The Willow
Page 14
Kyden dropped his hands, stepped forward and looked very intently at Talon. “Nexi will not be involved with this any further. Am I understood?”
Talon began to nod, but I interrupted. “Ahem,” I said loudly. “I think that is my decision.”
Kyden puffed up and pulled a he-man. “You are to stay behind.”
“Think again!” I said slowly, ensuring my words were perfectly clear. Being a Guardian ran through my veins now. My need to take part in this was a fierce thing.
He wasn’t fazed by my angry tone. He shook his head, determined as if what I had just said made no difference at all. He was already decided.
Words couldn’t even form—anger raged through me. My jaw clenched and my fists were tight. I was definitely a moment away from slugging him a good one.
Talon cleared his throat, interjecting the tense moment. “With Lazarus’ return there is much to discuss here. You two, go take this argument elsewhere, preferably somewhere private. Let us know what you decide.”
“Oh, I’ll tell you where Kyden can take this argument and shove it,” I blasted, and stormed out of the hall, hearing their laughter behind me.
Once out in the foyer, Kyden caught up with me and grabbed my arm. “It’s only because I care about you. I cannot help that I want to keep you safe.”
I turned to him and glared my deepest glare. “I don’t give a rat’s ass if it’s because you care about me. You don’t decide what I do. I decide what I do.” I poked his chest. “Got it?”
Only a moment passed then a slight grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “You’re such a ferocious little thing. Do you know that?”
Shocking the hell out of me, he leaned in to kiss me. He had to be out of his goddamned mind. Instead of meeting my lips, he met my fist. His head whipped back, and when he raised his gaze to mine, his grin had become a full-blown smile.
“Don’t be like that,” he mused and leaned back in to kiss me again.
“No.” I pointed a finger at him. “You stay there. I’m not done being mad at you.”
He raised his brows and laughed. “Go on then, I’ll come to you soon.”
“I’m going because I want to. Not because you are telling me!” With that, I left. He could take his “your mine and I will protect you female medieval nonsense”, and eat it.
Making it home quickly wasn’t a problem since I stomped the hell out of the ground the entire way. Slamming the door behind me, I took two steps in before it opened again and Drake barged in, looking like someone who’d just been admitted to the nut house.
“I heard about what happened tonight.” His voice was so tight I hardly recognized it. “You saw him?”
“It was an interesting night that’s for sure.”
“Interesting? I would say damn right dangerous.”
I laughed a little. “Okay, a dangerous, interesting night then.” Obviously this wasn’t funny, because the look on Drake’s face wiped the smile from mine pretty darn quick. He had the pissed off dad look down to a tee.
“Kyden is right you are staying put. Do you hear me Nexi—”
That was it. I had just about enough of these males telling me what I can and cannot do. Giving him a hard shove, he went flying out the door and I slammed it closed. He yelled out numerous obscenities as I walked away.
It was nice they all cared for me and wanted to see me safe, but my present mood just couldn’t hear it. What I needed was a hot bath. My nerves were shot.
After I turned on the faucet, I added a dash of vanilla bubble bath and let the scent of warmed almonds and sweet vanilla comfort me. Sinking down into the tub, I was instantly lost in the sensation. It relaxed every muscle and my tight emotions slowly began to unwind.
When the bubbles no longer popped and the water was more warm than hot, the bathroom door opened. Knowing exactly who it’d be, I kept my eyes closed.
When Kyden slid down in front me, he sent water rushing over the sides of the tub.
“Am I forgiven?” he asked, and grabbed my foot to rub along the arch.
“I’m thinking about it.” Of course he was. His dominance wasn’t all bad. My lower body loved that side to him. It was my brain that didn’t. We’d just have to meet somewhere in the middle, but the time for that compromise wasn’t now.
“You do know that I’m not staying behind,” I stated, opening my eyes.
“As much as it displeases me, I have come to the realization that there isn’t much I can do to keep you here. If you insist on coming, I’ll have Finn joins us as well. Then, I know you’ll be safe. Agreed?”
I snorted. “Do I have a choice?”
“I am compromising by allowing you to go at all.”
I scowled at that remark.
“This is my requirement, Nexi.”
This was ridiculous. I didn’t need to be babysat by Finn, but Kyden was just as stubborn as I was. If this was his condition he wouldn’t waver from it, and I wanted to be involved in this. So, I let it go. “Fine, agreed.”
He leaned in to give me a proper apologetic kiss and I accepted it. He backed away and leaned his arms across the railing of the tub.
“You know, I’ve been lying here thinking about everything that happened tonight and I realized I don’t know anything about Lazarus,” I said. “Will you tell me about him?”
He nodded, taking a deep breath then said, “His plan years ago was to rule not only our world, but the Earthworld too.”
“You can’t be serious?”
“Sadly, I am. He thinks the Council is wrong to deny the vampires the right to kill. His belief is that vampires are the superior species. It was his wish to claim humans as slaves.” His face showed just how ridiculous that line of thinking was. “For him to achieve this he would have to destroy the council, and trust me, he tried.”
“He did! When?” Fear tightened my throat a little. He had that much power? To attempt to take over the council, how was that even possible?
“It took place weeks after he killed your mother. In the time after her death, he gathered some rogue wolves together and built his army.”
“I don’t get it. Why does he use wolves and not vampires? Don’t they seem like the better choice considering what he is after?”
“You have to understand that rogue wolves have been cast out—abandoned by their packs. They are in desperate need to belong and when Lazarus came talking of a new life within the Otherworld, they were easier to draw into his plan. Old vampires have no need to join Lazarus. They respect the way of the Otherworld too much and live by it. Newly made vampires are too unpredictable to be in a regime.”
“So, what happened when he attacked? Obviously, he didn’t defeat them.”
“That’s right, he failed. He had grown stronger, but not strong enough to destroy our forces and he left before anyone had the chance to destroy him. For years they searched for him. Whenever he was discovered, Talon would battle him, but he never got close enough to kill him since Lazarus can vanish.”
My brows furrowed. “He vanishes? Can all vampires do that?”
“No. When a vampire drinks from a witch, he will gain part of her magical ability. Your mother’s blood gave him that ability.”
“That’s why he killed her? He wanted her power? He thought it would make him strong enough to defeat the council?”
He nodded slowly. “She was a powerful witch.”
My stomach gripped. A wave of sadness swept over me. “She died for nothing.”
He saw the tears well up and leaned forward to caress my cheek. “Alright?”
“It’s just hearing this makes it more real I guess. She was killed because Lazarus is sick and so twisted he has these unrealistic ideas of overtaking a world that he never could. He took her life, drained her magic and left so much destruction in his path.” I wiped a few tears away. “She barely lived. Drake and Zia still suffer dearly for her loss, and I didn’t even get th
e chance to know her. It’s just so cruel.”
Taking my face in his hands, he declared, “He will get what he deserves for killing her. That is a promise.”
Chapter Eleven
Knock, knock, knock—that’s annoying.
Knock, knock, knock—there it is again.
My eyes fluttered open finally coming to my senses that someone was knocking at my door.
Kyden groaned, dragged himself out of bed and stumbled to the door.
Rolling onto my back, I gave my eyes a rub and stretched, giving a big screech as my muscles lengthened to a point of almost pain. God, I’d never felt better. My body was more than pleased from Kyden’s special attention last night. But at the same time, when was he going to get over this hands-off nonsense? I was beginning to feel selfish.
Kyden’s laugh came from the doorway. “That looked good.”
I laughed too and rolled onto my side as he strode toward me. “It was!”
“Get up.” He smacked my ass. “That was Talon. Something’s going on and we need to get to the Council’s Hall.”
Jumping out of bed, I rubbed my stinging butt. His smacks hurt. But I liked them nonetheless.
We dressed quickly and practically ran toward the Council’s Hall. When we entered, Talon, Zia, and Zade were waiting along with Drake and Finn.
“Why’s Drake here?” I asked Kyden.
He gave an unknowing shrug and furrowed his brows as he glanced at Talon.
Talon waited until we joined them, then he looked at Finn. “Go on, Finn. Tell us what you have learned.”
Finn cleared his throat before he began. “I found one of the wolves from the Texas pack at a men’s…” He hesitated and blushed. “I located him at a club,” he said quickly. “After a little persuasion, he gave up some pretty vital information about what’s been going on.” He took a deep breath and looked straight at me. “Lazarus has returned for Nexi.”
That was unexpected. “Me? He wants me?” Fuck.
“What does he want with her?” Kyden growled.
Finn gave a feeble shrug. “He didn’t know. What he did say was that the wolves have been killing to draw her out. Lazarus has been watching for her.”
The murders were because of me. All those people died because of me. The idea sickened, outraged, and downright pissed me off.
It appeared Kyden was in total agreement. He lunged forward, ready to attack Finn.
“Back off,” Finn shouted, taking a giant step back. “It is not my doing.”
“Calm down,” I said softly and raised my hand to Kyden’s arm. He shrugged it off, full of anger. I glanced around for Zia in hopes she could help, but my gaze landed on Drake.
Kyden’s rage was nothing compared to Drake’s right now. He was shaking tremendously and the vein in the middle of his forehead looked about two seconds from bursting.
When I stepped forward, Zia gave me a hurried shake, telling me to wait. So I did and sighed deeply. “What would he want with me?” A couple months ago, my biggest problem was a bad hair day. Now, I had a bulls-eye on my back with a vampire hunting me.
“The only thing I can think of is that he must know you are Tyrianna’s daughter and assumes your magic will equal hers. He must want your blood like he did hers.”
I stated the obvious. “I haven’t found my magic yet.”
She sighed harshly. “He must think you have.”
How could he be so wrong? This just couldn’t be right. The wolf was misunderstood. They had the wrong witch. Yes, that’s it—they had the wrong witch.
Finn cleared his throat again. “There’s something else, but I think this might be a private matter for Nexi.”
“We cannot afford to have privacy now,” Talon said firmly. “Tell us.”
Finn dropped his eyes to the floor. When he looked back up they were full of sympathy.
Oh no.
“Lazarus killed Nexi’s parents,” he whispered.
I stepped forward. “Pardon?” My mind couldn’t comprehend his words. I heard them, but I didn’t understand them—couldn’t understand what he was trying to tell me.
“When Lazarus learned Tyrianna had a daughter, he searched for her in the Earthworld knowing that’s where she was hidden,” Finn continued. “He knew of the protection Nexi had on her, so he thought if he drained her—making it appear that she died in a car accident—the council would be none the wiser.”
“Meaning, he could take us by surprise.” Zia hissed.
Finn gave a firm nod. “They were following her and thought she was in the car with them that night. When she wasn’t, he thought you had already gotten to her. It was only later that they heard whispers of her returning to the Otherworld and that she had begun her Guardian training.”
“They were murdered,” I whispered, still in complete disbelief.
Finn rested a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Nexi. The car accident didn’t take place until after they were already dead.”
“So, this is why the wolves have been killing,” Talon growled. “To identify her.”
“That is what he said,” Finn replied. “Lazarus didn’t know what she looked like.”
“Why did he not just take her from her home?” Zia asked. “He must have known where she lived?”
“They stayed at her family’s home for days after the killing but she was never there.”
I interrupted with the softest whisper, “He’s right. I stayed at my willow.” I couldn’t go home, couldn’t bear to be in the house without them in it. The Taylors’ provided food and a hot shower, and their home was on the other side of town.
Kyden’s expression was filled with empathy. He wiped my tears and wrapped me in his warmth and strength. I stayed there a moment, accepting the safe feeling he provided.
The others continued with the discussion. The words fell on deaf ears. I was stuck—focused on the terrible end they must have suffered. To die at the hands of a vampire—they must have been so terrified.
This was my fault.
He killed them to get to me. The fault of this rested on my shoulders. I sank deeper into Kyden’s embrace, hoping he could make this all better—hoping he would tell me this was all some terrible nightmare. But no words were said, and soon, my hopes drifted away to cold, hard reality.
Apparently, I had quickly shifted through the first two stages of grief and was now entering the third—anger. If I wanted Lazarus dead before now, the need to see it through multiplied.
There was nothing I could do to change what had happened. There was, however, a way to avenge their deaths and make sure this never happened again. Knowing what he wanted an idea popped up.
I interrupted them, stepped out of Kyden’s arms. “Does anyone else see our advantage here?”
“Your thoughts?” Talon asked in earnest.
“Well,” I said hesitantly. “We do have something he wants.”
Kyden grabbed my arm. “Not a fuc—”
But his words were cut short when Drake lunged forward and ripped me away, practically frothing at the mouth. “Are you suggesting you use yourself as bait?”
“It’s our best shot at getting him,” I implored. “We can draw him out.”
He glowered. “What are you thinking?”
“This is the best way to trap him and you all know it.”
“This is personal. He wants you, Nexi. He wants to kill you. Do you not understand that?”
“Damn right it’s personal. Not only did he kill my mother now I find out he killed the only parents I knew. People I loved dearly and who didn’t deserve to die like that.”
Drake ignored me and glared at Talon. “She will stop assignments immediately.”
“Yes, that is wise,” Talon agreed.
“Finally some sense,” Kyden said approvingly.
Zia started chuckling. Apparently, she sensed my rage building. Three males were deciding my life as if I wasn’t even here or that
my opinion didn’t matter. They were about to be taught a lesson they all needed to learn.
I yelled something close to an obscenity and they all jerked their heads toward me. “I’ve had it! You damn Guardians!” I screamed. “Stop deciding my life for me like I’m not here. If any of you do it once more I’m going to rip your dicks right off your bodies. Do you understand me?”
By their stunned faces, they’d never had a female speak to them like this before, which I assumed was probably true. If Guardian males were dominant—Guardian females were probably submissive. Well, I didn’t grow up in the Otherworld and Gloria taught me better than to take this shit.