Divine Manasaputras, 216
globes in chain, 288
Heavenly Men, 62, 216, 218, 233, 431, 513, 607
hundred and Seventy-seven incarnations, 306, 776, 825-826, 829-830
hundred incarnations, 825-826
incarnations, 828-829
initiations, 285
laws of solar system, 569
letters of note of Vishnu aspect, 218
Logoi, 5, 62, 233
number governing evolution of substance and form building, 609
numerical correspondence, 466, 600, 628-631
planes or seven grades of matter, 216, 285, 513
Entities, 62
Logoi, 62, 233, 513
schemes, 607
planets with informing entities, 513
principles of the one Boundless Principle, 513
qualities of wisdom, 216
Rays, 5, 285, 513, 607
Rishis of Great Bear, 431
root races, 62, 288
rounds, 63, 288
sacred planets, 288
significance, 609
Spirits before the Throne, 233, 628, 629-630
states of consciousness, 285
subraces, 62, 288
subsidiary laws of Law of Economy, 216
systemic groups, magnetic attraction, 232
systemic laws of thought, 569-0600
types of—
forces, 285
mind, 607
wisdom-love, 216
world periods, 63
young ones of swan, 513
Seventy incarnations, 826-828
differentiation in matter of system, 216
Divine Ray, 233
psychic differentiation of Sons of Mind, 216
Seventh Principle, 285
activity production on all planes in system, 721
expression transmuted, 585
fire of, devas, 677
function, basis, 53
impulse, cause, 126, 649, 900
mental creation, laws, 559
mystery, unlocking, result, 872
problem, concern of Buddhas of Love, 874
question, attitude to, change, 475
question, clue to, 512
signification, 874-875
stimulation, sublimation, 297
view of in Hall of Learning, 872
Shaktis, list, 395-396
constitution, 753
location, 211
Sheath, etheric, building of human form, 943-944
definition, 55
fires, internal, 54-68, 151-152
man’s, building, 786-788
material, 54
nature of, 516
substance, coordination, 775
three, matter of, 780
threefold lower man, energise and coordinate, 717
aspect, fire, 888
form of motion, 1034
meanings of term disclosing faculties of third eye, 1008
Surya, Brahma, 626
Shoulder blades, centre between, 864
and mind, relationship, 351
fourth-dimensional, 597
on five planes, 188-189, 194, 196, 198-201
Silent Watcher, mystery of watch, origin, 416
Silent Watchers—
in cosmos, secret, revelation, 872
purposes and plans, 882
Silver cord, human, 86, 98
Sin of the mindless, 673
law of Karma, 569-571, 592
Logos, 571, 572, 592
solar system, relation to our solar system, 568, 570
agency in appropriation by Logos of dense body, 699
channel of force into solar system, 156
connection with fifth logoic principle, 699
cosmic mental plane, 904
devas emanating from, 624
effect upon our system, 795-796
entities from, appearance, occasions, 723-724
force centre, 624
guiding Intelligences, 1033
influence, 146, 378, 553, 570, 571
karma, 570
Lord on, 570
manasic energy, 1162
Path to, 1243, 1258-1261, 12741275
relation to our solar system, 375
source of logoic manas, 347
sun, impulses from, 1033
sun, waves of energy sweeping through solar system, 1052, 1053
system, 375, 569-570
vibrations from via cosmic mental plane, 553
Creative Hierarchy, connection with devas, 669
in correspondences, 595-596
planes and subplanes, study, 897898
Slums, unhealthy conditions and cure, 106-107
Smelling on five planes, 188-189, 194, 200, 201-202
and lunar pitris, work coordinated, 768
action upon lunar angels, 937-938
activity, primary factor in white magic, 1015
agent active in all true magical work, 1012
divine will, 964
energies, natural, 1116
energy, utilisation by white magician, 996
extinction of light of lunar angels, result, 953
fire, 963
force, positive, equilibrising, and negative, 1014
formation o£ triangle, 999
idea attaining definite concretion, 1024
invocation for protection, 1025-1026
protection of magician, 1006
relations to man, 1035
true man, 964
work of white magician, 996
See also Ego.
activity, result, 767
Agnishvattas, 679-946
and fifth principle, 698-707
becoming one with, accomplishment of evolution, 946
builders of body of Ego, 689, 807
concerned with fifth Hierarchy, factor in evolution, 706
cosmically considered, 689-693
creative power, 680
direction of vibration, 772-773, 775-776
energising work, 886
energy, 833
functions, 686, 689
groups, 698-699
hylozoistically considered, 693-698
importance, 706-707
nature of, 621
relation to planetary and solar Logoi, 834
response to mantram, 771-772
return to Central Spiritual Sun, 878
sacrifice, 779, 878
seeking fuller consciousness, 779
sound mantram and lunar pitris respond, 771-772
substance of, petals, 762
use of mantram, 771
work, 707-714, 768, 775-781, 950-951
See also Agnishvattas.
Arjuna, cosmic man, 242
astral plane, substance, Deva embodying, 676
atom, effect on individual Monad, 1052
atom, relation to constellations, 1058-1059
Devas, return to central Heart, 836
etheric system, 99
evolution, 49
and egoic Ray, 504-549
aspects, 4
consciousness, love aspect, nine petals, 818, 819
definition and results, 316
description, 38, 42
evolution, 50
in electric aspect, 523
manifestation of Logos, 628
occurrence, 221-1226
of buddhi, 333
of causal body, 506
of mind, 221-1226
production, 228, 241, 799, 802
sevenfold, 629
shining through causal vehicles of egoic groups, 523
force, implication, 627-628
ods, synonyms and nature, 950
Logos. See Logos, Solar.
Lord, imposition of rhythm and vibration upon aspects, 937
definition, 613, 618, 833
direction of force and application to permanent atoms, 776-777
force activity in second solar system; 618-619
goal, 836
in council of solar Logos, 843
production of solar Logos, 617
relations to man, 617
return to heart of subjective Sun, 878-879
self-sacrifice, 779
work, consummation, 828-829
work in connection with man, 781
plane, seven subplanes, process, 314
plexus, logoic and planetary, 924
plexus, use, 287, 975
prana. See Prana, solar.
radiation, 51, 107, 156
record, 856
repulsion, 90
stimulation of plane, 678
Solar system—
and Sirius, 568, 570
area corresponding to human, 944
astral plane of, 900
astral-buddhic, 176
atomic subplanes, interrelation, 655
basic law, 591
composition, 595
consciousness, 7
cosmic prana. See Prana, cosmic.
creation, 655
definitions, 245, 509
development, 245-246
differentiation, basic, 628
duality, factors affecting, 239243
dynamo, mechanism, revelation, 872
electrical force, occult nature, 296
embodiment of consciousness of Entity, 238
etheric body perfected in future, 927
etheric web, 99
evolution along lines of duality, 237-243
fires, 51, 52, 53, 59
first plane, 79
force, 624
form, production, 152
four schemes, vehicles for four planetary Logoi, 686
gaseous form, appearance, 928
green, 932
inhabited by perfect existences, future, 980-981
laws of thought, seven, 569-600
location, 121
Logos of, diagram, 94
inanasic activity, originating source, 393
manasic development, present stage, 408-412
manifestation, entire, 313
manifested, production, 612
mysteries, three basic, 872
nature, 240-243
ours, takes its place in cosmic scheme, 920
past, synthetic Ray, 588
perfect, 980-981
perfected, involutionary development, 235
permanent atom, receptive to force emanations, 693
physical body of Logos, 788
planes, 82, 117-121
pralaya, 131
present, goal, 122
relation to Logos, 512
relation to Son, 245
scheme in subjective life expression, 294
centres with 49 major petals vibrant, 927
laws, 572-600
planes, physical nature, 922
planetary Logoi, 801
state of flux, 1030 s
subjective essence, 50
three hundred and forty-three fires, 905-906
triangles of force, 180-183
triplicities, 4-5
twelve-petalled lotus, 1018
twenty-one rounds, 218
vital life, sumtotal, 48
withdrawal from objectivity, 8687
achievement, 174
aspect perfected, 618
attainments, 686-687
basic note, 594
characteristics, 847
Ray and planes, 588
characteristics, 847
force activity, 618-619
fourth order, 361-362
nucleus, foundation, and result, 595-596
planes, 587-588
Rays, 587-588, 600
vibration of cosmic astral, 687
active intelligent love, 687, 741
characteristics, 847
contribution of seventh root race to, 599
head centres complete, 590
impulse and result, 595
interaction between Monad
and Ego, 765
mystery, 574
power aspect, 587, 599
Rays, 600
Solar systems—
I and III, Monads, 578-579
I, II, III, basic notes, 594-595
numbers, important, 695-696
characteristics, 847-848
development of man, 245
lines of least resistance, 584
principiles, 245
sound, threefold for, 574
expression, 4, 241, 593, 613, 620, 629
nature of, 876
will controlled by, 1010
birth on physical plane, 620
body of manifestation, production, 613
definition, 229-230, 242, 244
evolution, 242, 519
Grand Man of the Heavens, manifestation, 234, 235
great solar thought form, birth, 1000
incarnation, concluded, 132
liberation, 229, 245
life cycle, 231
light and heat felt by opposite cosmic pole, 232
Logos, principle embodied by Heavenly Man, 234
made perfect, 900
name, 176
of God, demonstration, 887
individualised, 228
on plane of monadic life, 519
on way to attainment, 718
production, 241
relation to sun, 225-231
return to Father, 484
Song, logoic, of Love, sixth plane, poem, 928
Sons of Cosmic Evil, 28
aspect on fourth subplane, 522
aspect, study by psychologists, results, 524-525
awaiting incarnation, link with body, 445
cosmic, 63
definition, 46
evolutionary expression, 48
fire of, 4
life, secret in serpent state, 893
manifestation, 7
plane, 488
world, sevenfold, 646, 858
relationships, 797-798
union with, practices rendering, 865
vitality, 48
See also Ego.
Souls, lost, 127
A U, logoic Sound, 926-927
A U M, logoic triple Word, third plane, 927
astral, production of physical incarnation, 516
colour, vibration, three factors, 941
cosmic, knowledge of, 445 egoic, 1001
emitted in everyday speech, 983
enunciation by Ego, 937-938, 940, 941, 943
eternal, 24
factor demonstrated with colour and vibration, 941
factor, thought manifestation process, 955
functioning, plane, 320
groups subject to inducement by, 489
guidance of Army of the Voice, 472
importance, 190-192
light, vibration, and form, blend, work, 1002
mantric, use, 448-449, 451-452, 494-496
cosmic fire, 14
group of atoms, 273
Self, 274
power, use, 930, 953
reduction of chemical formulas to, 486
relations, 329
scientific utilisation, 454
seen, 666
transmission by devas, 937, 940
transmission through air, 905
by white magician, 985
in control of elementals, 494
to develop intuition, 452
> value, 463
uttered by creative Logos, 574
vibration, knowledge of, means of development of intuition, 427
work of Mahachohan, 909-910
See also Note.
colours, spiritual numerals, 448
notes, discovery, 190-191
words for directing and controlling devas, 952
lost by alchemists, 494
means of finding secret of atomic energy, 496
method of contacting devas, 668
utterance, effects, 448-452
See also Mantram; Mantrams.
protective, knowledge of, 482
seven on Path of involution, 574-575
twenty-one of solar system, 218
use in magic on Atlantis, 1003
use to control fire, 640
Space, definitions, 281
Spark, divine, 44
Speaking, good, occult work, 978
control, result, 953
effects, 963
laws of, 982
magical force, 981
misuse, cause of difficulty in group work, 978
occult significance, 977-982
regulation, importance, 978-979
result in diversified mantrams, 786
bodies, 220
form of every life in solar system, cause, 1040-1041
shape of all existence, origin, 312
Spinal column—
barrier, 126
purpose, 183
rising of fires, 123-124
importance, 57
path of fire, threefold, 184
position in back, 106
and kundalini, 134-140
and spinal currents, investigation, 894
centre, functions, 167
centre, nature, 646-647
fires, 55, 61, 138, 207-208
triangle, 135
activity, 1031-1035
energy, seven types, 1036
force, demonstration, 1035
Spirilla, fifth—
awakening, importance, 861
development, 696
full activity and usefulness, 712, 906
in all atoms of lower man, importance, 697-698
logoic, 694, 706
and egoic Ray, 515-530
arrangement, 531-532
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