A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 123

by Alice A Bailey

  Mahamanvantara, close, 86-87

  Maharajahs, four, 112, 468

  Maitreya, Lord—

  aid of devas, 912

  ruler in world affairs, 599

  Malnutrition, cessation, 812


  ability to express himself, 690

  achievements in each incarnation, 304

  advanced intellectual, cooperation in synthesis, 485-486

  aggregate of lesser lives dependent, 810-811

  aim, 305

  and building devas, 936-947

  and fire spirits, 551, 963-1026

  and planetary Logos, 356-360

  arbiter of own destiny, 804

  as creator in mental matter, 947963

  as electric and solar fire and fire by friction, 521-522

  aspects, planes, 522-523

  astro-animal, juncture with descending Monad,584

  attainment, judge of, means, 170


  and little-developed, purpose affecting brain, 963-964

  incarnation, basis, 767

  normal functioning ground, 115

  awakened fully, 1010

  awakening to innate possibilities, 946

  awakening te realisation of devas, 650-651

  awareness, increase, means, 907

  bodily warmth, 61


  builders, 383, 670-671, 944-947

  cells, nature of, 383

  creation, 613, 655

  centres, relation to physical body, comparison wíth logoic, comparison with devas, 667

  comparison with Heavenly Man and Logoi, 352-353

  concrete manifestatíon, 617

  conformance with work of evolution, 946

  consciousness, 120, 464, 907

  correspondences, 80, 245-259

  creations, etheric doubles of, builders, 934-936


  conscious, 952, 999

  in mental matter, 551, 947-963, 999

  in substánce with positive energy, 888-889

  cycles, 302-305

  definitions, 51, 240, 295, 334, 608

  description, 228, 240, 241-242, 247-250, 613

  development, evolutionary. See Evolutionary development.

  development with reference to karma, 804-807

  direction and control of sheath, 964

  early stages, description, 804-805

  entire being, coórdination, study, 812

  evolution. See Evolution; Evolutionary.

  fires, three, at-one-ment, 963

  fragment of Universal Mind, 810

  freed soul, abstracted from matter, 738-739

  functioning in four bodies, 317

  functions on every planet, 93

  future of manas, 417-503

  goal, 836

  hidden centre, spiritual, within heart, stimulation, 863

  home, true, and home vibration, 201-202


  all creative work in mental matter, trinity, 957

  essence divine, 809

  essential essence, 703

  incarnating, lower bodies, construction, 670-671

  íncarnations, series, correspondence to, 383

  indwelling, responsiveness to bodily contact, 907

  internal fires, 51, 52

  lessons, 688-689

  liberation. See Liberation of man.

  life cycle, 231

  lives, periods, 169-170, 174-179, 231

  lower, building process, 937-938

  manas, future, 417-503

  manifestation, 234-235

  mediator in enmity between groups of devas, 1026

  nature of, 240, 516, 613, 652-654, 814

  nervous response, 61 objective, 384

  occult work, 957

  origin and full development, 271

  passage at will from one planet to another, 298


  correspondence to antaskarana, 962

  existence, cessation, cause, 670

  well-being, 57

  physical-plane work in mental matter, 957-958, 962

  place and importance, 1200

  planes, 82

  powers latent, development, 810

  ranic emanation, 61

  product of desire, 81

  productíon, 228

  production from attractive forces of own nature, 1021

  prototype, 662

  radiatory magnetism, result, 313

  reaction to Voice of Silence, 1001

  recapitulation of logoic process, 888-889

  redemption, 135

  relation to Agnichaitans, 656

  self-expression, 690, 691-692

  sounds Sacred Word, sendíng—

  forth note of Ego, 1001

  spiritual, 582, 588, 690, 1237

  subjective, vítality, study, 611

  suitability for ceremony of ínitiation, indication, 715

  synthesis of three bodies into higher, process, 526

  taught responsibility to lesser lives, 813

  threefold and threefold Logos, analogy, 317

  threefold, coordinations 806

  transmitting agency on every planet, 93

  triple fire, 608-609

  true, 964

  undertakes own unfoldment, 708-714

  visualisation of thoughtform for egoic purpose, 1001


  as unit in mental matter, 957-958

  basic, 306

  comparison with Heavenly Man, 619, 632

  with builders and deva substance, 936-947

  See also Humanity.

  Man, Heavenly. See Heavenly Man.


  adaptability, 423-424


  devas, 403-405

  earth chain, 378-395

  its nature, 308-341

  karma, 395-401

  application, past and future, 498-499

  as cosmic, systemic, and human factor, 342-503

  as electricity, 310-332

  characteristics, 418-424

  cohesion production, 332-334

  cosmic, 343-350, 378, 379

  definitions, 308-341, 353, 354355, 703

  development, present stage in three groups, 401-417

  development, results, 338-341

  entrance in third Root race, 349

  fifth principle, embodiment, 704

  form through which higher principle makes itself known, 703

  from instinct, 700

  fundamental factor in will and desire, 317

  future of, 343, 417-503

  human, 355-378

  importance, 268-269, 283

  in final rounds, 475-503

  in full fruition, work-out in fifth Round, 703

  intelligent will or purpose, 337-341

  key to fifth kingdom in nature, 334-336

  manifestations, three, 308-309

  nature of, 308-341

  ordered activity, 421-423

  origin, 342, 343-395

  plane of, 65, 113

  planetary, 350-355

  position, 342, 395-401

  rebellion against translation of buddhi within, 705

  relation to Will, 353

  Sons of, fate in fifth Round, 705

  stimulation in Earth chain, 379

  synthesis of five Rays, 336-337

  synthesis poínt, 498

  synthesising process, 499 See also Mind.


  brought into action, 711

  coming in, purposes, 708, 719

  cosmic prototypes of our solar Angels, 712

  embodiment of will or purpose of Logos, 712

  energised by force from cosmic mental plane, 712

  forming causal body, 776

  groups and methods, 700-701

  intelligence achieved during previous mahamanvantara, 686-687

  nature and basic vibration, 825

  on mental plane of system embody will and purpose, 712

  positive force prod
ucing initiation, 713

  work, 700-701, 708, 713, 742743, 778


  definition, 198


  becoming, aim of man, 305

  development, 689

  in their totality manifesting as Manas, 918

  Mind-born Sons of Brahma, third aspect logoic, 270

  motion, 1028-1029

  on their own plane, considered, standpoint, 690

  perfected Sons of Mind, 305

  seven Heavenly Men, love of God demonstrated, 259

  solar Logoi and Dragons of Wisdom, 305

  Thinkers, 518

  vehicles, indwe1t by, 267

  incarnation, 706

  mystery, 704

  on fourth cosmic etheric plane, 690, 693

  relation to first Logos, 146, 259

  second aspect, 1032

  types, 706

  work, 563-564


  activity, originating sources, 393-395

  angels, vitalisation from logoic head centre, 698

  characteristics on planes, 500-503


  in planets, 402-407

  on Earth, 412-417

  present stage, 342, 401-417

  within system, 408-412

  energy, source, 690

  permanent atom. See Atom, permanent, manasic; Atoms.

  principle, importance, 259-260

  principle, origin, 353, 379

  triangle, 137



  cause, 831, 918

  four fundamental concepts, 319

  influences, variety, reality, 801

  three things recognised, 1061

  basic, substance, 650

  illusory character, human and logoic, 693

  nature of, 260-266, 399

  physical objective side, origin, devas, 655

  requirement, 900


  basis of formula, 772

  dealing with forces impelling activity in Agnisuryans, 1006

  definition, 926

  egoic, influence on pitris, 783

  logoic, of 35

  stanzas, plane of, 928

  making possible 777

  incarnations, pronouncing, 776

  potency and effects, 926

  response of solar Angels to, 771-772

  response of substance to, 785

  word and formula, relation between, 772


  potency, requirements, 926

  types, 926

  uses, 776, 950, 981

  utterance, 448-453

  value, recognition, results, 463


  combinations, work of second aspect, 771-772

  phrase, utterance by devas, 937


  and His group, force centre, 180

  change and passing to other work, 871

  cooperation with Mahachohan, 907

  department, work, 484

  energy, direction, 871

  force, emanations, 1038

  force, factor in unfolding of petals, 870

  office of, 120

  work, 120, 436, 599

  Manus, solar, forty-nine, 631


  consummation, 47

  each, logoic mantram chanted anew, 928

  fourth, 115

  Many from one, 64

  Marital troubles, elimination, 813



  Holy Spirit and Virgin Mother, results, 916-917

  production, 513

  laws, great changes, 909

  mystic, key, 672

  physical, reaction against, fire responsible for, 908

  relation, laxness, causes, 908-909


  allied to three planets, mystery, 299

  development of manas, 403

  kundalini latent, 181

  Mars-Mercury-Earth triangle, 390


  development, 466-467

  esoteric side, meditation upon, results, 934

  operative and speculative, 934

  Masons, contact with devas, 466-467


  ascertainment of condition of human units, 769-770

  choice of one of seven Paths, 502

  definition of term, 230, 584

  departure from our planet, consequences, 176

  description, 584

  function in this cycle, 1130

  Hilarion, work, 455-456

  information used regarding egos, 856

  physical body, matter of, 935

  power, secret, 192

  Rakoczi, work, 455-456

  self-expression, full, 230

  sounds mantram and builds, 772


  alchemical, 485

  on buddhic levels, 584

  through groups, 978


  and disciples, 49

  centres in bodies of 7 Heavenly Men, 166

  habitations, devas around, 915

  incarnation, 758-759

  knowledge of three worlds, 482

  Lodge of, group of devas connected, 677-678

  meeting with deva, purposes, 911

  rays, 176

  recognition by intuitives, 759760


  interpretation in terms o£ alchemy, 485

  lines of energy or force, 482

  with men, 288, 769-770, 948, 950

  See also Brothers; Brotherhood; Guides of the race; Hierarchy; Magician, white.

  Mastery on solar and. cosmic planes, 233

  Material sheaths, building, 625

  Materialisation, all forms, on physical plane, method, 925-936

  Mathematical formulas, work of third aspect, 771-772

  Mathematics, divine, training in, 1142



  characteristics, 144

  hold on spiritual, 949

  on all planes, 662

  astral, 942

  atom of. See Atom.


  distinction from permanent atom, 516-517

  nature of, 888

  attraction to Spirit, 283

  body of manifestation of one of seven devas, 636

  building into form, 75

  burned up by mind and Spirit, 102

  cellular, growth and adjustment, 78

  circle of, 160

  dense, activity, conscious, embodiment, 639


  elementals, 890-896

  plane of, contact of spirit with, 46

  destruction, warning, 162

  disintegration, 315

  effect of fohatic impulse, 259

  electrical, 314, 316

  energising factor, 437

  essence, connection with electrical activity, 873

  etheric, 50, 314, 522

  evolutíon. See Evolution.

  fire, 4, 50-51, 73, 108, 228, 240

  fires, forty-nine, 522

  fourth-dimensional quality shown—

  symbolically, 160-161

  gathering for new birth, 284

  in man, 240

  intelligent, 160

  kama-manasic, masses, gradual dissipation, 953

  karma, 75

  latent heat, 105-106

  liberation from, 47, 52, 102

  life, devas, 488, 489, 654

  limitations, freedom from, 52

  liquid, elementals, 890, 896-910

  living, all, interpenetration, 896

  manipulation, 220

  mental. See Mental matter.

  molecular, gathering, 577

  mother aspect, 228, 475, 618

  motion, cause, 74

  nature of, 488

  never built into human body, 942


  all planes, tlhreefold influence, 678

  brain, development, 441

  cosmic menta
l plane, manipulation, 573

  subplane, preponderance, factor, 942

  pregenetic, first differentiation, 43

  purification, final, 51-52

  qualities and attributes, work, 468

  rotating sphere, pictured by symbols, 159-161

  secret of, discovery by scientists, 917

  segregation, 580

  sixth type, subjected to higher energy, 903

  true nature, realisation, 475

  Maya, mystery, 624


  definition, 761

  formation, key, 960

  true, construction, 772


  knowledge of man, readjustment, 811-812

  men, studies and trend, 89

  profession, attitude, changes, future, 474


  applied, trend, later, 104

  change from curative to preventive, 123, 812

  mineral drugs, effects, 645

  schools, study of etheric body, 453-454, 474

  vegetable constituents, 945


  agency in attaining alignment, 960

  all, esoteric basis, 1000

  and its objective, definition, 969

  by disciples, training, purpose, 950

  contact in, 197

  creation in, 999-1001

  escape resulting, 82

  function, main, 998

  means of attaining alignment, 960

  occult, results, 956

  of Ego, period, 998

  of planetary Logos, 1043

  on nature of human heart, 1098

  science of, Chart X, 961

  seed, 868

  sounding of Word, coordination of forces in head, 1012

  teaching means of ascertaining knowledge, 814

  theme recommended, 745-746

  value, 744, 746-747, 868

  Meditations productive of magical results, 1001

  Memory, storage, 693


  destruction of illusion, 950

  evolutionary development, pose, 952

  groups on causal levels, centre in body of Heavenly Man, 272

  highly evolved, desire to evade marriage, 908

  ills, cure, 945

  mindless, fate, 719

  new characteristics, 447, 474, 475

  perfected, in councils of planetary Logos of ray, 843

  power o£ clear thought with thoughtforms, 954

  prominent workers and thinkers, objectives, 954-955


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