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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 129

by Alice A Bailey

  postulates, five, 487-490


  description, 475-498, 501, 502, 503

  effected by five Heavenly Men, 405

  Mercury and Venus, 403

  relation to entrance on Path, 403

  resulting in planetary obscuration, 503

  work, basis, 1007

  work, commencement, 306


  force, devas of, 679

  power, 500, 501, 503

  process, comprehension. 282

  Transmuted later, acquisition, 306


  agency, great, 512

  cell activity, work, 306

  fires of system, 698

  Trees, deva, 892


  logoic, manifested Persons, reflection, 244-245

  lower three bodies, with Illuminator, Tetractys, 1000


  aspect, egoic Ray dependent on, 177

  below Monad, 261, 262, 263, 299

  consciousness, achievement, 508

  demonstration of Law of Attraction, 584

  devas, 650

  law controlling, basic, 583

  love in, buddhic, 591

  mergence with, 582, 599

  power energising human activities, physical, 959-960

  union with lower self, 698

  Triadal permanent atoras, polarisation in, 508-509


  atoms, three permanent, 774, 775, 776

  cosmic, significance, true, revelation, effect, 801

  Earth, Mars, Mercury, 181

  fiery, on mental plane, nucleus of antakarana, 709

  fiery, reduction to unity, 709

  manasic, light or fire wíthdrawn to centre, 711

  Mars, Mercury, Earth, 390

  Mercury, Venus, and Earth, 371

  of electrical force, three orders of devas, 668-669

  of fire on mental plane, 709, 711

  of light, 807

  permitting flow of force producing vibration, 699

  synthesising, of Monad, 178

  systemic, formation, 768

  Venus, Earth, and Saturn, 181-182

  Venus, Earth, and Sun, 664

  Venus, Jupiter, and Earth, 370

  Venus, throat, heart, head centres, 53


  manasic, 137

  of centres, 134-138, 169-170, 178

  Pleiades, 664

  Pranic. See Pranic.

  series originating in central sun of group, 664

  three, and kundalini, 135-138


  interplay, cosmic, effects, 657658

  linking, 1152-1154

  Trimurti, triple, mystery, key, 692

  Trinity, logoic—

  manifestations through seven other entities, 628

  second Person, Essence, development, 64

  Triplicities, manifestation, 4-5

  Tropical countries, pranic conditions, 107

  Truths, four Noble, 880

  Tuberculosis, cessation in future, 812

  Twelve, occult significances, 859-860

  Twenty-seven, significance, 574


  Unification, tendency, cosmic law governing, 147

  Union of divine Ego and lower personal Self, 713

  Unit of rays, schemes, planets, chains, rounds, races, 597-598


  group, 1211-1213

  in time and space, triple division, 605

  of life, 475

  on plane of mind, 810


  consciousness, 718

  mind, 302, 317, 615-616, 823


  nature of, 406

  stimulation, 357-358, 793

  synthesising, 378, 406, 777



  agency, 898

  call to council chamber of Hierarchy, 912-913

  connections, 897

  development, 660-661

  emanation, 897

  status, 633, 638, 676, 897, 898

  vehicle, 658



  builders, 931-932

  connection with Ray o£ Devotion, 589

  green devas, 912-913 nature of, 564

  note, discovery and sounding, 496-497

  plant life, protectors, 913

  Vegetables, elementals who work with, 914

  Vegetation, fertility, 107-108

  Vehicles, five, refinement, 576


  activity at individualisation, 703

  alter ego of Earth, 298

  and earth chain, 367-378


  great Entities from, founding of Hierarchy, 386

  in our scheme, 371

  planetary Logos from, advent on Earth, 386-387

  connection with Earth hidden in number, 299

  correspondence and interrelationship, 182

  Earth and Saturn, triangle, 181182

  fifth round, 300

  giver of impetus producing spark of mind, 590

  globe, second, 497

  humanity, 368

  influence, 146

  Jupiter and Earth esoteric triangle, 370

  logoic centre, response to heart stimulation, 686

  Lord, embodiment of function of fifth Hierarchy, 703

  origin of One Initiator, 371

  planetary Logos, initiation on fifth chain, 387

  planetary scheme, groups of Egos from, 841

  point where Logoi begin to dissociate, 779

  responsible for coming in of mind in Earth Chain, 347

  sacred planet, meaning, 298-299


  battle, 392-393

  chain, globe, alignment, 386

  chain, stimulation affecting, 378

  development, state, 376

  Earth, and Sun triangle, work through by heart of Sun, 664

  in its fifth round, 368

  Logos in temporary triangle of force, 371

  Lord, relationship to Heavenly Man of Earth scheme, 367370

  love, 595

  polarity with Earth scheme, 375, 377

  synthesising, mergence, 406

  work, 369, 742

  source of One Initiator, 366, 371

  status, 291, 592-593, 686, 742

  stimulation of manas in Earth chain, 379

  transmutation, 403

  Vestures, three, bodies or forms, 1193


  all, travel, means, 644

  bringing into tune with that of solar Angel, 951

  desired, 45

  factor demonstrated with colour and sound, 941

  manifestation of second aspect, 523

  of consciousness, 523

  relations, 329

  uniform, in system, 108

  Vibrations, three lowest, systemic and cosmic, causes, 639

  Vibratory spheres, three, work as unit, 1019


  buddhic plane, 328, 354

  transmutation into blue, 132

  vibration, 911

  Virgin Mary, lesser Builders, 617


  activity in this second solar system, 1034

  aspect, 175, 730-731, 888, 923, 924, 1018, 1028

  centres, energy transmission, 922

  centres, forming, 922

  cycles, 606

  divine incarnation, 176

  force, 1032, 1048

  physical expression, 81

  second Logos, 143-145

  Singer creating by manas of song, 980

  throat centre, heart centre, head centre, 922

  Vishnu-Surya aspect, 654

  Vision, etheric—

  cosmic, of solar Logos, 845

  development, 453, 474, 475, 911-912, 919

  recognised by scientists, 794


  of proposed thoughtform for egoic purposes, 1001

; power, practice, result, 1012

  Vital growth, source, 315


  body of, focal point in organised forms, 917

  coherent, in human body, 313

  energising all desire elementals, 658

  Voice of the Silence, 87, 1001

  Volcanic action, 907

  Volcano, sound and colour, 495

  Volcanoes, fire spirits, 67


  and Neptune in opposition, 597

  development of manas, 403

  scheme, 742

  transmutation, 403

  work on, 719



  in heaven, true, 950

  World (1), cause, contributing factor, 803-804

  World (I), occult nature and results, 651-652


  devas o£, 913

  energy, harness for use o£ man, future, 910

  fairies, 915

  significance, 1005


  confining, burning for cleansing, 139


  barrier, 82

  burning, 109, 509, 582, 660

  composition, 98-99

  definition, 944

  description, 944

  destruction, 125

  escape from by planetary Logoi, 113

  existence, cessation, 87

  exit through, 101, 103

  function, 104

  logoic, transcending, 83

  no longer a barrier, 790

  Web, planetary—

  all that takes place on earth, 1023

  benefits, 933

  builders, 932-934

  consumed by fire, 509

  materialisation, preservation, destruction, 932-933

  progression, correct, through 209

  rents, results, 651, 864

  tenuosity, 967

  thickening, 109

  trouble in, 105

  Wesak Festival, 755, 756

  Wheel, turning, 1083-1097


  of energy, 537-538

  solar, planetary, human, turning, 1031

  White magic. See Magic, white.


  and desire, both force emanations, 1017

  and desire of indwelling entity, performance, 313

  and ordered purpose, 353-355


  and creation, 963-982

  energies, hidden, unlocking, 872

  forming jewel in lotus, centre of energy, 1018

  in three worlds, 1026

  of avatars, importance, 761

  of Divinity, 1035

  primary concern, 1019 .

  relation to cause, 798, 799

  central, vibration, arrival at atomic triangle, 774

  consciousness of solar Logos, 128

  cosmic, development, 306

  definition, 334

  demonstration through deva and human evolution, 667

  distinction from desire, 316-317 divine, in man, 964


  fire, transmutation, 311

  of Ego, imposition, 957

  of Logos, applied, 845

  use in sacrifice, 822

  egoic, impressing on physical brain, 958, 960-962

  egoic, use, 1002

  electric fire of, 333

  energy, formation of central nucleus, 1020

  group superseding desire impulse, 770


  emanation from cosmic mental plane, 604

  linking Monad with personality, 46

  or purpose of an existence, 337-341

  logoic, transmutation, 691


  Ego capable of transmission to brain, 963

  God, originators of activity in deva substance, 890

  greater Builders, 845

  solar Logos, 803

  petals, activation, 828

  power, misuse, 126

  pure, 241

  relation to Manas, 353

  spiritual, use, 179

  types, acts, 734

  wisdom, and activity, of solar Logos, 313

  Will-desire, cause of incarnation, 799

  Will-to-act, 767 Will-to-activity, unified, 353


  demonstration of electricity, 311

  emanation, 692

  in dense physical incarnation, embodiment, 698

  logoic, 699

  reaction on substance, result, 799

  Universal Mind, 317

  Will-to-exist, 146, 215

  Will-to-live, 85, 146


  communication, rapid growth, cause, 905

  intercourse, discovery, 906


  basis, 918

  brought into objectivity, 176

  buddhi, 333, 334

  divine, Ray, 143

  Dragon, manifestation, 176

  fundamentals, publicising, 480-482

  in interpretation, 87-88

  Religion, knowledge of, spread, recommendations, 651

  seven qualities, production, 216

  Wisdom-love, seven types, 216


  action, 887

  basis of mantram, 772

  expansion into mantram and response of solar Angels, 771

  logoic, 218, 927

  mantram, formula, relation between,772

  of Power, work of first aspect, 771

  producing desire for self-expression in Triad, 701


  effect, 190, 216-218

  enunciation, 319

  second letter, secret of the Fire in, 11

  sounded, 1001

  sounds, 25

  seven-syllabled, fourth plane, 927

  silence, 87

  sounded on cosmic levels resolved into mantrams, 772

  sounding by transmitters in planetary scheme: 923

  spoken, occult significance, 963

  Transmitters, 919-923

  utterance by devas to initiate building process, 937


  belonging to different aspects, 449

  magical, communication, 1004

  mantric, use, 448-449, 451-452, 494-496


  Power, results at initiation, 883

  Power, use, 981

  seventh Logos, results, 450

  spoken of men, effects, 889

  utterance, 441, 448-453, 482

  See also Mantrams.

  World harmony, evolution out of present chaos, 912


  Yamana, definition, 713



  constellations and stars, effect upon our system, 795-796

  signs, karma involving Monads, 1052

  Zodiacal stimulation of deva substance, 678


  (3) “We have all got into the habit of viewing the universe as a vast group of isolated bodies having very little connection with each other, while the fact that the universe is one in its essence and many in its manifestations, descending from homogeneity on the highest plane to more and more marked heterogeneity as it reaches the lowest planes”—Some Thoughts on the Gita, p. 54. (back)

  (4) “That whereinto all enter, vishanti, is Vishnu; he who covers up, envelopes, surrounds, undertakes all, is Brahma; he who sleeps, shete, in everything, is Shiva. Shiva sleeps, lies hidden, in all and everything as the nexus, the bond, and this is the nature of desire. Vrinite signifies the envelopment, the covering with an envelope, the demarcation of the limiting bounds or the periphery, and so the formation or creation (of all forms); and this is action presided over by Brahma. Vishanti sarvani indicates that all things enter into It and It into all, and such is the Self, connected with cognition and Vishnu. The summation or totality of these is Maha-Vishnu.

  “Maha-Vishnu, ‘the overlord of all this world-system, is described as the Ishvara, white-coloured, four-armed, adorned with the conch, the discus, the mace, the lotus, the forest-wreat
h, and the kanstubha-gem, shining, vestured in blue and yellow, endless and imperishable in form, attributeless, yet ensouling and underlying all attributes. Here, the epithet Ishvara indicates the rule; the four arms, the four activities of cognition, etc.; the white resplendence is the illumination of all things; the shankha, conch or shell, indicates all sound, and the chakra, wheel or discus, all time, there being a connexion between the two; gada, the (whirling) mace, is the spiral method of the procession of the world and the lotus-flower is the whole of that procession; the vana-mala, the wreath of forest flowers, indicates the stringing together of all things into unity and necessity; the nila-pit-ambara, blue and yellow vestures, are darkness and light; the kaustubha jewel indicates inseparable connexion with all; Nirguna, attributeless, shows the presence of the nature of Negation; while saguna, attributeful, implies possession of name and form. The World-process (as embodied in our world-system) is the result of the ideation of Maha-Vishnu.”—Pranava-Vada, pp. 72-74, 94-95. (back)

  (5) Mahadeva is literally “great Deva.” The term is frequently applied to the first Person of the manifested Trinity, to Shiva, the Destroyer aspect, the Creator. (back)

  (6) “One day out of this long life of Brahma is called Kalpa; and a Kalpa is that portion of time which intervenes between one conjunction of all the planets on the horizon of Lanka, at the first point of Aries, and a subsequent similar conjunction. A Kalpa embraces the reign of fourteen Manus, and their sandhies (intervals); each Manu lying between two sandhies. Every Manu’s rule contains seventy-one Maha Yugas,—each Maha Yuga consists of four Yugas, viz., Krita, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali; and the length of each of these four Yugas is respectively as the numbers, 4, 3, 2 and 1.

  The number of sidereal years embraced in the foregoing different periods are as follows:

  Mortal years

  360 days of mortals make a year 1

  Krita Yuga contains 1,728,000

  Treta Yuga contains 1,296,000

  Dwapara Yuga contains 864,000

  Kali Yuga contains 432,000

  The total of the said four Yugas constitute

  a Maha Yuga 4,320,000

  Seventy-one of such Maha Yugas form the period


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