activity, methods, 1222-1223
and subray, effect on work of disciple, 867
coming in, 911
Spirit and matter meeting and union, 909
See also Ray seventh. cycles, 1036-1039
definition, 69
Divine, 233, 513, 527
dual force, 704
effects upon humanity, 427-457
and solar fire, 504-549
and spirillae, 515-530
connection with permanent atoms, 70, 71
definition, 177
effect on deva substance, 943
factor in type of deva substance influenced, 943
seventh, 473
sway, period covered, 175
factor in affecting physical brain awareness, 886
factor in progression of kundalini, 139, 169
agency in building thought forms, 553
importance, 585, 590
influences, 433-435, 436
initiates, achievements, 456
Lord of, 704-705, 841-842
producing spark of mind in animal man, 590
Ray of fifth Kumara, 704
first aspect of All-Self, 586
impulse from, 1038 influences, 424-426
factor of initiation, 883
or vibration, 443
and fourth kingdom, 588
characteristics, 585
influences, 427, 432, 434
governing mergence of animal kingdom into human, 590
influences, focal points, 437
connection with mental unit, 71
effects, 72, 173, 543, 546
nature, 70
sway, period in life, 174, 176, 178
active intelligence, primordial, 83, 141
active matter, 74
activity. See Ray third.
Ceremonial Order, significances, 589
Ceremonial Order. See also Ray seventh; Ray Ceremonial.
Concrete Science, relationship to animal kingdom, 590
Concrete Science. See also Ray fifth.
Cosmic Will, 145-146
Devotion, connection with vegetable kingdom, 589
Devotion. See also Ray sixth. Harmony, concern with evolution of man, 441
Harmony or Beauty. See also Ray fourth.
intelligent activity, 38-40, 42, 45, 46
intelligent activity. See also Ray third.
intelligent love, 40, 42, 45
intelligent love. See also Ray of Love-Wisdom; Ray second.
intelligent will, 40-41, 42, 45
intelligent will. See also Ray first; Ray of Will or Power. love-Wisdom, 74
love-Wisdom. See also Ray second.
Mahachohan, 830 mind, 74
Will or Power, aspect of All-Self, 586-587
Will or Power. See also Ray first.
or group centre, ascertainment, 797
and fire by friction, 69-76
and karma, 73-76
and permanent atoms, 70-73
effect, 76
regime, work of man, 174, 175-176
primordial, 513, 527
quality, factor affecting, 1196
quality of thought forms incident to, 954
control on fourth and sixth planes, 587
cycles, appearances of great Teachers, 1038
importance, 600
influences, 424, 426
synthetic, 600
See also Love-wisdom Ray.
activity, 596-597
agency in building thought forms, 553
coming in, result, 678
effect on - animal kingdom, 457, 462-463, 465
effect on - devas, 463, 466-469, 472-475
effect on - human kingdom, 457, 464, 467, 473
effect on - physical plane, 467
egos, bodies of, 473-474
Heavenly Man of, 442
importance, 589
incoming, effects, 440-457, 462-468, 473-475
Logos, prime function, 447
Logos, words uttered, 450-452
Lord, work, 441, 445-446
planetary Logos, service, 445-446
relation to seventh order of devas, 668
structure, new, for decaying civilisation, 1022
work of Mahachohan, 906-909
connection with sixth type of energy, 898
importance, 589
influences, 436-440
Logos, 899
passing out, result, 678
planetary Logos of, 595
stimulation of deva substance, 678
connection with Law of Disintegration, 582-583
control on third and seventh planes, 587
impulses, 1037, 1038
influences, 424, 428
violet, 911-912
abstract, work, 590
adaptability, 423-424
and hierarchies, 703-704
circulation and interweaving, 598
concrete, effect, especial, on devas, 589
connection with centres, 173-183
activities, 437-440
threefold, 83
Divine and Primordial, interaction, 75
of Manas, 361
synthesis, 336-337
control of four kingdoms of nature, 588
merging into three, 588
minor, control, emphasis, and mergence, 588
minor, planets embodying, 299
minor, synthesis into third Major Ray, 740
represented by Mahachohan, 361
information concerning, too quick, danger, 169
major, 600
monadic, egoic, and personality, work, 69-71
positive aspect in manifestation and pass into negative matter, 704
description, 152
list, 5
relation to Logos, 629
Lords, stimulation of four Heavenly Men, 463-464
Lords, vibration and radiation, effects, 463-464
major, 113, 176, 177, 299
minor, connections with first three kingdoms, 589
monadic, egoic, and personality, work, 69-71
two, concerned with evolution of man, 441
Realisation, body of, man’s, builders, 703
human, types, 744-747
method of evolution, 231, 238
production, 766
time of, government, 592
wheel, 126, 240
See also Law of Rebirth; Reincarnation.
Rebirths, three classes, 745
Records of human egos, 855-857
egos, 593
jiva, origin and goal, 46
jiva, recognition of vibration and return, 145
cycle, progress through, 583
Ego, process, 773
factors, 1013-1014
improvement attained, 132
process, 516, 722, 936-944
through joint activity of Pitris in process of Ego, 773-776
time requirement, 791
under Law of Economy, 766
See also Law of Rebirth; Rebirth.
Heavenly Man, 273, 288-307
schemes, chains, rounds, races, 288, 300
evolution, 894
kingdom, secret, 892-893
family, formation and evolution, results, 894
life, all, purpose, 892
Responsibility taught, 813-814
elation of—
secret of brother’s heart, 865
Spirit, 611
Revolt against law and order, remedy, 929-930
Revelation on planet, future, 714
cyclic, cessation, results, 129
imposition upon atoms, 800
newer and higher, imposition upon men, 954
of solar system, 128, 129, 130
point reached, effect on occupier of form, 159
quality of rotary motion, effects, 158-159
action, sphere, 111
definitions, 41, 110
etheric, 109, 111
for involved planetary Spirit, 105
formation, 355, 1047
from purely physical to astral, 110
logoic, 105, 232 movements, 41
atom, 247
central life, 507
cosmic Entity, 355
Heavenly Man, 250, 254, 290, 355
inner fire, 490
man, 249, 281, 289
plane, 469
planetary Logos, 111, 289
Solar Logos, 255, 292, 355
solar system, 156, 283, 493
passage of fire from, 97
personality, 114
planetary, 101, 113
planetary Spirit, 105
solar, 105, 111, 114, 115, 151, 183, 238, 535
stanza VIII, 24
temporary, 100
ceremonial, true use, 474
use-by devas, 489
Rod of—
Bodhisattva, 1035
Initiation, use, 207-213, 307, 883
Power, wielding, results, 697
Sanat Kumara, 1035-1036
Rods of Initiation, kinds and effects, 348-349
Root race—
definition, 383
every, vegetation, style, 496 fifth
concrete mind, 590, 599
contributions to evolution, 599
electrical stimulation, fresh, results, 715-716
fifth round, mental clairvoyance, 905
development of astral capacity, result, 588
forced initiation, 715
second, comparison with second round, 579
seventh, demonstrations, 599
astral clairvoyance, 905
intuitive groups, 457
to be ushered in, 467
cataclysm, 583
individualisation, 714-715
Root races, description, 121-122
activity, 1034
and symbolism, 159-161
effects, 152-157
qualities, 157-159
Rotary movement—
and centres, 167, 170-173
momentum, 154,157
separation, 152-154, 157
effect of absorption, 155-156, 157
of spheres within solar periphery, 151
each, attainments, 291
cleavage between two groups of men, 525, 599
events, 705-706
fourth Race, door of initiation opened, 718-719
fourth Race, individualisation, 717-721
Hierarchy to utilise our Earth scheme, 703
manasic energy logoic, flow, 699
mind, fruition, 571
recapitulation of activities, 905
secret of fifth round, 296
description, 497, 571, 599
shattering of etheric web, 114-115
third root race, individualisation, 718
second, serpent, 892
seventh, major round, mergence of two evolutions, 599
sixth, devas, 670
effect on devas, 671
fifth and seventh, importance, 599
Rules for magic, fifteen, 996-1026
Rules for physical plane, four, 1021-1026
Rupa, definition, 616
Sacred spots, devas attached, 915
factors involved, 882
final, of solar Lords, 878
great, consummation, 879
mystery, unlocking, result, 872
of Divine Manasaputra to humanity, 882
of solar Angels, 878
will in, dynamic use, 872
Salamanders, group activity, 66, 904
Sanat Kumara—
initiations and centres, 374-375
relation to planetary Logos, 752, 753
representative of specialised force, 181, 497
Triad closest to, 75
work, 751-753
See also Initiator, One; Lord of the World.
Sankaracharya, Master, 672-673
correspondence, 182
development of manas, 403
exoteric significance, 296
nature qf, 406
stimulation, 357-358, 793
synthesising, 370, 378, 406, 777
transmission of cosmic manas, 378
vehicle of super-principle, 299
Saturnian energy, influence, 905
body of manifestation, creation, 655
chain in, subjective life expression, 294
definitions, 359, 381, 382
each, description, 357
Earth, Venus chain in systemic alignment, 386-387
fourth, importance, 361-362, 363
characteristics, 357, 359
manasic principle, source, 393
production, 613
and chains, 596
life and influence, participation in, 365-367
channel of communication between, 850
“die out”, 835-836
grouping, 923
seven, heat radiation with magnetic attraction, 232
synthesising, 777
work, 564
Schools, planetary, 1177- 1179
acknowledgment of etheric body, 88-89
and religion, union desired, 678
exoteric, discoveries and developments, 641-651
future, 297
modern, findings, revelations tending to neutralise, 915-916
of Psychology, 809-813
of the Self, 958
recognitions, 611, 638-639
trespassing into domain of building devas, 934
work hitherto, 918
apprehension of laws of being, 815
discoveries, 1037
endeavour, aim, 60
students, focus on etheric body, 474
discovering nature of atom, significance, 921
modern, situation today and future, 1028
approach to Reality, 1060
astronomical, 1142
future, work, 441, 455-456, 641, 917-919
Scriptures, accounts of creation, 980
elementals, 915
mystery, and secret of its “drying up”, 899-900
of fire, 43, 79, 887
Seas, rivers, streams, control by devas, 913
aspect, impulse from, imminent, 1038
correspondences, 577-578, 579, 583
planetary scheme, second globe in second chain, energy, 894
Secret Doctrine—
keys, 109, 625
three fundamentals, 3-7, 238 vindication, 707
illumined, vision, 1060
true, body requirement, 103
and not-self, interplay, cyclic, 274
apprehension of relation of form to, and utilisation, 295
awareness, 200-201
definition, 1101
development, 231
divine, union with lower, 698
dual nature, recognition, 815
Higher, contact with, prevention, 109
indwelling, descent in head, 1009
lower, impulses, ability to negate, 955
personal, cooperation with divine Self, 738
threefold, activity aspect, development, 174
tone called forth, 274
vibration of, apprehension, 202
entity, intelligent will and ordered purpose, 337-341
unit, appearance on physical plane, 769
attainment, 686-687, 696, 718
deva evolution in relation to, study, 612-613
development, 780
full, attainment by Aryan root race, 905
full, work begun, 695
of Logos, 720-721
production, 450, 717
nine, mystery, key, 692
three, work, resemblance to, 941
two groups seen reproduced in man, 942
Septenary, Divine, Triad, Decad, and permutations, chart, 373 Septenate, prototype, 718
heavenly, manifestation, 893, 894
lore, investigation, results, 894895
Serpents, conriection with wisdom, 892, 896
Server, lessons, 955-957
for humanity, requirements, 966-967, 970
group, conscious effort of Ego, 832
rendering, 865-866, 867 to Logos, 260
under Law of Attraction, 982
Archangels, 233
branch races, 62
branches of knowledge in Puranas, 285
Builders, 233
centres of human unit in ether of fourth order, 431
centres of logoic Force, 5 chain periods, 63
chains in scheme, 288
Chohans, 66
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