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OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1)

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by Diana Drakulich

  The first step is to open the tiny box your mind has been spooned into Sorsha.

  My mind is not in a box. I am a free thinker. I rescued YOU didn’t I? Eyes glowing, her face descending, soft velvety lips kissing one of Sava’s eyes then the other. As if his eyes were the most treasured things she had ever seen.

  The breath caught in his throat. Aye for that You will always be great in my eyes. Your mind is powerful Sorsha, but you haven’t been trained to use it fully. Part of that is learning to completely focus and believe in yourself.

  Will that allow me to jump tall buildings in a single bound? She smiled sadly. If only I had your powers Sava, I would walk away and disappear forever. Where is this `Middle Kingdom’ you hail from? Another planet? She asked, tracing her thumb languorously over his warm sculpted lips.

  Sava scanned the bus with his enhanced senses. They were at the back of the bus. The few passengers riding in front seemed to be dozing or listening to music with ear buds.

  His warm sensual lips tickled Sorsha’s waiting ear as he whispered aloud: “I am from Earth Sorsha. Your people worry about `alien invasions’. The `aliens’ are already here. We have been here for thousands of years.”

  “Aliens here on Earth? Where?”

  “Underground. Since the Arkons destroyed Atlantis and crushed your Golden Age to rubble, we have ruled earth from underground through our agents in the Deep State.”

  “But Atlantis is just a myth. A legend.”

  “Why do you think the legend of Atlantis has survived? Been passed down for 10,000 years? Tell me Sorsha - When did human civilization begin?”

  “About 5,000 years ago. I think.”

  “You think. What about the pyramids? When were they built?”

  “Ah, around 2750 BC.” Sorsha replied.

  “So a few hundred years after Man clawed his way out of the Stone Age, the first thing people said was - `Let’s build the pyramids!’ A feat which has not been equaled since. Does that make sense to you?”

  “Well looking at it your way, maybe not. But I’m no archaeologist.”

  “No but you have common sense. In 2750 BC the Egyptians were still a primitive agricultural civilization. They had not even invented the wheel yet. But `history’ claims these people used copper tools to cut 2.5 million limestone blocks weighing up to 80 tons with machine-like precision. Then the `Egyptians’ transported these huge stone blocks and lifted them seamlessly into place to build the largest buildings on earth. Could your `history’ be missing something?” The alien’s mesmerizing, incandescent eyes drew her in like a tractor beam.

  Something clicked in Sorsha’s mind. “You know when I was 17 I toured Egypt with my parents. We visited the pyramids at Giza. I climbed the steps inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu up to the Queen and the King’s Chambers. Even as young as I was, it struck me as very strange. In my mind’s eye I can still see the interior of the pyramid now, especially the King’s Chamber.

  “What did you see?”

  “The stone work was absolutely massive, incredible, perfectly fitted, but I was surprised at how barren, how completely bare, how unadorned the King’s Chamber was. Not one single engraving or wall painting to show who built it or when.”

  “The other Egyptian tombs we visited were engraved with hieroglyphics, stating whose tomb it was. The tomb walls were covered with images from the Book of the Dead.” She continued. “But the only thing in the Great Pyramid was what appeared to be a giant stone sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber. The sarcophagus was not even engraved with the pharaoh’s name.”

  “A three inch statue of Pharaoh Khufu was found lying around outside the Great Pyramid, so historians decided it must have been built by Khufu. That’s the only evidence. Sorsha, you Homo Saps have been spoon-fed a history which makes no logical sense.”

  Chapter 17

  “Four million of years of hominid `evolution’ but just 5,000 years of civilization? And even from this tiny 5,000 year window on history, 85% of all ancient artifacts, buildings and records have been destroyed, lost or stolen. But they could not steal the pyramids.”

  The Arkon’s convincing tone resonated to Sorsha’s bones. He makes alot of sense.

  “There are tremendous megalithic ruins all over the world.” Sava’s bronze eyes spoke of ancient mysteries. “Ancient temples, giant pyramids and stone obelisks cut with machine like precision and weighing up to 1500 tons. Like the pyramids these megaliths have no markings. Now way to tell who built them or when. So the megaliths are just ignored or your historians make up some story about them.”

  “So...after you leave me high and dry, your advice is that I should meditate on who built the pyramids, while I’m rotting in prison? That’s the best you can do?” She released a frustrated sigh.

  “Sorsha I can’t take you with me because my people use and abuse humans.” Stormy shadows crawled over his eyes. “Don’t kid yourself. I am one of them.”

  “Your powers are amazing Sava. How did The Center ever capture you?”

  Cuddled on his warm lap, feeling more alive than she had felt in well ever, Sorsha refused to believe the alien was the cruel unfeeling entity he now claimed to be. She was so intoxicated by his pheromones and so drunk with hope, she refused to face reality.

  A shadow passed over the alien’s face. “I was in my space plane surveying earthquake fault lines along the California - Nevada border. Earthquakes can interrupt Arkon mining operations, even destroy parts of the Middle Kingdom. My ship malfunctioned and crashed near Pyramid Lake. Or maybe it was sabotaged. I may have inherited my father’s ...enemies.” He released a pained sigh. “I was unconscious when your military found me. My copilot was killed.”

  “Was the copilot a friend of yours?”

  “Aye. Jason was my only real friend. My brother Varkov and I are not close.” Those captivating golden eyes shifted away.

  “Sorry to hear that. Where did you fly out of?”

  “Mount Helena.”

  “The volcano?”

  “Aye. We fly through a dormant lava tube. We also have bases under deep oceans, like the Marianas Trench in the Pacific. Our main base is under the ice in Antarctica.”

  “Ah-hh”. The alien rubbed his temples. “I just received a message.”

  “A message - through your head?”

  “Aye. My brother Varkov is coming to pick me up.”


  “Red Rock Canyon. 5AM. Do you know how to get there?”

  “Sure but Red Rock Canyon is a huge conservation area. Where at exactly?”

  “Varkov said to take Rt 15 south, then go west on Rt 159 into the canyon area. He will direct me from there.”

  In a few hours my time with this crazy golden alien will just be an amazing memory. A soul-crushing loneliness invaded Sorsha’s heart. It was as if he had imprinted his presence on her very DNA.

  Sensing her mood drop, the alien leaned over and brushed her lips in a gentle kiss, giving her a whiff of seratonin to stabilize her emotions and lessen the devastating loss of separation.

  “I’ll never see you again, will I Sava?” Her eyes reflected profound sadness.

  “My beautiful Sorsha I wish I could take you with me. But getting rid of me is the best way to get the police off your trail. It’s me they are after. Do you have family nearby? Someone you can turn too?”

  “Yes I have a brother and sister in California but I can’t go to them for help. I can’t drag them into this. If I’m caught they would be prosecuted for aiding a fugitive.”

  “What about your parents?”

  “My parents are great; but I can’t do that to them. Maybe I should just turn myself in. Dr. Carter would love to get his hands on me. I’m sure.”

  “If I take you with me Sorsha, you would just disappear from the face of the earth. Your family would suffer not knowing what happened to you. They would worry that your body is mouldering in a pit somewhere.” And it might be.

  “Well if I’m going to disappear anyway -
into the bowels of some high security prison, then I would rather go with you Sava. She palmed his cheek, staring into those unearthly golden eyes. I will never forget you Sava. Ever.”

  “Sorsha you think you care for me, but you see in me what I want you to see.” He slowly shook his head. “I have used you. Manipulated you with the chemicals in my scent and my ability to implant thoughts in your brain. You don’t really know me at all.”

  Chapter 18

  “It’s true Sorsha. I have shown you my Drakon side but not the Arkon lurking within.”

  “Your Drakon side?”

  “My mother was Drakon. Father Arkon. My father never married my mother. Arkon nobles only marry Arkons, even though we are genetically very close to Drakons. We come from the same planetary system - Drako, the dragon. When my brother and I were boys, my father kidnapped us from Drakonis and brought us to earth.”

  “Do you miss your mother?”

  “Not so much anymore. I was eight solar cycles when my father took us, my brother Varkov was six. He adjusted to Arkon life faster than I did.” Varkov always was a cold fish.

  Repressed memories flooded into Sava’s mind. The harsh punishments. The brutal conditioning required to be an Arkon warrior.

  Releasing a deep sigh, the alien stared out the window. “I will turn 30 soon. Time for me to marry. Maybe my father has already found me a wife.”

  Another nail in the coffin of her heart. “Arkons have arranged marriages?”

  “Arkon marriages are based on bloodlines, power and wealth.” He shook his black-maned head. “Love is just a weak, passing emotion. Is there a man in your life Sorsha?” His rich melted chocolate voice faltered slightly.

  “No boyfriend. I don’t want anyone but you Sava. Please, take me with you. It’s not just that I’m desperate, have nowhere else to go and my life is ruined because of you.” She didn’t hesitate to lay the guilt on thick. “I just love being with you, my sexy golden alien.”

  “You think I’m sexy?” Those eyes burning liquid fire.

  “Oh My God... That’s all you heard? Oh the infallible male ego…” She wriggled her ass over his throbbing bulge. Hah. My strategy is working.

  “I spank naughty kittens.” His voice a throaty purr. Don’t try to make me want you so much that I will give up my whole life for you.”

  “Why not? I gave up my life for you.” Sea green eyes wide, indignant. Lush lips hovering so close.

  “Why did you do that - sacrifice your career, everything for me - a stranger?”

  “Because it was the right thing to do. Because I connected with you from the moment I looked into your mysterious golden eyes. And NOT because you are a gorgeous humanoid with superior mental powers, hot kisses and... are packing some serious heat.” She suppressed a sexy giggle, her bottom rippling over his throbbing groin.

  Murmuring a low groan the alien arched his back and flexed his hips, stimulating her pulsing core.

  “So... you want me...Hmmh?” He hummed into her ear. Licked and nipped her earlobe. “Tell me. I like to hear it. Watch your lush lips make the words.”

  She smiled internally. Ah the inimitable male ego - works the same all over the universe.

  Here she was, sitting on an alien’s lap, his strong arms surrounding her. What a mysterious crossroads her life had come too. The alien had opened the Doors of the Unknown a tiny crack and the Light was blazing in.

  His golden body fairly rippled with energy. Pressing against him, she was a willing conduit for his enhanced awareness. I never want to stop feeling this way. The way I feel with him.

  She had willingly entered the alien’s orbit. Now she was enslaved by his power. He could read her thoughts, so what was there to hide? Perhaps for the first time, she could be completely honest. On the other hand she suspected Sava was careful to allow her to `hear’ only those thoughts he wanted her to.

  She had opened up to him, shown him her true self. Now she could not stop. But he calls me a `Homo Sap’... Does he look down on me as inferior? Unworthy? She knew that feeling all too well.

  At any rate, they had a ninety minute bus ride to nowhere. Ninety minutes to Live. There might be a squad of police cars, red lights swirling, awaiting them at the commuter lot. Then it would all come to a crushing, crashing end. But until then...

  The alien dragged his nose through her hair, nuzzling tingles along her neck. “Hmmm...You smell...Delicious.” He slouched further down in the seat, giving her more freedom to tease his ultra responsive body.

  “There’s something about you. I just can’t resist teasing you.” She whispered, her warm breath tickling his ear.

  The Arkon had that unique combination of calm, playful arrogance and masculine vitality that worked havoc on her feminine lust.

  She pressed indulgent kisses and nips along his proffered neck. Kissed those soft warm lips. Sucked his tongue. His saliva, laden with lustful endorphins was driving her wild. She adored the sensational power of making him groan and pulse under her, but be unable to act on it.

  Chapter 19

  It dawned on Sorsha with raw clarity - Within a few hours Sava will be gone. Back home to the `Middle Kingdom’, somewhere underground. From the way he describes it, the Middle Kingdom sounds more like Hell.

  The thought of losing him swamped her in a crushing wave of loneliness and regret. Strangely this hurt even more than the prospect of a life on the run, or in a high security prison. It’s the loneliness that kills you…

  I will always look for Him. That one face in a crowd and around every corner.

  They had just this one charmed night together. If she could arouse the Arkon’s passion sufficiently, he might want to keep her. So she kept teasing him. Trying to break the alien’s iron self-control.

  Finally he released a huff of frustration. “That sexy ass of yours needs to be disciplined.”

  “Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it, huh?”

  “Are you challenging me?” Something dark coiled in his eyes. Rose and swayed like a king cobra. “How would you like a good hard spanking? Maybe you relish a little pain with your sinful delight. Hmmm?” That Voice. Soft. Lethal.

  Tingles shot through her core. “Try me.”

  Long strong fingers gently molded her left breast, then pinched the nipple, hard, sending a streak of pleasure-pain straight to her pussy.

  “Is that what you like? Hmm?” He caressed her breast then went to work on the other one.

  She released a barely audible moan. His hand slid down to caress her slick folds, sparking electric currents of raw need. Triggered, her hips writhed in his lap.

  “Hmmm...Yes Sava. Like that...”

  Moaning ever so softly she kissed his lips, twining her tongue with his to drink his heady juices. She infused her very life blood into the Arkon’s being with that kiss.

  The effect shot through Sava’s head - a tornado of heightened awareness. He struggled to shake himself out of their sensual fog. Time to lay down the law. If he let her carry on like this, chances were people would notice.

  “Keep in mind Sorsha, there is nothing more stimulating to an Arkon male than a pink, freshly spanked ass. Makes us feel powerful. Dominant. Don’t give me any more reason to punish you.”

  “You need to spank me to know that you own me? Can’t you tell already? I am devoted to your superior mind, your succulent mouth, your hot bod. I am yours Master.” She teased, nuzzling, kissing. Driving his beast wild with need.

  It was close to 2AM when the bus let them off at a nearly empty commuter lot. The eyes of the other passengers only registered Sorsha walking toward her car. She walked leisurely, taking her time until everyone else had pulled out of the lot.

  Upon reaching her car she opened the trunk and pulled out a backpack stuffed with emergency kit. Slamming the trunk shut, she turned and began walking swiftly toward the street, expecting at every angst-driven moment to hear the shrill screams of police sirens.

  After walking about a half mile, Sorsha and her `invisib
le friend’ stopped at the entrance to a subdivision.

  A large warm hand took hers. “In here.”

  They stopped across from a black SUV parked on the street facing the entrance.

  “Wait behind that tree.” He told her.

  A tall dark shadow fiddled with the driver’s side door. It clicked open. The shadow leaned in and quickly hotwired the car. She heard the low rumble of an engine. He waved for her to jump into the driver’s side.

  Wasting no time, Sorsha climbed in beside him. “I’m already wanted for assault, battery and as a national security threat. Might as well add grand theft auto to the list.” Her lips curved in a sardonic grin. “At least we get to ride in style.”

  “You call this primitive conveyance `riding in style’?” Enigmatic eyes glittering, the alien leaned back in the plush leather seat.

  “So…You want to go to Red Rock Canyon where your brother can pick you up?” Her hands stiffened on the wheel.

  “Aye.” An unexpected wave of regret and loss swept over Sava. Releasing a deep sigh, the Arkon’s eyes flickered shut and his head dropped against the seat. Am I getting attached to her? Nay. That is verboten. I need to go home. Back my people. My father. Anything else would be a betrayal.

  Keeping a tight grip on the wheel, Sorsha turned the SUV onto Rte 15 South. As they drove through the glitzy lights of the town that never sleeps, Sorsha’s mind clouded, swirling with anxiety and despair. All too soon the alien would walk away. Forever. Leaving her caught like a rat caught in a trap.

  I am an IDIOT. He doesn’t care about me. He used me. I can’t even trust my own judgement anymore. My life is ruined. All I can hope for is survival on the run. Or most likely, in prison.

  “You are wrong Sorsha. I do care about you.” Of course he `heard’ her thoughts.

  An irresistible masculine musk filled the close air of the car. Easing her mind. So oddly calming. Like his Voice, the Arkon’s scent bound her. Defined her.


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