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Page 6

by Toye Lawson Brown

  Jonathan’s face hit the floor. “Why the hell would you do that stupid shit, Anthony?”

  “Watch your mouth, man. The minister of my church is here.”

  His voice deepened. “I don’t give a damn who hears me! You did that so I wouldn’t be able to talk to Gabrielle; that was low even for you. You know Sandra is gonna be hanging all over me!”

  “Nick is bringing a date and I have one; I didn’t want you to be the only straggler looking lonely.”

  “I could have sworn I asked you not to do me any favors! I’m fuckin’ outta here,”

  he said putting the plate on the table.

  “Jon, you’re blowing shit overboard. C’mon, man, chill. You can be nice to Sandra for few hours.”

  His mood changed instantly. “You know what I can be nice to her for a few hours.”

  “What’s with the face?”

  “I’m not making a face. I’m just wondering how you are going to handle two women tonight?”


  “You invited Sandra right?”

  “Yeah and your point?”

  He looped his arm around Anthony’s shoulder. “Did you tell her I would be her date or is she assuming you’re going to be her date?”

  A slow hiss left Anthony’s lips. “Dammit!”

  “You gotta pay attention to details when setting a person up.” A wide grin crossed his face as he straightened Anthony’s tie. “Looks like one of your women have arrived. She looks hot too; go get ‘em, tiger,” he said shoving him forward.

  “I’m really starting not to like you.”

  “Don’t hate the player, hate the way you screwed the game.” Laughing he retrieved his plate and scooted away before Sandra cornered him, and Anthony weaseled from her grasp.

  At the bar Jonathan ordered a beer from the bartender and heard Nick’s familiar bellow. “Yo, Jon.”

  “Over here, Nick,” he waived. Whenever the three of them went out, Nick was always sure to have a beautiful woman on his arm. This night was no different. The tall, slender red-head with fair skin clung to Nick like a second skin and had been accompanying Nick to most social events lately.

  “Jon, I ran into Anthony with the Plain Dealer lady; what gives? I thought he was bringing Gabrielle and she was supposed to be your date.”

  “His little plan backfired and now he has two dates to entertain if Gabrielle decides to come.”

  “He wouldn’t listen when I said that was a dumb idea. I was going to fix you up with Kate’s sister Sarah, but you don’t swing that way.”

  Kate put her hand to her mouth. “Nick you never told me Jon was gay?”

  Jonathan almost choked on his beer. “I’m not gay! Nick, set your girl straight!”

  “Kate, baby, don’t talk; just stand and be beautiful, okay?”

  Jonathan cleared his throat. “Ahem!”

  “Oh and what I meant is Jon ain’t into our kind.”

  “What other kind is there? I thought he just liked black women.”

  Jonathan rolled his eyes getting up from the barstool. “I haven’t had enough to drink to deal with this conversation. I’ll catch you two later.”

  Jonathan wandered into the backyard where people occupied several of the patio chairs to chat and enjoy the unusual warm night. The house was over-capacitated, and being a fireman he knew the dangers of having too many people gathered in one spot, but overlooked it since these were his friends.

  Strolling down the driveway his breath was taken away. Gabrielle looked lost making her way up the driveway carrying a tiny gift bag. A smile crossed her face when she saw him in the distance. He walked down the short driveway to meet her.

  “You look lost.”

  “I am. I’m glad I ran into you. I’ve been calling Anthony but his phone goes straight to voicemail.”

  Jonathan looked around. “The house is packed and loud; he probably can’t hear it.” He scanned her over. He’d never seen her without hospital scrubs or a lab coat before. The strapless black mini cocktail dress showed just the right amount of thigh and the stiletto pumps gave her long legs extra sex appeal. She had chosen to wear her hair curly on top with bangs sweeping over her left brow. “You look beautiful, Gabrielle.”

  She adjusted the silky lace wrap over her shoulders. “Thank you. I gotta say you look pretty darn tasty yourself.” Diverting her eyes away from his handsome face she glazed over his tall frame lowering her head. “I wish Anthony would answer his phone. I don’t know anyone here and feel weird walking inside the house by myself.”

  “Not true you know me and I’ll go with you inside.”

  “You didn’t bring a date?”

  “Nope; I’m all alone.”

  “What a waste,” she whispered under her breath.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t hear that.”

  Gabrielle cleared her throat. “I didn’t say anything.”

  He bent his elbow to allow her to slip her arm through. “Shall we go find your date?”

  “Might as well get this over with,” she answered taking his arm.

  Inside the crowed house again, it took a while to locate Anthony. When they finally located him in the basement, he and Sandra were tangled together slow dancing provocatively. Gabrielle shook her head. “Well, I wasted hours getting dressed for this.

  Jonathan, would you please give my gift to Anthony’s sister? I’m going home.”

  He clutched her arm tighter. “Don’t go—I’m here alone. How would you like to be my date for the evening?”

  “How can I say no with you looking the way you do,” she smiled.

  Jonathan took the bag from her and set it on a table. “Shall we dance?”

  Moving close to where Anthony and Sandra were dancing, Jonathan pulled

  Gabrielle into his arms; she fit perfectly. Sliding his arm around her slender waist he felt her body relax and her head rest on his shoulder. He was not a dancer but could keep a beat to the tempo of slow music. He felt her arm circle around his neck as their bodies moved to the sensual music.

  He whispered in her ear. “You know you’re killing me, right?”

  “How am I doing that?” She asked inhaling the light scent of his cologne; it was just the right amount to arouse the senses. And, the feel of his arms around her made her knees wobble slightly as she kept in step with the music.

  “Your sweet sensual smell, your sexy body next to mine; I’m dying inside.”

  “Maybe we should stop dancing before you’ll need resuscitation by one of your fellow firefighters.”

  He caressed his cheek next to hers, saying, “I don’t want anyone’s lips on mine but yours.”

  She moved her head to be aligned close to his. Looking into his eyes, she said,

  “You’re a smooth talker, Mr. DeMinico; keep that up and you might get your wish.”

  “How many wishes are you granting me?”

  “I haven’t decided yet, but I will before the night is over,” she replied laying her head on his shoulder again.

  Anthony opened his eyes and saw Jonathan and Gabrielle not far from him. He broke the tight embrace with Sandra. “I need a drink.”

  Glaring at the back or Gabrielle’s head resting on Jonathan’s shoulder, Sandra drew one hand into a tight fist. Regaining her composure, she said, “I could use a drink also.” Leaving without saying anything to Jonathan, Anthony took Sandra’s hand to go upstairs to the bar.

  Gwen was standing on the basement landing watching Jonathan and the young woman enjoying their dance. “Don’t even say it,” he said to her as he let Sandra go ahead of him up the stairs.

  “I’m not saying anything. But, Anthony, you did right by stepping aside and letting him have a chance with her.”

  “Jon is my boy and I couldn’t do him like that. Plus Gabrielle is feeling him.”

  “I haven’t had a chance to talk to her, but they look great together. Don’t get me wrong, you and Sandra make a striking couple.”

  “Gwen, don’t push Sandra on m
e. I ain’t trying to be in love. I’m a playa and gotta have my freedom to choose.”

  She pointed a finger in his chest. “You know what, Anthony; I’m not pushing Sandra on you because she seems to be in her own world at times, and I haven’t figured out what world that is.”

  “You think Sandra is weird?”

  “I don’t want to say weird just strange.”

  “Gwen, those words have the same meaning.”

  “Alright, then she is weird! But what I’m talking about is how you’re doing Melanie—its’ wrong. You keep her dangling on the end of a rope while you play around. If you’re going to be single the rest of your life, then let Melanie go so she can have a life.”

  His eyes rolled upward. “Ugh, Gwen; you have to stop spending so much time watching those relationship shows. Admit you don’t want me with Sandra because you and Melanie are friends.”

  “Yes we are friends.”

  “Then ask her why she can’t decide what she wants? It ain’t just me stringing her along, but her not knowing if she wants to be with me, or listen to her damn family. I gotta find Sandra.”

  Gwen shook her head letting him leave without pushing the issue. Returning her attention to Jonathan, she sighed and said, “God, you never said it would be this hard raising these two boys.”


  Jonathan and Gabrielle went outside for fresh air. Guests were beginning to leave the party as time ticked away. Gabrielle tightened the wrap around her arms to keep warm. The weather had turned chilly and felt more like a normal March evening should feel instead of the balmy 70-degree day it had reached.

  Jonathan removed his suit jacket slipping it around her shoulders. “Are you warmer now?”

  “Yes, but now you’re going to freeze.”

  “Nah, this is perfect weather. I keep my apartment this cold.”

  “Where do you live, Jonathan?”

  “On the Westside of Cleveland not far from the fire station.”

  “What is your place like?”

  “Why describe it when I can show it to you. Wanna take a ride?”

  Gabrielle did want to take ride and see his apartment. She was having fun and did not want it to end so soon, but, she didn’t want to seem easy or eager to be with him, either. She thought if the two of them were to go to his place at this hour of night, he would expect more than just a tour, and after months with no sexual contact, she couldn’t trust herself to be alone with him.

  “I’m closer to home if I leave from here; maybe some other time.”

  He licked his lips “Fine. How about I take you to breakfast in the morning? I’ll even come get you.”

  “Mm, I have church.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “You would come to church with me?”

  “I admit I have sinned but I do believe in God. The big guy answered my prayers tonight.”

  She laughed. “How—did you pray Anthony would get stuck with the smelly


  Jonathan removed every expression from his face and leaned down closer to her.

  Tilting her chin with the tips of his fingers, he touched his lips to hers. When she didn’t pull away, he pressed the kiss tighter. Passing his tongue into her warm mouth, she allowed him to play with her tongue. The tasting, teasing and mingling of their tongues activated her launch system as well as his.

  Her arms went around his neck drawing him closer. Their noses bumped before finding a comfortable position. With eager lips, Jonathan kissed, her chin, cheeks the side of her sweet mouth before returning to devour her lips. Weaving her fingers through his soft hair, Gabrielle sucked in a breath, diving back into the passionate kiss; forgetting where they were.

  Their bodies were close. Jonathan could not stop the surge of passion ripping through him, awakening every membrane in his body. Gabrielle felt him growing against her abdomen and pulled away from the kiss. She didn’t want to start anything she wasn’t willing to finish.

  “Jonathan, we have to stop,” she said pulling away adjusting the jacket around her shoulders.

  Still feeling the sting from the kiss, he wiped away any lipstick residue from his mouth. In a deep husky voice said, “Yeah, this is not the place to get cozy.”

  “It’s late. I’m going home and take a nice cool shower and go to bed.”

  “Why do that when there is a Marriott around the corner?” Her body stance made him retract his words. “Too soon to make that kind of joke; I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Crossing the street, she opened the car door using it as a partition between them.

  “I had fun tonight.”

  “Thanks for hanging with me for the evening. I promise when I take you on a date, I will do it right. I’ll pick you up and make sure you get home safe.”

  Her index finger outlined his strong jaw. “I’ll call when I’m home to let you know I’m safe.”

  “Don’t forget.” He leaned over the door placing a light kiss on her lips.

  Gabrielle smiled returning his jacket before getting in the car and starting the ignition. He stepped on the curb and watched her drive off. Unloosening his tie, he walked to his truck parked a few feet away digging in his pockets for the keys. Anthony was leaning against the hood with his arms folded.

  “Congratulations, you won this round,” he said clapping his hands lightly.

  “Go to hell, Anthony. I told you this ain’t a game.”

  “I’m joking with you, quit being so sensitive. I’m not blind and can see she wants you.”

  “She’s being cautious for some reason. The kiss was sweet and I could tell she wanted more.”

  “She just met you; give her a minute to get used to you.”

  “You might be right. We haven’t really spent any time alone to talk to get to know each other.”

  “It’s a damn good thing you weren’t alone. I thought I was going to have to turn the hose on y’all to break up that kiss.”

  “We just got caught in a moment. I’m not planning on sleeping with her on the first few dates.”

  “I’m just saying—“

  Jonathan turned angry. “I know what you’re saying and I’m putting it on record, I’m not like that anymore! Gabrielle is the only woman that will have everything I own; which includes my faithfulness.”

  “Be careful, Jon. She hasn’t proven to you she deserves it. Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve and get it broken.”

  “I get what you’re saying. So, um, how was your evening with Sandra?”

  “I don’t know where it’s going. She is looking for a relationship and I don’t know if I’m the one to handle it.”

  “Is it because of Amira? Be glad she only has the one kid and she is a good kid.”

  “Nah, it’s not because of her kid.”

  “Then what’s holding you back, playa?”

  Anthony shook his head. “That stinking ass perfume she wears. The shit is killing me, man!”

  Jonathan laughed. “Ask Gwen to buy a bottle of good stuff and give it to her as a gift. If she wears what you like at least you can be near her.”

  “I’m gonna have to wait a month to even do that.”

  Getting in his truck Jonathan asked. “Should I even ask why?”

  “You can but you already know the answer. I can’t smell anything but that stinking shit! Hell, it will take a month for my damn nose to be able to smell anything different!”

  “Anthony, would you give her a shot if she changed her smelly ways?”

  He nodded. “I might. Lord knows she has the assets to keep me interested.” He banged his hand on the hood of the truck. “Get home, bro. Are you playing basketball tomorrow with Nick and me?”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be able to play but I’ll be there.”

  “Good, cuz you know I’m gonna bust his chops about his honey again.”

  “She is different. She had the nerve to think I was gay.”

  “Get the hell outta here! Serious, Jon, where does he find the
m? Is there a store that sells women short of a full stack?”

  “In her defense, to date Nick, she would have to be short of a full stack. I’m outta here,” he said as his cellphone rang.

  Chapter Seven

  Jonathan hung his gym bag in the locker after changing. He decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to play basketball with his ribs still aching, but would walk the treadmill to get in a light workout and try to run a few laps around the track to see if he would get winded or stir up any coughing.

  Nick popped from behind the locker door handing him an envelope. “Here and keep it on the down low.”

  “What is it?” He asked putting it on the shelf in the locker.

  “I’m throwing a poker party and it’s going to be off the hook!”

  “Nick, since when is playing poker hot?”

  “I got strippers coming to entertain, baby! So bring extra dollars.”

  “Strippers at a poker game—you are getting odder by the day. Why are you whispering about it? “

  “I didn’t give Anthony an invite to the party.”

  “We’re supposed to be boys, Nick. Why are you excluding him from stuff?”

  “I’m evolving and moving in different directions; Anthony is still on the silly shit.”

  “Do you hear yourself? You’re having strippers at a poker game—how much sillier can you get than that? And, I’m not coming if you don’t invite Anthony.”

  “See, I knew you were closer to him than me! That’s why you’re doing the shit you’re doing now.”

  “We are closer because I’ve known him longer. Damn, man, grow up, and quit acting like this is high school!”

  “Grow up! That’s your answer for everything. I bet if you didn’t hang out with his family so much you wouldn’t be switching races.”

  Jonathan’s eyes blazed as he grabbed Nick around the neck. “I told you not to say that shit to me! Nobody influences what I do!”

  Nick grabbed Jonathan’s wrist. “Let go of me!”

  He removed his hand from around his throat. “You need to stop hanging out with whatever racist ass people are influencing you! Open your eyes to what’s happening to you!”

  “They are wide open. You didn’t start your dark escapades until you got tight with Anthony. I would hook us up with women all the time and now my women ain’t good enough for you.”


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