon the second plane, the energy of that plane will act as the head centre to the succeeding planes, and this apprehension, rightly grasped, will clarify the others.

  The Transmitter of the Word on the first plane of Adi is the embodiment of the throat centre of a cosmic entity. From this statement will come a just realisation of our place in the cosmic scheme, and the fundamentally physical nature of the seven planes of the solar system is also here demonstrated, the nature of Brahma, or the Holy Spirit, becoming apparent.

  The old Commentary says:

  “Brahma is One, yet includes His brother. Vishnu is One, yet existeth not apart from His brother, younger in point of time yet older far. Shiva is One, and antedates Them both, yet He appeareth not nor is He seen, until They both have cycled through Their courses.”

  The above sevenfold tabulation can be, under the law of correspondences, applied equally to every plane, for the transmitters and workers on each plane form similar groups. Equally well can man consider this tabulation in connection with his seven centres, and from a study [923] of the two together he will gain knowledge as to the type of energy which flows through any particular centre. These transmitters likewise can be heard sounding forth the Word with particular force and power in that planetary scheme which corresponds to their note and is keyed to their vibration. The planetary schemes, therefore, will fall into a similar grouping, and this will open up for students a vast field of conjecture. The seven Prajapatis fall into two groups of three, with one dominating. Students will do well to remember in studying the solar system, the planes, the schemes, man and the atom, that the groupings of the lines or streams of energy during the evolutionary cycles fall naturally into four divisions:

  1. 1―3―3

  2. 4―3

  3. 3―4

  4. 3―1―3

  Division 1 can be understood under the law of correspondences when the nature of the atomic plane of the solar system, the three cosmic etheric planes, and the three planes of human endeavour are investigated in connection with each other.

  Division 2 becomes easier of comprehension when the close relation between the four cosmic etheric planes and the three lower planes is grasped. This can be illuminated by a study of the four physical ethers and the three lower subplanes of our physical plane.

  Division 3 finds the clue to its mystery in the constitution of the mental plane, with its three formless levels, and its four levels of form.

  Division 4 can be grasped as the student arrives at a comprehension of his own nature as a spiritual triad, an egoic body and a threefold lower man. He can likewise approach the first division in a similar manner, and view himself as a primary force or Monad, a triple secondary [924] force or Ego, and a threefold lower energy, or personality, remembering that we are here dealing only with creative energy and with the Brahma aspect of manifestation as it co-ordinates itself with the Vishnu aspect.

  The Transmitters of Prana. We have in an earlier section of this treatise considered somewhat the devas who are the transmitters of prana for the etheric body of man and of the planet. They are the reflection upon the lowest plane of the Vishnu aspect of divinity; the seven subplanes of our physical plane reflect in a dim and distorted fashion the three aspects, and are a shadow, dark and unrevealing, of the Godhead. This group of transmitters are responsible for three principal results, and are active along three main lines.

  They are the devas who vitalise and produce the energy of all forms of sentient life. Theirs is the life which pulsates through the etheric body of every plant and animal and of all intermediate forms of life, and which constitutes the raging fire which is seen circulating through all etheric vehicles. Among many other functions they produce the warmth of the sun and of all bodies; they are the cause of solar, planetary, and human radiation, and they nourish and preserve all forms. They occultly mediate between the Father and the Mother on each plane, whether cosmic or systemic. They originate in the sun, and are closely related to the logoic and planetary solar plexus, for the evolutionary process, as in all manifestation, is the result of desire, acting upon the creative faculties and producing that which is objective.

  They are the devas who energise the myriads of minute lives which build the etheric bodies of all that is seen and tangible, and who are the instigators of the creative processes on the three lowest subplanes of the physical plane. Systemically, the devas engaged in this line of activity can be subdivided into two groups: [925]

  a. Those who work on the four higher systemic planes and from thence influence in the three worlds, producing through reflex action the desired results.

  b. Those who work in the three worlds of human endeavour, producing directly dense physical manifestation.

  All the etheric devas who transmit energy on the physical plane belong to the second division above enumerated, and according to the subplane on which they work come under the guidance of a greater intelligence on a corresponding plane.

  There are also the devas who form the attractive force of all subhuman forms, holding the forms of the three lower kingdoms of nature together in coherency, and thus producing the body of manifestation of the great Entity who is the sumtotal of the life of the kingdom, and of the lesser beings who ensoul different families and groups within any specific kingdom.

  The Devas of the Etheric Double. The subject that we are to deal with now concerns those devas who are etheric doubles of all that is. It is full of profit therefore to the wise student, for it reveals the method whereby all forms materialise upon the physical plane.

  It is not the purpose of this treatise to trace the materialisation of a form as it originates upon the archetypal planes, through the agency of divine thought, and from thence (through directed streams of intelligent energy) acquires substance as it is reproduced upon each plane, until eventually (upon the physical plane) the form stands revealed at its densest point of manifestation. No form is as yet perfect, and it is this fact which necessitates cyclic evolution, and the continual production of forms until they approximate reality in fact and in deed. The method of form production may be tabulated as follows: [926]


  1. Divine thought The cosmic mental plane.

  2. Divine desire The cosmic astral plane.

  3. Divine activity The cosmic physical plane (our seven systemic planes).

  First plane .

  The logoic Breath . . . First plane . . . . The Sound (285) A

  This is the first etheric appearance of a solar system upon the atomic subplane of the cosmic physical plane. The seeds of life are all latent. Faculty inheres from an earlier solar essence.

  The logoic Sound . . . .Second plane . . . .The Sound A U

  This is the body of the solar system in the second ether. This plane is the archetypal plane. The seeds of [927] life are vibrating or germinating. The seven centres of energy are apparent. The one deva Agni is seen as seven. The form is now potentially perfect.

  The logoic triple Word..The third plane..The Sound A U M.

  The body of the solar system in substance of the third etheric plane is seen, and the three function as one. The triple energy of the Logos is co-ordinated, and nothing now can hinder the work of evolution. The three groups of devas are active, and the archetypal form is in process of materializati

  The logoic septenary word - The logoic etheric Centres become active The fourth plane The seven syllabled Word.

  The etheric body of the solar system is now complete, though it will not be perfected till the end of another manvantara. The greater body of vitality is ready to energise the dense physical vehicle. The seven centres with their forty-nine major petals are vibrant, and consciousness thrills through every atom in the system.

  An interlude or period of pause is to be found at this stage of development; in it the processes of co-ordination and of stabilisation are carried on; the energy or the vibration is increased until it becomes possible, by a simultaneous effort, emanating from all the three aspects, to bring into objectivity that which is as yet subjective. This is paralleled by man on the physical plane in the applied effort he has to make to bring through and materialise, that which he has conceived and desired. The reason so many people fail in materialising their concepts, and hence come to be reckoned as failures, is owing to the fact of their inability to make a co-ordinated applied effort, and thus set in motion substance of the three lower subplanes of the physical plane. They succeed [928] in bringing their concept through from the mental plane (as does the Logos on cosmic levels) as far as the fourth etheric level of the physical, and there their energy becomes exhausted owing to three things:


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