A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 120

by Alice A Bailey

  not all equally developed, 359

  numbers, 306

  physical manifestation, 612

  place within logoic body and. mutual interplay, 380-381

  planets reflecting sun, 53

  polarisation, 687

  positive and negative, 325

  seeking manifestation, differences between, 655

  seven centres in body of Logos, 290-291

  seven numerically, 233, 273, 347, 358-360, 519, 630, 631

  synonyms, 270, 632

  transmitters to Pleiades, 378

  vitality and activity of Their sheaths, 604

  work, 290-291, 632

  See also Prajapatis.

  Heredity, study, true, 797


  and Rays, 703-704


  definition, 1201

  descriptions, 1196-1208

  seven, 1196-1209, 1224

  twelve, definitions, 1195, 1224-1226

  significance, 605

  solar and planetary, 1238-1240

  work, 703, 704


  creative, fourth—

  effects on animal kingdom, 464

  emanation from lives forming, 1099

  groups, stimulation, 378, 379

  human, blending of form and energy, 605

  human Monads, 112

  human, ninth, 585, 605

  human, significance, 605

  karma, 431

  manifestation of the one life, 1100

  manifestation with Monads taking form, 742

  masculine, 91

  of human Monads under guidance of Lipikas, 112

  of human Monads, vibration, positive, 575

  of manas, 363 significance, 605 units polarised in astral vehicle, 570

  dual force, 704

  embodiment of “I principle”, 703

  fifth, 703, 704, 705

  five worlds, subplanes of Atmic, 1224


  importance, 431

  karma, 470-471

  work, 359

  liberating work with humanity, 950-951

  ninth, 585, 605

  occult, nature of, 642, 643

  of devas, 468-469, 642-643

  planetary, and fourth kingdom, 386-389

  plans, 652

  reflection of function of Lords of Five Rays, 703

  rise to full power in fifth Round, 705

  service, method, 491

  sixth, 378

  work, 483, 485, 491, 759

  Hierophant, work at initiation, 713

  Holy Spirit—

  and Mother, mystery, 916

  aspect, awareness of by science, 918

  definition, 617

  dominant factor in solar system, 916

  nature of, 922

  Horoscope, Neptunian influence, 899


  attainment, apotheosis, 47


  body cells, 383, 619

  builds and creates thought forms, 628

  evolving three laws affecting, 586


  etheric centres, sumtotal, constitution, 919

  new group incarnating in earth scheme, 390

  non-creative, part of creative activity, 929

  birth process, connection with karmic law, 938


  fires, threefold, 52, 888

  heat, 53

  kundalini and three triangles, 135-140

  triple, energy building, 780

  volatile essences, 702

  circulatory system, symbology, 901

  endeavour, three worlds, devas, 925

  evolution, status, 239-240

  family, relation to planetary Logos, 1043

  heart, arteries and veins, devas and expression, 901-902

  hierarchy, karma, types, 470-471

  individualisation involved in development, 690


  all in nature pass through, 1030

  energies, facts discovered by students, 1101

  fourth round and fourth spirilla concerned, 774

  recipients of life of first Logos, 888

  latent fire, 53

  manas, 355-378

  physical permanent atom, fifth spirilla, activity, 906

  race, entrance into chain, 576

  relationships, electrical manifestation behind, 436

  units who have achieved destiny, 74-1

  vehicle, builders, 931


  characteristic, distinctive, 612

  definition, 241-242

  etheric diseases, correspondences, 104

  goal of endeavour, 115

  hidden centre in each, reach, method, 863

  organic disorders, 108-109

  place in cosmic plan, 952

  planes, 82

  pranic centres, three, condition, 106

  service to. See Service.

  two eventualities ahead, 953-954

  workers under direction of Lodge, objectives, 954-955

  See also Men.


  and informing entities, 638

  definition, 693


  “I am”, mantram, 420, 422

  “I am That”, 422

  “I am that I am”, interpretation, 420-421


  conception and gestation, 970-971

  embodied, definition, 560

  form and shape on astral plane in flux, 1020-1021

  form for, building by man, process, 969


  aggregates, interpretation, terms, 798

  souls of forms, 595

  Identification with aggregate of all groups, 731-732

  Identity, preservation, 571-572

  Idiocy, cause, 109

  Illness traced to cause, and treated through cause, 812

  Ills of men, cures, 945


  definition, 238-239

  flashes from higher planes, receipt by head centre, 864

  of buddhi, 863

  to irradiate physical-plane life, 964


  liberation from, 950

  secret, 624


  origin, 971

  true, value, 971

  use, 173, 971

  Imbecility and arrested development, cause, 944

  Immortality, ocean of, 95


  effects, 1045

  evolutionary for solar system or Monad, 1048

  Incantation, use to control Agnichaitans, 640


  and impulse, 760-773

  and karma, 791-807

  causes producing, 761, 799

  cosmic, planetary, and human, 732-734

  cosmic, possibility and consummation, 685-686

  cyclic, of all Beings, 1029

  definition, 732-733

  descent of Ego, 787

  direct, 749, 753, 758

  each, finer forms, 772

  immediate, 738


  Egos collective, 770

  greater Life, 692

  informing life of low-grade substance, 845-847


  factors producing, 760-761

  logoic, 691

  production, 516

  refusal, 700-701


  astral, 303

  coming in during Atlantean root race, 825-826

  on moon chain, 825

  on physical plane, 303

  pralaya between, 734-738

  series of, transmutation process, 501


  Europeans in, ills, control, 107

  evils of Hatha Yoga, 491


  and races, 714-717

  and work of at-onement, completion, 768

  appearance of egoic body, 763

  appearance of form on mental levels, 767

egoic manifestation, 506-507

  form of initiation, 729-732

  goal for devas, 836

  human, 343-345, 350-351, 690

  importance, 707-732

  logoic, 350

  methods, 346-350, 717-721

  nature of, 731

  nearing, 836

  occurrence, 425, 461


  lesser lives, 692

  solar and planetary Logos, 350

  units through macrocosm affecting microcosm, 702

  process, 343-350, 369, 712, 715, 718

  producers, 689

  requirement, 687

  work of Solar Angels, 707-714


  cosmic mental plane, 493

  informing entity, 638

  Indriya, definition, 185


  realisation, expansion, gradual, 295

  urge of its Own Self, 145

  will and desire, performance of, 313

  Inertia, quality of rotary motion, 157

  Informing entities, 638


  admission to Lodge degees, meaning, 949

  becomes five-pointed star and is at its centre, 697

  controlling energy, 1054

  dealing with cycles, 792-794

  knowledge and comprehension

  gained, 674-675

  requirements, 715


  liberation, 220


  second degree, teaching, 893

  seventh initiation in this system, 422

  sixth initiation in this system, 422

  third initiation, 758

  pledged, comprehension, 748

  rays, 176

  realisation, 188-189

  requirement for liberation, 220

  to third initiation, use of sutratma and antaskarana, 959-960

  white magic, 986

  work, 485, 715, 758, 949


  adept free from limitations of matter, 52


  centres, 207-213

  egoic body petals, 868-886

  individualisation, 729-732

  mystery of numbers, concern, 697

  petals, 868-886

  applicants for, use of sutratma and antaskarana, 959-960

  by Venusian planetary Logos on Fifth chain, 387

  causes, nine, 4

  concern, 697

  cooperation of World Teacher, Master, and Ego, 870

  cosmic, major, in future, 360

  door, opening, 362


  awareness, 752-753

  comprehension, 688

  consciousness, 272, 289, 421, 422, 433

  key to mystery of energy given, 872

  of Logos, 45

  of man, ascension onto atmic plane, 121

  of man in this solar system, requirements, 47

  triangle of centres, 170

  fires, effect on planetary etheric body, 509


  blending of fires, 51

  entrance into spiritual kingdom, 543

  entrancte upon Path, 289

  escape from ring-pass-not, 114

  fohatic current enabling, 435

  magical forte of seventh Logos felt, 433

  of Heavenly Men, 627

  polarisation fixed in centre, 124

  Rod used, 210

  transfer of centre of consciousness, 446

  vehicle for divine birth, 139

  work purely exoteric, no longer esoteric, 524-525

  forced, in fourth root rase, 715


  achievements, 121

  action of jewel, 883

  after, service, 867

  burning away of all barriers, 126

  cosmic, 570

  effect on causal body, 763-764

  effect on seven spirillae, 741

  egos from one of two schemes, 854

  force of Logos of fourth Ray, vital factor, 432

  functioning in buddhic plane, 114

  harmonising life of fourth Logos felt, 433

  inner bud of causal Lotus bursts opera, 830

  key to mystery of energy given, 872

  liberating initiation, 121, 126

  on moon chain, 583

  revelation regarding Lipikas, 112

  shattering in all forms, 591

  synthesis into seven head centres, 182

  Heavenly Man, 103, 387, 388

  method, 348-350

  mysteries, group of devas closely connected with, 678-679

  nature of, 731, 829

  number of, nine, 364

  of planetary Logos of Earth. See Logos, planetary, initiation.

  planetary Logos of Venus, 387

  process, 323, 555, 644, 713-714

  production by positive force of manasadevas, 713

  revelations, 358, 882


  after, revelation of secret regarding transmutation, 475

  aggressive fire of sixth Logos felt, 433

  fires of lower centres mounting to head, 886

  Neptunian influence, 899

  revelation regarding incarnation, 738

  Rod used, 210


  achievement, escape from solar ring-pass-not, 114

  attainment, period preceding, 289-290

  circulation of dynamic fire of first Logos, 433

  domination of entire sphere of matter, 121

  influences, 753

  initiates of in this system, 422

  plane and entrance into Flame, 697

  power on all seven planes, results, 451

  revelation of a truth, 847

  secret, 183

  sign in earlier solar system, 57

  signification of number five on buddhic plane, 696


  cosmic, of Logos, 590

  development of devas equal to, 642

  discarding of all sheaths beneath monadic vehicle, 569

  force of second Logos felt, 433

  influences, 753

  initiates of in this system, 422

  monadic consciousness, 121

  off Monad, with destruction of five lesser sheaths, 580

  plane, 697

  power, extension, 451

  understanding of first Logos limited, 146

  unifying heat of second Logos felt, 433

  work in logoic etheric body, buddhic and. astral planes, 485


  animation of our scheme, 358

  appearance of egoic body, 763, 830

  causal body, 578

  centres, 170, 184,962

  circulation of fire or energy, 962

  continuity of consciousness, 185

  egoic wheel becomes fourth dimensional, 542

  explanation revealed, 259, 688

  fire, 963

  illuminating light of fifth Logos felt, 433

  initiate on monadic major Ray, 176

  key to mystery of energy given, 872

  kundalini blended with electric fire of pure spirit, 184

  learning to transmute life of animal kingdom, 485

  will or purpose aspect, 713

  types, two, 350-351


  cosmic, of Logos, 590

  definition, 198

  expansion of consciousness, 1042

  first three leading to fourth, 125

  first three, vehicle, 696

  first to third, opening of petals, effects, 883

  first two, Rod, action, results, 883-886

  four major, 340

  goals, 384

  minor, egoic petals, 870, 871

  relation to touch, 198

  sixth and seventh plane, 697

  third and fourth and effect on causal body, 538

  three major, consummation of rousing fire, 538



  Avatar, 371-372

  planetary Logos of eart
h scheme, 366

  See also Sanat Kumara. work at fourth initiation, 883

  Insanity, causes, 109, 126, 162


  in alignment, 1130-1131

  true, 757

  Instinct, mergence into manas, 700

  Intelligence animating forms, devas, 654-655

  Interdependence of—

  all atoms and forms, 801

  all existences, 96

  Interpenetration of all living matter of creation, 896


  aid, 297

  definitions, 201

  development, 287, 376, 427, 452, 457, 814

  light of, 238-239

  recognition of Masters and Their work, 759-760

  relation to imagination in perfected men, 971

  replacing concrete mind, 599

  source, 173

  spiritual, plane of, 113

  star of, 370


  perception in intercourse between aspirants and disciples, 978

  realisation of deva orders and method of work, 675

  recognition and development of abstract thought, 498

  Invocation of protective angels or devas, 926


  definition, 199

  Path, 574-575, 847

  period, 275

  production, 1029

  qualities, 575

  working, 321-322


  arc, 95, 144, 302, 887

  entities, 52

  lives of planetary Logos, 302

  matter, 658, 670

  process, cosmic, 216


  Jesus, Master—

  body, occupation by Christ, 1193

  cosmic Path, 1259

  work, 678, 759

  Jewel in the lotus—

  centralised, 711

  definition, 1101

  description, 761-762, 877

  energy emanating, 1101

  on second subplane, 769

  petals, 767, 806-807, 883

  revelation, 709, 876, 1100, 1216

  seven-fold electric fire, 628-629

  static, 1118

  work at fourth initiation, 883

  Jewels in heart of man and greater JeweI, 1232

  Jivas incarnating—


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