Page 26
“That’s right.” He released her neck and ran his hand down the curve of her spine. “You do.”
This time when he moved behind her, his cock found its haven. He barreled into her, forcing her to take all of him. Stars spotted her vision, the fight leaving her body. She sank into the pillows, her arms going limp. Skin slapped against skin, each pump of his hips driving him closer to the edge. When he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her back to his chest, she went willingly. Her knees rested on the outside of his thighs, allowing him to maintain momentum.
One hand cupped her breast while the other drifted to her sex. He took the moisture from her pussy and brought it to her clit, rubbing the hard bead. She didn’t think it was possible to climax again but she was wrong. Her body jerked, her nipples hard and pointed, the air cool against them.
“One more,” Emory ordered. “Give me one more, Mary.”
She focused on the sensations taking her over, immersed in raw feeling. His cock teased her, gliding in and out, stretching her with each return. Soon the tingles from her clit intensified, traveling to join the warmth in her abdomen.
“Emory.” She moaned, concentrating on how good she felt, on how amazing it would feel when she came for him like this. Waves of fire crashed through her and she clawed at the hand he’d placed over her breast. She arched her back and thrashed, caught in a maelstrom that seemed to carry her through the ceiling and beyond.
His lips brushed her shoulder. Then she felt a sharp burn as his teeth sank into her skin. His cock jerked inside her, hot jets of semen bathing her womb. Goose bumps tickled her arms when he roared, the sound muffled by the skin trapped against his mouth. He didn’t stop moving, pistoning his hips as his cock surged within her a second time and another searing flash of heat followed. She didn’t let go of his hand, gasping for breath as he slowed and finally stopped.
When he pulled his teeth from her shoulder, she winced. He murmured an apology and started lapping at the skin, bathing the aching punctures with his tongue.
She was too tired to move when he shifted their bodies so that she landed on the pillows in a heap. He moved behind her and pulled her into his arms. She smiled and brought his hand to her mouth for a quick kiss. If she got to choose the path of her future, she wanted each day to consist of this. She’d cherish each and every moment, knowing she was fortunate to have the opportunity. Exhaustion sapped what energy she had left and she felt her eyes grow heavy.
“Any regrets?” Emory asked against the top of her head.
She had a lot of regrets, but not about what they’d done. The choices she’d made couldn’t be changed. All she could do was learn from her mistakes. And she intended to enjoy every single minute with the man in her bed. A man who belonged to her just as much as she belonged to him. A peace settled over her knowing that, an awareness that she would never be alone again.
She yawned, blinking to stay awake. “Only that it took us so long to get here.”
“I love you,” he whispered.
Even hearing those words couldn’t prevent sleep from taking her. Still, she managed to echo the sentiment before she closed her eyes.
“I love you.”
One Week Later
“Can I open my eyes now?” Mary asked.
A frown appeared on her beautiful face, her brows coming together. Emory suppressed a grin, holding a squirming bundle in his arms. She’d complained when he made her close her eyes before they went inside the barn situated on the back of Diskant’s property, impatient as he’d retrieved her gift.
He tried to sound irritated by the request, although he was excited as she was. “All right, Ms. Impatient. Go ahead and open them.”
The frown vanished when she saw the puppy he held, replaced by a show-stopping smile. “Really? He’s so adorable. Is he mine?” she exclaimed and reached out to take the wriggling pooch.
“He’s all yours, sweetheart.”
Emory handed the puppy over, relieved he’d made the right choice. When his mate had said she wanted a dog, he hadn’t been sure what she was hoping for. Personally, he didn’t like the idea of something small. He wanted an animal that would protect his mistress, something big and sturdy. The house Diskant purchased was isolated on five acres of land—land that was secured by guards, cameras and fencing. There was plenty of room for a large dog to run, the wooded area perfect for roaming free. Since he also had to keep Ava’s pregnancy in mind, he’d decided to go with a canine intended for a family—a Boxer. Diskant continued to mourn Oscar but Emory hoped he and Ava would eventually come to love the dog with his soft fawn coat and inquisitive brown eyes.
“Come on.” He smiled when the puppy licked Mary’s face and whined. “He’s been cooped up in a stall for long enough. Let’s take him outside.”
“Poor thing,” she murmured in a low croon and followed. “Kept in a dark barn. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Such a sweet puppy.”
The sunlight hit them but it didn’t alleviate the cold winter air. Mary tried to pull the puppy closer but it struggled to break free. She feigned a sigh and put him down. The dog rushed off immediately, sniffing at random objects as he went. Determined not to leave his female empty-handed, Emory closed the distance and swept her into his arms. She sighed and leaned into him.
“Are you sure Ava and Diskant don’t mind?” she asked quietly.
“This is our home too,” he reminded her. “And no, they don’t mind. I asked.”
“It’s not like we see them much.” Mary snuggled closer, resting her hands on his hips. “The house is so big.”
That was an understatement.
When Diskant had told Emory about the farm, he’d said it was big. Emory had assumed there would be a barn and perhaps a newly remodeled home. He’d never dreamed the house he’d moved into a week ago with his mate was recently built and enormous, complete at over twenty-four thousand square feet. There were so many rooms Ava was grumbling about remodeling, wishing for a smaller space. To Emory’s relief Diskant had put as much distance between the couples as possible, giving Emory plenty of time alone with his mate. Since the kitchen, family and entertainment rooms were located near the center of the home, they were able to inhabit the far ends of the house.
“Are you saying that you’re getting tired of my company?” He brought his hand down until his palm rested on the crest of her lower back and ass.
“No.” She wriggled against him and he growled. “I’m just making an observation.”
“I’d suggest we enjoy it while it lasts. Diskant expects Doc to be here so often the poor bastard might as well move in until Ava delivers.”
In fact, Diskant had already approached the pack doctor about doing just that. Doc continued to decline the offer, insisting Diskant ask one of the midwives in the pack to assist his mate through her pregnancy.
“He’s just worried about Ava. It’s natural.” She shifted to the side and looked at the puppy, who’d found a tree limb to attack. “So what do we call him?”
“That’s up to you.” He tried to place his chin on her head but she kept moving to watch the puppy.
“How about Rocky?”
“Rocky?” He laughed, amused by her choice.
“Think about it. A Boxer named Rocky. It’s perfect.”
He lifted his head when a warning tingle shot down the back of his neck, his eyes darting around the area. Since the attack Diskant had hired lone shifters from out of state to watch his home. The pack needed every member in the city to keep things safe without worrying about the Omega and his mate. Emory knew there was no way someone could breach the perimeter. Motion detectors were installed all around the property line, as well as cameras that were monitored by guards in the security building behind the front gates.
“Emory? Are you okay?” Mary’s concerned question brought his attention back to her. He gave her an encouraging smile, hoping she hadn’t sensed his alarm.
“I’m fine. I was just t
hinking it’s too cold to stay out here. We should take Rocky and get back to the house. I can start a fire in the den if you want. We can even watch a movie.”
“Really?” She didn’t seem convinced. “What about the pack? I thought you were helping Trey move his things.”
“Get Rocky.” He let her go and stepped back. “We’ll talk when we get inside.”
Knowing her as well as he did now, Emory was aware she was tempted to argue. Thankfully she did as he asked and hurried over to the puppy and his now chewed branch. He took a deep breath and tried not to think about his brother. His hope to have an actual relationship with his sibling wasn’t working out as planned. Trey was too agitated, too fucking short-tempered. At first Emory had attributed the behavior to Trey’s newly appointed status as Alpha. Sadly, as the days passed, it became clear something else was bothering him.
Emory gritted his teeth.
Something was off with Nathan too. It was as if the Alpha and Beta shared some kind of secret they didn’t want the pack to know about. With Shepherds knocking at their door, it wasn’t smart to fuck around. One wrong move and Trey would be challenged as Alpha, something that could kill him if he faced the wrong opponent. As strong and capable as his brother was, there was always someone younger who was more eager for power.
“Gotcha.” Mary snatched the puppy, leaving the stick on the ground. “Are you ready to go inside? I’ll have to make you a nice, warm bed. Then we’ll find you something good to eat. I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Actually, I have everything inside.” He shook off his bad mood at the image she presented, her blonde hair flowing around her shoulders as she baby talked the pooch, her face finally starting to fill out since she was eating better.
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
He waited until she was within reach and pulled her to him, stopping only because the puppy was trapped between them. “Angel eyes, you have no idea of the surprises I have in store for you.” He slid his fingers through her hair until his palm rested against her throat. “Why don’t we skip that fire and movie? I can warm you up and entertain you without them.”
This time when she grinned her eyes changed color. The chocolate brown morphed into a glowing gold, the color beautiful against her fair skin. The first time she’d seen her eyes change, she had been fascinated. He’d told her it was due to heightened emotion and arousal, the only way anyone would ever know she was bloodbonded to a shifter. She hadn’t believed him so he’d proven it to her then and there in front of the bathroom mirror, fucking her from behind as they watched themselves. The golden color didn’t fade, becoming stronger as she neared climax.
“What do you have in mind?” she asked, her question a low, sensual murmur.
The comfort of his jeans changed, his cock hardening until the material was too tight. Mary didn’t have to give him her approval, he could scent it on the air. Her coat prevented him from seeing her breasts but he knew if he reached inside her nipples would be hard and pebbled, ready to be teased by his mouth and fingers.
“Let’s get inside and I’ll show you.” Placing his hand at her lower back, he urged her to walk. “It’s not getting any warmer out here.”
“That’s strange.” She peered up at him through her long lashes, her eyes still liquid gold. “It certainly feels warmer to me.”
The sensation of being watched returned. He pushed Mary’s teasing aside without a response and motioned toward the house. He didn’t slow down or stop as they crossed the distance. Maybe he was worried over nothing. Being in a house with an Omega and his pregnant female would set anyone on edge. Mary didn’t notice the shift in his mood, captivated by the puppy. That much he was grateful for. He didn’t want her to worry, not since she’d finally settled into her new home and surroundings. She seemed happy, the scars of her past existing on her body but slowly fading from her mind.
He opened the keypad gate that took them past the enormous swimming pool. Once inside, he closed it and engaged the lock. The lights in the home welcomed them, the glow cheery and serene. He tried not to focus on the unease cascading through him, to produce a smile when Rocky tugged a strand of Mary’s hair between his teeth and she laughed.
If indeed they were being watched, the fuckers were smart enough to do it from a distance. None of them could prevent that—not the pack, not the Omega and not even the police. If he contacted Kinsley and asked the members in law enforcement to investigate, they’d ask him for details. His feelings weren’t solid proof of anything.
They entered through the double glass doors leading to the kitchen. Once inside, he closed the doors behind them and turned on the alarm. The loud chirp shrilled through the open space. He turned to stare out the glass, wondering who could be out there. Shepherds should have scattered by now.
Who the fuck was watching them?
Mary’s peals of laughter tore his eyes from the door. She was kneeling on the floor playing with her gift. The puppy licked her chin and she lowered her head to rub her cheek against its muzzle. His heart clenched, so full of emotion he had to shake himself and remember he wasn’t trapped in a wishful dream. This was real. This was his life now.
He’d finally found Mary, claimed her and made her his.
He would protect her. No one would ever hurt her again.
No one.
After one final look outside, he smiled at his mate and walked into the kitchen.
* * * * *
“Lecherous little slut,” Nathaniel Shepherd spat and lowered his binoculars.
He’d driven with the few remaining members of his family to see his whore of a cousin. With their diminished numbers, he couldn’t do more than watch. Not yet. But he would. Mary would pay for killing his father—her very own uncle—and betraying her own blood.
“It’s not safe to stay,” Daniel warned. “You’ve gotten the answers you sought. We have to leave.”
Leave to bury his father, the man who’d died two days ago.
Elijah Shepherd had held on to life for as long as he could, fighting the good fight until the Lord called him home. Hate was a sin but he couldn’t help the anger he felt, the resentment. His father had been born of the old ways, believing they could find the good in those they captured and tried to send to Heaven. Nathaniel wasn’t so certain. They’d attempted to bring Mary into their fold and show her why it was so important she not stray from the path of righteousness, and look what that had gotten them.
“Have you received news from those who made it out alive?” Nathaniel asked, trying to control his temper. “Have they found a safe place to gather?”
“Most scattered when they were attacked, but good news continues coming in. Believe in the power of prayer, brother,” Daniel said, placing a hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder. “It’ll be a few weeks before we know how many survived, but the ones who are safe are waiting for us. I received word they’re congregating in Texas.”
At that moment he wanted to rush from his safe location nestled in the trees and charge at the house that stood miles away—one he couldn’t see well without the binoculars in his hand. Instead he nodded. Daniel didn’t share his opinions or views. The young man had been born to Shepherds who resided in Georgia, their beliefs as old-fashioned as Elijah’s had been. If he wanted to seek justice for his father’s death, he’d have to carefully convince others it was time for a change.
Nathaniel stared at the house in the distance, making a vow that soon he’d be back. Mary might enjoy her life now but at some point in the future she wouldn’t. She’d beg for forgiveness before he released her tormented soul. There were so many plans to make. So many people to guide down the path of his choosing.
“Let’s go,” he said quietly and started the long trek up the hill where the rest of his brethren waited.
The fight was far from over.
His mission had only just begun.
The End
About the Author
Aline Hunter is
the alias of multi-published author J.A. Saare, who has written stories featured in horror magazines, zombie romance anthologies and flash fiction contests. Her work has a notable dark undertone, which she credits to her love of old eighties horror films, tastes in music and choices in reading, and has been described as “full of sensual promise,” “gritty and sexy” and “a breath of fresh air.”
Currently she is penning multiple projects within the urban fantasy, erotic and contemporary, and paranormal romance categories.
Aline welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.
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Also by Aline Hunter
Alpha and Omega 1: Omega Mine
Just Make Me 1: Make Me Shiver
No Strings
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