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Daily Life of the Aztecs

Page 37

by Jacques Soustelle

  Officials, 37 - 42, 45, 48 - 50 ; landed wealth of, 81 ; and election of emperor, 89 ; work of, 141 - 143

  Old age, 198 - 200

  Ololiuhqui (holy plant), 194

  Omeciuatl ( Lady of the Duality), 96, 116

  Ometecuhtli ( Lord of the Duality), 96, 116

  Ometochtzin ('venerable two-rabbit' priest), 54

  Opochtli (god), 3

  Oratory, 164 - 165, 187 - 188, 226 - 227, 235


  Ornaments, 46, 60, 67, 68- 69, 138, 230 - 232

  Otomi people, xxiii, 2, 153, 217, 220, 221 ; religion of, 116 ; fashion and toilet of, 130, 131, 135, 136

  Otomi (rank), 47

  Otomitl (military rank), 43, 47

  Otumba, 60

  Oviedo, Gonzalo de, 178

  Oxitipan, xxiii

  Oztoman xxi, 48

  Painting, 299

  Palaces, 8, 11, 14 - 15, 20, 22, 23 - 25, 49, 84 -85, 121, 124 -126

  Panquetzaliztli (fifteenth month), 68, 129, 145-146; rites of, 247

  Paradise, 107, 191

  Parish priests, 37, 52

  Patecatl (god of drink), 111

  Patolli (dice game), 76, 159, 160

  Paynal (god), 145 - 146, 247

  Peasants, 71 ; religion of, 53 ; landless, 72 - 73 ; god of, 117; huts of, 121

  Penance, 22, 170, 200

  Petlacalco (public treasury), 24

  Petlacalcatl (granary-keeper), 92

  Petlatl (mat), 122

  Peyotl (narcotic), 155, 218

  Physicians, 56, 192, 194, 195-198

  Pictographs, xviii, 229, 233

  Pilli (son of a tecuhtli), 48, 49, 51

  Plants: food-, 148, 152 - 153, 155 ; medicinal, 196- 198

  Pleasure-houses, 126 - 128

  Plebeians - see Maceualli

  Pochteca (traders), 59, 60- 65, 85 - 86, 147

  Pochtlan, traders of, 60, 68

  Pochtlan teohua yiacatecuhtli (priest), 54

  Poetry, 158, 236 - 242

  Points, cardinal, 111 - 112, 117

  Police force, 50

  Politeness, 222 - 223

  Polygamy, 88, 178 - 183

  Pomar, Juan Bautista, 179

  Population, 8 - 9

  Portents, 108-115, 175, 208

  Porters, caravans of, 59, 60

  Prayer, 22, 195 - 196

  Predestination, 12 - 115, 192

  Pregnancy, 187 - 189

  Priestesses, 54- 56, 170, 184

  Priests, 51 - 54, 130 ; fasting by, 22 ; as ruling class, 37; hierarchy of, 38 ; parish, 37, 52 ; district, 41 ; military, 42 ; poverty of, 58 ; and election of emperor, 89 ; and sacrifice, 97, 99, 101 -102; after-life for, 108 ; meditations of, 117, 118 ; ritual bath, 129; dress, 133, 134 ; punishment of, 143; religious duties, 143, 144 ; and ritual, 143 - 147 ; education by, 169 - 170, 171, 172

  Prisoners, sacrifice of, 129

  Prisoners of war: taking of, 43, 64; sacrifice of, 64, 68, 99 - 102 ; as slaves, 75

  Prisons, 24

  Property: private, 79, 80, 81; communal, 80, 81


  Pulque (alcoholic drink), 156-157

  Punishment, 57, 142, 143, 156- 157, 185 - 186, 193 ; slavery as, 75

  Quachic (warrior's rank), 43, 46

  Quachtli (length of cloth), 76, 81, 83

  Quacuilla (priestly rank), 52

  Quahuacan, xxiii

  Quaquachictin (rank), 47

  Quauhchimecatl (military rank), 43

  Quauhcoatl (priest), 2 - 3. 4

  Quauhteca (military rank), 44

  Quauhtlatoa, King of Tlatelolco, 60

  Quauhtochco province, 60

  Quecholli (fourteenth month), 55, 158 ; rites of, 247

  Quetzalcoatl, king-god, xv, 66, 88, 106, 112 ; temple of, 21, 22; god of the priests, 51, 52, 108, 117, 171; craftsmen of, 66; refuses to sacrifice humans, 97; attributes of, 118 ; and education, 171-172; pyre of, 201 ; symbol of civilisation, 220 ; song of, 240

  Quetzalcoatl Tlaloc tlamacazqui (high priest), 52-53

  Quetzalcoatl totec tlamacazqui (high priest), 52-53

  Quexquemitl (mantle), 136

  Quiauhteopan, xxiii

  Quiauiztlan, 49

  Quilitl (wild plants), 153

  Quimichtin (secret agents), 209

  Quinatzin, King of Texcoco, 219

  Rabbits, Four Hundred, 104, 116, 156

  Rain, 105, 247

  Rain-god, 103 ; sacrifice to, 98

  Rank: military, 43 -47; priestly, 51-53; among merchants, 61, 64- 65 ; of craftsmen, 69 ; and dress, 138- 139

  Rebirth, 105-108, 240

  Religion, 93- 94, 95 - 119, 144-147

  Reputation, importance of, 58

  Rewards, 44, 45, 81, 91

  Rincόn, Father Antonio del, 1

  Ritual, 46- 47, 135, 172 ; priests and, 53, 54, 105, 143 -147; priestesses and, 55 ; of bathing, 129; of sacrifice, 144- 147 ; of baptism, 163 - 167 ; of months, 246-247

  Rivers, Nine, 108

  Round towers, 21

  Ruling and upper classes: categories of, 37 -58, 61; renewal of, from general public, 45 -46, 58, 93; duties of, 48- 58, 90 - 91 ; their life of service, 51, 63, 141-144; rivalry of merchants, 63, 64, 86; growth of, 86 - 93 ; care of estates, 140 - 141 ; worship and ceremonies, 144 ; good breeding and cult of moderation, 221 - 224

  Sacrifice, 18, 22, 246, 247 ; slaves as, 61, 64, 68, 75, 77; prisoners of war as, 64, 68, 75, 99-102; ritual of, 97 - 102, 129, 145 - 146

  Sage, 148, 152, 154

  Sahagún, Father Bernardino, xix, 20, 46, 52, 62, 66, 68, 77, 89, 99, 133, 152, 153, 155, 161, 169, 171, 196, 198, 218, 237

  Salters, 66, 246 ; deities for, 116

  Sandals, 138

  Sanitation, 138

  Sanitation, 32 - 33

  Schools, 22, 42, 48, 53, 64, 169 - 173


  Science, 192, 196, 197

  Screens, 122 - 123

  Sculpture, 25, 69, 104, 229

  Secret agents, 209

  Self-control, 170, 172, 221, 222, 227

  Senators, 38

  Serpents, 124, 125

  Shield, 209

  Sickness, 191-197

  Signs and portents, 108 - 115, 175, 208

  Sign, day, 165, 167

  Silver, 230, 231, 232

  Skirts, 134 - 135, 136

  Slavery, voluntary, 76

  Slaves, 73- 78 ; sacrifice of, 61, 64, 68, 75, 77 ; marriage of, 74, 183

  Smallpox, 33

  Smoking, 154

  Soap, 129

  Soldiers, 42 -47. See also Warriors

  Song, 170, 171, 172, 234, 236, 237 - 241

  Soothsayers, 56, 165, 175

  Sorcery, 191- 192, 194-196

  Sovereign - see Emperor

  Spaniards, 9, 39, 45, 84, 152 ; siege of Mexico, xvi, 213 - 215, 231 ; historical documents of, xviii -xix; and slavery, 73 ; and torture, 99 ; religion of, 116

  Spear-throwers, 210

  Speeches, 164 - 165, 187 - 188, 266 - 227, 235

  Spengler, Oswald, 33

  Sports, 22- 23, 158 - 159

  Springs, 22, 29

  Steam-baths, 129-130, 189, 193, 194

  Stones: precious, 59, 66, 67, 68 - 69, 138, 230 - 232 ; healing virtues of, 196 - 197

  Streets, 10, 12 - 13 ; unkeep of, 32 - 33

  Sun: birth of, 96; sacrifice to, 96- 97, 101; and last day of 'century', 101 ; personified by Uitzilopochtli, 102 ; rebirth of, 106, 107 ; years of, 109 ; myth-cycle of, 116, 117 ; and women dead in childbed, 191

  Suns, Four, 95 - 96

  Surrender, 92, 211 - 212

  Sword, 210

  Tamoanchan, 105, 191

  Tapia, Andrés de, 127, 129

  Tarasca people, xxi

  Taxation, 39, 40, 41, 71, 82 - 84

  Teachers, 142, 169 - 172

  Tealtianime (traders), 61

  Techotlatzin, King of Texcoco, 219

  Tecpantlalli (palace land), 80

  Tecuhnenque ('travelling lords'), 61

  Tecuhtlamacazqui (priestly representative), 92

  Tecuhtlatoque (supreme dignitaries), 89

  Tecuhtli (dignitary), 47, 48 ; application of term, 38; election and functions of, 38 - 40 ; importance of reputation, 58 ; land transmitted to heirs, 81

  Tecuilhuitontli (seventh month), rites of, 246

  Teeth, 130, 131


  Techuantepec, 62 - 63, 204

  Telpochcalli (college), 10, 42, 169- 173

  Telpochtlatoque ('masters of the young men'), 169, 174

  Temalacatl (sacrificial stone), 97

  Temazcalli (steam-bath), 129 - 130, 177, 189

  Temples, 2-3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15-22, 51 - 55, 67, 118; subsidiary buildings, 22 ; wealth of, 53-54; education in, 169 -172; capture of, 211

  Tenant farming, 72 - 73

  Tenayuca, pyramid of, 14

  Tenochli (cactus), myth of, 1- 3

  Tenochitlan (see also Mexico), xiii, xvii, 70, 116, 205 ; luxury of, xxii ; meaning of name, 1 ; foundation of, 2 -5; situation, 5; localities in, 7, 20; population, 9; causeway, 12; temple of, 13; central square of, 14 -15, 25 ; sanitation, 32; as a young capital, 33 -35; traders of, 60; cost of living, 76 ; weather, 121 ; and war, 206 -207, 212, 213

  Teocalli (temple), 4, 8, 11, 15

  Teonanacatl (narcotic), 155

  Teopan section, 8

  Teotleco (twelfth month), rites of, 247

  Teotihuacán, pyramids of, xv

  Teotitlán, 118

  Tepan teohuatzin (priest), 53

  Tepeilhuitl (thirteenth month), rites of, 247

  Tepequacuilco, xxiii

  Tepetitlan ('beside the hill'), 6

  Tepeyacac, 5, 6, 12, 13; causeway of, 10, 20

  Tepoztecatl (god), xxiv

  Tepoztlán, xxiv

  Tequanime (traders), 61

  Tequitl (collective labour), 148

  Tequiua (warrior's title), 43, 46

  Tequiuaque (military rank), 47

  Territorial divisions, 7 - 9

  Teteoinnan (goddess), song to, 238

  Tetzauhpiltzintli, Prince, 180 - 181

  Tetzcotzinco, gardens of, 124-126

  Texcoco, xvi, xx, 13, 50 ; lake of, 5, 6, 32 ; temple of, 19, 54 ; merchant guilds in, 60 ; privileged maceualtin of, 71 ; share of tax, 83, 84 ; appointment of rulers, 88 ; palace at, 124 - 126 ; court of appeal at, 143 ; claim to suzerainty, 204 ; ambassadors of, 207 ; attack on, 212- 213 ; dynasty of, 219 - 220 ; council of music and sciences, 236

  Teyaualouanime (traders), 61

  Tezcacoacatl ('he of the mirror-serpent'), 48

  Tezcatlipoca (god of night sky), xv, 35, 97, 102 - 103, 199 ; temple of, 20 - 21 ; as god of young men, 42 - 43, 171; protector of slaves, 78 ; multiplicity of, 117 - 118 ; and education, 171 - 172 ; feast of, 246

  Tezozomoc, 212, 224

  Tezozomoc, Alvaro, 30, 31, 46

  Theft, 57

  Ticitl (physicians), 192, 194 - 198

  'Tiger-knights', 134

  Tilmatli (cloak), 132 - 133

  Time: reckoning and division of, 109 - 112, 161 - 162

  Tititl (seventeenth month), 146 ; rites of, 247

  Tizoc, Emperor, 17, 45, 92, 134, 229 ; stone of, 15

  Tlacacleltzin, 91

  Tlacahuepan, 99 - 100

  Tlacateccatl ('he who commands the warriors'), 44 - 45, 46, 48, 92


  Tlacaxipeualiztli (second month), rites of, 146, 246

  Tlacatecuhtli (' lord of the warriors'), 44,48

  Tlacateotl, King of Tlatelolco, 60

  Tlachco, xxiii

  Tlachquiauco, xxiii, 59

  Tlachtli (ball-game court), 22, 159 - 160

  Tlacochcalli (arsenals), 11, 23, 45

  Tlacochcalcatl ('man of the javelin-house'), 44 - 45, 46, 92

  Tlacochtecuhtli (' lord of the spears'), 48

  Tlacopan, xx -xxi, 5, 13 ; causeway of, 10, 12, 15, 20; share of tribute, 83; claim to suzerainty, 204, 213 ; ambassadors of, 208

  Tlacotzin, 91

  Tlacuilo (painter-scribe), 229

  Tlailotlac (title), 92

  Tlalmaitl (landless peasants), 72 -73

  Tlaloc (rain-god), 51, 98, 103, 108, 201, 202 ; temple of, 19- 20 ; ideology of, 52-53; paradise of, 107; god of the peasants, 117 ; diseases caused by, 192-193; feast of, 246

  Tlalocan, 11, 107

  Tlaloque (mountain gods), 192, 194

  Tlamacazqui (priest), 51

  Tlamacaztequiuaque (warrior-priests), 42

  Tlapacoyan, xxiii

  Tlapizque (musicians), 23

  Tlappanec people, xxiii

  Tlaquimiloltecuhtli (temple treasurer), 53

  Tlatelolco, 5 - 9 ; temple of, 10, 18, 28; causeway from, 12; market-place of, 25 - 28 ; merchants of, 60 ; privileged maceualtin of, 71 ; war on, 205, 212

  Tlatlacotin (slaves), 73 - 78

  Tlatocamilli ('military fields'), 80

  Tlatocan (supreme council), 92 - 93, 142

  Tlatocayotl ('high command'), 141

  Tlatuani (speaker), 87

  Tlaxcala, xiv, xxi, 161 ; national god of, 103 ; and war of flowers, 214 - 215

  Tlaxochimaco (ninth month), 47, 68 ; rites of, 147, 246

  Tlazolteoltl (goddess of carnal love), 104, 193, 199

  Tlenamacac (priestly rank), 52

  Tlenamacazque (priests), 89

  Tlilapan spring, 22

  Tlillancalque ('keeper of the dark house'), 48

  Tloque Nahuaque (supreme god), 118

  Tobacco, 154, 194, 195

  Tochpan, xxiii, 83

  Tochtepec, xxiii, 83

  Toci (goddess), feast of, 55

  Tolocan, xxiii

  Tolteca (craftsmen), 66- 69, 230

  Toltec people, xv, xvi ; architecture, 19 ; ball-games, 23 ; craftsmen, 66, 67 ; dynasty of, 87 - 88, 204 ; god of, 118 ; and cremation, 201 ; cultural influence, 217, 219 - 221

  Toltenco ('at the edge of the rushes'), 6

  Toluca valley, 80 - 81

  Tonalli (soul), 192, 194, 195

  Tonalpoualli (divinatory calendar), 109 - 112

  Tonalpouhque (diviner-priests), 56, 165

  Tonantzin, sactuary of, 12

  Torquemada, Juan de, 55, 91


  Totocalli (house of birds), 24

  Totonac people, xxiii, 49- 50, 84, 132, 135- 136

  Toxcatl (fifth month), rites of, 246

  Toxpalatl spring, 22

  Tozoztontli (third month), rites of, 246

  Trade, 25 - 28

  Traders, 147, 169 ; influence of, 37; as warriors, 42; wealth of, 58, 63 - 64 ; rising power of, 59- 65 ; distinction between craftsmen and, 69 ; and slave sacrifice, 77; unable to become tecuhtli, 93 ; attacks on, as cause of war, 204-205

  Traffic, 10, 12

  Treasury, 24, 53-54

  Tribal organisation, 36 - 37

  Tribunals, special, 24

  Tribute, 39, 53, 59, 82 -85

  Tula, xv, xvi, 7, 51, 66, 67, 118, 134, 183, 219, 220

  Tunics, 134

  Turkeys, 128, 152

  Tutotepec, 46

  'Two-Rabbit, Venerable', 54

  Tzapotlan, 18

  Tzapotlatenan (goddess), 194

  Tzinacantlan, xxiii

  Tzitzimime (monsters of twilight), 96

  Uaxyacac, 49

  Ueueteotl, 246

  Ueuetlacolli ('old servitude'), 76 - 77

  Ueuetlatolli (precepts of the elders), 223 - 224

  Ueuetque (council of elders), 40

  Uexotzinco, 13

  Uextola, 60

  Uey calpixque (chief dignitary), 41, 42, 92

  Uey tecuilhuitl (eighth month), 46, 85, 135, 153 ; rites of, 246

  Uey Tozoztli (fourth month), 184 ; rites of, 246

  Uitziliuitl, Emperor, 16, 29, 88, 137

  Uitzilopochco, 9, 60

  Uitzilopochtli (war god), xvi, 1, 19, 118; temple of, 2 - 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 - 20, 146, 202, 214, 246; and division of city, 8 ; dance and song in honour of, 47, 238 ; ide
ology of, 52 -53; miraculous birth of, 102, 106; guarantor of warriors' rebirth, 106, 108; feast of, 145 - 146, 247 ; his will in war, 211, 212

  Uitznauac tehuatzin (priest), 53

  Uixtociuati (goddess), 103, 116, 246

  Underworld, 106, 107 - 108, 202

  Upper classes--see Ruling classes

  'Venerable two-rabbit', 54

  Venus, 105 - 106, 109, 111, 118

  War, 141 ; council of, 24 ; boy-children dedicated to, 42, 163 - 164, 166 ; as religious rite, 100 - 101 ; portents of, 113 - 114 ; education for, 171 - 172 ; attitude to, 203-205, 212-214; as a duty, 203, 213; legal basis of, 204-205; causes of, 204 - 205 ; negotiations leading to, 206 - 208 ; conduct of, 209 -211; peace negotiations, 211 - 212 ; conventions of, 213 - 214

  Warehouses, 11


  Warrior-priests, xvi, 37, 42

  Warriors, 42 - 47, 130, 190-191; women companions of, 46, 131, 135, 171, 184 ; merchants as, 62 -63; estates as rewards, 81; and election of emperor, 87 ; as his counsellors, 92 ; as sacrificial victims, 97 -98, 102 ; and sun myth-cycle, 117; dress, 134, 138 ; in ceremonies, 144, 146 ; chivalry of, 208 ; armament of, 209 -210

  Water-food, 26, 151

  Water problems, 10, 12, 22, 28 - 32, 148

  Water rites, 166

  Wealth, 45 ; of temples, 53 -54; of traders, 58, 63 - 64, 65, 82, 85 -86; land basis of, 79; acquisition of, 81 - 86

  Weapons, 210

  Weaving, 132, 137

  Weaving-women, 113, 132, 136

  Weddings, 175 - 177

  Widows, 74, 182, 185

  Wildfowl, 25, 116

  Women: in priesthood, 54 - 56 ; inheritance through, 88 ; death in childU_00AD bed, 107 ; fashions and toilet, 130 - 131, 134- 137 ; position of, 183 - 187, 190 - 191

  Works, public, 148, 170 - 171

  Writing, xviii229 233 - 234

  Xaltocan, 220

  Xicolanco province, xxi, 220

  Xicolli (tunic), 134

  Xihuitonco ('the meadow'), 6

  Xilonen (corn goddess), 145, 246

  Xilotopec, xxiii, 83

  Xipe Totec (god of goldsmiths), 67, 98, 116, 117 - 118 ; cult of, 105 ; disease from, 193; feast of, 246

  Xiuhcoac, 18

  Xiuhtecuhtli (god of fire), 38, 103, 246

  Xiuitl (solar year), 109

  Xochimilco, 16, 128, 220, 228; lake of, 5 ; lapidaries, 67

  Xochipilli (god of pleasure), 104, 193, 194 ; statue, 22

  Xochitlacotzin, 72

  Xochiyaoyotl (flowery war), xiv, 101, 214

  Xoconocho, xxi, xxii, xxiii

  Xocotitlán, xxiii

  Xocotl uetzi (tenth month), rites of, 246

  Xolotl, 106, 219

  Yacatecutli (god of merchants), 116


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