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Dark Thief (The Two Sides of Me Book 2)

Page 10

by Garcia, Amy Lynn

  “Let’s go to church baby.” he says snapping us out of the seriousness of the moment. “Ouch.” “Mmmm, I’ll make that all better later, along with the red ass you’re going to have after I spank you for all the times you’ve used your smart mouth with me. I have some serious catching up to do.” He smirks my favorite tiny half smile and a thrill of excitement rushes through me, anticipation and maybe a little fear. “Ready?” he tacks on like we were discussing a grocery list.

  “Uh...yea.” The door is opened for us by Isaac. Evan slides out first and then he tugs me out into the cool Italian winter air. He loops his arm through mine. “I’m good with public places but not like at home, I’ll keep ahold of you if you don’t mind.” “Of course not, are Mr. Saint and Isaac going to lead? I don’t know where to go?” “No, they will be on our flanks, I have a general idea of where we are.” And he really does, we stroll casually to the doors of the church and inside where the warm air smelling of incense envelopes us.

  When my eyes adjust to the dim lighting I stand in awe at the phenomenal beauty before me. A long aisle down the center of the cathedral leads a mammoth alter piece completely made of gold that reminds me of the cascading villas I have seen out the windows of Evan’s house. “We can go up front and sit so you can see better.” He encourages me in a hushed voice. In the middle of all this history, art and religious symbolism his attentiveness is turning me on, what the hell?

  Tightening his hold on me he moves us forward along the aisle where locals and visitors sit in wooden pews behind which are arches on both sides that open into smaller separate chapels, most of those are empty. A few local people kneel holding rosaries, eyes closed, murmuring quiet prayers and tourists are obvious, cameras dangling, talking and pointing at sculptures and murals around the dim somber church.

  Evan doesn’t mess around as he leads me to the front pew, our entourage no more than 5 steps behind us. I feel so silly having babysitters but I guess we’ve earned them after last week, my neck is finally looking marginally better. The bruising has changed to green and now yellow. Today is the first day we have actually left the house and I’ve strategically placed a lavender silk infinity scarf around my neck to cover the evidence of Evan’s attack. It’s so strange to think that happened a little more than a week ago.

  No sign of evil Evan since he lost his sight, I wonder if the two symptoms are connected. Mr. Saint and Isaac take their places in the pew behind ours. Their appearance blends with the locals but not their actions, always scanning the area, four eyes on our every move. I can’t stop gawking at the architecture and history around us. Silently, Evan reaches to turn my face to mirror his, tracing my hair line with the tips of his fingers and then along the side of my face I’m drawn closer by our internal magnets.

  Right there in front of God and everyone he covers my mouth with is and as always the world crumbles under my feet and we are alone in that bubble, seemingly invisible to anyone around us. His long strong fingers slide through my hair and grasp my nape, his touch much more insistent than his kiss which stays light and tender. Heart in my throat he speaks to me with his lips still on mine. “Come with me.” No time to appreciate the intricate murals or the huge pulpit made of stone that 10 people could stand behind comfortably and not be seen. He’s summoning me and I’m following blindly.

  Ironic that he is physically blind but I am emotionally blinded by the feelings I share with him. We stand and Saint and Isaac begin to rise when Evan places one finger on the back of our pew with so much authority I’m just as intimidated by this tiny gesture as they are. Evan’s face reminds me of a roman soldier commanding his army to fall back and wait for further instruction. They look at him and back at me, eyes darting with concern. I mouth “It’s ok” but I have no idea if it is.

  I’m being steered, body buzzing with a million bees and a trillion butterflies toward the opposite opening of the pew from the center aisle where we entered just a moment ago. One hand on my waist he guides me to one of the side chapels where he calmly feels around minimally for a wooden lighting stick, holding it in my direction. I gaze into his striking green eyes that glow and flicker in the soft candle light.

  I jolt myself back to the here and now with a tiny shake of my head and take his hand leading it to a flame, slowly waiting for it to catch and then spreading it to a fresh wick in a new votive. The entire chain of events feels so intimate, nearly erotic, if it weren't for our location I’d think he was trying to seduce me. As if I needed seducing. I help him extinguish the flame in the container of sand with a sizzle.

  He reaches up and touches me on my shoulder, his new habit but this time it’s not the brief brush, he squeezes my arm and pulls me to his chest. I glance around, no one is looking in our direction. Saint and Isaac are still in the second pew, Saint scanning the church and Isaac looking our direction but purposely not making eye contact with me. We turn as one entity and I find myself right inside the arch that separated the chapel from the main church against the cold grey stone wall.

  It’s dark here, only lit by the votive candles but still public and it’s a church, a church! “Look at me.” He growls and I bring my eyes front and center, returning all my attention to him, focusing only on him. “That’s better. No worrying. You and me, it’s just you and me baby. Nobody else but us.” He soothes while unbuttoning my coat and tugging my shirt from my jeans. I shift nervously on my heels and he steadies me. “You with me here?” “Yesss.” I hiss exhaling all the air from my lungs and allowing my muscles to go limp. “Yes, that’s it, that’s my girl. I knew you would come along with me.”

  Uh yea…Who am I again? You’re a slut who’s going to have sex in a Basilica in Italy a tiny far away voice says. Shut up a louder one scolds, go on now work with him the naughty me urges and I listen to her. I arch my back into his capable hands and he slides them into my jeans cupping my ass thrusting me against him roughly, claiming me as his own. I work on the zipper of his jacket with shaky hands, head swimming with his signature smell of Eucalyptus and spearmint mixed with candles and incense. I wish I could bottle the combination of scents.

  I swoon slightly but manage to take a deep breath and recover. “Uh uh...focus my Mia…no leaving me now.” I shudder and my head clears enough to follow orders. I’ve got his jacket open by some miracle and smooth my hands under his sweater over the abdominal muscles of a star athlete and I’m finished, no more worries about someone catching us, every moment with him is a gift and I’m unwrapping mine right here, right now.

  A moan escapes my lips and he immediately covers them to quiet me but his own moan echoes softly off the walls of the small chapel. He’s just as taken up in the moment of passion as I am. It happens again, click, the world turns off. Here on planet Evan nothing can touch us, nothing can hurt us or separate us from one another. Everything around us is black and I see only him. He has my blouse unbuttoned and open, bra pulled down under my breasts pushing them up exposed.

  I can’t keep quiet when he sucks one pebbled nipple into his mouth and rolls it between his teeth, he brings his hand over my mouth to quiet me. Somehow he’s got the presence of mind to keep us concealed and quiet while I’ve let myself detach from reality all together. I hold his shoulders as he works me into a frenzy of nerve endings, begging for more my skin flushes with heat in sharp contrast to the drafty cold air of the church.

  He's circling my navel with his tongue, dipping occasionally into it. I swear he’s not going to have to touch me any further to make me come. I taste his salty skin when I bite his hand in an attempt to suppress the urge to scream. I think he just heard the click too, my jeans are unfastened and his cock is pulled out solid and ready. I work to help him and wiggle my hips side to side pulling my jeans down, damn these tight jeans!

  No worrying, Evan’s favorite mantra repeats over and over in my mind and he kneels quietly helping me maneuver one leg out but keeping my black 4 inch sequined boot on my foot he raises slowly hesitating at my core and breaths me in
but not having the luxury of privacy or patience he stands straight and I wrap my bare leg around his hip at the same time he slides both hands under my ass and presses me against the wall for what I can only describe as perfect leverage and position. “Ready?” he says quietly but not a whisper, loud enough to hold my attention. “Yea.” I manage and he slides his thick cock against my soaked core three torturous strokes before entering me slowly and completely. “Ahhhh, Mia…” I bite down on my lip so hard I taste blood to keep quiet as he thrusts in and out picking up the pace, keeping a delicious rhythm that won’t last long but I don’t care, right now it’s about quality not quantity.

  I’m impressed with myself for not coming immediately but I’m not smug for long. I’ve tangled my fingers into his hair at the base of his neck tight and I pull hard when I know I’m almost there but no need to notify Evan, he doesn’t need warning, my body is his body, we are never more united than when we are together this way. I throw my head back and hold my breath when I come, he’s an expert in all things Mia and keeps me riding him through the best part and then allows himself release which in turn extends my own pleasure even longer. My God I love this man, and I don’t think we could be closer to God right now, letting him know how we feel right here in his house.

  Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing…God did make a woman from a man, to keep him company and love him, to care for him and bring him pleasure and joy. What better way to prove our love and desperate need to stay together and not be separated by death than to conjugate our relationship at his feet?

  Chapter 18



  Sawhney, Pook & Frost

  Once upon a time there was a crazy man and a crazy woman who fell in love. That’s how I would start our story if I had to tell it. I think after the past two weeks no one would believe that story, however. I have chosen a spot to curl up in the semi-circle of windows that overlook the sparkling lake. Evan’s Italian home is a little slice of heaven. As I sit in the sunny warm living room with my feet tucked underneath me in a huge pale grey plush love seat I daydream about this morning’s rendezvous in the church and I blush, or maybe it’s just the sun.

  I turn my face up, drawn to the warm rays that stream through the windows. The mornings here are chilly but late Italian afternoons in December equal early fall days in the states. Evan and I managed to tour the rest of the Basilica without another tryst…barely. I’ve traveled and vacationed in my life and I’ve only seen a sample of Italy but I’m hooked. This is hands down the most beautiful place on earth.

  Our caravan left the church and drove not far to a small intimate restaurant where we had lunch. I don’t know what was going on with me but I could hardly keep my hands off of Evan. I’ve been feeling a multitude of emotions lately, one of them being protective and overwhelmingly compassionate. I’m a nurse, ever attracted to healing and fixing, it’s who I am and Evan needs that. It’s an aphrodisiac for me. Helping Evan makes me the oyster and I plan on sliding right down his throat. We sat side by side in a booth, no one across from us. Isaac and Saint were seated at the small bar across the room carrying on with their usual scoping of the environment, taking turns eating and scanning, eating and scanning.

  I was able to slide my hand between Evans legs without anyone noticing because of the way the tables were arranged, almost as if it were done that way on purpose. Evan smiled his trademark smirk and let me play and tease, stroking him and kissing his neck until our food arrived. That was insanely out of character for me but food wasn’t exactly the lunch I was hungry for. Evan a la mode sounded much better.

  I had to behave though and describe where his food was located on the table. I snapped the thick cloth napkin with a little more flare than necessary and placed in his lap with a little more attention as well. Evan amazed me once again with his ability to adapt to blindness, reaching for his drink without knocking it over. He found everything he needed with minimal assistance.

  After lunch we did the touristy thing and walked from shop to shop, me looking and Evan describing from memory famous landmarks and local art. We checked out leather goods, clothes and ended with a jewelry store which I tried vehemently to steer us away from. But Evan knew these places too well and dragged me inside. The woman behind the counter greeted us and I immediately told her we were only looking. Thank God Evan let me have my way.

  I’ve recently acquired more jewelry than I’ll ever be able to wear. I don’t need anything else! I was worn out after only a few hours so we decided to come home and nap but I just couldn’t settle my mind enough to let go and sleep. Evan on the other hand surprisingly sacked out after only a few minutes which I’ll admit disappointed me a little but he needs his rest and I can wait. I slipped out of bed and took advantage of the alone time to call Dr. Carter, who was thankfully happy to review Evan’s case and even offered to travel here for a consultation. He agreed to make arrangements and be here as soon as possible which of course pleased me.

  But one thing was bothering me, the tone of his voice when I explained Evan’s recent blindness put me on edge, if he was worried so was I. That’s how I ended up in the sun drenched living room listening to music on my iPad with intentions of reviewing Evan’s medical records and familiarizing myself more with his case. But I can’t focus and I’ve ended up reliving our experience in the chapel today instead.

  I procrastinate and choose a playlist on my iPad turning it up filling the room with the alluring sultry music of Jocelyn Pook, something I downloaded after hearing her arrangement while laying spread out naked on a desk at Dominus with Evan between my legs. Relaxing into the pillows I relive the first moments of being physically adored by my complicated lover and then I drift into today’s memories.

  The feeling of being pressed up against the wall and ravished passionately by the man who has changed my world forever could easily become and addiction. My phone buzzes in my pocket making me jump, I’ve not had a phone call or text since we arrived two weeks ago. I slip it out and see a text from none other than Lilly. Enough of the mystery girl, I’m going to hunt you down if you don’t contact me NOW! Smiling, I quickly tap the call button and she answers right away.

  “Mia! you are in so much trouble girl, where the hell are you, when are you coming back, are you ok, what the hell is going on?!” Oh yes, that’s my Lilly, bombarding me with questions, not pausing to take a breath or allow me to answer any of them I decide to return the favor. “Why am I in trouble? I’m in Italy. I don’t know. Yes. And I really can’t say.” I answer. “Ahhghh, I need more details that that Mia! Come on, you disappear and that man of yours leaves some fucking cryptic mysterious message in my voice mail about you needing to escape for a while. I thought you two broke up…”

  I cut her off knowing it’s the only way I’ll be able to answer one question in its entirety. “Lil, hey, I know, I know this is a fucked up mess, believe me, more than you can possibly imagine. Didn’t my mom call you and tell you I was ok?” “No, just the text from Mr. Big Wig assuring me you were fine but I tried to message him back, nothing, what a dick.” I inhale a deep calming breath and blow it out slowly, she’s right, he can be a dick but his shriveled damaged heart is in the right place when it comes to me.

  “It’s ok, everything’s fine, he just…just took me to Italy.” I say clenching my teeth I wait for the hysteria. After a pregnant pause I finally get hit with the expected storm. “ITALY? You’re in fucking Italy? You were going to Italy and didn’t tell ME? Are you dying or something, did you have to go because you’re sick, you were really sick, God Mia you looked terrible, you don’t have cancer do you?” “Lil, shit calm down, I don’t have cancer and thanks for letting me know how you really feel about my appearance! I didn’t come here for any sort of treatment. I was sick but I’m doing better now, gaining weight and the fever is gone. Evan is taking good care of me.”

  “Why is he doing anything for you at all Mia? You left him, you never did explain why, by the way,
but I know it must have been bad. Actually you haven’t been including me in your life at all since Mr. Money Bags got his paws on you. I’ve missed you stupid.” “Oh Lilly, I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a suck ass friend lately. And yea, Evan has monopolized my life completely, he’s just a sort of force that I can’t remove myself from.”

  Lilly is uncharacteristically quiet waiting for what I have to say next. “I love him Lil, I don’t think I can live without him. Being away from him feels like I’m burning alive.” “Wow, I never thought, I mean I never figured…” “That I would find someone, love them, let them in? Neither did I.” “So why did you leave him? If you’re so head over heels what’s the problem?” Now comes the part where I decide to confide in her or continue to keep her at arm’s length.

  I go with my gut and unload the whole story leaving out the part about him nearly strangling me to death. Lilly would undoubtedly go straight to my parents with that, thinking she was protecting me. She would never do anything to purposely hurt me. “Damn Mia, you sure know how to pick em, all that abstinence and goody two shoes business and now your fucking in churches and flying all over the world with a bazillionaire. Fuck me, you know how to surprise a girl.”

  Yea well she’s not the only one surprised by my involvement with Evan, I can hardly believe it myself. “Mia?” Evan startles me, he’s come into the room and is standing behind me with his hand on the back of my chair, shit my heart just stopped for a second! “Who are you talking to?” he sounds a little pissed, what the hell? “It’s Lilly, just a second we were ready to hang up anyway.” Lilly hears the exchange and yells trying to be heard by Evan. “NO WE WEREN’T!” “Shhhshh Lil, I’ll call you later ok, promise.” “You better, every day, no skipping!” “I will I will.” I assure her and she reluctantly disconnects the call.


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