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Have a Little Faith in Me

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by Nicole Austin

  He knew better though. Andi had tried to tell him the paranormal was real and that those who believed experienced things others didn’t. He believed his wife had come to him. Of that, Darius had no doubt.

  He sat up and looked around at the pigsty his house had become. Forcing himself to get up, he showered and cleaned the house, thinking about the dream the whole time. His subconscious, or perhaps something a bit more mystical, had delivered a powerful message. It was past time for him to pull his act together and stop going through the motions. Time to open his mind and heart.

  During the mindless task of loading the washing machine, it hit him. Not only did the house feel empty, but so did he. The reason was obvious. Andreana had touched him somewhere deep inside, awakening emotions he’d long tuned out. When she’d been in his arms, he’d come alive. Without her, he was a mess.

  All her talk about paranormal events and spirits of kids in the hospital wasn’t so farfetched anymore. Seeing Sharon made a believer out of him.

  Once he let it in, the truth began to fill him. Andreana hadn’t had to tie him up. He would have done anything she asked. He’d been slowly falling for her since they first met and she already had his love.

  His thoughts flashed back to asking her what would happen when she untied him.

  I let you go. You play hero and save the kid.

  And you? What about you?

  I go find another job since I’ll lose this one when what I’ve done comes out.

  So I’m the hero and you’re the bad guy, end of story?

  She had refused to meet his gaze.

  Tell me what you’d like to see happen.

  Dream scenario?

  Yeah. If this were a book, how would you write the ending?

  You let me ease your pain…open your heart, have a little faith in me. You make up an excuse for not answering your pages and no one finds out about this. We live happily ever after…

  The raw emotions he’d seen in her eyes had tugged at his heart.

  You forgive me and we fall in love.

  If only it had turned out with them winding up together. Instead, they were both alone, her leaving the job she loved and him hiding in his work.

  Sharon’s voice rang through his head, startling Darius. So change the ending. Rewrite a better one, a happy ending.

  Determination filled him. He had to find a way to make this right.

  Chapter Six

  The night dragged on forever. Andreana was happy to finish her last scan and start gathering up her things while waiting for the dayshift to arrive. Next week she’d be working at a small adult hospital and this place would be nothing but a fond memory. It had been a long couple of weeks, but she wouldn’t leave the hospital short a tech without giving notice. At least she’d managed to avoid seeing Darius.

  Thankfully, her co-workers hadn’t made a big deal of her last night. Everyone had gone about their business even if the mood had been somber. In fact, the department was quiet, eerily so. Shrugging it off, she grabbed her bag and headed for the break room, finding it strange she didn’t run into anyone in the hallway.

  She swiped her card in the electronic lock and shoved the door open to be blasted by cheers from the jammed-to-capacity room. Andi stumbled back a step as someone pulled the door wide. The festive decorations, party hats and noise makers made her head spin. Looking around, she saw techs, transporters and doctors all happily talking at the same time and wondered what the hell was happening.

  The department director pulled her into a hug, the woman’s words only adding to her confusion. “We’re so glad you’ve decided to stay.”

  Andi was passed from one person to the next for hugs and slaps on the back. Everyone had the same thing to say, they were glad she wasn’t leaving them. Someone handed her a paper plate with a huge piece of cake. A cup of punch was pushed into her other hand. Shocked and astounded, she couldn’t find the words to set them straight.

  The chief radiologist stood on a chair and shushed the group. “Andi, I can’t tell you how happy I was to get your email rescinding your resignation. Honestly, we were at a loss as to how we’d ever find another tech capable of filling your shoes.”

  Rescind her resignation? What the hell was he talking about?

  “It’s obvious how much you love working with the kids, and we’re all thrilled you will continue to do so.”

  Her mind existed somewhere outside her body as she went through the motions of the bizarre party, opening card and gifts, accepting heartfelt hugs from the staff. Her co-workers gave her a hard time for not having shared her plans with them.

  She had no idea how long the party had lasted when she walked into the hospital lobby in a daze, carrying a large box containing her gifts and leftover cake, fumbling in her purse for her keys.

  “How did the party go? Did you have a good time?”

  At the sound of Darius’ rich voice, the box fell from Andi’s suddenly lax hands. She stared at the things strewn around her feet for a moment, reluctant to lift her gaze and find he wasn’t really there. When she finally looked up, Andi felt as if she were caught in a dream.

  Dressed in a tuxedo, arms loaded with crimson roses, Darius Raines stepped forward as if right out of her dreams. Then again, maybe not. She’d never dared to dream him this way, smiling brightly at her and wearing his heart on his sleeve.

  “Y-you sent the email?”

  He nodded. “The hospital and the kids need you, Andreana.” He closed the remaining distance and put the flowers in her trembling arms. “I need you, honey, and I couldn’t let you go.”

  Cheers rose from behind her. Andi spun around to find almost everyone from the party standing a few feet away. Oh crap, what a nightmare. Now everyone would know what had happened, and this time she’d be fired.

  When she turned back to Darius, he’d gone down on one knee and held a jeweler’s box in his hand. “The hospital has strict rules about doctors dating staff members, but it’s okay for a married couple to both work here in different departments. You’re just going to have to marry me so we can both keep the jobs we love.”

  Andi’s hand flew up to cover her open mouth. With her heart lodged in her throat she couldn’t respond. Someone in the crowd shouted, “Say yes.”

  “I’m not going to rush you, honey. I checked with human resources. We can have a long engagement and still comply with the hospital rules. Whatever you want, Andi, just please…don’t leave me. I need you.” His voice crackled with emotion and he looked up at her with his heart and soul in his expressive eyes. “I love you. Say yes. Make me the happiest man in the world.”

  Her knees gave out and the flowers fell as Darius caught her in his arms, holding her close. She cupped his cheek and whispered her response against his lips. The hospital, along with the shouts and cheers, all faded, melted away as he claimed her mouth in a drugging kiss.

  She surfaced sometime later as a stern-faced administrator shooed everyone back to work amidst groaned complaints of “What did she say?” and “Did anyone hear her answer?”

  Darius lifted her in his arms and spun her around. He shouted, “She said yes.”

  Staff, patients and visitors were all still offering congratulations as Darius whisked her away to begin the rest of their lives…together.

  * * * * *

  Darius Raines was sick and tired of waiting. Andreana made him wait six months to get married in a casual ceremony on the beach. And she’d left his bed two weeks ago, making him wait for their wedding night to make love to her again.

  He’d given her everything she wanted, and now it was his turn. His ring shone on her left hand and she now bore his name.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Done waiting, Darius claimed her mouth before the minister got to the part about kissing his bride. His tongue thrust between her lips, twining with hers, drinking her in. God, and now he was expected to suffer through a damn reception before s
inking his throbbing cock into the tight, wet clench of her body.

  To hell with that! No more waiting.

  Andi shrieked as he tossed her over his shoulder and headed for the hotel. Their assembled family, friends and co-workers hooted and hollered, making him grin. At least they understood a man could only take so much.

  He carried her through the hotel, not letting go until the door of the honeymoon suite slammed shut behind them. “No more waiting. I need you!” He had her unzipped and the dress over her head before she could protest.

  Their hungry gazes met and he saw the same need reflected in her beautiful eyes.

  “Yes, hurry, Darius.”

  She started pulling at his clothes until he captured her hands, stilling her movements. “You’re not mad?”

  Andreana shot him that amazing smile that never failed to make his heart do flips in his chest.

  “Have a little faith in me.”

  Darius was on her before the last word passed her lips. “Always.” He kissed her hard, walking Andreana backward toward the bed. He landed safe and sound in her arms. “I love you, Mrs. Raines.”

  “Mmm…” she muttered, fumbling with his pants. “I love you too, husband.” His zipper slid down and his cock sprang into her hands. “Now hurry up and make love to me.”

  Thank God, the waiting was finally over. He tore the thin band of her panties, hooked her knees over his forearms and filled her in one smooth thrust. Darius held still for a moment, letting the perfection of their joined bodies wash through him. His eyes snapped open as her fingernails dug into his ass.

  “Darius, now,” she gasped. “Please!”

  He stared into the beautiful face of his wife, the woman who’d saved him, and saw a fierce warrior staring back. She was more than worth the wait.

  About the Author

  Nicole Austin lives on the sheltered Gulf Coast of Florida, where inspiration can be readily found sitting under a big shade umbrella on the beach while sipping cold margaritas. A voracious reader, she never goes anywhere without a book. All those delicious romances combined with a vivid imagination naturally created steamy fantasies and characters in her mind.

  Discovering Ellora’s Cave paved the path to freeing them as well as manifesting an intoxicating passion for Romantica®. The positive response of family and friends to her stories propelled Nicole into an incredible world where fantasy comes boldly to life. Now she stays busy working as a certified CT scan technologist, finishing her third college degree, reading, writing, and keeping up with family. Oh yeah, and did we mention all the hard work involved with research? Well, that's the fun job—certainly a labor of love.

  Nicole welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Nicole Austin

  The Boy Next Door

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis I anthology



  Passionate Realities

  Rakahnja’s Haven


  Savannah’s Vision

  Trip My Switch

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