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Loving Kale: Selkrian Tales Novella

Page 6

by Gabriella Clark

  “Is everything ok?” I asked curiously, he looked a bit perturbed, his brow was lowered and he was chewing on his bottom lip.

  “No not really” he glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road “ I’m sorry to do this, as I had originally planned to take you out tonight, but I must fly to one of my plants in Texas tonight. There seems to be a major problem, there are rumors of the workers planning to go on strike soon.”

  “Oh wow. Why are they doing that?”

  He grimaced “ Seems they are not happy to be working for an alien. I’ll go down there and meet with the union rep, see how this can be smoothed over.”

  I nodded “I hope that helps. Be careful, you never know how some people may react to your presence there”

  The smile he sent my way was warm “ No worries, I’ll watch my back” he caught my hand with his and rubbed his thumb across the back of it “ I would like to see you when I come back though, maybe dinner at my place?”

  I smiled back at him “Sounds good”


  I grumbled silently to myself as I dropped Mia back to her house, saw her to her door and kissed her senseless before driving away. I had to hurry and get to the airport so that I could travel over to texas and see about this unrest that was brewing. I was by no means a dictator but if my workers were this unhappy that there were rumors of a strike happening, I needed to get to the bottom of it and fast. I was resentful that the business was pulling me away from my Ke’ola though. After last night I knew for sure that’s what she was, I had to struggle so hard not to bite her as instinct demanded. I had almost slipped this morning, biting a little too hard but stopping myself before I broke the skin.

  I grinned to myself, practically giddy at the fact that I had finally, finally , found her. I had given up hope when I first came to this planet as we had no idea if humans were compatible to us in that way , then when we found out they were, we were unsure if they would be our fated mates. Over the years we had discovered as one by one different selkrian spread out across the globe had bonded to humans. There were some who disapproved, believing humans to be inferior to us or that we should stick to our own kind. I’ve never enforced that with my hale, as long as all relationships were consensual, they could mate as they pleased. I took a deep breath already feeling the need to be with my Ke’ola, to ensure she was safe and happy.

  This would get worse once we had claimed each other, we would be unable to be apart for long without experiencing extreme discomfort. I thought back to when I’d slipped and called her Ke’ola, wincing to myself when I thought of what I would have said if she had caught me and asked what it meant.I didn't want to lie but I could tell she was not ready yet for that level of commitment. True she had spent some time with me and had given herself to me, but hearing promises of forever and always was too soon for that. I would need to ease into this a little and in the meantime until she was ready, fight the urge to fully mark her as mines.


  It was Friday and the week had flown by quickly. I hadn't seen Kale at all as he was still in texas but we had talked together daily. He was supposed to be coming back tonight and we had made plans to meet up at his home for dinner. I was in my office finishing up some paperwork, when Arianna walked into my office and dropped into one of the chairs placed in front of my desk.

  “I hate you” she announced, tossing a package down on my desk and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

  I laughed out loud knowing exactly why she was saying this to me. Arianna was one of the messengers we used in house to courier mainly between Autonomous and Totality, but she really went wherever we had a need of her to go. This last trip I had sent her on though, I knew she wouldn't thank me for. It was way to the west of the city about a 30 minute ride by car. I knew she rode a vespa though so for her the trip would take more like an hour.

  “I’m sorry! But I really needed those documents asap” I picked up the package she had dropped and opened it. I leafed through the papers quickly making sure everything had been signed as needed.

  “Yea yea yea” she pouted “ Your giggles say otherwise”

  I pursed my lips together to stop another round of giggles, giving her a blank stare that she held. We continued to stare at each other until I saw her lips twitch. I crossed my eyes at her and stuck out my tongue and she finally released her laugh. I grinned victoriously, I knew she couldn't hold it for long. We had been friends for a long time, going back to when she started. She was a great employee always coming in when needed or staying late. I know she had been through alot and wasn't able to go to school as she wanted too. In fact she was one of the reasons I had pushed for the internship, I planned on talking her into applying for it as soon as I was finished with it.

  She reached into her messenger bag and brought out a little box. Leaning over my desk she placed it in front of me and stood. “ I hope you enjoy that…. Even though you stink” she stuck out her tongue at me and gave a little wave before she left.

  I chuckled to myself as I opened the box, nestled inside were 2 doughnuts. I rolled my eyes heavenward and shouted out “THANK YOU”. One was a strawberry shortcake donut and the other was a cookies and cream. I pulled out my phone and quickly sent her a message.

  I knew you LOVED meeeeeeee

  Yea yea yea kick rocks

  I laughed out loud and closed the donut box. I would wait to share them with Kale tonight.

  I sat at the dining table and took a look around the room as I waited for Kale to finish putting dinner together. He had told me when I got here that instead of having to share me he wanted tonight to be just us. He had decided to cook and would accept no help from me when I offered. He had kissed me silly and with a slap on my ass directed me to take a seat at the table. His apartment was open and airy with floor to ceiling windows letting in a lot of natural sunlight. It was a little too modern for my taste with a lot of glass and chrome everywhere. He had little personal touches scattered here and there. I could see framed photos and little souvenirs from his travels, he had a warm area rug in front of his couch a cheerful throw placed on the back of his loveseat.

  He set down glasses of juice and took a seat looking proud. “There's not much I can do in the kitchen outside of operating the microwave and making a mean bowl of cereal” I laughed out loud, seems single males were the same no matter where in the galaxy they came from. “ But I can make a world class inside out grilled cheese with ham and tomato soup” He winked at me and served me before serving himself. I looked at the sandwich curiously never having had a inside out grilled cheese. There looked to be melted cheese on the outside and inside of the bread, i took a bite and gave him a thumbs up as I chewed.

  “How did it go in texas?”

  His eyes looked a little troubled as he glanced at me “ I don't know for sure really. I believe i calmed down the majority. I toured the plant and had several meetings with union reps and the workers there. Most seemed satisfied with the answers I provided but only time will truly tell”

  “Is that a very important plant there ? will it hurt production if they were to actually go through with the strike?”

  He sighed and put down his spoon, stapling his fingers together thoughtfully. “ Yes it will impact production but not very significantly. Its a smaller plant mainly there to provide support to the bigger one in the next town.”

  I nodded silently thinking about the issue and what could possibly be done to reassure the worker’s minds. Unfortunately I knew there was some prejudices that existed in the world and no matter what Kale did, some people would not want to work for an alien. Before I knew it, I had eaten the last bite of my sandwich and finished my soup. To my surprise it had actually been very good.

  “Since this meal meets your approval I would like to negotiate me spending this weekend with you”

  “Alright...what are you offering?”

  He looked at me seriously “Sex….lots of really good sex”

  I choked on the
sip of juice I'd just taken, coughing to clear my throat. “Uh” I squeaked “ I'll take it” He smirked slyly apparently satisfied with himself and resumed eating.

  We cuddled on the couch later after tidying up our dinner mess. We were watching an old sci-fi movie, with my head on his chest and his arm around my shoulders. We were laughing as I asked him ridiculous questions about the technology and alien creatures that were in the movie. I wanted to know if the tech could actually be achieved or was already in use or if the alien life forms would actually look like those on the movie. He laughed at me true but he also answered my questions. Like most alien life his people had come across bore at least a slight resemblance to humans since we had all been created in the image of what he called The Supreme Beings. They were highly intelligent life forms that had lived for eons as they were truly immortal. Some life he explained to me had come to be through a matter of evolution, but most had come from The Supreme Beings.

  They all had a humanoid shape, 2 arms 2 legs and a head, but from there the differences multiplied. Some had tails, other horns, some had scales instead of skin. I listened to him talk about the trips he had taken with his father before he assumed the leadership of his hale with fascination. I never knew there was so much out there to see and discover. Sure I thought it likely that there was life in the galaxy besides us, after all if we were here what’s stopping anyone else from being out there? I fell asleep sometime during the second movie cradled in his arms, listening to his heartbeat. It was one of the best nights of my life.

  I woke the next morning feel warm and content. I turned my head and looked at Kale. He was still sleeping, lashes long and dark laying against his cheekbones. I wondered how it could be that someone I connected to so fast, had come to care about so quickly wasn't even human? Don't get me wrong I didn't love him, not yet, but I knew that with time and care that I would be saying those words to him. Question was how did he feel about me?

  His eyes opened and he looked at me sleepily. “Good morning Ke’Ola” he said huskily and kissed me warmly. “ noooo” I said pushing away weakly “morning stinkies!” His eyes crinkled with laughter “ morning stinkies?” I pouted slightly “yes” I hesitated and then said with forced casualness “ what does K’ola mean?” I stumbled over the pronunciation.

  His eyes flickered and he said slowly “ Ke'Ola? it's a term of endearment, almost like saying love or sweetheart” I thought about that and I felt warm inside. Maybe he did feel something besides lust for me, but I told myself not to get to excited after all He had said almost. “Wow we slept late, it's almost noon” I said noticing the time. His eyes twinkled at me “ well you did make us go to bed late. Watching movies and picking my brain about the cosmos” I laughed as he continued “ I think you owe me for answering your endless questions.

  His eyes changed color beginning to glow as he watched me intently. He reached over and threw the throw off us before pulling me on top of him. “ You know I believe I wore myself out cooking for you” he said pulling my shirt over my head and unsnapping my bra before pulling it off “and I have this ache right here “ he thrust upward and ground himself against me slowly “ if you could just help me with it?” I laughed breathlessly as I moved down his body and unbuttoned his pants “ No problem” I pulled his pants down and took a moment appreciate the sight in front of my face. His cock stood at attention, already hard and pointing up seeming as if it was waving hello. I licked my tongue up the side of his shaft ending with a swirl along the tip. I looked up at him from beneath my lashes noting the tense look on his face and how he had put one hand behind his head, clutching the arm rest. I smirked to myself before opening my mouth wide and swallowing him whole.

  He hissed throwing his head back against the armrest. I bobbed up and down on his cock, trying my best to take him to the root on each pass. His whole body was straining, hips moving in the same rhythm as my mouth, but I didn't want him to come to soon. I eased back until only half his cock was in my mouth and wrapped my hand around the rest of it. I slowed my rhythm gliding up and paying special attention to the head of his cock on each pass. I kept this up for awhile until he was panting heavily, his hand grabbing fistfulls of my hair. I figured now would be a good time to stop teasing him and let go of his cock with my head. He let out a grunt about to protest when I swallowed him again, this time opening my throat and taking all of him until my nose was buried against his groin. I swallowed once and heard him shout from above me as his body jerked. I did it again and felt his hands tighten in my hair and he started saying something in his language. I did it again and felt the warm rush of him in my mouth.

  I sat up once he had fallen back against the ouch and daintily wiped the corners of my mouth. He looked at me and smiled evilly while sitting up slowly. I decided I didn't much care for the look he was giving me and slowly got up off the couch. “So uh….I’ll just go get some food started if you don't..shit!” I bolted, running as hard as I could towards the bedroom hoping I could get there and lock the door behind me. My laughter trailed behind me as he let out a mock growl and chased me. Right as I reached the door he snagged an arm around my waist and pulled me back against him.

  I snorted out laughter and struggled with him weakly as he fought to pull my pants down. As they fell to my ankle he wrapped both arms around my waist and lifted me up into the air so that my legs were clear of the pants. He turned me and put my back against the wall as he kissed me fiercely. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, kissing him back just as frantically. He lifted me higher against the wall and tongued first one nipple then the other, causing me to moan loudly. His hand skimmed down my side until it dropped between my legs and parted my folds. When he discovered how wet I already was he took two fingers and shoved them deep.

  He thrust deep, grinding the heel of his hand against my clit with each pass. I thrust my hips in time with hand Chasing that peak with a fervent zeal. I whimpered feeling it coming closely, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. He took his fingers out and my eyes popped open angrily, I opened my mouth ready to rip him a new one when he lined our bodies up and thrust deep, seating himself fully inside me. “Oh!” I cried out, shuddering as that pushed me over the edge. I clamped down on him shuddering, feeling him fight past the tightness to keep thrusting , drawing my orgasm out.

  He threw his head back and continued to thrust chasing his own ending. I licked up his throat and caressed his back, quite content with what I had gotten and willing to let him do what he needed. His head came back down and he looked me in my eyes, drawing his hand up and circling my throat. He didn't tighten his hand, merely held me firmly. He pulled back but when he pushed back in there was something ...different.. Something that wasn't there before. There was a raised...knob I couldn't think of any other way to describe it… on the end of his cock now positioned behind his head.

  “ What the…?” I started to say but then he withdrew, but as he did the knob rubbed against my G Spot. “ fuucckkk” I gasped scrabbling for a firm hold on his shoulders as he set up a punishing rhythm. Every time he withdrew and pushed back in that knob rubbed against me, driving me Up. The. Wall. I didn't know if I wanted to get closer or further away, the pleasure was too intense and it was starting to feel like I had to pee a little. The pressure was heavy in my stomach and I didnt know what was wrong.

  “Kale” I whined softly before sucking in a breath when a particular sharp spike of pleasure went through and that pressure increased. “ Somethings wrong here”

  He shook his head at me , sweat glistening on his brow as he tilted my hips and went over that spot again, only harder, faster. “No….let it come”

  What? Let what come? I thought but it was too late then. With that new angle, and the spot he was rubbing over, there was no way I could stop anything. It started in my toes and moved up, tearing me apart. My mouth opened in a silent scream as I clamped down on him,my toes curling and eyes squeezed shut. They opened in shock a moment later though as I felt somethin
g drip down my leg. I breathed heavily, in shock as he brought his head up from my neck having come as well. “ Did I..? Did you?” I couldn't even complete my sentence as he straighten from the wall slowly and staggering, walked into his room and dropped us on the bed. He fell on his back with me sprawled out on top of him.

  “Yes” he panted but still managed to smile smugly….the bastard…” I believe you did” He raised one of his hands and turning very slightly patted himself on the back. I rolled my eyes to weak right now to do anything but when I caught my breath, his ass was mine. Well...right after this nap, I fell asleep where I was, with a smile on my face.

  I woke up sometime later and stretched feeling well rested and refreshed. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was going on 7pm and blinked in shock. I had practically slept the day away. I looked around for Kale and noticed I was alone in the bed. I got up and put on a robe before shuffling out of the room and heading for the kitchen. I looked to the left and noticed Kale was on the balcony, talking on his phone. I wondered idly who he could be talking to at this time, but shrugged it off figuring it would probably be work related.

  I worked silently in the kitchen putting together something for us to eat. I couldn't deny it any longer, I was extremely happy right now. I got even more happy as I felt his arms slide around my waist and he kissed the side of my neck.

  “Hey” I murmured, lifting up a slice of the chicken I had found in his fridge to his lips.


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