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OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1)

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by Diana Drakulich

  Sorsha took the alien’s hand in both of her warm ones. His hand felt weak and cold. Too cold. She squeezed it, sending a surge of her warm vital energy radiating through his nervous system. The alien opened all his channels, sucking up her life force.

  At the same time he flooded the air between them with more mind-bending pheromones.

  Do you remember me now? He asked, sliding an image into her mind. All the better to help her bond to him. Even if he didn’t exactly remember her himself.

  Remember you? Sorsha asked.

  Her sea green eyes widened as she visualized herself and a young warrior racing horses across a boundless green plain. She brushed it off. Impossible. Just a wild fantasy literally running away with me.

  You have known me before, long ago. You don’t remember me yet. But you will. I can make water run uphill and time run backward. That Voice caressed her lonely soul.

  Holding his hand, she lost herself for a moment in his golden eyes, so focused, so compelling. A moment was all it took. The alien exhaled a shot of oxytocin to lower her defenses while increasing trust and empathy. In him. The oxytocin went straight to her brain.

  With a low groan he leveraged his body off the exam table. Breathing raggedly he leaned back against the table to get his feet under him. The sheet had slid away and Sorsha had her first glimpse of the Arkon’s sensuous package.

  She repressed a strange urge to kneel and worship at his altar of alien fertility.

  Save the sex for later, after we get out of here. A smirk crossed his chiseled features, tilting those delectable lips.

  Ohmahgawd he `heard’ me! Just kill me now. Sorsha wanted to sink into the floor.

  Aye, our brains are linked now. Don’t worry, I am not offended that you want me. The alien’s sculpted lips curved in a tempting yet dangerous smile. First I need your help to regain my powers so that I can get us out of here.


  Kiss me. Infuse me with your life force through your beautiful mouth. You know you have been longing to taste me. Do it. Now.

  Suddenly, she felt an overwhelming need to kiss the alien’s compelling lips. To suck his thick writhing tongue. She stepped closer, getting up the nerve.

  At the same time Sorsha was also emitting seductive estrogen pheromones, very enticing to the alien’s enhanced olfactory glands. Taking another step she drew closer until they were inhaling each other’s breath. Warm gleaming lips almost touching.

  Sava inhaled the Homo Sap female’s musky feminine fragrance. Studied the light glinting on her dark mahogany hair. Silken hair with highlights of burnt umber like the red coals of a blackened fire.

  Aye she was all woman with a giving, loving spirit. Just what he desperately needed.

  The instant their lips touched, the kiss was magical. Mystical. Like inhaling a shot of pure energy.

  The Arkon’s hot juicy tongue invaded her mouth and she sucked on it. Deeply. Imbibing his dopamine-infused saliva, activating the pleasure centers in her brain with blissful bonding hormones.

  One potent kiss and Sorsha was bonded to the alien. By sharing her own pulsating life force she had strengthened Sava’s depleted psychic reserves and will to live.

  But she lost nothing. In fact her vitality increased. The energy flowed back and forth between them - inhaling, exhaling - in waves that grew stronger, more vital.

  As an Arkon Sava was strigoi - psychic vampire. But he was careful to exhale into her mouth powerful norepinephrine endorphins to light her nervous system on fire. To mobilize her for action. Increase her vigilance and focus. He needed this female at the top of her game in order to escape from The Center.

  I have you now my Beauty. He thought on his private mental channel.

  Chapter 9

  While captivated by his kiss, Sorsha was also aware of a strange sensation, as if tentacles from the alien’s mind had slid into her own.

  There is a chip in my brain behind my ear. It has to come out. Carter implanted it to interfere with my neural connections and keep me weak. Hand me that scalpel on the tray.

  Reaching into the equipment tray Sorsha picked out a stainless steel scalpel, the edge sharpened to a hair fine point. He took it in a trembling hand, then shook his head.

  My hand is not strong enough. You do it for me. His reassuring mental Voice spoke as if he had supreme confidence in her surgical skills.

  Take a chip out of your BRAIN? I hate to disappoint you, but I‘m no brain surgeon.

  We have no choice. Do your best. The chip has to come out. It limits my abilities. Impedes my connection with the Overmind.

  The alien didn’t tell her that given full control of his mental powers he would be able to put obsessive thoughts in her brain. Make her think of committing violent acts, theft, murder, suicide. At full power he could turn her mind into a damn demon’s playground.

  All while she tortured herself with guilt, thinking such evil machinations were her own ideas.

  The Arkonic code regarding `Homo Saps’ had been drilled into Sava from childhood. It dictated that if necessary he use, abuse and then lose her. However this brave impulsive woman who was risking her all to save him had aroused his protective instincts.

  Remember Sorsha - when that chip in my brain comes out, your thoughts will not always be your own. His warning carried the heavy finality of a burial slab.

  What do you mean? She mind-spoke into simmering golden eyes that pierced deep into her psyche.

  The alien shrugged, brushing off her question like so much fluff - Don’t worry about it.

  On his private channel the alien mentally slapped himself - Shut up Drakon. I am Arkon like my father. My Drakon mother was weak. Inferior. That’s why the Drakons were kicked out of Earth when we destroyed their empire - Atlantis.

  The naive Homo Sap female stared into his eyes, trying to comprehend the alien’s mindset. Telepathy and subliminal suggestion were all new to her but she was intelligent. She would soon start figuring him out. For Sava it was vital not to reveal too much too soon.

  Turning his head to the side the alien lifted his earlobe away from his head. See that little bump? The chip is there, just under the skin behind my ear. He placed her fingers over it. Feel it?

  Yes. But it must be attached to brain centers if it’s a control device. How deep do the filaments go?

  Not sure. But I know you can do it.


  Use the scalpel to cut the skin around it. Lift the flap and slowly extract the chip.

  Sorsha’s hand lifted the scalpel. Paused in mid air. I could end up injuring your brain. Then we’ll be even worse off. And this will be painful. Do you want a sedative?

  Nay. Drugs will only weaken me. I need all my powers.

  Your powers?

  Please no more talk. Just do it. Don’t cut too deep. The chip is just below the surface.

  Ohmahgawd pleeeze help me do this... Sorsha prayed. Both their lives were riding on this. Willing her hand to remain steady and light, she began to cut.

  The alien hissed, but that was all. Keep cutting three quarters of the way around.


  Now lift the skin flap.

  I see the chip!

  The alien projected his consciousness above his body to direct her. To Sorsha it was as if he was looking over her shoulder.

  Now slowly, very slowly pull the chip out at an angle. The filaments inserted in my brain centers will slide out easier that way. Take your time. His mental Voice reassured her through the agonizing moments.

  With excruciating delicacy she began pulling on the tiny chip. It was about half the size of a dime. The chip’s spider web thin filaments were almost invisible but tough. They did not break.

  Ah-ah... He groaned softly. Easy. Almost there.

  Finally the chip with its attached filaments pulled free of his brain matter. Sorsha held it before the alien’s eyes. He gasped with relief. You are a beautiful soul Sorsha. The heartfelt gratitude bubbled up in his mind.

  And now your
are MINE. He said on his private channel.

  Chapter 10

  Sorsha quickly stitched up the tiny hanging flap of skin behind the alien’s earlobe and dabbed it with disinfectant. Covered by his thick black hair the incision was invisible.

  Since my career as a US medtech is ruined - Do you think I could be hired as a brain surgeon by your ah `people’? Sorsha’s expression was sardonic.

  I wouldn’t count on it. Arkons don’t practice equal opportunity employment, not even for aspiring brain surgeons. His teasing white smile was like staring at the sun. Now where is YOUR chip?

  It’s in my palm. Holding out her hand she pointed to the tiny round object embedded under the skin of her hand.

  We have to take it out too. He picked up the scalpel.

  She noticed his hand was no longer trembling - You don’t seem nearly so nervous now that it’s someone else that has to be cut.

  That’s right. He smirked. Don’t worry, I will eat your pain.

  Eat my pain?

  Just an expression. Kiss me Beauty…suck my tongue.

  Oh those sensual Arkon lips. Irresistible. She pressed her lips to his. He gave her a shot of pain-killing endorphins in his saliva.

  Without further ado he held her palm down flat on the exam table and carefully, methodically cut out the chip. She grimaced. It stung but not like she had expected.

  My brave girl. He kissed her again, shooting her a rewarding whiff of bliss-inducing dopamine.

  Wow. Her eyes turned half-lidded. I would endure more surgery for more of your magical kisses.

  After bandaging her hand he handed her the tiny bloody chip. Keep this. We’ll need it get out of here.

  Now - a plan. He mused a moment. How do you come and go from this place?

  In a bus. I work the evening shift 4pm to midnight. But there are surveillance cameras in the elevator up to the main floor and all along the hallways. You will be spotted.

  What time is it?

  Sorsha checked her watch. 11:45PM

  Good we have just enough time. I need Carter’s clothes.

  You won’t fool anyone dressed as Carter, he’s shorter and chubbier than you.

  You will see. Come on. He headed for the storage room.

  Together they removed the unconscious doctor’s clothes, leaving only his underwear, bound him and shut the storage room door.

  How long will Carter be unconscious? Sava asked.

  Maybe 4-6 hours. A cleaning crew will come by around 6AM and let him out, if he doesn’t get free before then.

  Carter’s clothes looked ridiculous on the tall alien. The pants only came down to mid calf and the waistline was too big. Carter’s belt solved that. The doctor’s shirt was equally ill-fitting, but it was all partially hidden by the knee-length blue lab coat. Reaching into the pocket the alien pulled out the doctor’s cell phone. Ahah.

  The guards manning the surveillance cameras will see you and `Dr. Carter’ walking out together of this room together. The cameras in the halls will see the same thing. The alien’s mental Voice was calm, self-assured.

  Me and CARTER?

  Aye. Trust my powers of mental suggestion. We will appear completely normal to everyone as we walk through the lobby and outside to the bus. Then `Dr. Carter’ will walk away into the night. You will appear to get on the bus alone but I will be right behind you, my appearance will be cloaked.


  Where do you get off the bus?

  At a commuters’ lot not far from my condo in Las Vegas. From there we can take my car. But they will track us down in no time. Where can we go? There is nothing around here but open desert. I still don’t see how you expect to get through all the guards and surveillance cameras.

  As far as Sorsha was concerned, the alien’s plan to escape dressed as Carter was ridiculous. A fool’s errand. But he seemed so confident. What other choice did she have but to go along with it?

  The alien threw Carter’s cell in a trash can, then reached up and ripped the towel off the surveillance camera. With his back to the camera he walked casually over to join Sorsha standing by the heavy steel door.

  Open the door. His subliminal Voice commanded.

  Sorsha glanced over her shoulder. She was stunned to see `Dr. Carter’ standing right behind her. Despite the radical difference in looks, the alien was somehow able to project Carter’s looks, mannerisms, voice and gait. The alien was Dr. Carter. An amazing illusion. How do you do that?

  Close observation and subliminal suggestion. Now open the door.

  Here goes. Sorsha pressed her chip against the control pad. The door slid open, then closed silently behind them. Sorsha and `Dr. Carter’ paced down the deserted hallway toward the elevator, every step fraught with angst.

  Chapter 11

  This will never work! Ohmahgawd we’re gonna get caught! Omahgawd…! Sorsha tried desperately to maintain a mask of bored indifference as they walked casually down the hall of The Center. Inwardly she struggled not to reveal her acute panic.

  Stay calm. Almost there. The alien mind-spoke, wafting her another whiff of bliss-inducing dopamine.

  When they reached the two guards standing at the entrance to The Center’s lobby, the alien emitted a strong whiff of enhanced pheromones and subliminal thought forms to induce a state of servile deference. Eyes downcast, the guards nodded them through the door into the lobby. Outside, two buses were parked at the curb, motors humming the sound of Freedom.

  Some 30 people, some coming into work, others leaving, were milling around the lobby at the midnight hour. As Sorsha and the alien walked into the lobby, it seemed like all the mindless hub bub ebbed away. Like a wave receding from shore, all conversation and movement ground to a halt.

  A roaring stillness reigned.

  Sorsha had expected to see vitriol and condemnation on people’s faces as they took one look at the alien and realized - Who the hell are you trying to kid?! - That’s not Dr. Carter! Stop them!

  Instead, like a herd of wildebeest scenting a prowling lion, the Center employees lifted their heads, turning as one to stare at `Dr. Carter’. As the two walked in, the people withdrew before them like the retreating tide of the Red Sea.

  Fascinated stares followed their progress, as if people could not believe their eyes.

  Despite her anxiety, Sorsha had to smile. The cognitive dissonance these people were experiencing must be mind-blowing. Their brains registered the alien as geeky `Dr. Carter’. But their eyes beheld the vision of a divinely radiant being in Dr. Carter’s ill-fitting clothes. And he was barefoot!

  Taking his hand, Sorsha led the alien to a quiet corner. “Wait here. Don’t move. I’ll be right back. I Have to clock out and get my coat and purse.”

  Still wearing her green scrubs, trench coat slung over her shoulders, purse in hand, Sorsha rushed back to find the alien already surrounded. People were edging closer. Staring at him in puzzled fascination.

  “Dr. Carter?” Someone murmured.

  The crowd was closing in. Everyone wanted to be near `Doctor Carter’. Speak to him. Bask in his magnetic presence.

  Dr. Krespi shouldered through the crowd. Reaching out, he shook the alien’s hand as if `Carter’ was his long lost best friend -

  “Reginald, how are you? Haven’t seen you in a coon’s age! When are you coming over for dinner?”

  Knowing the two rival scientists despised each other, Sorsha smirked. The alien did not even bother to answer Krespi. Only nodded and smiled as if such friendly deference from a rabid competitor was his due.

  There was this strange look of recognition in people’s eyes. As if they had been waiting. As if they always known He would come.

  Unbeknownst to them all, in addition to projecting magnetic subliminal-thought forms, the alien was emitting enhanced air-borne pheromones. Invisible chemicals going straight to their brains, inducing a servile awe-bliss response. In a very real sense they were actually inhaling Sava’s magnetic charisma. Tasting his vitality.

“Dr. Carter, Oh Dr. Carter - THERE you are, I’ve been looking all over for you-uuu.” Sorsha’s boss, Margie Crestwood sidled up, cheeks blushing as if she were 16 again and talking to the high school football star. “Dr. Carter I have some important papers for you to sign off on.”

  The alien only gazed at her with golden leonine eyes. It was like staring at the sun. Crestwood fumbled, backtracked -

  “But we can do it tomorrow if you like, maybe over lip munch, I mean - a little lunch? If you’re not too busy that is…” Her whiney voice trailed off.

  Is that a drop of saliva about to fall from the corner of Margie’s mouth? It is! She is literally salivating over him! Sorsha had been working at The Center long enough to know that Margie and Dr. Carter barely tolerated each other. Margie acted like the proverbial office bitch while Carter strutted around like a supercilious penguin with a chip on his shoulder.

  What is making these people act so far out of character? The alien is literally tearing off their usual social masks. To Sorsha’s observant eyes, people seemed to be influenced by a blind, servile compulsion to gather around the alien. But not too close. The strange awe-fear aura that Sava projected also induced a submission.

  Chapter 12

  “Father…” Someone murmured, staring at the alien with reverential awe.

  `FATHER?’ What the hell is going on here? Sorsha could not believe her ears.

  As she watched him, the alien seemed to grow in stature and magnetism. As if drawing energy from the open adulation of the crowd. As if an invisible force field surrounded him, people were blindly attracted yet kept at bay. The alien was a force of nature.

  “Father…” A hand tentatively reached out to touch the golden `Dr. Carter’. People were pressing closer. Hands reaching out.

  The Arkon simply stood there, saying nothing. Unmoving as the people basked in his radiance.


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