appearance on physical plane, factors, 770
demonstration, 760-773
Judgment Day in fifth Round, 389-390, 391, 425-426, 492, 705
connection with Earth, 369-370
development of manas, 403
planetary scheme, groups of Egos from, 841
scheme, relationships, 369
scheme, work, 742
vehicle of super-principle, 299
mystery, clue, 698
sum-total, two groups, 698
Kama-manasic plane, 303
Kamic angels and manasic angels, vitalisation, 698
Karana sarira. See Causal body; Egoic body.
agent sending forth thought form, 1021
incarnation, 791-807
manas, 395-397
personality Ray, 73-76
awareness of by Ego, 943
concept, 274
controlling Path, 1266
cosmic, 93
cyclic, involving Monads, 1052
definitions, 75, 282, 470
factor in thought form, 562
freedom from by animals, 563
government by, 111
and racial, 945
egoic, 803
of etheric builders, 934, 935
of collection of causal bodies, 547
of planetary centre, control of man, 802
liberation from, 802, 878
form, 75-76
Heavenly Men, five Kumaras, 704
individual, 75, 304, 305
matter, 75
planetary Logos, 76, 207, 945
product of, 29
relation to act of reincarnation, 798-807
relation to Manas, 395-401
types, 469-472, 770
universality in solar system, 802
work in evolution of man, 946
working out, assistance, 856
effect on builders of manas body, 945
groups, 942-943
work, 942-943
enmity between two great groups of devas, 1026
connection with human birth process, 938
working out by man, three stages, 804-807
deva agents, 624
freedom of movement, 105
See also Lipika Lords.
pull upon earth of moon, 1056
purpose and manas, 397-401
Key in human kingdom, 109
Keynote of our system, 579
seven and ten, 110
to Secret Doctrine, 109
entrance, 697
evolution, 51
key, 334-336
human, brought into being, means, 695
three fires meet, 888
of nature, every, note or tone, 495
difference according to nature of force, 694
gaps between, bridging by Solar Angels, 706-707
lower three, negative to higher force, 695
of nature—
characteristics in common, 564-566
fires, 51, 53
linking up by Agnichaitans, 643-644
liberation, 218-219
utterance, results, 218-219
acquisition, 881
all, concern, 869
branches, four, 880
definition, 879-881
exoteric and exoteric, 285-288
love, and sacrifice, occult significance, 877-878
protective, by magician, 482
Kshiti deva Lord, 626, 633, 636, 638, 911, 912-913
Kumara, fifth, importance, 441443
channels for force, 703
embodiers of manasic force on planet, 702-703, 704
karma, 704
Mind-born sons of Brahma, 702-703
mystery, 824
status, 412-413
four, work, methods, 751-753
from Venus to Earth, number and groups, 387-388
seven, triangle of centres, 181
Agnichaitans, 646
centres, 183-185
head centres, 124, 136-137
spine, 134-140
three triangles, 135-138
arousing, 139-140, 209
at-onements during evolution, 183
connection with reptile kingdom and second round, 893
cosmic, 296
effects on etheric web, 184-185
arousing, 886
awaking, premature, warning, 162
devas of, effect upon man, 908
directed and controlled, 125
effects, 124, 963
location, 648
vital energy of spinal column, 962
function, principal, 183
human, 372, 641, 646
in all sentient beings, importance, 646-647
individual, 45
attention turned away after achievement of goal, 519520
connection with Heavenly Man of scheme, 442
fire, attention turning towards our scheme, 362
flow through triangle of Venus and Earth, results, 387
intensification of vibration in human,family, 369
pouring through seven schemes, 374
stimulation of His systemic Lotus, 372
vitalisation of logoic centres, 374
vitalisation of one systemic triangle of force, 379
nature of, 184
planetary, 103, 374
pouring through seven globes of chain, 374
rising, Ray factor in centre affected, 886
systemic, 181
uprising, resistance to, 103
Kurukshetra, planetary, 705
Law, karmic. See Karma; Karmic law.
Law of—
Action and Reaction, 292, 656
Adaptation in Time, 46, 143, 219
Adjustment or Balance, 1166
Analogy, 346, 590, 656, 941, 1028, 1030
application, 982
cosmic, 569, 570, 576, 577, 589, 789
demonstration in Spiritual Triad, 584
during manifestation, 577
effects, 45, 1185-1213
fundamental, of divine Self, 766
governing soul, 6
group relations, 1213-1226
importance, , 248-249, 253, 254, 721
law for this system, 721
operation, 1166-1226
potency, 767
subjective life of solar Logos governed by, 257
subsidiary laves, 1030-1031, 1166-1175
whereby server draws to himself what he needs, 982
Attraction and Repulsion—
basic, 1039
effect, 197
eventual synthesis under, 718
force off Attraction, compelling, 568
lives built into forms, 888
method, 512
production of cyclic effect, 275
synthetic correlation, 295
work under, 79, 423
Cause and Effect—
cosmic, 93
inner workings better comprehended, 396
See also Karma; Law of Karma.
Chemical Aflinity, 1168-1172
Coalescence, 577
Cohesion, 6, 569, 576-580, 586, 587
Colour, 1171
application, 922, 923, 946
definition, 7
demonstration through, 628
guidance, reasoning, 1241
meditation upon,
principle of Buddhi under, 898
principle of mutation, 600
relationship in cosmos, 571
root races, major, chosen under, 599
study, 181, 582
Death, 587, 589, 596, 597
control of, 587
discussion, 580-583
domination of three laws, 586
final casting off of sheaths, 569
governing destruction of form, 580-583
relation to connection between atmic and physical, 597
relation to seventh Ray, 589
systemic, governing manifestation of solar Logos, 6
blending, 201
cosmic, 6, 144, 568-569, 570, 720
governing matter, 6, 199, 214-219, 249, 257
key to Law of Disintegration, 586
least resistance, 350
subsidiary laws under, 219-220
Evolution, 908
Expansion, 1030-1031, 1040-1046
Expansive Response, 1219
fifth or mental plane, importance, 591
Fixation, 6, 569, 586, 590, 591-593
Forms, 282 Fríction, 219
Gravitation, 1172-1173
Groups, 219
application to man’s vehicles, 111
control of interweaving of Rays, 598
demonstration, 785
dissipation of thought form, 948
egoic groups, 1105-1106
egoic operation under, 501
for planetary Logos, 742,
importance, 798
in three worlds becoming neutralised, 807
intermediate, of Sirius, 569-572
on cosmic mental levels, 591
operation of seventh principle under, 516
seven subsidiary laws, 592
Sirian law, 570
thought forms, 562
working through man’s mental nature, 806
See also Karma; Law of Cause and Effect.
Lotus, 1171
aim, 569
astral domination by second Ray, 587
basic, of solar system, main channel, 591
definition, 594
functions, 584
importance, 586
link between astral and buddhic body and Monads of love, 591
place of love in evolving scheme, 593-596
systemic, governing manifestation of solar Logos, 6
See also Love.
Lower Four, 1219
Magnetic Attraction, energy of permanent atom, 782
Magnetic Control—
and love, 583, 584, 587
basic law controlling Spiritual Triad, 583-586
discussion, 583-586
governing manifestation of solar Logos, 6
group under in future, 592
on buddhic plane, 569, 576
on fourth subplane of each plane, 573-574
Magnetism, 1169
Matter, 219
Monadic Return, 1030-1031, 1042, 1046-1054
Mutual Attraction, 367
Periodicity, 5-6, 275, 797, 1029, 1033
Persistence, 739
Planetary Affinity, 1172-1173
Progress, 1168-1169
Radiation, 1027, 1030-1031, 1060-1083, 1170
Rebirth, 238, 275
Rebirth and Death, 590
Relativity, 1041
Repetition, 347
Repulsion, 144, 154, 157, 219, 276, 478
Resemblance, 329
Rhythm, 831
Sacrifice and Death, 6, 569, 581, 582, 586, 596-600
Schools, 1173-1175
Service and Sacrifice in deva and human kingdoms, 902-903
Sex, 1168-1169
Solar Evolution, 1027, 1030-1031, 1054-1060
Solar Union, 1173
Spirit and of liberation, 219
activity, 215-216
atom eventually, 247
basic law of positive pole, 1166
blending with All-Self under, 200
branch of Law of Attraction, 734
connection with One higher than our Logos, 148
control of First Logos, 147, 148-150
cosmic, 6, 567-569, 570
definition, 149-150
governing Monadic Flame Divine, 47, 50
governing Ray of intelligent will, 4041, 42, 45
governing solar Logos, 257
Heavenly Man coming under, 253
law of Heavenly Man’s being, 254
man coming under, 249
man’s place under, recognition, 199
means of utilisation, blending, and dissociation, 201
pralaya and obscuration, 577
See also Synthesis.
aspect of basic law of building, 209
basis of manifestation, 569
dealing with key note, 219
demonstration, 586
discussion, 574-576
first setting in motion of Mulaprakriti, 574
governing manifestation of our solar Logos, 6
law of progress, movement, and rotation, 575-576
relation to Law of Sacrifice and Death, 597
response of deva substance to force, 644
use by true magician, 930
and planes, 572-586
basic, of colour, music, and rhythm, 427
cosmic, 6, 567-569
being, scientific apprehension, 815
construction in macrocosm, value, 1026
creative thought, 559
Economy, Attraction, and Synthesis, adjustment, 45
Electricity, 210
energy, 879-880
fire, study in future, 548
love, psychic at work in deva kingdom, 902
love. See also Love.
Magnetic Resistance, 90
solar system, seven, 570, 572597
solar system. See also Solar system.
speech, 982
symbols, 1220-1222
systemic, 6, 569-600
three most important affecting man, 586
destruction, 103
light of manas blazing forth in causal groups, 324
final, 610
from karma, 802, 878
electric fire at centre of atom, and search, 494
initiates, 2201 829
man, 171, 231, 400, 807, 965
Son, 229
spirit, 102, 126, 136, 303, 907
period, third and fourth initiations, 178
work, procedure, 125
acquisitive faculty 239
aim, 132, 133
all sentient forms, vitalisation, 924
and the lives, 601-602
basis, 51
central subjective, habitation, 612
cycles, 6-7, 231-232
divine, three expressions, manifestation, 41
every, passage through human family, 895-896
expression, subjective, of man, 294
germ implanted in acquiescent Virgin Mother, 916
goal, synthetic quality, 294
impulses, first two, basis of evolutionary energy, 893
mystery, 11
of God, pass through bodies, 698
of service, period, 610
one vitalising, synonyms, 602
secret hidden in serpent stage, 893
separation, types, 1102-1104
spiritual, basis, 51
spirituality, effect on centres, 1012
subjective, expression, 294
super-conscious, four planes concerned, 916
thread, cosmic, 114
transference, 483-485, 491
vital, sum-total, 48
> akasha, 626
devas, 624, 626
history of planetary Logos hidden in, 673
link with sheath, 785
reading, 738
receipt of impressions, comparisons, 894
serpent, 893
blaze at approximation of two poles, 315
in head, 319
monadic or logoic, of avatar, descent, 760
Ego, channel, becoming, 863
Monad, shines forth by type of electrical phenomena, 712
Spirit, 127
physical plane, 320
production by—
approximation of two polarities, 315, 712, 803
blend of two poles, 340, 345
electricity, 315, 436, 521
relation between all atoms, 1041
two types of force, 612
union of two fires, 241, 802
ray, rotation, 152,153
ensouling by devas, 67
of pranic aspect, 59
radiatory active fire, 52
storage, 57
relations, 329
source, pathway to, 868
vibrations, effect, comprehension, 1041
wave lengths from constellations, relation to sun, 1041
Linkage, occult, 365, 367, 370
Lipika Lords—
agency of permanent atoms, 517
connection with will aspect of Divinity, 1033
cosmic Path, 1266
cosmic prototypes, 1142
definition, 75
four, work, 112
group of karmic entities, fourth, 111
groups, 111-112, 517, 1142-1144
Ray work, 74
rule of Lord on Sirius, 570, 1033
aspect in bodies of Logoi, 676677
portions of physical planet, 674
subplane in cosmic physical, 674, 675
subplane in systemic physical plane, 658, 675
Little Bear, effect upon our system, 795-796
Lives, formless, definition, 616
Serpent, Lipika Lord, emblem, 893
wrong conditions, 651
Lodge, White—
centennial effort, 753
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