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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 112

by Alice A Bailey


  Attributes cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss.

  Source Sirius via the Sun which veils a zodiacal sign.

  Hierarchy veiled by the numbers 14 and 17.

  Method duplex rotary motion and rhythmic dancing upon the square.

  symbol two wheels of electric fire, revolving around an orange Cross, with an emerald at the centre.

  quality unrevealed

  [1261] Path V. The Ray Path.

  This Path is one of the great distributing paths of the system, and is trodden by the adept who has a clear understanding of the laws of vibration. It leads to the next cosmic plane with great facility and is therefore called “the outer door of entry.” As we know, the seven Rays which manifest throughout our solar system, are but the seven subrays of one great ray, that of Love-Wisdom. This ray Path is the one upon which the majority of the “Masters of the Wisdom” pass. In the same way many of the “Lords of Compassion” pass on to Path IV. Five-eighths of the former pass on to this path just as four-fifths of the adepts of suffering pass on to Path IV. In considering these numbers it must be borne in mind that the figures are of very great magnitude. One-fifth of the Compassionate Lords is a vast number, whilst three-eighths is a stupendous number of monads. We must remember in this connection also that we are only dealing with the adepts of the fifth Initiation, and are not taking into consideration initiates of lower degrees nor disciples of many grades. It is useless for average man to ponder upon these figures. They are too difficult to compute and involve calculations most abstruse and intricate. This can be demonstrated by pointing out that from these figures must be subtracted that two-fifths which (in the next round) pass before the Judgment Throne and are rejected. Out of the remaining three-fifths only a percentage which may not be revealed reach final adeptship, though all pass upon the Path. The five-eighths above referred to and the four-fifths have reference only to the two great groups of asekha initiates.

  [1262] Adepts who pass upon the Ray Path have to possess attributes which make them exceedingly responsive to vibration. In their group work (regarding all the units upon this Path as forming a unified Whole) the results achieved might be compared to that of a compass upon a ship. They respond primarily to a basic vibration, not through sensation but through that which is the outgrowth of sensation. It is a form of realisation which is the cosmic correspondence to the reaction which comes when the skin is touched. It is not consciousness but knowledge through vibration. They are themselves identified with a certain vibration and they respond to that vibration alone which is the higher correspondence upon the cosmic planes. Other vibrations they ignore.

  They are taught how to insulate themselves so that no vibration save the one which reaches them from the cosmic source of the synthetic ray can touch them. Students can get some idea of the lower correspondence to this as they study the compass, its responsiveness to a certain magnetic current, and the tendency which it demonstrates to point ever towards the north. These adepts of the fifth Path are the constituent factor which occultly holds our solar system steadily equilibrised in one specific direction. Their main characteristic or attribute may be described as a sense of cosmic direction.

  The source of energy to which they respond may be regarded as the Pole Star. It should nevertheless be pointed out that this star serves only as a blind for a constellation which lies behind,—a constellation which exists only in etheric matter. It is consequently ignored by astronomers, though its influence is exceedingly potent within our system. It should be borne in mind also that upon another planet within our solar ring-pass-not this fifth Path is the one that the majority of their adepts follow. Adepts who are on this Path, therefore, will pass to this other planetary scheme prior to finding their way [1263] to the Sun and from thence to cosmic spheres. Adepts from other schemes are not transferred to our Earth scheme as a school of training as it is not a sacred planet and therefore lacks such a specific school.

  The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius. The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions, which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire. Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the “water of life” and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. It is one of the agencies which make the coming of the Great Lord a possibility. He is Himself upon the fifth Path just as the Manu is upon the third. Hence the close link between the two paths, for those on the fifth path can pass to the third and vice versa. The first and the seventh, the second and the fourth, and the third and the fifth are but the two sides of one whole, or the two aspects of the one Path. These three paths (with the fourth Path) constitute two Paths and the two Paths are but one. This great mystery may not further be enlarged upon.

  The Hierarchies which play a great part in the introduction of polar influence are the first and the second. It was this occult truth which had such a bearing upon the nature of the first two races of mankind and upon their habitat.

  The method whereby the adept develops the needed powers for this Path have been hinted at above. They might be expressed as a process of electrical insulation and the imprisonment of polar magnetism. It is not permitted to say more.

  The symbol of this path is five balls of fire (blue fire) confined within a sphere. This sphere is formed by a [1264] serpent biting its tail, and the entire body of the serpent is closely covered with written Sensa characters; these characters embody the mantram whereby the adept insulates himself from the magnetic flow of all currents save that for which he is responsible.

  The quality which the adept develops as he treads this Path can only be given in the words of the old Commentary:

  “The depression at the northern point permits entrance of that which stabilises, and acts as the factor of resistance to that which seeketh to deter or to distract.”

  Perhaps cosmic stability and magnetic equilibrium serve best to convey the necessary idea.


  Attributes A sense of cosmic direction.

  Source The Pole Star via Aquarius.

  Hierarchies The first and the second.

  Method. A process of electrical insulation and the imprisonment of polar magnetism.

  Symbol Five balls of fire enclosed within a sphere. Sphere is formed of a serpent inscribed with the mantram of insulation.

  Quality Cosmic stability and magnetic equilibrium.

  There is no way in which we can express any teaching or give any information anent the sixth and seventh Paths. All that can be said is as follows:

  Path VI. The Path the Logos Himself is on.

  It will be apparent to all those students who have studied with care the world processes in the light of the law of correspondences that the Logos on the cosmic planes is evolving inner cosmic vision, just as man in his lesser degree is aiming at the same vision in the system. This might be called the development of the cosmic third [1265] EYE. In the physical plane structure of the eye lies hid the secret and in its study may come some revelation of the mystery.

  A certain portion of the eye is the nucleus of sight and the apparatus of vision itself. The remainder of the eye acts as a protecting shell; both parts are required, and neither can exist without the other. It is so in the cosmic sense also, but the analogy exists on such high levels that words only dim and blur the truth. Certain of the sons of men, a nucleus who reached a very high initiation in a previous solar system, formed an esoteric group around the Logos when He decided upon further progress. In consequence He formed this solar system, desire for cosmic manifestation urging Him on. This esoteric group remains with the Logos upon the atomic or the first plane of the system, on the subjective or inner side, and it corresponds in an occult sense to the pupil of the eye. The real home of these
great Entities is upon the cosmic buddhic plane.

  Gradually and by dint of hard effort, certain Masters have qualified themselves, or are qualifying themselves, to take the place of the original members of this group thus permitting of Their return to a cosmic centre around which our system, and the greater system of Sirius, revolves.

  Only one adept here and there has the necessary qualities, for the development involves a certain type of response to cosmic vibration. It means a specialising of the inner sight, and the development of a certain amount of cosmic vision. More of the deva evolution pass to this Path than do the human. Human beings pass to it via the deva evolution, which can be entered by transference to the fifth, or Ray Path. On this latter Path the two evolutions merge and from the fifth, the sixth Path can be entered. [1266]

  Path VII. The Path of Absolute Sonship.

  This sonship is a correspondence on the highest plane to that grade of discipleship which we call “Son of the Master.” It is the Sonship to a Being higher than our Logos of Whom we may not speak. It is also the great controlling Path of Karma. The Lipika Lords are upon this Path, and all who are fitted for that line of work, and who are close to the Logos in a personal and intimate sense pass to this seventh Path. It is the Path of the special intimates of the Logos and into their hands He has put the working out of karma in the solar system. They know His wishes, His will and His aim, and to Them He entrusts the carrying out of His behests. This group, associated with the Logos, forms a special group linked to a still higher Logos.

  These two paths enter into cosmic states of consciousness as inconceivable to man as the consciousness of the Ego of a human being is to an atom of substance. It is unnecessary and profitless therefore to enlarge further upon these exalted states.[1267]




  (From Archaic Formulas. No. 49)

  PATH 1. The Path of Earth Service.

  The Dragon who hideth within the lowest of the Sacred Three ariseth in His might. In His mouth He holdeth the balances, and in the balances He weigheth the sons of men who upon the field of battle are impaled upon His spear.

  In the great balance upon which His eyes are fixed, one scale is veiled in fire of vivid green; the other hides itself behind a screen of red.

  Those sons of Men whose note responds not to the note of red enter the scale upon the right hand side. From thence they pass upon a path which dimly can be seen behind the dragon’s form.

  This path is entered by a fourfold door. The sacred phrases of the Sons of Light define it thus: “The portal of the luminous light, which leadeth from the green into the heart of indigo, by that rare fire and [1268] richly coloured blaze for which no name on earth hath yet been found.” Its tone is hidden.

  The sons of men (and few their number is) enter that door of luminous fire when they surmount the crest of gold which riseth on the dragon’s head above the point where gleams “the eye of fire.”

  This eye of fire transmits a strong vibration from the triple Lhas unto a centre in the Adept’s head. This when aroused, reveals the Life that is, the form that shall be, and the work united of the two and four.

  These two are drawn together. Their essence blends. The man who seeks this path is then impaled upon the spear and thrust within the fiery light which veils the balance. The mystic process then proceeds and...Thus is the work of SATURN seen, and thus the consummation is effected.

  Through SATURN’S fateful force the victor then is swiftly projected to the summit of the crest, and thence to that vibrating disk which guards the fourfold door of luminosity.

  Three Words are then committed to the Liberated One. He stands triumphant on the speeding disk and when their utterance has...the door is seen ajar, and from its other side a voice is heard to say: “Son of Compassion, Master of Love and Life, the wheel turns all the time for those who battle on the fiery ground beneath the dragon’s feet.”

  The first Word having entered on its mission, the victor lifts His head and seeks to utter forth the second Word. But, as He sounds it forth, He arrests its wide vibration, drawing again its power within His heart.

  [1269] The motion of the disk slows down. The portal of the fiery light opens more widely yet. A form is seen. Unto the Master of the Fiery Heart, this form presents three precious jewels. Their names are hidden from those sons of men who have not yet attained the dragon’s crest.

  These jewels three give to the Master of the Fiery Heart a portion of the triple force which circulates within the planet’s sphere.

  With eye intent and heart alive with burning love the Master utters not the final Word. He steps from off the disk and turns His Lotus Feet back to that Path He earlier left behind, and from the other side remounts the Dragon’s crest. Himself a dragon, He now identifies Himself with those who seek the beast. And thus He serves, turning His back upon the door of light. He is the offspring of the dragon and serves His time....

  Unknown and unseen by Him, a greater disk becomes apparent, turning unceasingly. He seeth not its movement for His eyes are on the world He has returned to serve. The disk revolves and brings around—before His yet unseeing eye—a greater wider Door....His eye of vision opens....He treads the first great path, yet knows it not.

  The note that sounds forth from that first great WAY is yet unheard by Him. Its sound is lost in the uprising cry of the children of the lesser dragon. [1270]


  (From Archaic Formulas. No. 49)

  PATH II. The Path of Magnetic Work.

  The cosmic Burning-ground of living fire lieth in the nethermost part of the western heavens. Its smoke riseth unto that high place where dwell the Sacred Lhas to Whom the triple Unity within our solar space tender Their offerings and Their fealty. Its scent of spices sweet and faint aroma of incandescent...reach to the utmost confines of the starry vault.

  The Two arise and pass the essential Flame through Their burning-ground, blending Their lesser smoke with the greater.

  This smoke formeth a Path which reacheth forth unto those spheres within the radiant form of that Attractive Life, to Whom the sons of being and of men in all their many grades offer their prayers, their life and adoration.

  The Master on this sphere, which is known as the fourth and is not holy, seeth the fiery WAY; He respondeth to its heat and seeks to warm Himself within its waves of radiant fire electric.

  A centre at the midway point within the great Kumaric Body formeth the pyre. It pulsates and it glows. It becomes a sea of living fire and draws within itself its own. The smoke which issues from this fiery wheel formeth a living WAY, veiling the steps ahead.

  [1271] The Master—with the midway wheel on fire—enters within the smoke, and enters blind. He sees no step ahead. He hears no voice. He feels no guiding hand. Only the fifth and latest known aids Him to forward grope, and pass straight onward through the veiling clouds; only the awakening of His wheel may indicate His progress through the new magnetic field.

  Only the sons of...(GEMINI) know the way in; only the sons with blazing fire, issuing from the midway point, may enter in. They throw their beams ahead to illuminate the WAY. The Adept of the funeral pyre, the Master of the blazing sphere consumes Himself. Offering Himself the One that is, the new-made threefold Word, the sacred OM, the fire of God, He treads the burning-ground, and blazes forth to those who watch as a radiant flaming sun.

  He...and draws the people onward to their goal, warming their hearts, producing dual fire, and leading all towards the portal of the sun and thence to...(GEMINI).

  The mystic Word is veiled by letters four—E, M, and A and O—. In the significance of their numbers and the utilisation of their colours is the smoke dissipated. [1272]


  (From Archaic Formulas. No. 49)

  PATH III. Training for Planetary Logoi.

  The eye of Shiva opens wide and those within its range of vision awaken to another form of sleep. They slee
p, but yet they see and hear; their eyes are closed, yet naught that passes in the greater cosmic Seven is missed by them. They see, and yet they vision not; they hear and yet their ears are deaf.

  Three times the eye of Shiva closes and three times it opens wide. Thus three great groups of Lotus Lords are impelled upon Their way.

  One group is called the “Lotus Lords of deep unseeing sleep.” They dream, and as Their dreams take form, the worlds speed on. The great and cruel maya of the planes of sweet illusion comes into being, draws into its snare the points of unconnected light, and dims their lustre.

  Thus is the work pursued....

  The eye through which these Lotus Lords contact the planes of cosmic vision is inward turned. They see not that which is upon the outer rim.

  The second group has for its name “the Lords of the Inner Lotus.” These are They who sleep, yet not so deep. They wake enough to guard Themselves from straying o’er the secret ring-pass-not which rims the great Illusion. They straitly stand, and, through Their very steadfastness, the forms are held together.

  The eye through which these Lotus Lords look out [1273] upon the great Illusion is upward turned. They see but that which lieth just above Them; they onward look to that vast mountain top which pierceth through the circumscribing wheel. This mountain top shineth with radiant light, reflected from the face of Him Whom the Lords of worlds within our solar sphere have never seen.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The third group is the strange mysterious triple group whose name must not be heard as yet within those planetary spheres whose colour blends not with the blue in just proportion.

  The eye through which these Lotus Lords gaze out upon the cosmic Path is outward turned. Its hue is indigo. The eye through which the middle group of Lotus Lords look up is turquoise blue, whilst the Lords of deep unmoving slumber gaze in through sapphire blue. Thus is the WAY of triple blue formed into one.


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