A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 122

by Alice A Bailey

  impulses emanating, 1036-1039

  See also Hierarchy.


  cosmic, 3

  embodiment of cosmic energy, 769

  etheric bodies linked and coordinated with dense, 695

  first, second, and third life of, 601


  and solar, liquid aspect, devas, 676

  astral vehicles, difference, 674

  bodies of individualisation on cosmic mental plane, 689

  bringing Dhyanis and lower pitris into relationship, 816

  escape, 113, 115

  etheric centres, 687

  forty-nine in connexion with seven solar systems, 879

  four, influence, 112-113

  in physical incarnation, 689-690

  meditation, 747

  physical incarnation, 689

  scheme of seven chains, 206

  use of purificatory fire, 838

  work through Builders, 564

  seven, 5, 62, 206, 783

  solar, 3, 4, 42, 767

  three or logoic aspects, key to mystery of Sephiroth, 692

  three, work, manifestation, 62


  aspect, second, form-building, 215, 218

  aspects, manifestation, 620-621

  body cells, cooperation in group work, 702

  body, stimulation, 702

  Book of Life, seventh plane, forty-nine chapters, 928-929

  Breath, Sound, and triple Word, 926-927

  consciousness, centre, 693

  cycle, 145-146

  Ego, portion reflected down into physical vehicle, 603

  etheric centres become active, fourth plane, Word, 927

  evolutionary development, 44

  existence, seven manifestations, primary, origin, 312

  head centre, 698

  heart, thrilling, response, 686

  Jewel in the Lotus, 628

  kundalini fire, 387, 648-649

  liquid body, Sixth plane, 928


  basis, 767

  method, 79

  sumtotal, 629-630

  mental unit, energy flow through, 699

  mental unit on cosmic mental plane, 693


  demonstration of Agni, 608

  life of, 603

  self-expression, 603

  petals, 49

  on fourth plane of Buddhi, 929

  Phrase, Fifth plane, thirty-five stanzas, 928

  physical body—

  gaseous devas of, 682

  liquid substance, 900

  nerve centres or plexi, 623

  study, 603

  sympathetic nervous system, 634

  physical permanent atom, vibrations, 629

  plane, subplanes, 520-522

  plane, transmitters of Word on, 920

  principle, fifth, emanations from, results, 692-693

  psychic nature as seen on cosmic physical plane, 631

  Quaternary, 44, 648-649, 788

  septenary word, fourth plane, 927

  Song of Love or Desire, poem, 928

  Sound, Second plane, AU, 926-927

  Trinity, manifestation, 628-629

  triple Word, third plane, sound AUM, 927

  will, transmutation, 691

  will-to-be permitting energy to flow, 699


  activities in His system, 598

  and man, 282-283, 767

  appropriation of dense physical

  vehicle, 721-722

  aspects producing manifestation, 620-621

  attainment of consciousness of cosmic Logos, 292

  bodies, mergence with vehicle, 717


  dense, 604: 626, 690

  egoic activity, production, 718

  etheric matter of, 616 physical, buílding, 632, 788

  physical, composition, 621, 626, 665

  physical, control desired, 1100

  substance aspect, Deva Lords representing, 626

  centered in His cosmic sheaths, 608

  centres, composition and activity, 637

  centres, ‘perfecting, 590

  characteristics shown by man, 956-957

  consciousness, expansion, 83

  control of Monad, 583


  comparison with man, Heavenly Man, solar Logos, 352-353

  desire, expression, 1042-1043

  impulses emanating, 1052

  marriage, 554

  creative, seven Breaths, source on physical plane, 655

  definition, 602

  egoic lotus, sixth petal, unfoldment, 719

  essence of, constitution, 66


  body, 616, 626

  centres, 520

  union with dense physical, 698

  evolutíon, purpose, 918


  life, 544

  mode of action, 145-146, 149

  nature of, 150-151, 234

  work, 148-149, 150

  force centres on causal levels, 616

  incarnatiog, expression, 443

  initiations, 45, 570

  learning to manipulate cosmic matter on concrete levels, 573

  love aspect, 74

  manifestation in this mahamanvantara, 918

  manifestation, modes, 628-630

  mental unít, force flowing through, 623

  mind, symbols standing for His systems, 573

  Monad, Ego, Personality, 630

  mystery, 608-609


  earth system, physical and astral bodies, 570

  love, 63

  Ray, work and expression, 443

  scheme, 357, 361, 366, 374375, 384, 440

  seventh Ray, 447, 450

  personality, functioning, 64

  physical incarnation completed, 695

  physical sheath, 608

  plan, aspect contacted, 626


  aid to, 867

  and ethers, 111-116

  antaskarana, 349

  appropriation of dense physical body, 690, 691

  ascertainment of condition of groups, 770

  body - dense, 383-384, 508, 618, 683-685, 690, 952

  body - etheric, 509, 916

  body - human cells comprising, 355-356

  body - planet, 86, 383

  body - product of desire, 81

  body - vital and body corporeal, 301-302

  Brahma aspect, 657

  centres, 590, 742-743, 769, 861, 905, 920, 952

  concern regarding fourth etheric subplane of physical, 101

  conscious creation on cosmic etheric planes, 772

  cooperation with, 873

  cycle of maturity, 700

  death, physical, 509

  definition, 507

  energy, 867

  evolutionary process, work of chain, 648

  expansion of consciousness, 1042, 1043

  expression, 206

  formulas on dense physical planes, 772

  from Venus chain of Earth scheme, 386-387

  goal, initiatory, 384

  group consciousness, 7

  Heavenly Man, 80, 301

  importance of earth chain, 114

  incarnation, 386-387

  influence of personality Ray on internal fires, 76

  initiation, 374, 387, 390, 394, 590, 647

  karma. See Karma of planetary Logos.

  keynote, 482

  liberation, 670

  life waves, basis of evolutionary energy, 893

  life work, 445

  meditation, 1043

  most closely connected with plane, 442

  objective, 384


  earth scheme, physical vehicle, 386-387

  earth scheme, relations and work, 360-367

  scheme, creativity, 655

  seventh Ray, work, 445-446

  seventh scheme, energy, 906-907

  sixth Ray, 595

>   Venus, initiation, 387

  pity for involutionary existences in Moon chain, 846

  polarisation, 661

  pralaya, 131

  prototype, Rishi of Great Bear, 657

  relation to Sanat Kumara, 752, 753

  “sitting for yoga”, 829

  thought form, 572

  units of consciousness composing, work, 289-290

  vibration, effects, 464

  vibration set-up on moon chain, beginning, 803-804 work through groups in His centres, 770-771

  See also Spirit, Planetary.

  polarisation in astral body, 721

  second, 143-145, 148, 150, 234, 544

  seeking objectivity, 147

  self-consciousness, 720-721

  sevenfold, appropriation of dense

  physical body, 692

  seventh, Words of, 451

  Sirian. See Sirian Logos.


  absolute will and purpose, 1042

  absorption or abstraction, 314

  achievement, 333

  aim, 305-306

  and Agni, 601-604

  appropriation of dense physical vehicle, 691-692

  birth on cosmic levels, 702

  body, 272, 290, 357, 358, 655, 845

  centre in body of greater cosmic Entity, 272

  centres, 290, 905, 920, 921

  comparisons, 272-273

  correspondence to reflection man, 282-284

  cosmic etheric vision, 845

  cosmic mind, 343

  cycles, 301

  definitions, 305-306, 393, 613

  demonstration, 5, 7, 53, 61, 80, 101

  dense physical form, building, 922

  description, 255-259, 272

  diagram, 94

  distinguishing qualities, 258259

  etheric body, life and energy, basis, 916

  evolution, 344, 358

  goal, 384, 592, 610

  individualisation, 712

  karma, 801, 1203

  love nature, demonstration, 128

  manasic principle, 352

  manifestation through second aspect, 586

  objective, 384

  orders from, media, 740

  origin and expression, 272

  physical body, effect of constellations, 837

  physical incarnation, 613

  physical permanent atom, 507, 517-518, 536-537, 693

  place within His sphere, study, 380

  polarisation, 687

  pralaya, 128-133

  problem, 305-306

  production, 617

  reflection by man, 652

  responsiveness to outer stimulation, 258

  subjective life expression, 294

  sumtotal of all evolutions, 239

  use of purificatory fire, 838

  work, 291-294, 563-564, 999-1000

  synthesising plane, 164

  third, 141, 142-143, 148, 150, 234, 707, 888

  thought forms of, 572, 620

  threefold, 244-245, 317, 603

  treading cosmic Path, 861

  triple energy co-ordinated, 927

  Will-to-be aspect, 629

  Lord of—

  Active Intelligence, 63-64

  Cosmic Love, 63-64

  Cosmic Will, 25, 63-64

  Fire, cosmic, 65

  Flame, 22

  a plane, definition, 442

  the World, 74, 211, 386-387, 393, 857, 870-871

  Lords of—

  Dark Face, 392

  Fire, seven, 66

  Flame, 299-300, 425, 497, 592, 701-702, 708, 709

  Karma, 74, 152, 407, 942

  Rays, 270

  Lost soul, 622, 992-993


  buds, groups, influence of fivefold Dhyanis, 708


  composition, 536-544, 816

  description, 761-764

  twelve-petalled, description, 536-544

  nine-petalled, folded in bud shape on heart, spark, 816

  scheme of Heavenly Man, 357

  three inner petals shielding central spark, 816

  twelve-petalled heart centre, 520

  Lotuses, egoic, names, 840-857


  aim of evolution, 576

  and Unity, Teacher of, 755


  building-in on all six planes, 579

  of Logos, 74

  Ray, planes, and laws, 587-588

  second circle of petals, opening, 871

  sixth principle, connection with sixth plane, 901

  brotherly, subrace of, emergence, 596

  brought into objectivity, 176

  capacity to show, 576

  definition, 881-882

  demonstrating through personality, 576-577

  effects, 594-595

  evolution, 595

  forces, importance, 512, 513

  from transmuted desire, 179

  in personality, astral body, 591, 595

  in Triad, buddhic vehicle, 591

  law of. See Law of Love.

  laws on all planes, 583

  laws, work in deva kingdom, 902

  manifestation, 594

  Monad of, 576

  of solar Logos, 128

  quality, 593

  scheme, 595

  source, Monad of love, 576

  system, key number, 574

  types, 591, 593-595

  use to stem tide, 1026

  Love-System, demonstration of law, 576


  added to active intelligence, 241

  aspect, 4, 175, 513, 576, 587

  definition, 241

  demonstration, 240

  development, 234, 235, 241, 267268

  embodiment, 240

  perfected through evolution, 241

  production, 240

  Ray in present solar system, 176

  Lunacy, right treatment in future, 812


  angels, goal, triple, 633

  bodies, history, storage, 856


  domination through control of solar Lord, 815

  force inherent, work of dark brother through, 996

  force superseded, 886

  lower self, subjugation and control, results, 867

  three bodies controlled, vibration synchronised, 877


  called into activity, occasions, 773

  description, 613-614

  force-matter, 845

  from moon chain, 780

  functions, 618, 670, 681, 686, 775, 808

  grades, 779-780

  nature of, 836 preparation for incarnation, 776

  relationships, 617-618

  triple in connection with man, 780

  work in building man’s body, 790

  See also Pitris.

  record, 856



  and microcosm, 7, 47

  four planes of super-conscious life, 916


  happening producing effects in microcosm, 702

  nature of Logos and man, 671


  agents, deva, 645

  basis, 982

  beneficent, secret, 892


  definitions, 984-985

  responsibility for, 837

  source, 989-993

  concern, 638

  investigation, danger, 993-994

  nature of, 982-996

  of unconscious or selfish kind, karmic results, 1022

  rules, fifteen, 996-1026


  conditions for, 993-996

  definitions, 984-985

  distinction from black, 984-989

  requirement, 1008

  Magical investigators, failure, 1002


  becoming with safety, 625

  black, evolution of senses and powers, 1126

  black, work with involution, 987

  condition, 964-968

  knowledge of facts, 1018-1019

  life, menace to, 1025-1026

  occult drowning, 1016-1017

  protection from his creations, 1016

  task of generating fire at triple “meeting place”, 1014


  avai1s himself of current Ray influence, 1022

  beginning of work on etheric sphere, 1023

  body menaced by destruction, causes, 1025

  control and manipulation of deva substance, 930

  critical moment near, 1004-1005

  definition, 997

  equipment, 981, 983, 994-996

  formulas enabling him to create in three spheres, 1018

  problems, 1023, 1024

  production of objective phenomena, 1018

  sign of, 1010

  use of own vital forces, conditions, 1023

  utilisation of solar forces, 1022

  work with soul aspect or soul of things, 988


  black, characteristics, 642

  black, use of seventh order of devas, 668

  control and manipulation of deva substance, 930

  of Good Law, distinction from those on left, 930

  old, coming into incarnation, 455


  and black, comparison, 466, 482, 488, 490-491, 930

  use of silence and speech, 981

  work, method, 668

  work, three types of energy, 1011


  attraction between seven systemic groups, 232

  force, 283-284

  interaction, 701

  repulsion and attraction, 91

  spots of earth, devas presiding, 912

  stimulation, 247, 249, 254, 258


  lesser devas of, 915

  means of contacting green devas, 912

  path of service of green devas, 913


  and capacity to show love, 576

  definitions, 44, 53-54

  group, 465

  manifestation, electrical, 315

  radiatory, of man, 313


  cooperation, 869

  department, 484-485; 1037-1038

  influence, 871

  office, period, 871

  Ray, 236, 361, 588

  work, 120, 599, 906-910


  aspect, control, 147

  Vishnu, and Brahma in man, 317

  Vishnu, Brahma, cosmic ethers and densest objectivity, 313-314


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