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Gifted with Hydrangea

Page 7

by Tigertalez

  “Well, the alpha hadn’t been able to declare you dead yet, so he shouldn’t have been able to get a hold of that will. Open it up.”

  Rudo didn’t want to open it in front of Ryker. If the alpha had indeed been able to get a hold of the combination and had cleaned him out, it would mean he had nothing to give his mate, nothing to offer him. He didn’t want to look like a failure in front of his mate, but whatever was done, was done, so with a knot in his stomach, and almost shaky hands, Rudo began dialing in the combination.

  Gavin and Neto joined them as he dialed the last number. He pulled on the handles, swinging the heavy door open. A breath whooshed out from him as he saw everything in his safe was there, and intact.

  “Holy Fort Knox, lover, you’re loaded.” Ryker laughed.

  Rudo was so relieved. He grabbed up Ryker and held him in a tight embrace for several minutes. Ryker seemed to have known he needed the comforting, so he didn’t argue, or struggle, or even complain. He just held him back.

  Gavin interrupted their quiet moment. “Hey, Rudo, that had to have been a lot of work, finding a way to build your safe into a wall. How’d you do it?”

  Rudo kept his hold on his mate, but relaxed it a bit and leaned back. “I didn’t. It was a small closet, so I found a safe that would fit it, and just placed the mirror over it.”

  “That’s smart,” Neto said.

  Ryker reached out and opened a black velvet bag, and poured some of its contents out into his hands. They were jewels he had purchased to stand in for currency. He did have some piles of tightly bound cash, but investing in jewels took up less space, and couldn’t be destroyed as easily. Also, its value could increase.

  “That’s some serious sparkly,” Ryker said.

  “Careful, Rye,” Gavin said. “You have Rudo’s family jewels in the palm of your hand.”

  Ryker laughed and wiggled his eyebrows in response.

  Neto admired one of the rifles Rudo had stored in the safe. Ryker put the gems back in the bag, and after he placed it back in the safe, he pulled out the official paperwork that Rudo had also stored in here.

  “I think, in light of everything, maybe we should return one of the trucks for a car. Any objections?” Neto asked.

  Ryker shook his head. “None here. Everything we can pack up today will fit in the one truck. We’ll have to wait and see what the sheriff can find on the alpha’s property, but chances are likely he either sold or gave away everything they took. We may not recover everything, if anything, on this trip.”

  “I know it’s not much of a consolation, but at least they didn’t get the stuff in the safe,” Gavin said.

  Rudo had to agree. “It is true that most of what they left behind is what matters to me the most. The pieces of equipment they left in the shop may be old, but they have more meaning to me than the newer pieces they took. And my most precious heirlooms I stored in here, with the exception of the pictures of my family, which they left hanging on the walls.”

  “Let’s get to work then.” Neto slapped Gavin on his shoulder.

  Ryker returned the papers, and they closed it up, and positioned the mirror back into place. They spent the next hour loading the truck, while Ryker wrote down everything he told him was missing, and also wrote up their statements.

  “All right, I’ve got all the statements written up. All you guys need to do is sign them, and I have the list of everything stolen. I also called a realtor to get the sale of the house started. She’ll be out in an hour. I was thinking of having one of you help me run this paperwork into the sheriff’s office, and turn the second truck in for a rental car while the other two of you finish with the final bits of packing. How does that sound?”

  Everyone agreed, so Neto jumped into the truck with Ryker and headed to town, while Rudo and Gavin finished up.

  Thirty minutes later, Rudo was bent over the disarrayed books, concentrating on picking them up and fixing their pages, when he felt three stabs of pain in his back. He looked back to see someone he didn’t recognize, standing in the doorway with a dart gun. He had been concentrating so much on the books, and his own self-pity, that he hadn’t noticed any unfamiliar scents had come in. His eyes grew heavy, and as darkness started to engulf him, he heard his mate screaming for him in his mind, but he could do nothing to respond. The blackness caught up with him and pulled him under.

  Chapter Eight

  Enzo stretched, yawned, and rubbed his eyes. His nose twitched with the smell of antiseptic. The fog in his mind cleared, and he suddenly remembered where he was, and why. Enzo sat up and looked around. The light of day filtered in through the two windows, but was dampened by the white blinds that covered them. It was plenty for his wolf senses, and he was able to bring his eyes to focus on the sleeping form in the bed beside him. The steady rise and fall of his mate’s chest assured him he was still sleeping.

  Enzo let out his breath long and slow. My mate. Just being able to say that with certainty in his head gave him butterflies. He sat there for some minutes, letting his eyes take in Heath’s sleeping form. He took in his mate’s scent and listened to his mate’s heart’s steady rhythm. His fingers twitched with a longing to touch him, and his mouth watered with need to taste him, when his mind dunked into the gutter after seeing the tenting of the blanket from his mate’s morning wood.

  Enzo scrubbed his face and shook his head. As much as he wanted his mate, Heath had had the worst fright just hours before. He had just learned about the existence of paranormals. Now was not the time to molest the man.

  As quietly as he could, Enzo stood up and walked to the door. He silently opened the door and slipped out to use the bathroom. He quickly used the toilet, and washed his face and hands. He was about to sneak back into the room when he heard someone enter the building. Familiar steps made their way closer. He turned his head and saw Alphy walking around the corner.

  Alphy greeted him with a smile. “Morning, sunshine. Did you enjoy sleeping in?”

  “Shh, not so loud,” Enzo said in a hushed voice. “Heath is still sleeping.”

  Alphy lowered his voice. “Sorry. How’d it go last night?”

  “He slept through the entire night without incident. Although waking up to the reality that last night wasn’t a bad dream will be another story. ”

  “True. I thought I’d come out here to bring you up to speed on our morning meeting, seeing’s you missed it ‘n’ all.”

  Enzo followed Alphy out into the waiting room, and they each took a seat.

  “Ryker and the others made it to the airport, and their plane is already in the air. You don’t usually sleep in this long.”

  Enzo leaned his head against the wall his chair was against. “I haven’t been getting much sleep. It wasn’t bad enough to show just yet, but it was enough. I think being able to sleep with his scent so near, allowed me to relax enough to catch up on some of those missing Zs.”

  “Well, you didn’t miss much. We mainly discussed you and your mate, and Ryker’s mission. We also discussed technicalities regarding Craig and Mina. Grey is already back home, but he has reservations about his alpha.”

  Enzo grunted. “With reason. Sounds like the alpha is a tyrant, selling the shifters who oppose him.”

  “First we have to find Lizzy to prove it. In the meantime, I asked Tyler if he could find an alpha who would be interested in challenging him.”

  “They’re a wolf pack, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Wolves are the most common of shifter breeds.”

  “That’s pretty much what Tyler said. He’s going to reach out to Councilman Black to help. The only thing he foresees may be a difficulty is if the alpha is corrupt, and sold Lizzy to Phenocorps, then it might mean he’s an asset to them. It would cause them to take notice, should he be usurped.”

  “They have to know that alphas are challenged and defeated all the time. True, he’ll need to watch his back, but aside from that, it shouldn’t look too conspicuous.”

  “I agree. And Slate’s fri
end, Grey, will be a reliable ally for any good alpha. Oh, and also, Max has agreed to be our liaison with the Buffalo coven.”

  “Good, I’m glad he was finally able to take time to think it over. He was consumed with helping his mate first, trying to get everything back that was taken. Or at least most everything. And now that I have a mate of my own, I totally get it.”

  “That brings up the final thing. I’m giving you some time off to woo and care for your mate.”

  Enzo was a little shocked. “Not that I’m complaining, but there is so much to be done. The pack is still in a bit of chaos, adjusting to each other, and the investigative business we started still has so much to do to get off the ground.”

  “I realize how much needs to be done, believe me, I do. But mates come first. Especially after what he endured yesterday. The twins told me he threw up, almost right on top of one of them. They felt really bad for scaring him so severely, especially after they found out he is your mate. They are the ones who approached me to giving you some time off. They volunteered to help in the office, or wherever I need, so you can have that time. I might ask for help every now and then, and I’ll keep you up to date with whatever is shared in any meetings you miss. But other than that, I’m taking them up on the offer.”

  Enzo was shocked and greatly moved by the offer. I’ll have to find a way to make it up to them someday, he thought.

  “Thank you,” Enzo said, with some bit of emotion.

  “You’re welcome.” Alphy stood up, and Enzo stood with him.

  Alphy headed to the door. “The girls saved some breakfast for both of you, so take your time,” he said over his shoulder. Then he opened the door and left.


  From down the hall, Heath listened to Alphy leave. In spite of the horrendous events he’d experienced last night, Alphy’s name had stuck. He had woken up when the two men were talking in the hall. Heath was curious what they had to say, so he followed just to the door, when they had moved to the waiting room, and listened to their conversation. Much of it he didn’t fully understand, but he did think he understood about the twins. He remembered almost perfectly, nearly throwing up on one of the wolves. He wasn’t sure what to think about them working to give Enzo time off. He was still afraid of them. However, he felt like what they did was really nice. But it was for Enzo. Would they still hurt me? A little jealousy crept in at the fleeting thought they would do anything for Enzo. His darker thoughts were interrupted.

  “Hey, you’re up.” Enzo’s smooth and sexy voice sounded down the hall as he started coming closer.

  Heath suddenly felt scared. Should I have stayed in bed? Will he get mad that I was eavesdropping? I don’t want to get any of these guys mad at me. They may really kill me.

  “Hey, whatever you’re thinking, stop. You’re fine. Remember, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” Enzo’s voice lowered to a soothing sound, and he came up and wrapped his arms around him.

  Heath took in the man’s scent as he was pressed against Enzo’s well-built body. It was spicy and musky and nearly made his toes curl. Instantly his body relaxed into Enzo’s arms. Large, hot hands rubbed in circles on his back. Mm, I could get used to this. He had crushed on this man for a month and a half now. How many times had he longed to be right where he currently was? And just how many times did he jack off to the mere thought of being this close to the man? They had been the most intense orgasms he had had in his life, each and every single one of them. But he’s not a man.

  Heath paused at that thought. He would have thought that that would dump ice water on his libido, but his hard-on, tenting his sweats, didn’t wane in the least. Instead, it jumped, and he could feel pre-cum escape from the tip as he thought about the power that this man, or beast, had.

  Enzo gave a mix between a groan and a growl. Instead of being scared, shivers of pleasure prickled up Heath’s spine.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re killing me.” Enzo breathed into his hair. “I want you so damn bad, I could pound railroad spikes with my dick. But I don’t believe you are ready for me just yet.”

  Enzo pulled away and stepped back. Heath had to take a second to get the strength back into his legs to hold himself up, and he sorely missed the heat Enzo’s body had offered. He looked up into his face, and another dollop of pre-cum oozed from his slit. Raw, sexual desire powered through Enzo’s blue-fire eyes.

  “Let’s go get some breakfast. I need to eat something, before I eat you.” Enzo’s voice was low and sultry.

  Heath silently nodded, but didn’t make any effort to move. He wasn’t afraid of Enzo’s declaration. Maybe he would have been last night, but right now all he could think about was Enzo making a meal of his dick, and that wasn’t a bad thought at all.

  “Fuck me,” Enzo mumbled right before he slanted his head and pressed his soft, pink lips to Heath’s.

  The kiss went nuclear the moment their mouths met. Enzo’s fingers dug in a pleasurably painful way, through his short hair, and pulled him harder against the man who was now devouring him. Yes, please! he thought.

  Heath grunted when his back was pushed up against the wall, and a whimper escaped him somehow, as Enzo rubbed his restrained cock against Heath’s, and the stubble on his chin scraped against his, which sent a zing of pleasure south.

  Enzo’s mouth suctioned in Heath’s lips and then his tongue. His balls rolled in their sac, and he felt like they were being pulled up, from the suction Enzo had on his mouth. Enzo nipped at his lips, and then ran his tongue over where he nipped.

  Heath gyrated his hips, grinding his erection against Enzo’s. Suddenly, a voice not Enzo’s registered through his cloudy thoughts.

  Enzo directed a threatening growl to his right, at someone down the hall.

  “Do not blame me. You are out in the open, in a clinic that is now open for visitors. I’m sure you do not want everyone seeing, or smelling, your mate’s … condition.”

  Heath turned his head and saw the doctor, standing at the end of the hall, and felt heat cover his cheeks.

  Both men were breathing heavily. Enzo groaned and rested their foreheads together. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m weak when I’m around you.”

  Heath didn’t want to say it out loud, but to himself, he could admit he felt the same way about Enzo.

  Enzo pulled away. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

  “Wait!” Heath said, and pulled back when Enzo tried to lead him down the hall. Enzo looked back, and gave him a curious look.

  “I haven’t used the, um, bathroom yet.” Heath felt a blush heat his cheeks.

  Enzo smiled and let go. After Heath was done, Enzo was waiting with his shoes, outside the door.

  “We almost left without these. It tells you how much my mind really wasn’t working,” Enzo said, handing the shoes to him.

  Heath laughed, and put them on. On their way out, Seamus stopped them from the kitchen area.

  “How did those pills work for you, Heath?”

  “Uh, fine,” he answered.

  “Any unusual grogginess or perhaps dizziness?”

  Heath shook his head. “No. Thank you for them.”

  “You’re welcome. If you need anything, at any time, you can come to me. Do you know if you are going to be staying here again tonight?”

  Heath looked up at Enzo, hoping to get help with that answer, but with the controlled blank look on his face, it was clear that the choice was his own, so he turned back to Seamus.

  “I, uh, don’t know.”

  Seamus waved his hand dismissively. “That’s fine. You let me know what you decide, when you do. There’s no pressure. Oh, don’t forget your desserts. They’re still in the fridge.”

  Enzo walked over and opened the door of the fridge. “How’s that research going, Sea?” Enzo asked.

  “We’ve made some breakthroughs. Maysa and I have already figured out a sedative that will work on paranormals. We haven’t figured the doses out yet, but that is on our agenda for today, and we are ver
y close in a working pain reliever.”

  “Wow, that’s great!” Enzo smiled, and waved goodbye as he led Heath out of the building. They walked in the chill of the morning, through the shadows of the trees. Heath shivered with the chill. Enzo must have noticed, because he wrapped an arm around his shoulder, and drew him up against his side. Enzo’s body heat was powerful, and did the job of keeping him comfortable until they reached the main house.

  As they entered, he took a moment to take in everything with a better light, now that he wasn’t so stricken with terror. The house was filled with warm colors and soft furniture, tucked into an open floor plan. Not as many people were in the house this time. He knew several were working outside, since he saw them as they walked passed them, on the way to the house. But he wondered where everyone else was, and what it was they did.

  Enzo led him to the kitchen and sat him down at the breakfast bar. He noticed Havana doing the dishes, and smiled at her.

  She smiled widely at him, but her hands were busy using a scrub brush on a dish. “Mornin’, Heath. Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Another girl that looked to be about Havana’s age plopped down on the seat next to him. She held out her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Gale, Alphy’s mate. I’m also human, if that might help you feel better.”

  “Hi, Gale. I’m Heath.” Heath shook her hand. He liked her right away. She had something about her that made him feel comfortable.

  “If you need help with anything, you can ask me,” she told him.

  Another woman placed a plate, overflowing with a breakfast bake and biscuits and gravy, in front of him and Enzo.

  Heath sat there with his eyes wide open. How on earth am I supposed to eat all of that? Before he knew it, a tall glass of orange juice was added to the feast.

  Gale laughed beside him. “Shifters and gargoyles eat heaps of food. The vampires, not so much. Their appetites are closer to humans’, but they can still pack away a large amount. Don’t worry, if you can’t eat it all, we can either save it for you, or I’m sure Enzo would be more than happy to finish off your plate, just as soon as he licks his own plate clean.”


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