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OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1)

Page 8

by Diana Drakulich

  Chapter 28

  “As long as I live, I will never forget you Sava.”

  The Arkon gazed into Sorsha’s sea green eyes, shining with soul-wrenching hope that somehow, someway, they could escape fate. Have a life together.

  Her faith and devotion to him was almost blinding, like staring at a sparkling, sunlight sea. And there was great power in that rolling, living sea. He breathed deep, drawing strength from her verve, her life force. Her belief in their unknown fate. Together.

  She looked radiant. She doesn’t know her own power. He wanted to ask her - Do you know there is a halo of light around your face Sorsha?

  How can I betray such a brave and loyal friend? The guilt cut through years of Arkon conditioning, down to his deepest nature. The prospect of leaving her caused a clenching hollowness in his chest. His throat constricted.

  In just a few short hours they had become a team. But if I don’t return home, I will dishonor my father. Betray my people. Break my vows.

  More and more his heart demanded that he stay with Sorsha, however the alien wavered at taking such a dangerous plunge. Once the waters closed over his head there would be no way out. He would have to find and activate the ancient stargate or they would both be captured and probably killed.

  The SUV rolled to a stop at the light for Rt 159. Sorsha turned right toward Red Rock Canyon. Toward his freedom.

  The alien’s jaw clenched. “Pull over.”

  She turned right down a side street and parked while Sava fought with himself, his mind hissing and spinning. Struggling with the harsh conditioning that had confined him for so long. How can I leave her like this? Sorsha is a noble soul who saved my life. Now she needs me. But if I can’t find that stargate it will be the end of us both.

  Sorsha watched, saying nothing. Only her eyes spoke, glowing with hope.

  He took her hand in his, as if to say goodby. Softly, reverently kissed her palm. Blowing her hair back with a final gust of Arkon life force energy.

  “Sava…” Sorsha choked.

  Eyes shuttered, the alien shook his head as if in mortal pain. “Nay. I can’t do it. I can’t leave you Sorsha, even if I must give my last breath to keep you safe.”

  “Oh thank you God.” She breathed. Her eyes kissed his, shining with excitement.

  “You’re right Sorsha. If we go down, we go down together.” Exhaling a great sense of relief they spontaneously embraced and kissed with heartfelt joy. “Now, I need to focus on locating our destination. Bring up a map of the greater Las Vegas area on this vehicle’s navigation system.”

  “Your word is my command, oh Alien Mine.”

  A 3D satellite map of the greater Las Vegas-Lake Mead area opened on the console screen. Sava pressed the closeup feature over Lake Mead. After studying the map closely he closed his eyes, mentally going back in time to peruse his childhood memories of the stargate’s location. Between the two he was able to put together a fair idea of its general location.

  Assuming the stargate was still there. Or even operational.

  “It’s risky but worth a try. Turn around, get back on 15 South then take a left on Lake Mead Blvd. We’re going to Lake Mead.” He said.

  “Why do you want to go there?”

  “There is a secret cave in the hills next to the lake. It has an ancient stargate in it.”

  “A stargate?” She breathed.

  “Aye Beauty. A stargate from the Age of Atlantis. It’s the same stargate my father brought my brother and I through when he kidnapped us from Drakonis. If I can find it again, we will cross 231 light years back to Drakonis.”

  “You’re taking me with you?” Her eyes sparkling.

  “If I can. It won’t be easy since your mind is not trained to access the Force. We have a very small window of time. The stargate is only accessible at the precise crack of dawn, when the sun’s Flux Transfer Event connects with earth’s Telluric Waves.”

  “Ah, okay...whatever you say.” In her eyes Sava could call down the moon. Somehow, someway he would get them to Drakonis.

  As the black SUV powered along the deserted highway, the alien’s eyes fluttered shut. His enhanced brain functions scanned the geographical features around Lake Mead that his childhood mind had recorded and filed away long ago.

  “Why do the Arkons hate the Drakons so much?” Sorsha asked as they drove through the cool desert night.

  “That’s the irony of it all, Arkons and Drakons are the same race, but we worship different gods. Gods who are essentially just different aspects of the Force. Through the ages humans have referred to Arkons and Drakons as Devils and Angels.”

  “Like Arkons, Drakons are Strigoi - Life Force Feeders.” Sava continued. “But Drakons feed on the positive side of the Force - love, creativity, work, worship. They worship the creative energy of the sun. The Drakon symbol is the fire serpent, or dragon.”

  A shooting star flashed across the horizon, burning its way to freedom. Suddenly the `shooting star’ changed course at a 90 degree angle and zoomed away in another direction.

  Their eyes locked. What was THAT? Sorsha silently asked.

  The Arkon only smiled, his luminous golden eyes radiant with mystery. If she could just look long enough, deeply enough into his alien eyes, she could open the Door...

  Chapter 29

  “What happened after the Fall of Atlantis, Sava?”

  “The Drakons had lived in the high places. We chose to live below the surface. After Atlantis fell the Arkons stole the trappings of Drakon rule, including the dragon symbol. Because we drink blood in our rituals in order to access the Dark Side, the dragon name and symbol became associated with vampires. Bloodsuckers who abide in tombs underground, emerging at night to kill. Shape changers who can appear and disappear at will.”

  “The myth of Dracula is not that far from the truth then.” Sorsha commented. “So if the Drakons created Homo Sapiens and gave us their advanced minds, then who created the Drakons?”

  The alien shook his black-maned head. “In the final analysis what created Drakons and Arkons was the same timeless Force that created the Universe. Maybe the Force sent us to earth, to seed the habitable planets.”

  “Not only Drakons influenced mankind’s evolution. Arkons also gave you our Mind - the Predator’s Mind. Arkons have been breeding human hybrids since the fall of Atlantis and pushing our offspring into positions of power. We opened the human mind to the Dark Side. Made WAR your eternal struggle. Our agents of influence have conditioned man to believe that struggle is the original human state. That all human progress is made through war.”

  “Why would Arkons breed with humans?” Sorsha asked. “I thought you regarded us as inferiors.”

  “Arkon offspring from human slaves are given false identities and pushed into influential positions in human society. By these methods do we rule through our agents of influence. The mindset of Arkon hybrids is more susceptible to mind control.”

  “Now that I have seen your mental powers, it reminds me of a documentary about an American doctor who went to India to learn how Indian mystics could thrust sharp spikes through their cheeks without pain or blood.”

  “So what happened?” Sava’s eyes glinted.

  “The doctor discovered that the mystics did have this amazing ability. It wasn’t fake. He learned their techniques. With top medical professionals watching and TV cameras running, the doctor forced a long metal spike into one cheek and out the other. No blood, no pain. And what do you think those scientists said?”

  The alien only lifted a sardonic black brow.

  “They just shrugged and said - ‘There’s no money in it. The pharmaceuticals won’t fund the research’. Money is the bottom line. The pharmaceutical cartels will not fund research to help people stop pain and heal themselves without drugs. So true science is discouraged. But you know what shocked me most of all?


  “It was the bored expressions on the scientists faces. They acted like what he did was a big ya
wn. As if they already knew we have these powers.”

  “That’s exactly it Sorsha. Atheists claim there is no `God’ because `science’ does not support It. What `science’? Proven techniques to experience Higher/God Consciousness have been known and practiced for thousands of years. Note that I say experience God not to blindly believe.”

  They drove on, down the dark deserted highway toward Lake Mead. With no signs of pursuit Sorsha relaxed slightly. It didn’t hurt that the alien’s long sensitive fingers were sliding over her thigh, caressing her core. She shifted, trying to close her legs.

  “Open your legs.” He rumbled.

  “I’m trying to drive here. Do you want to get us in an accident?” Her eyelids fluttered. “Your touch drives me crazy.”

  “That’s what I like about you, my wild and crazy Homo Sap woman, you’re willing to take a risk.” His electrically charged fingers rubbing lightly, deliciously over her pussy, making her sex clench.

  “Stoppit Sava.” Don’t stop. Never stop.

  “No. I like keeping your sassy ass on edge.”

  “Oh you do huh?” Her mischievous smile challenged him.

  “Wait till we get to the stargate, then I will have a few hours to rock your world.” He exhaled a miasma of heady pheromones.

  Inhaling deep she gazed into flashing golden eyes. “Hmmm, you always smell so good. If I could bottle your scent I would make millions.”

  “All you need is fresh natural dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin and several other enhanced pheromones.” A smirk slunk across his devilishly enticing lips. “So what will you call your million dollar male fragrance?”

  “I would call it - `Priceless’. As you are to me - Priceless.” She reached down and squeezed his bulge.

  “Aye Beauty. That’s it. Squeeze. Rub. Uh!” Hips flexing in response, Sava slapped a large warm hand over hers. Groaned softly.

  They lapsed into silence as the dark desert miles sped by. The alien watching the landscape closely. Abruptly he leaned forward and pointed to a nearly invisible dirt road.

  “There - turn right. Right.”

  After bouncing down the rutted road for several miles he pointed to a narrow area between two hills. “Park between those hills. We walk from there.”

  Time was of the essence. Focused on his goal, the alien reached into the back seat, grabbed the backpack and slung it over a broad shoulder. Handing Sorsha the flashlight, he strode into the darkness, walking swiftly down a barely visible trail.

  “Hey - don’t you need the flashlight?” She called out.

  “I can see in the dark. Don’t use the flashlight unless you have to. Stick close to me. Hurry.”

  Just then a coyote yipped at the glimmering half moon.

  “Oh you bet I’ll stick you like glue.” She hustled after the alien’s rapidly disappearing shadow.

  Chapter 30

  Barely able to see the Arkon’s black form moving through the darkness, Sorsha hustled along in his tracks. No way was she gonna lose him. The narrow trail led up a steep ridge, then down across a barren valley dotted with sagebrush.

  Panting, she rushed to keep up as the alien’s long legs strode tirelessly along the trail. He paused now and then, his enhanced senses detecting invisible air currents and energy pulses.

  Another coyote yipped, followed by another until a whole pack were singing to the crescent moon. Sorsha felt no fear. As long as the alien was near. In fact the coyotes’ song made it all the more surreal.

  The moon was poised to descend over the western horizon when the alien paused at the base of a high rocky ridge. He glanced back at her. “Use the flashlight now. The way is steep.”

  Then he began to climb, his long-legged pace relentless. Sorsha struggled to keep up, with the steep, nearly nonexistent trail crumbling under her feet. Finally the alien paused, fingers tapping along a section of vertical flat rock face.

  “The entrance should be somewhere around here.” Then his hand stopped. Tapped again. A hollow sound resonated. “Here.”

  The Arkon shoved, hard. Nothing happened. Uttering a low forceful grunt he shoved again with all his considerable muscle. Finally a small square section of stone slid aside, revealing an iron lever.

  Muscles straining, the alien slowly pulled up the lever. With a resounding screech of stone scraping stone, a small door about three feet high slowly opened in the rock wall.

  “Does this lead to the stargate?”

  “Aye. I just hope we can make it work, otherwise we could be trapped in here. You go in first.” The alien flicked a hand at the pitch black entrance.

  “Me?” Dropping to hands and knees Sorsha peered in, shining the flashlight around to illuminate a crawl space that ended in pitch blackness. “There might be rattlesnakes in there.”

  The Arkon growled impatiently. “Stop whining. Just go. The passage is very narrow. If I go in first I won’t be able to get around you to pull the door shut behind us.”

  Flicking on the flashlight she crawled in a ways, then waited for the creaking grate of the stone door to shut behind them. The alien’s teeth closed over her ass.

  “Ow!” She swatted blindly at him. Heard his silent laughter.

  “Get going woman. I’m right on your tail.” He rumbled, reflective eyes glimmering like a predator in the night.

  Moving awkwardly, Sorsha held the flashlight in one hand while crawling through the rough, rock-strewn tunnel. God please don’t let me run into a rattlesnake down here.

  The narrow, claustrophobic passage wound up and up. Her ears and senses picked up a low streaming vibration. Is that - water?

  The tunnel opened up into a large cavern. Shining the flashlight around, the sight took Sorsha’s breath away. Giant stalagmites hung from the ceiling like dragon’s teeth.

  Above, an underground river spilled from a gap in the stone into a large stone pool. Overflowing its banks, the water rushed down a short channel and disappeared through another fissure in the wall.

  She shone the flashlight into the depths of the silvery pool. Pebbles were visible at the bottom so it didn’t appear deep. But that could be misleading because the water was so crystal clear it was like air.

  The flashlight glittered on a small object at the bottom of the pool, catching her eye. Is that - gold down there? It IS.

  She noticed more glittering gold pieces. People had been coming here from long before. Maybe the Drakons made golden offerings to the Force before stepping through the stargate to another dimension.

  Chapter 31

  Staring at the pool, Sorsha fingered the gold cross around her neck. It was her most treasured possession. It had been her grandmother’s. As a child she had seen her grandmother hold the cross to her lips as she prayed.

  Sava had said it would be difficult to get them both through the stargate. The transit required extreme mental focus. But I don’t have Sava’s powers. Nowhere near it. How can I get through the stargate?

  Cupping her hands Sorsha dipped them in the pool and drank. Pure cool water. She had never tasted anything so refreshing. She threw handfuls of water on her face in an effort to wash away her anxiety. Clear her head. Lifting the hem of her shirt to wipe her face, she glanced over at Sava.

  The Arkon had already stripped off Dr. Carter’s ill fitting clothes. She was struck by the the harmonious musculature of the alien’s naked body. Standing poised and completely at home in his skin, his brilliant eyes under dark brows focused intently on her.

  “Come - Before entering the stargate it is tradition to bathe in the sacred Pool of Life. Be Reborn.” Smiling, he held out his hand. Power and assurance rolled off him in waves. The alien was truly in his element now.

  “Okay.” Setting the flashlight on the edge of the pool Sorsha began stripping off her despised green scrubs. With sensuous wriggles she pulled the shirt over her shoulders. Unzipping her pants, she took pleasure in rocking them down her hips, suggestively sliding her fingers along her thighs.

  A low growl resonated in her head.
She glanced over to see a torrent of energy snapping from the alien’s eyes. Stepping out of her pants, she was left standing in her lacy black low cut bra and boy shorts.

  “Take it all off.” He commanded, black brows focused in a v-slash. Desire blazed in his fiery golden eyes as he took in her long shapely legs, curvy hips and narrow waist.

  She unhooked her bra in front, let it fall off her shoulders. Pressed her breasts together in offering.

  “Hmmm, I want to suck those big pink nipples.”

  Sava stepped closer until his tantalizing body almost pressed against hers. But not quite. Calloused fingertips reached out, caressing, molding her breasts, then deliciously flick and pinch her nipples. A thousand tingles of delight streamed straight to her core. His left hand slid down to rub slow circles over her pussy.

  “Take off your panties. Slowly. I want time to savor the reveal.” That deep melted chocolate voice made her sex clench with desire.

  With both hands she smoothed her panties down off her hips. Kicked them away. She stood up straight, gazing unashamed, into glittering golden eyes.


  She could feel the tangible vibration of his heated presence. Large warm hands slid over her ass, rubbing, squeezing. Pulling her butt cheeks apart he ground her pussy against his thick, needy arousal.

  Her warm sensitive fingers grasped his swollen cock, gently rubbing, tugging. She let her head rest on his shoulder. It felt so good to relax and focus on just feeling his smooth warm skin.

  “My beautiful Homo Sap.” Palming the back of her head he kissed her lips.

  “You bloody tease. I told you not to call me that.” Smiling, she pulled away to cuff his shoulder.

  “What are you gonna do about it?” His lips nuzzled her neck, licking, nipping her earlobe. “Besides it’s true. You are the most delectable Homo Sap I have ever held in my arms.” And the only one.

  “Hmmm…Why are you so irresistible Sava?” She hummed against his lips, indulging in his seductive, forbidden mouth. Probing with her tongue for that unique, hot rich flavor.


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