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Have a Little Faith in Me

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by Nicole Austin

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Have a Little Faith in Me

  ISBN 9781419919183


  Have a Little Faith in Me Copyright © 2008 Nicole Austin

  Edited by Shannon Combs.

  Cover art by Syneca.

  Electronic book Publication November 2008

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Have a Little Faith in Me

  Nicole Austin


  To all the healthcare workers who give a little piece of their abundant hearts and souls to those in need. Thank you!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Post-It: 3M Company


  Myth, magic or legend? There have been Hussies since before time was measured in days and minutes. Women who fought bravely alongside their mates with sword and axe, warriors whose courage changed the world around them. Led by the first Hussy, Danu, these fierce fighters discovered their inner strengths, summoned reserves they didn’t know they possessed and passed into the fabric of legend with their daring exploits.

  Since that time, myths have been spun around the Hussy Warriors—tales told by firelight, whispered from mother to daughter—eventually to take their place amongst the mystical fables that shape our souls.

  But the essence of a Hussy remains strong in the hearts of so many women. Heroines who don’t realize that within them lies the power to make a difference, to effect change, to use their passion every bit as skillfully as Danu wielded her sword so long ago. Warriors in different times and different places, who love as deeply and desire as desperately as any woman ever has, seldom knowing that their desire will impact not just one man, but so much more.

  Therein lies the magic of a Hussy. To right a wrong, turn a frown to a smile—to positively change those around her. To love a man with every fiber of her body, to learn from that love and to grow stronger because of it.

  Whether in the past, the future, or the here-and-now, there are Hussies around each corner. They may not even be aware of their Hussy destiny. But one thing is certain—when passion knocks on their door, lives will change for the better. And when it comes to their one special hero? Well, he’s in for the ride of his life.

  Which leaves one unanswered question…are you a Hussy?

  Chapter One

  “Okay, I’m trying to work here.”

  Andreana Costas shook her head, picked up the sheet that had fluttered off the table and once again prepared the exam room for her next patient. Working graveyard shift, she’d become accustomed to dealing with strange incidents. The “kids” seemed to enjoy playing with those who believed.

  She put on her stern voice of authority. “You can play later…after I scan this next patient.”

  The spirits she encountered around the hospital were not malevolent. Same as any other kid, they seemed to be looking for a bit of fun and entertainment. Most of the time she didn’t mind but when busy, it became necessary to let them know their timing was inappropriate.

  Stepping out into the hallway, she had to chuckle at the antics of the spirits at play as the automatic doors flapped open and closed several times. “Darn kids love to push buttons,” she muttered.

  When the doors opened again, she got a good look at the pale child being wheeled down the corridor on a stretcher and any sense of mirth she’d felt evaporated. Her gut churned and instinct prepared her for what would be a heart-wrenching case.

  “Aw, damn it! What’s the story, Doug?”

  She helped guide the stretcher into the exam room and got to work positioning the baby as the E.R. transporter told her an all too familiar tale.

  “Babysitter claims Jamie Lynn rolled off the couch onto the carpeted floor. Changed her story when the cops arrived. Now she says another child hit the baby with a wooden block.”

  The CT images told a different story. Andi scrolled through the scan again to confirm what she’d seen as Doug crowded in close to the monitor.

  “What is it, Andi?”

  She pointed to a white streak, where it didn’t belong, in the patient’s brain. “She’s got blood and a skull fracture here. This corresponds to the lump on the back of her head.” Her finger moved to a spot on the image directly opposite of the injury site. “And there’s blood here too.”

  “Two bleeds?” Doug’s expression turned grim.

  Andi nodded. “A contra coup.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Whiplash. The force against the back of her head caused her brain to slingshot forward, crashing into her skull and creating the second bleed.”

  “Okay…what’s that mean for the baby?”

  Doug’s genuine curiosity prompted her to continue. “It’s a strong indicator of abuse and disproves the babysitter’s story. Both of them. For a contra coup injury to occur there has to be a substantial and violent impact.”

  “Aw crap!”

  Andi nodded. She hated abuse cases. Thankfully, the E.R. staff never brought family or anyone else over with kids suspected to have been abused since she didn’t have a poker face. Keeping what she’d seen in the scan out of her expression was difficult at best, especially when she wanted to inflict similar damage on those who harmed a defenseless child.

  They moved from behind the controls and headed into the scan room where four-month-old Jamie Lynn lay listless on the table. “I’ll take her back,” Andi said. “I want to talk to the doc. Would you wheel the stretcher around to her room for me?”

  “Sure thing, Andi.”

  Cradling the small bundle in her arms, Andi smoothed a tuft of fine black hair off the baby’s forehead and stared into sapphire eyes that didn’t seem to focus quite right anymore. “Such a sweet face,” she cooed. Too bad you’ll never come close to reaching your potential now because of some moron.

  Andi knew the prognosis after such a severe trauma wasn’t great. There would be long-term neurological and physical effects. The child might develop seizures, and there would be developmental as well as learning issues. “Poor kid.”

  Tears she refused to let fall gathered at the corners of her eyes. Keep it together, Andi. Crying isn’t going to help her!

  As she entered the E.R., trauma surgeon Darius Raines glanced her way, those quick eyes, darker than the strongest espresso, cutting right through the shields she tried to erect around her heart. He cursed under his breath and pulled out a chair, directing her t
o sit while he finished his phone call.

  Andi hadn’t expected to see the handsome surgeon. She’d planned to alert Dr. Walsh as to the severity of the injury and slink back to the CT control room to be alone for a while. The grave circumstances took her enjoyment out of the opportunity to be near the object of her desire.

  She handed over the child to her nurse. “She needs to be monitored closely.” The nurse nodded and crooned to the baby. As she dropped onto the chair, Dr. Raines covered the receiver with his palm.

  “This will only take a minute, Andreana.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched upon hearing her name spoken in his sexy baritone and shivers of awareness raced down her spine. He was one of the few people who didn’t use her nickname. For two long years she’d dreamed of hearing him say her name while making love to her, but the good doctor had always maintained a professional distance, damn him. What she wouldn’t give to have his sensual lips moving against hers, to be held in his arms and know the pleasure his talented hands could draw from her body.

  According to the grapevine, he was a loner and didn’t date or socialize with anyone on staff. There were several stories going around as to why, all wrong according to her very reliable instincts. She knew he’d suffered a tragedy of a personal nature that had caused him to build such strong walls around his heart. He couldn’t fool her though. She’d seen his playful nature and compassionate heart shining through when relating to patients and their concerned parents.

  Glancing up, unable to resist temptation, she allowed her gaze to wander, soaking in the warmth of his cocoa-brown skin. God, how she longed to run her hands over his scalp, sensitive fingertips taking in the contrast between smooth skin and the fine shadow of dark hair before tracing the contours of his strong face. She wondered if the thin trail of hair above his upper lip would tickle her if they kissed. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she imagined running her tongue along the thick column of his neck, over the hard-packed muscles of broad shoulders and a solid chest.

  Dr. Raines ended the call and turned toward her. “What’ve you got?”

  Keeping her gaze lowered, Andi shrugged. “Looks like a contra coup, but I don’t have the official report back from the radiologist yet.”


  The sound of her name spoken in his authoritative doctor’s tone made her head snap up and their eyes connected. His penetrating gaze saw through the tough veneer to the soft woman inside who silently wept for the battered child.

  Without a word, he took hold of her shoulders in a firm grip, forcing her to rise with him, then turned her and began walking. He called out over his shoulder to the E.R. clerk, letting her know he’d be in the X-ray department going over some images. He led her to a small office, closed the door and pulled her into his arms.

  “It’s okay, Andreana. Lean on me. Let it out.”

  Too numb to resist—not that she would try—she almost laughed at the irony. Two years she’d wanted this and when it finally happens, she’s hurting and unable to fully appreciate the experience. Didn’t that just figure?

  To hell with professional decorum, she was going to reach out and grab the prize, enjoy the moment, however brief, while it lasted.

  Darius locked the door, took a deep breath and gave in to the desire he’d fought since the first time he’d seen Andreana. Initially, she remained stiff, but soon gave in and snuggled into him so sweetly, all those gorgeous curves fitting his body like a dream. He tucked her head under his chin, smoothed his palms over soft waves of light brown hair, breathing in the clean scent of herbal shampoo and woman.

  Widening his stance, he eased back against the door and drew her closer. She stepped into him willingly, her soft body conforming to his hard contours. His cock, which had atrophied since his wife’s tragic death three years earlier, took notice and rose to the occasion as her arms circled his waist.

  Fuck, she’d think he was an opportunistic prick. “Andreana.” He cringed upon hearing his deepened and raspy tone.

  Darius reached for her hips, intent on moving her away from the hard ridge stretching out along her belly and making itself at home. The minx wiggled against his erection, shifting his cock to the right, then sighed. Her warm breath penetrated his thin scrub shirt to tease his nipple. Fire burned through his veins and his cock twitched.

  Only two flimsy layers of cotton separated them. It wouldn’t take more than a few seconds to be inside her, feel the hot walls of her pussy close around his randy cock. Turn, wrap her long legs around his waist and pound her right through the door.

  Oh Jesus. The images racing through his mind were killing him but he couldn’t act on his urges. Andreana was forbidden fruit. The hospital had all kinds of rules and policies governing conduct, prohibiting physicians from becoming involved with members of the staff.

  “Andreana, sweetheart. We can’t.”

  She lifted her head, looked up at him from under thick lashes with those soulful blue eyes, pupils dilated, heated by a need he understood all too well—the very human need for touch. The intense compulsion to reconnect after a horrible case, reaffirm life. Darius became lost in the depths of her intelligent, perceptive eyes.

  Always brave and strong, giving so much of herself to others without taking anything in return. As long as he’d known her, he’d never seen Andreana lean on anyone. The fact she allowed him to comfort her now was humbling, and for some reason had a profound effect on his otherwise dormant sex drive.

  “You lied to Angie.” Her lips caressed his chest as she spoke, scrambling his thoughts.

  “Huh?” What the hell was she talking about?

  “You told Angie you were going to radiology, not the office.”

  “Oh.” Too damn bad. Let them look for him. He had other things on his mind. Important questions. Like how wonderful her full lips would feel beneath his, and if he kissed her, would she kiss him back? “You plan on ratting me out?”

  She gasped. “Me? No.”

  “Good, then Angie will never know.”

  She leaned back to meet his gaze and sank her teeth into her lower lip, seeming to fight back a smile. Hell no! He wanted…craved seeing a happy expression light up her eyes.

  He pretended to shiver, dropped his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “She’s scary, that one. The residents all suck up. They think she has a whip hidden in the desk.”

  A gradual transformation took place. It started out shy and hesitant, a sort of half smile, before her lips spread into a wide grin flashing a row of straight white teeth.

  “Yeah, the residents…right. That’s probably some dirty fantasy of yours.”

  Watching the sparkle return to her eyes did something funny to Darius. His heart stuttered, did a back flip and started beating triple time.

  This was bad.


  He knew it but couldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop! He had to taste her. Sip from her mouth just once.

  Or maybe twice.

  He stared into her eyes, descended nice and slow, giving her plenty of time to pull back. She held her ground and he paused, their lips a mere breath apart.


  Darius closed the final distance, brushed his lips over hers. So hot and supple. Neurons sparked to life, firing off electrical pulses and sending them careening through his entire body to bring every nerve ending to tingling awareness. Every muscle stiffened and his cock throbbed. There’d be no turning back now.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed, inky lashes fanning out over her cheeks, and Andreana pressed closer. The heat built between them, passion flared. He speared his fingers into her hair, angling her head to form a tighter seal between their mouths, fusing them together. God, he wanted to devour her, crawl inside her and stay there.

  As her lips parted, Darius slipped his tongue inside her warm mouth. Her tongue twined around his and then she sucked, drawing him deeper, making their surroundings melt away. He could easily become addicted to her sensual kiss.

  Andreana nibbled and sipped until his entire body burned out of control, a raging inferno ready to consume them both. She kissed like a dream.

  Her body rubbed along his as if she were an amorous feline in heat. Fingernails clawed at the flesh of his back, the bite of pain making him burn hotter. They weren’t close enough. Darius reversed their positions, trapping her between his hard body and the door. Her breasts flattened against his chest, diamond-hard nipples taunting him to take more. Everything.

  Long repressed carnal needs surged to the surface, eradicating higher thought. He had to have her. All of her.

  Darius moved his hands between them, grappling for the ties at her waist. A loud electrical hum penetrated the lusty fog surrounding his brain. The fluorescent lights overhead dimmed and a lamp on the desk turned on. A flicker of color drew his attention to the computer monitor as the screensaver scrolled through images of adorable children.

  “What the fuck?”

  Andreana smiled up at him. “It’s just my conscience.”

  “Your conscience?”

  “Um-hum.” She laughed, the musical sound tugging at his heart. “It’s the kids reminding me that I’m still on the clock and supposed to be working, not making out with a hot doctor.”

  Hot? She thinks I’m hot? The words stroked his ego. “Wait a minute. What are you talking about?”

  “Oh come on.” She shot him a playful grin. “You’re no newbie, Doc. You’ve been around hospitals long enough to know about the mischievous spirits who haven’t crossed over yet.”

  Doc? Fuck, he wanted his name on her lips, not some impersonal term. And what was she talking about, mischievous spirits? Did she really buy into all that paranormal stuff?


  She placed two fingers over his mouth. “I’ve got to go back to work.”


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