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Proposal (With the Bad Boy Book 10)

Page 3

by Wanda Amard

  Kimber breathes heavily at my side when I fall next her on the bed. Her body quakes as she works to draw in every breath.

  “It that's what it's going to be like after every family meal, we should go to more of them,” she pants.

  Fuck no. She doesn’t need to put up with my family in order to have me fuck her that hard.

  Chapter Six


  I pull the covers up around my shoulders and roll to my side, tucking myself against Vinn’s chest as he drapes a hand over my waist. It's such a simple way to lie, my most favorite. It doesn't matter how much drama and chaos is happening outside our windows as long as he is with me like this, our bodies close together sharing body heat, I'm happy.

  Except this time there's something extra between us. And it's not good. Even though I want to relax and enjoy myself, my stomach rolls with questions and unanswered stories, all of them pertaining to Vinn’s past.

  I sigh, my shoulder inching up around my ear. “Just tell me, Vinn. What's the big deal?” He's promised he'd been truthful, so why can’t he keep being truthful and finish the story?

  His arm squeezes, bringing me closer until there’s no space between us. “I worry you’ll leave if you find out how fucked up I am.” His breath tickles against my ear as he speaks.

  That’s what he’s worried over? I snort. “You’ve seen my family, right?” It's a testament to my mother's laziness we haven't been highlighted on a Jerry Springer episode.

  He shakes his head behind me, the action tugging on my hair. “I've done dumb things, Kimber. You’re dating a convicted felon, but that’s the better end of the story. Do you want to know all the gory details?”

  I turn, rolling over his arms until we’re face to face. “I love you right now. All of you. Your past won’t change anything for me.”

  He closes his eyes slowly and releases a breath, fear etched in the creases. For a moment I worry he's not going to tell me, but then he opens his mouth and the words spill out.

  “As you probably figured out, I did have a relationship with Monica.”

  I cringe. He told me, but no woman wants to have past lovers confirmed.

  “We started dating when I was about seventeen, but it wasn’t serious until after high school. I thought I loved her. I was young and stupid. Eighteen is not an age to be making big life changes.” His eyes fall after giving me a knowing expression but I push his head away refusing to listen. Being with him is my best decision, regardless of the age I made the choice.

  “I was running a lot of jobs for Ricky and partying with Monica. I thought I had the life.”

  The words stop and I squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. “What happened next?” It's obvious the story doesn't end with them together. So, he can’t be done.

  “Ricky used to run jobs during the winter. He’d take regular cars off the street and boost them as quickly as possible once or twice a month. He was dumb as fuck back then, too. The night that changed everything it was icy, and he didn't want a bunch of young assholes driving stolen cars all over the city so he called off a run. It put me back to my house six hours earlier than planned. I don't know how long it had been going on between them, but when I walked in the trailer something was off.”

  Nerves grow in my stomach with each bit of the story. He's weaving the tale tacking on suspense but not giving away the plot. I want to tell him to hurry up and get through the story, but Vinn needs to walk me through his life’s timeline at his own pace.

  “I went in my bedroom and found Monica in bed with my brother.”

  I gasp, my fingernails digging into his shoulder. Immediately I surf in my mind, looking through pictures of the brothers and trying to decide which one it could be. Harold and Vinn have an uneasy relationship. Did the tall burly brother betray him?

  “Obviously, I broke it off right then and there. I can't believe we made it out of the bedroom without someone going to the hospital. She continued seeing my brother for a while until she got pregnant and realized he wasn't father material. When he skipped out, my family thought I should step up and become a surrogate father, but how could I do that after the way Monica treated me? She's a constant reminder of how special trust is. Once it's broken, it's lost forever.”

  That explains a few things, like how her son looks so much like Vinn. “Why would your family ask you to be a dad to your brother’s kid?”

  He shrugs, shaking his head. “Because they don't see us as different. Nobody cares if she broke my heart and a few believe Stetsyn’s mine.”

  I nod. I can see where they would think that with such a close resemblance. It’s uncanny, but I trust Vinn with this piece of history.

  Vinn cups my chin in his hand and stares deeply into my eyes, not allowing me to look away. “I promise you. Stetsyn’s not mine. I hadn’t slept with Monica for more than six months before she got pregnant.”

  I nod, believing him even though his grip on my face doesn’t allow much movement.

  “You are the first girl I never used a condom with when we fucked.”

  If his hand wasn't cupping my jaw, it would fall open in shock. The first girl? He said he loved Monica, but they were never to non-condom level? Did he ever use one with me? I rack my brain about our first two times, but come up empty-handed. What does that mean for our relationship? Did Vinn know he loved me from the moment he saw me like he says or was he more reckless with me?

  “If you want to stop all your family’s questions, why don’t you just do a DNA test?” I'm not one hundred percent sure how they work because I barely passed that section in biology class, but I know you can buy them online. It can’t be that hard.

  Vinn’s eyes fill with sadness and he shakes his head. “In this particular case it wouldn't work.”

  “Why not?”

  His head shakes again and he drops his fingers from my chin. The words take forever to come out as if they’re difficult. “Because the brother she cheated on me with is my twin brother.”

  My mouth does fall open this time without his hand there cradling it. There are no words to describe the emotions and feelings that bubble up inside of me. A thousand comments get lodged together my head, none of them able to escape. A twin?

  He laughs uncomfortably. “Identical DNA and everything. It's a bitch.”

  “Wow. But if you told your family he’s not yours, why don't they believe you?”

  “Because after my brother skipped town, Monica told everyone she was never aware what twin she was sleeping with at any time. Made it seem like we double teamed her or shit and she liked it. But we never did.” His words are firm, leaving no room for questions.

  I nod aimlessly as he continues telling his story. I can see how that would cause a lot of family drama. It's so much to take in that I lie in bed beside Vinn attempting to process what he's told me. The reason Stetsyn looks so much like him makes sense. So does his reluctance to tell the story. A betrayal of any family member would cut deeply, but I can only assume it's worse coming from your twin. The deepest.

  Vinn shifts uncomfortably on the bed as if he's waiting for me to get up and walk out, but I've never been further from leaving. His story’s crazy, a bit shocking, but it doesn't make me look at him any differently — at least not in a negative way. Now the reasons for his mistrust and secrecy with introducing me to his family don't seem so nefarious. I want more than ever to spend a lifetime with Vinn and provide him with a family of people who will love and support him through thick and thin.

  I smile even as it looks as though he's about to cry and place a gentle kiss against his lips.

  “If anything, your story makes me think you are more amazing. I love you.” How has this man been dealt such shitty cards but still come out on top?

  He smiles and forces out a laugh as if he doesn't quite believe me. “You'll have to forgive me if I never introduce you to my twin.”

  Chapter Seven


  I told Kimber the truth about my past, and even after
a horrible Thanksgiving dinner I feel happy. A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be with someone like me — a man who can’t keep everyone happy, lost his woman to his brother, and then refused to step up and be that kid’s father. It doesn't matter if we have identical DNA, Stetsyn is not mine and every moment I see him hurts deep inside my soul. He's a constant reminder of how my brother and I let a woman come between us. Most of the family hasn't talked to my twin since Monica gave birth. He certainly hasn’t been back to town. He's left me here to my own devices. I get to deal with the gossip, stories, and rumors. Sometimes it feels like my five years in prison were a vacation from the constant accusatory stares.

  My worst fear of all — Kimber would leave me when she found out — hasn't turned true at all. If anything she hugs me a little tighter right before she falls asleep in my arms. If I’d known it would have that effect on her, I would've told her months ago.

  We lived in a state of bliss for an entire twenty-four hours together on Friday, but the day has passed and now it's right back into the family drama. If it's not mine, it's hers.

  “Do you need me to zip up the back for you?” I yell through the thick wooden door that separates Kimber from the room.


  I walk away from the door and sit on the small bench on the other side of the hallway. She and her soon-to-be sister-in-law have been in the tiny dressing area of the hotel where her brother Hunter and his girlfriend are getting married in a few hours. They’ve been getting dressed forever. I don't understand what could possibly be taking so long. Why can’t I see Kimber? We’re not getting married.

  The door creeps open and I rush in barely squeezing in the hole before Kimber closes it again.

  “Hunter didn’t see. Did he?” The bride, in a big white dress glares at Kimber for opening the door.

  I don’t know what’s got into her knickers, but obviously it hasn't been anything good. “No, I haven’t seen him in over an hour.” He was outside smoking a cigarette.

  Emily releases a breath. Obviously, she’s taking this whole wedding thing too seriously.

  My eyes follow Kimber and roll over her body. She's wrapped a delicate pink shawl across her shoulders so her creamy, milky white skin is no longer visible. It's a shame. I lick my top lip and she shakes her head.

  “No.” She steps back.

  I move toward her, our own game of cat and mouse. One I’ll win. “Yes.” I made myself a promise the first time she tried the dress on and I plan to follow through.

  She looks toward Emily for support, but that woman’s tiny. She’ll be no help. Like she will stop me.

  I nod yes and take another step, closing in until her back hits the wall.

  “Don't touch her. If you smear her makeup, the whole wedding will be ruined and I will die,” Hunter's future wife’s voice crackles against the empty room when I step back from Kimber putting my hands up in the air. Dramatic.

  Kimber smiles like she's won and dust imaginary flakes from her dress. “Vinn was just leaving.”

  My gaze promises so much more after I walk out of this room. “I'll see you later,” I say to both ladies, leaving them alone, but not for long.

  Good luck to Hunter marrying that woman. She seems a real killjoy. I haven't spent much time with Kimber's brother or Emily, but she’s not someone I want to cross if that's the way she talks about a simple kiss.

  No one keeps me from kissing Kimber. I’ll make sure I get payback later.

  The wedding is at a small hotel on the south side of the city, one they closed down, sold, and remodeled a few years ago. On such short notice they're having the reception and the ceremony at the same place, in the same room. Kimber's brother is nowhere to be found. Even the family isn’t gossiping. I don't know any of them and I have no particular desire to talk to anyone. They’re as messed up as her mother and father. I don't need any more drama. My family provide enough.

  There's a large sign with the word Bar in thick black font and an arrow to the left. On a hunch I walk in that direction. Bars are always a good place to find a shitty groom.

  I'm good with hunches because Hunter leans precariously on a tall stool that is about to fall over. The only thing keeping him up is an elbow placed on the bar counter as his shoulders slump forward. In front of him is a large glass normally used to hold beer, but the clear liquid indicates it’s something else. And I’m not thinking water.

  “Cold feet?” I ask with a slap on the back. I've never been a good brother-in-law when my siblings got married, but I'm gonna make an effort to do better with Kimber's brother. Maybe.

  He looks up in my direction his eyes rimmed in red. He’s either been drinking for a while, didn’t sleep last night, or all the above. My joke isn’t so funny anymore.

  “I thought by the time we made it here today I would know for sure.”

  “Know what?”

  Hunter takes a swig of his drink, flinching as he swallows. “Whether or not Emily was the one.”

  I pause, not sure how to respond. Is there even a correct response? I'm pretty sure you're supposed to know that before you set a wedding date. “Why did you think you’d figure it out before now?”

  Hunter shrugs. “I figured every man knows before their wedding. Right?”

  The fact he doesn't know probably means he does. Monica was truthful when she said I proposed on our third date, but I never bought a ring and even though we dated for years, we never set a time or place. Probably because deep down inside I realized she wasn't for me. It didn’t take me getting to the wedding day to figure that out.

  “Is my sister the one for you?” he asks.

  I nod quickly. “From the moment I first saw her.” I may have tried to resist Kimber initially, but I always guessed I’d lose the battle. When she didn't turn and run away from me at first sight, she became mine.

  “How do you know?” Hunter asks, and I have to think about his question.

  “I don't know. When she's around, when I have the privilege of sharing the same space with her, it feels as if everything is right in my world. When we’re not together, there's a chunk missing. Something that can only be filled by her.”

  “It sounds a little codependent to me,” he says trying to laugh but failing.

  “Maybe.” I don't plan to tell him about all the times I have considered locking her in a room and never letting her out. “But if that's the case, I'm okay with it. Kimber is the only person I want to wake up and fall asleep next to for the rest of my life. And I'll do whatever it takes to stay within her good graces.”

  Hunter huffs but shakes his head as if there’s a spark inside of him that understands what I'm saying. For the sake of his marriage, I hope so.

  Chapter Eight


  “Have they made sure Hunter is in his place yet?” Emily’s voice raises and lowers throughout each question she asks as if she's experiencing a small panic attack.

  I nod. “He's at the front where he belongs.” Vinn gave me a weird look when I asked him. He said he’d promised me he would have Hunter where he was meant to be, but he couldn’t promise the condition in which he would be arrive. I'm a little nervous.

  I get weddings are stressful, but as the clock counts down to noon, Hunter's future wife grows crazier and crazier. I can’t imagine the stress she's under, but she’s taking it out on everyone around her even though it’s gone fine. We had a small problem with the fake flowers when the other bridesmaid — she only has the two of us — forgot the flowers and in a streaming line of tears Emily called her a stupid cunt whore. But no one threw a punch, so it’s good in my opinion.

  “Let me see my daughter!” a male voice booms from the small hallway outside of the little room we’ve been locked inside getting ready for hours. The temperature has slowly increased, and the hotel has turned off the air conditioning during the cold November month. There's too many of us shoved in this tiny room and sweat has started to trickle dow
n my back.

  I inch open the door to the hallway and am met with exactly what I feared I’d see. My father, drunk, opening random doors looking for someone. He turns in time to spot me before I can escape back and hide.

  “There she is. Come on, baby,” he says practically pulling me out of the room. “Are you ready for me to walk you down the aisle?”

  I shift uncomfortably under his grasp. “Dad, Hunter's the one getting married.”

  His eyes are glazed over and he's obviously not listening to a word I’m saying. He looks half asleep. He’s unfocused yet trying hard to stare at my dress. “You didn't wear white. That was probably smart since we all know you aren't a virgin.” He laughs hard and a few of the people in the hallway turn, pretending they don't hear.

  Oh my god. Embarrassment coats my throat, leaving me unable to speak.

  My face turns red and I silently plead for Vinn to somehow come out of wherever he is and save me, but I told him he had to stay attached to my brother’s side until the ceremony started so the odds are not good.

  “Dad, I am not getting married.”

  The words finally connect and he steps back puzzled. “You're not?”

  I shake my head. “Hunter is marrying Emily.”

  “I can't walk Hunter down the aisle. I’ll walk his bride.”

  I swallow, not wanting to be the one to give him the news. “I think her dad is gonna do that.”

  “Where the hell is he? I'll talk to him.” Now he decides to become father of the year.

  His voice grows louder and finally Emily’s dad steps out from the main dressing room where he’d been helping to put the finishing touches on his daughter's dress. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a father want to make sure your wedding day is special. Apparently, mine turned up to walk me down the aisle drunk. I guess at least he made it here?


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