A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 128

by Alice A Bailey

  awakening, in education, 549

  definition, 527, 531, 629

  four, development, activity, and. destruction, 75

  human, increased vibration, result, 906


  astral permanent atom, 541

  logoic mental unit, energy flow, 699

  man, 531, 532, 535, 780

  mental permanent atom, 464

  mental unit, 542, 546

  permanent atom of solar Logos, 537, 693

  permanent atoms - affected by egoic Ray, 515530, 531

  permanent atoms - arrangement, 531-532

  permanent atoms - connection with petals, 208

  permanent atoms - ensouling, 780

  permanent atoms - influence of personality Ray, 531

  permanent atoms - latency into potency, 545

  physical permanent atom, 546

  stimulation, 356, 441, 651-652, 658


  adjustment of matter to, 47 aim, 144

  and form, 280

  and matter—

  attraction, 276

  battle between, 242

  blend, 232

  bringing together in macrocosm, results, 179

  mystic marriage, 672

  synthesis, dual, forces standing for, 598

  union on mental plane, result, 702

  aspect, idea related to, 295

  birthplace and liberation, 102

  blaze as light and heat, 232

  control of material vehicles, 140

  definition, 644, 876

  development, expression, 49

  dissociation from form, 218

  downflow, 125, 136

  effects upon Spirit, 276, 280-281

  electric fire of, 1227-1283

  escape to cosmic centre, 52

  evolution, 49, 819

  liberation. See Liberation of spirit.

  life of, appraisal, 50

  note, 275-276

  of the Earth, synthesis en physical plane, 314

  of the planet, involutionary, 426


  definition, 105

  involved, ring-pass-not, 105

  See also Logos, planetary.

  use of Soul or Ego, 819

  Spirit-matter, basic substance of manifestation, 650


  centre within the heart, awareness of, 863

  force, transmission from buddhic plane, 473

  kingdom, transfer into, result, 526

  realisation, period, 610

  Spirituality of life, effect on centres, 1012


  and prana, 57, 84, 90, 98-100, 812

  association with base of spine, 55

  connection with top of head, 86 correspondence to umbilical cord, 86

  luminous, 1122


  centre, condition, causes, 106

  centre, energy diffused, 859

  triangle, fire, nature of, 138

  Stanzas of Dzyan, 9-33

  Stanzas, seven esoteric, 1267-1283


  five-pointed, 696

  six-pointed, 669-670

  Stars and constellations, effects, 795-796

  Stones, devas attached to, 915

  Storage, records in permanent atoms, 693, 856

  Studies, future, 381

  Subhuman kingdoms, three, objective, 1043-1044

  Subjective life expression in man and Heavenly Man, 294

  Subplane, each, influence of Number, Name, or Lord, 707


  new, incoming, 456, 467

  sixth, fourth branch race, disaster, 467



  deva groups, 658

  played upon by two streams of force, 862

  utilisation by devas, 936-937

  atomic, energies, 872, 873

  atoms, new, building in with expulsion of failures, 1106

  concretion in body of Logos, 616

  consciousness of, evolution, 517


  activity in originators, 890

  and Spirit, meeting, 906-907

  animation, result, 691

  bodies for Heavenly Men, 655-656

  body of Logos exclusive of human Monads, 637

  control and manipulation by magicians, 930

  control, guidance and use by man, 688

  dual, 704

  energy, sumtotal, irresponsibility, 951-952

  etheric, acted upon, ways, 936

  feminine and negative, 637

  force, 621-627

  in forms, 491

  kinds, 836

  lesser dependent on own internal heat, 836

  Life animating, 672

  of planes, subjection to cyclic stimulation, 678

  Ray activity, 1223

  response to force, 644, 694-695

  stimulation, 678

  sumtotal, consideration, 671

  type, determination, 943

  work in, 632

  energised, built into form, 595

  energised, of three sheaths, 780

  energy, devas, 620

  energy, irresponsibility in building, 951-952

  entified nature, 638

  fire of, 963

  fusers, great, 905

  heat, 74, 636

  in its totality, groups, 612

  laws, discovery by man, 611

  laws, effect, 783

  living, waves, 644

  medium for contact of Flame Divine and fire of Mind, 51

  negative and positive, union, production, 636

  negative aspect, 612

  non-existence, 521

  note, basic, 495


  Agnishvattas energised by principle of I-ness, 711-712

  any plane, differentiation, 782

  egoic bodies and groups, 833

  highest form of bodies of four kingdoms, 935-936

  lesser devas, dependence, 836

  physical force or energy of, Agnichaitans, 636

  physical-plane, builders of, 935

  physical-plane, sumtotal, 635658

  positive aspect, 612

  primordial pre-genetic, 118

  quality, main, 799

  sum total, devas, 671

  total, intelligent active form, 612

  work of dark brother, 986


  and seven sacred planets embodying principles, 235


  organ of cosmic prana in system, 83

  receiver and dispenser of cosmic radiation, 83

  Spiritual, emanations from, groups, 920

  Spiritual, relation to Spirit or atma in man, 664, 920

  devas originating in, 924

  fiery envelope, 67

  heart of—

  force flowing from, work through triangle, 664

  relation to mental bodies producing causal body, 664

  stimulation emanating from, 678

  heat, central, effect, 78

  interior, constitution, 51, 58-60

  names, 1046-1047

  nature of, 311

  origin, 405


  energy from, 684

  manifestation, flashing forth, cause, 691-692

  radiation, 90, 91, 442

  planets revolving around, attraction, holding, 568

  radiation of prana. See Prana.


  of wave lengths of light to, 1041

  to planets, 53

  to Pleiades, 146

  to Son, 225-231

  spiritual, energy from, 684

  spiritual. See also Sun, central Spiritual.

  subjective, connection with astral plane and body, 664

  visible, physical permanent atom of Logos, 507

  warmth, production, 924

  Sunlight, benefit, 651

  Sunstroke, cause, 90, 108

  Surgery, superseding in future, 474

  Surya, manifestatio
ns in solar system, 628


  and antaskarana connected, result, 959, 963

  branches reaching out to three centres, 944.

  connecting causal body with brain, 315

  connection with three centres of physical energy, 944

  cosmic, 114

  definitions, 114, 944

  entrance into centre at top of head, 944

  extension, 944

  function, 962 use, 959-960, 998

  vitalisation pouring through from lower planes, 962


  out of time and space, 895

  with seven young ones, 513

  Swastika, symbolism, 161

  Sylphs, group of devas, 915

  Symbol, interpretations, three, 1233-1236

  Symbolism and rotary motion, 159161


  characteristics, 1140, 1162

  cosmic, use, 159-161

  necessity for, 666

  of laws, 1220-1222

  of twelve hierarchies, 1224-1226

  Synchronisation, importance in world cycles, 275

  Synonyms, table, 48

  Syntheses of form, matter, and life, 597


  achievement, 314

  attained in evolution, 164

  definition, 303

  in connection with Heavenly Man, achievement, 314

  in connection with man, achievement on mental plane, 314

  manasic, 498-503


  acknowledged fires of system, 51

  all lines of human endeavor, 453

  electric, solar, and fire by friction, 514

  five Rays, 336-337

  Five senses, 187

  four minor Rays into third major Ray, 740

  knowledge, love, sacrifice at initiation, 883

  matter, 48

  principles or energies, 294

  Self with Self and with All-Self, 215

  seven Rays, 236

  Spirit and matter, dual, forces standing for, 598

  Spirit with Spirit, 148

  on buddhic plane, 314

  plane of, atomic subplane, 580

  point, and utilisation of manasic achievement, 498-499

  production by evolutionary working, 216

  spiritual, production, 218

  twelve evolutions during manifestation, 845

  See also Law of Synthesis.


  at end of 777

  incarnations, 829

  bodies, 263, 267

  life force of Logos, 834

  planets, 236


  activity of matter in three types of movement, 159

  law of system of Sirius, 570

  quality, goal, 294

  System, solar. See Solar system.


  alignment resulting in advent of Avatar, 386-387

  laws of thought, seven, 569-600

  planes, 519, 521, 690


  Talismans, devas attached to, 915

  Tasting on five planes, 188-189, 194, 196, 201


  of love and unity, 755 World, 211

  Teachers, occult, method, 868


  men to think and assume control of mental body, 814

  methods, fundamental change, 814

  Telepathic interplay between aspirants and disciples, 978


  definition, 192

  mental, use by greater Builders, 851

  Temple of Solomon—

  construction, effects, 946

  destruction, 883


  manifestation, 4

  number, significance, 827

  Terms, correct use, 227

  Terror in animal kingdom, cause, 795

  Tetraktys, inverted, definition, 1024

  Theosophical movement, 595, 759


  animation on all planes, 64

  awareness, resultant, 907

  capacity to shape his oven destiny, 591

  definition, 352

  Dhyan Chohan manifesting, 84

  divine, definition, 317, 638

  heredity, 516

  in causal body, 394, 501, 516, 800

  interior, work utilising third eye, 1007

  Third eye opens, vitality streaming forth, 1008

  use of senses, 186, 193-194, 195, 197, 202

  will and purpose, intelligent expression, 717

  withdrawal, results, 85

  Thinkers, advanced, work, 137

  Thinking in group terms, impossibility for average man, 770


  active expression, 44

  building, 954-957

  control, 958, 1007

  currents, direction, comprehension, 955

  Divine, 616, 618-619, 925

  elementals and devas, 550, 601947

  elementals and fire elementals, 550-600

  energy, direction toward channel of service, 966-967, 970

  energy, use, training in, 868-869

  evoked by speech, 981

  expression, active, sum total, 44

  fabric, expressions, 797

  from desire, 903, 957

  laves, fundamental and secondary, 567-600

  manifestation, process, comprehension, 955

  of ages, three changes, 811


  creation, 888-889

  development, 137-138

  of clear comprehension, 955

  use by Spirit to control vehicles, 140

  process, egoic impulses, 958

  sent on definite mission, 955

  study, importance, 367

  Thought form—

  attainment of dense physical form, 976


  alignment with Ego, 958, 959-960

  by Ego, process, 968-977

  by solar Angel, 1012-1013

  in contemplation, 1007

  in three worlds, 958-963

  initial utilisation of Egoic energy, 958, 960-963

  process, two factors, 958-962

  stages, 786, 970-972

  vitalisation and actuating, 968-977

  definition, 560

  destruction by server, 956, 957

  disintegration, 581, 974

  dual, sent forth to fulfill mission, 1021

  emanative process, comprehension, 562

  energised, directed, controlled, means, 1008

  functioning on astral plane, 1013


  creation and dissipation, 948

  destruction by Hierarchy, 950951

  kept alive and vitalised, 949

  life, 563, 969

  of Logos, 572

  of particular quality and tone, building, discovery, 956

  on mental plane, 1002

  physical concretion process, plane, 969

  purpose, specific, 563

  quality, development, 562

  ready to receive astral sheath, protection, 1006

  relation to energy, 958

  result of two types of energy, 958

  sending forth on mission, 956, 957, 973-974, 1002-1004, 1008

  way into greater streams of force or energy, 1006

  Thought forms—

  at present in circulation, description, 46

  buildingagencies, 744-749

  energising in contemplation, 1007

  to carry out specific purpose, 560-567

  built of mental matter, vitalised by desire, 632

  concrete, faculty of forming, evolved by Ego, 591

  construction, medium, 632

  creation by man in there worlds, 888-889, 947-958

  death on mental plane, causes, 1002-1003

  directed to creation of that desired by group, 954

  discussion, 550, 551-600

  disintegration, cause of disease, 975

  factor in consideration of devas, 699

/>   factor of Law of Karma, 562-563

  function, 551-567

  half-vitalised indefinite surrounding planet, 954

  human, aggregate, trend in future, 954

  kama-manasic human, 564

  malicious or destructive, reaction on creators, 1021

  nature of, 46

  power of, 888-889

  production, 799

  response to vibration, 552-556

  to carry-out specific purpose, 560-567

  to provide vehicles for ideas, 556-560

  vitalisation by power of Triad, 959-960


  formulation, 562

  of men, effects in nature, 889

  Three hundred forty-three fires of solar system, 905-906

  Throat centre—

  fire to, direction, 900

  functions, 167

  inclination of devas to seek and function there, 908

  location, 864

  radiation of fire of manas, 136

  relation to alta major centre, 965


  basis, 1032

  definitions, 278, 280, 281

  factor in reincarnation, 791-792

  factor, plan in mind of Logos, 561

  greater periods, 792

  is not, 63

  transcended, 282

  utilisation, 209


  occult correspondence, 1010

  on five planes, 188-189, 193-198

  Tranquility, emotional, equipment of white magician, 983, 995

  Transfer from one ray to another, 176

  Transference of units under seventh Ray, 445-447

  Transition, periods, 589

  Transmitters of—

  energy, 921, 922

  force, 922

  prana, 924-925

  Word, 914-923


  alchemical, future, 640-641

  conscious, on buddhic levels, 502

  definitions, 476-477

  in mineral kingdom, 935

  into throat and heart centres, 590

  into Triad, of life of Ego in causal body, 501

  laws, 863, 1066-1068

  number of, 306

  of desire into thought in Deva kingdom, 903

  of metals, 905, 931


  Earth Scheme, 403

  large scale, 403

  Vulcan, 403

  organic, formulas, discovery by scientists, 917


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