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Shadows of Doubt

Page 7

by Corcoran, Mell

  “Okay, I took the train in so you gotta drive me home.” She got up and started gathering her things. “We can cut out early and miss the rain. Besides, Mom’s got Romano’s chocolate cake at home.” She grinned as his eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate cake.

  As he hurried to gather his things he looked up at her suspiciously. “You gonna tell me what you were doing in the captain’s office?”

  She tossed the manila folder at him that contained Caroline’s data. “You read while I drive. We can talk about that and the rest of it over cake and coffee.”

  “That sounds like the best offer I’ve had all day. Is this something that Shevaun would call “juicy”?” He tossed her the car keys.

  “I thought it might be, but its looking pretty damn dry.” Lou paused a moment and took a deep breath. She had to force that feeling in her gut to let go so she could move forward. “Okay, let’s go, partner.”

  The coffee table in the middle of the suite had been turned into a mini-command center with Max at the helm sitting in the white leather armchair. A dual-screened communications hub sat back at the far end of the table so that he could talk to more then one person at a time while having complete access to the touchscreen system in front of him. On either side of the touchscreen were mini-systems that were both controlled by the single wireless keyboard Max was currently abusing. With the thump of a key he switched from one system to the other and processed the data that flashed across both screens with lightning speed.

  “Dominator...” Abby’s face pouted on one of the communication screens while his Aegis Council sat around the conference table staring at him from the other. “I don’t understand.”

  Max felt the vein on the side of his head twitch ever so slightly and set the keyboard down on the table next to him. It had been an infuriating twenty-four hours but he had made up his mind on how he was going to rectify the situation and make some drastic changes. Now it was a matter of figuring out how to get it done, and fast.

  “Abigail.” His tone was nearly a growl. “Disconnect this transmission, go into my office, secure the room and then establish a new connection from my desk. How difficult is that to process?” He wasn’t being intentionally curt with her, he just didn’t want, nor did he have the time, to go through her usual ‘not comfortable fiddling with your stuff’ crap again. He needed her to step up, and step up right now.

  Clearly wounded, she bowed her head before cutting the transmission without a word. Once that line was officially dead, he turned to the other screen and looked at the men.

  “So it’s seriously that fucked up?” Finn asked again.

  “Lets put it this way...” Just as Max started to elaborate, Frank walked into the room with a silent nod. “I had an emergency video conference with the Senatus Imperium at four this morning to get official sanction for five terminations. I obtained all five but with the clear understanding that they must be carried out by the letter of The Law. You all are well aware that means they must be carried out by the Aegis Council.”

  Things got very quiet in the conference room. When a soft knock broke the silence, Frank opened the door to the suite to find a crisply dressed bellman waiting with a service cart. Frank stopped him short and handed him a large tip before ushering him back the way he came. He rolled the cart in and up next to the coffee table himself.

  Max’s expression brightened instantly at the sight of the absinthe service, complete with fountain. “Frankie, sometimes you are just my hero.”

  Frank only smirked, then began to prepare the ritual for the two of them. It was going to be a long night for everyone, so he felt a little decadence would do very nicely in smoothing out the rough edges.

  “So...” Max resumed his attentions to his lieutenants who sat quietly on the monitor. “There was no hesitation by the Senatus once I detailed the offenses. They were mollified with being formally included and the whole thing is on record. However, given they were agents, the Senatus wants this handled with honor despite the offenses. The Piaculum Sanguineus must be made. As you all are aware, pursuant to The Law it can only be offered by the Aegis.” Immediately various groans and grunts of objection erupted from the lieutenants.

  “I have no problem with knocking some ass-hat’s block off Max, not in the least.” Finn’s voice rang out over the discord. “What I don’t understand is why they get any comfort after they fucked themselves into this corner and never even thought about how that would jeopardize the entire Sanguinostri.” He leaned heavily forward on the table. “They pissed on our legs and kept walking! I say we stuff their heads up their own asses and let them rot.”

  “I agree bro.” Connor shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “My Dom, these are people that took the oath. They were given everything. They swore on their blood and the blood of our elders to protect the Sanguinostri and instead they used it, spat on it! From what you’ve told us, they were not only shocked but indignant about getting their wings clipped. How is it acceptable that on top of all that, they are to be afforded eternal honor?”

  The room erupted in a chaotic chatter of concurrence. Max watched the screen as the men argued and postured, understanding their feelings more then they knew. But they were all bound by The Law. Before Max could speak up, it was Niko that silenced them when he stood up and slammed both fists on the table.

  “Enough!” This was the reason Nikandros Georgaes was Max’s first lieutenant. “You all know why! Because that is The Law! And it has been Law since the day our Elders suffered through their first Lunation!”

  “Niko speaks wisely.” Max interjected. “The Laws are eternal. We do not have the luxury of re-writing or interpreting them in a way that lends itself to loopholes or to suit our whims. Protect, Provide, Prosper. Anyone who betrays or threatens our way of existence is a traitor! And in our world, traitors cannot be allowed to betray a second time because it could mean our demise. But these men were not common and we must abide the honor that comes with that fact.” They all listened to him intently, absorbing every word. “We... I chose these people to ascend to the station of Agent.” The lot of them tried to interrupt him immediately but he halted them with a raise of his hand. “There was something noble and good in them at one time which brought them to us, and the Senatus wants that remembered. I, as always, am ultimately responsible for their station and their failure at it. This is on my hands and that will clearly be remembered as well.”

  “My Dominor...” Niko wouldn’t stand for that. “I was the one who vetted Gilroy. I was the one who brought him to the table for ascension. I am to blame for him, not you.”

  “I let him and the others have all the rope in the world and never tugged it back.” Yuri added, given he was in charge of domestic operations. “If anyone is to wear disgrace, I am the one.”

  “Okay!” Max shouted before they could get started again. “Before we all get into a rousing game of who screwed up worse than whom, I need to remind you all that I am responsible for each of you as well! So shut it! Now lets get back to handling business.”

  At that moment, the other communications screen beeped, indicating Abby’s incoming transmission.

  “Now watch yourselves, Abby is linking up again and I don’t want to freak her out. Is that clear?

  “Yes, my Dom.” The men answered in unison.

  Max hit a button and Abby’s face came into view again. She seemed impossibly small sitting in his chair, behind his desk in his office as he requested. She clearly did not look comfortable in her compliance.

  “Alright Max, now just what the hell is going
on that I need to go all Cone of Silence?”

  “A lot Abby, and I am going to need you here in Los Angeles.” He sighed and sat back in the chair trying to think of how he was going to pull this one off.

  “I told you to take me in the first place!”

  “Abigail...” He only called her that when he was either dead serious or angry with her. “I am going to need the boys too, which means I need you to pick someone who can sit in your stead and for you to assist them in doing the same.”

  “For how long?”

  “That’s uncertain, which is why you need to approach this as though it were permanent. Be certain. Be absolutely certain whomever you pick can be trusted and is competent enough to handle the pressure. Let me explain what we are looking at here and why we have no time to waste.”

  Max spent the next hour relaying the extent of incompetence, corruption and deception he had uncovered since he arrived in Los Angeles. Martin Gilroy, the agent entrusted with handling most of Los Angeles County, had basically neglected any and all enforcer and administrative duties. Instead, he utilized Sanguinostri resources to play the high-rolling Hollywood playboy. In his utter neglect and dereliction of duty, underlings were left to their own projects which consisted of drug dealing, prostitution rings, and all manner of illegal activity that put the Sanguinostri at risk. Unfortunately, Gilroy was not the only one. From San Diego to San Francisco, California was a mess and all of its agents had been lying, falsifying documents, records, reports and paying administrators off to keep the Council from finding out. It was little wonder their rogue had decided to set up shop here. That was the whole reason Max had come to L.A. in the first place, to deal with the damn rogue. Now he was stalled on that by having to clean house first.

  “We’ll need to work concurrently and fast.” Yuri told them. He knew precisely how to handle a sweep of this magnitude. “Once the head is cut off the word will spread like wildfire and rats will scatter. We will have to take the high-profiled agents’ zones first. Go in with sweepers and enforcers who can shore things up concurrent to the agents’ termination.”

  “Agreed.” Max referred to a jurisdictional map he had up on screen. “San Francisco, Sacramento and here, in Los Angeles, are our main messes. Sacramento is critical given it bleeds into governmental branches. I will entrust that to you Connor. Get a team together fast.”

  “As you will, my Dominor.” Connor nodded and began fiddling with his Blackberry, presumably getting contacts for his team ready.

  “Yuri, you and your team will deal with San Francisco, which may take a while, but I know you have the patience for it. Finn, you can take care of San Diego.” Max looked at Niko, then Abby. “We have more than just bullshit here in Los Angeles and the outlying areas. I have confirmed that our rogue is working out of here.” He turned his attention back to Connor, Yuri and Finn. “I will need the three of you here as soon as you are done with restructuring your assigned regions. Get things on auto-pilot then get here as fast as you can.”

  Max felt better once things had been laid out. He leaned in and softened his posture a bit as he addressed Abby once more. “You are from Los Angeles. so I am going to need your insight as well as your administrative genius to get things secure here before we go after the rogue.”

  Abby chewed on her lip a moment before answering him. “Its been a long time since I left L.A., Max. Based on how the tabloids and magazines read, it is a totally different place from when I was there. But I will do my best.”

  “You always do.” He gave her a quick wink and her face lit up with a huge smile. He knew he was forgiven. Turning once again to the men, he was all business. “Frank has assembled a solid bunch of guys that are dealing with the wet work. However, Niko, I need you here to help me get things cleaned up and get new agents in place. There are no two ways around it, we are going to have to spend some quality time to avoid this happening again. Frank is going to get me some possibles on property so we will have a permanent residence rather than overusing the Chateau’s generous hospitality.”

  “Oh oh! I get to decorate it!” Abby bounced happily.

  “Abby, get the stand-in’s up and running, then we will discuss it.” Max rolled his eyes at her immediate pout.

  “I actually have several good places for you to look at when you are free.” Frank set a folder on the table next to Max.

  “Good. Alright, we know what needs to be done immediately so lets get to it. I’ll need daily reports to keep me apprised every step of the way. I also want e.t.a.’s on each of you by the morning.”

  After they had set everything in motion and the video conferences were done, Max and Frank sat quietly for a while, sipping absinthe by the fire. Frank hesitated a bit longer but knew if he didn’t get the lastest developments out, it would only further sour Max’s mood.

  “So, we might have a problem.”

  Max snorted. “A problem? Singular? Did you not arrive on the same flight I was on?”

  Frank grinned. “Yeah, well... it may just be a case of Carpesh being wound too tight per usual, but erring on the side of caution might be wise right now.”

  “What’s the problem?” Max sipped the last of the opalescent liquid.

  “The deputy coroner, Caroline Devereux, pulled the file on our rogue’s first victim. Carpesh thinks that was what the detective picked up yesterday, the one who was asking about you.”

  “That Lou Donovan guy?”

  “That’s the one. Carpesh can’t be sure so he’s going to try the helpful, friendly co-worker approach to see if he can get something out of Devereux to confirm things. We have a bit of good fortune here with her though.”

  Max raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “She’s originally from Savannah.” Frank could see Max was not seeing the significance so he continued explaining, but in a mock female southern drawl. “...of the Savannah Devereuxs...” He waved his napkin like a kerchief for added dramatic effect. “... as in the niece of Richelieu Devereux.” Frank grinned when he saw Max’s eyes go wide.

  “Our Richelieu?” Frank nodded and sipped his drink. “How did that slip by us? How long has she been in Los Angeles?”

  “Actually, Rich himself informed us about six years ago. She bolted from Georgia after she did her internship and came out here. Her parents had planned to initiate her but she took off before they had the chance. Apparently, the old pomp and circumstance of the southerners didn’t appeal to little Caroline. Which is understandable since she hasn’t a clue about us.” Frank got up from his chair and retrieved Max’s empty glass, then headed for the serving cart.

  “I don’t know if that’s lucky or if it complicates things.” Max pondered the development.

  “Well, considering Carpesh’s temperament, and the volume that department handles, she could be a huge asset to us. As it stands now, she is just a nose snooping around where she doesn’t belong.” Frank came back to the table handing Max his refilled glass and the folder with the property research he had requested earlier. “I have Richelieu and the parents on standby, ready to come out at you’re order.”

  “Lets get things cleaned up and Abby out here before we go there.” Max began to look through the folder.

  “I don’t see how we are going to get around setting up shop here permanently one way or another. Circuit management has been solid up until now. Our Canadian divisions, the Midwest and East Coast all are reliable. Even the Pacific Northwest is solid as a rock, but here?” Frank stretched out on the sofa and took a long sip from his gla
ss. “It’s just too much to leave in the hands of others when temptation is like a marketing strategy out here.”

  “Don’t make me repeat myself. One thing at a time.” Max knew Frank was right but couldn’t think about it now. Getting a handle on things and getting his hands on the rogue were the priorities at the moment. The rest he would deal with once his people were by his side.

  “Oh hey, before I forget, remember a guy named von Massenbach?”

  Max turned to Frank with a look of surprise. “Of course. We served together on the London Aegis Council. What about him?”

  “Apparently word of you’re arrival on the West Coast has spread. A messenger delivered an invitation this morning to some gala at the Museum of Art next week. He’s the host. I put it on your dressing table but he had a hand written note in it. He looks forward to you attending.”

  “Send word that I’ll be in attendance. It will be nice to see him again and it will be smart for me to be seen after the sweep, as a bit of an exclamation point to things.” Max was actually looking forward to it. “What about this detective?”

  “Donovan is Los Angeles County Sheriff, not LAPD, I know that much.” Frank answered while fiddling with his Blackberry. “I checked with our boys at LAPD and they assured me that the Scott case is now buried, so it will stay off the radar. They don’t know why this Donovan guy still has Talbott though. The body was found in the Valley, on LAPD turf, so it should have been turned over to them. I’ll check in with whoever we have at command in the Sheriff’s Department and get it out of his hands. Our guys in LAPD will take care of it quickly once they get it.”


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