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by A. N. Wilson

  Germaine Greer, Shakespeare (1986)

  Ian Grey, Stalin (1979)

  V. V. Grigorenko (ed. with others), I. S. Turgenev v vospominaniyakh Sovremennikov (Moscow 1969)

  Albert F. Heard, The Russian Church and Russian Dissent (1887)

  Alexander Herzen, My Past and Thoughts (trans. Constance Garnett, 1924)

  Ronald Hingley, A New Life of Anton Chekhov (1976)

  —— Russian Writers and Society in the Nineteenth Century (1977)

  —— Dostoevsky: His Life and Work (1978)

  —— Nihilists: Russian Radicals and Revolutionaries in the Reign of Alexander II (1855–1881) (1981)

  Henry James, The Art of the Novel (New York 1934)

  Lawrence James, Crimea 1854–1856 (1981)

  John Jones, Dostoevsky (Oxford 1983)

  I. Katarskii, Dikkens v Rossii, seredina XIX veka (Moscow 1966)

  M. Katz, Mikhail Katkov: a Political Biography 1818–1887 (The Hague 1966)

  A. W. Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea (Edinburgh-London 1863)

  Hugh Kingsmill, After Puritanism (1929)

  Prince Kropotkin, Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature (1905)

  Janko Lavrin, Pushkin and Russian Literature (1947)

  C. S. Lewis, They Stand Together (1979)

  Sven Linner, Starets Zosima in The Brothers Karamazov (Stockholm 1975)

  Charles Lowe, Alexander III of Russia (1895)

  D. Mackenzie-Wallace, Russia (1877)

  David Magarshack, Dostoyevsky (1962)

  Martin Malia, Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism (1812–1855) (1961)

  Nadezhda Mandelstam, Hope Against Hope (1970)

  —— Hope Abandoned (1974)

  Aylmer Maude, A Peculiar People: the Dukhobors (1904)

  D. S. Mirsky, A History of Russian Literature (1949)

  S. Monas, The Third Section (Cambridge, Mass. 1961)

  Alan Moorehead, The Russian Revolution (1958)

  W. E. Mosse, Alexander II and the Modernisation of Russia (1958)

  Nigel Nicolson, Napoleon 1812 (1985)

  Dennis Nineham, The Use and Abuse of the Bible (1976)

  M. T. Nuzhin (ed.), Kazanskii Universitet 1804–1979: Ocherki istorii (Kazan 1979)

  George Orwell, Critical Essays (1946)

  Maurice Paléologue, The Tragic Romance of Alexander II of Russia (1926)

  Alan Palmer, Napoleon in Russia (1967)

  Sir Bernard Pares, Russia and Reform (1907)

  Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago (1958)

  M. B. Petrovich, The Emergence of Russian Panslavism (New York 1956)

  Richard Pipes, Russia under the Old Regime (1974)

  Konstantin P. Pobedonostsev, Reflections of a Russian Statesman (Michigan 1965)

  H. W. Pullen, The Ground Ash: a Public School Story (1874)

  A. Pushkin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (10 vols., Moscow 1963)

  Princess Catherine Radziwill, The Intimate Life of the Last Tsarina (1929)

  The Religious Persecutions in Russia (pamphlet issued by the Society of Friends of Russia, 1897)

  Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, Russia and the West in the Teaching of the Slavophiles (Cambridge, Mass. 1952)

  —— A Parting of the Ways: Government and the Educated Public in Russia 1801–1855 (Oxford 1976)

  —— A History of Russia (third edition Oxford 1977)

  Richard G. Robbins Jr., Famine in Russia 1891–1892 (New York-London 1975)

  G. T. Robinson, Rural Russia under the Old Regime (1929)

  Leonard Schapiro, Turgenev (Oxford 1978)

  Albert Schweitzer, The Quest for the Historical Jesus (English trans. 1910)

  Richenda C. Scott, Quakers in Russia (1964)

  Hugh Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801–1917 (Oxford 1967)

  W. T. Stead, Truth about Russia

  Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (1952)

  —— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1972)

  Christine Sutherland, The Princess of Siberia: the Story of Maria Volkonsky and the Decembrist Exiles (1984)

  Peter Tchaikovsky, The Diaries of Tchaikovsky (New York 1945)

  Victor Terras, A Karamazov Companion (Wisconsin 1981)

  —— (ed.), Handbook of Russian Literature (Yale 1985)

  E. C. Thaden, Conservative Nationalism in 19th-century Russia (Seattle 1964)

  D. W. Treadgold, Lenin and his Rivals: the Struggle for Russia’s Future 1898–1906 (New York 1955)

  Leon Trotsky, Kak vooruzhilas’ revolutsiya (Moscow 1924)

  —— My Life (1930)

  —— Turgenev i krug Sovremennika: neizdannie materialy 1847–1861 (Moscow-Leningrad 1930)

  Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii (Leningrad 1939)

  Adam B. Ulam, The Bolsheviks (New York 1965)

  —— The Unfinished Revolution (revised New York 1979)

  —— Russia’s Failed Revolutions: from the Decembrists to the Dissidents (New York 1981)

  F. Venturi, Roots of Revolution: a History of the Populist and Socialist Movements in Nineteenth-Century Russia (trans. from the Italian by F. Haskell, New York 1960)

  Prince S. M. Volkonsky, Arkiv Dekabrista S. G. Volkonskogo (Petrograd 1918)

  Patrick Waddington, Turgenev and England (1980)

  A. Walicki, The Slavophile Controversy (Oxford 1975)

  Timothy Ware, The Orthodox Church (revised Harmondsworth 1980)

  Philip Warner, The Crimean War (Arthur Barker 1972)

  J. N. Westwood, A History of Russian Railways (1964)

  A. N. Wilson, A Life of John Milton (1982)

  Edmund Wilson, To the Finland Station (New York 1940)

  —— A Window on Russia (1973)

  W. F. Woehrlin, Chernyshevsky: the Man and the Journalist (Cambridge, Mass. 1971)

  B. E. Wolfe, Three who Made a Revolution: a Biographical History (New York 1948)

  George Woodcock, Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1956)

  George Woodcock and Ivan Avakumovic, The Dukhobors (Toronto-New York 1968)

  A. Yarmolinsky, A Road to Revolution: a Century of Russian Radicalism (1957)

  Mikhail Nikolayevich Zagoskin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Petrograd 1914)

  L. A. Zander, Dostoevsky (1948)

  A. V. Zapadov (ed.), Istoriya russkoi zhurnalistiki XVIII-XIX vekov (Moscow 1973)

  Vladimir Zborilek, Tolstoy and Rousseau: a Study in Literary Relationship (Michigan 1979)

  Nicolas Zernov, The Russians and their Church (1945)

  —— The Russian Religious Renaissance of the Twentieth Century (1963)


  A. N. Wilson grew up in Staffordshire and was educated at Rugby and New College, Oxford. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, he holds a prominent position in the world of literature and journalism. He is a prolific and award-winning biographer and celebrated novelist. He lives in North London.




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