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The Murder of Jeffrey Dryden: The Grim Truth Surrounding Male Domestic Abuse

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by Troy Veenstra

  As I wrote this book, I found it almost sickening that officers and lead organizers of women’s domestic abuse societies willingly and knowingly turn away from the idea of men being abused, blaming men for the actions women must inflict upon them. Yet more so, I found it sickening that our society places such a double standard upon female abuse versus male abuse.

  Studies have shown that women, more so than men strike a lover or spouse first and more often while in a relationship versus men. The only difference is, that when a man hits, he causes more damage, thus allowing for more emergency calls and more reports of domestic violence from men on women. In this book, studies and reports have shown and proven that women, abuse more for power and control. Furthermore they take advantage of societies willingness to turn a blind eye, by attacking their lovers knowing that men are taught (trained) to never hit a woman, for fear of what might happen to them with the law, but women are taught nothing in regards to hitting men… again a double standard.

  When it comes to my cousin Jeff, I now know some of the pain and fear he must have been feeling every day he was forced to go back to his apartment and gaze into the eyes of his abuser. The fear that dwelled within him every time she hit him, every time she came at him with a knife, knowing, at least for the most part, that his story would never be believed.

  How sad it is that we have allowed ourselves to become so ignorant… so bleak to the true ways of this world that we allow abuse to rein upon the lives of others. We allow abuse to thrive on due to one’s sex, I have to wonder, if our society would have been more excepting of the facts, more open to the ideal notion of men being abused by their female partners, would Jeff be here today? Would he be around to tell his mother how much he loved her? Sadly, these answers shall never be known.

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  Troy Veenstra grew up in the city of Wyoming Michigan. He was born the eldest of two brothers and two sisters. In 1998 after the death of his father, who he quit school to take care of, he went to live with his maternal grandparents, living with them until they passed away one after the other in 1999.

  In 2000 his pastor and mentor, John Collins, sensing Troy had much more potential than he realized paid Troy to go back to school, where he obtained his High School degree. In 2001-2003 Troy attended Grand Rapids Community College majoring in English & Criminology studies. Later in 2004, he transferred to Davenport University studying in the area of Law, and received several scholarship awards from various foundations, twice obtaining an award from the Grand Rapids Foundation.

  In late 2004, he became a member of the Kent County CASA program (Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children) and served as a child advocate until health issues prevented him from doing so in late 2008.

  Currently Troy has three novels accredited to his name as well as over 98 other titles in two pen names, ranging in genres such as True Crime, Legal Reference, Drama, Historical Fiction, Legal Fiction, Christian Fiction, satire, comedy, Children Fiction and women’s romance/lit.


  Who Knew So Much Blood Could Come From Such A Small Body (Crime Fiction/Horror)

  The Heat of Passion Doctrine: Killing your Spouse & Getting away With Murder (Legal Argument/Reference)

  Titanic: Echo of the Dying Confession (Historical, Christian Fiction)

  All book available through:



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