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Compounding Traumas (Artemis University Book 6)

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by Erin R Flynn

  I snorted. “They’re going way over what they were buying before as compensation for the traitor and what your council tried to pull. More, probably, but they say it’s because they don’t have to arrange it all, pay for security, and all those other expenses now. It’s that, but really, we know it’s so I don’t pull the plug after the threat to me like some wanted.”

  “You’ll be safe?”

  I smirked at her. “I was a hot target with a lot of humans for a lot of different reasons and knew how to handle it and be safe.” I gestured to my bright red hair. “And that was before I knew about magic or had access to glamour charms. Yeah, we got this, trust me. Hell, it’s some of the most fun I think the Rothchilds have had in a while.”

  “Guarding you?” she asked.

  “That, and because I feed them as well, but also glamouring as me.” I chuckled when her eyes went wide. “Yeah, we got this. I’m going to be popping up at certain places all summer. Very popular, very exposed, and very good places for college kids to take breaks, so idiots assume I’m being stupid and am around there somewhere.”

  “You’re going to let them chase their tails looking for you.”

  “I do misdirection fairly well.”

  “That you do. That you do, Tamsin.”

  I had my moments for sure.


  A few weeks later, I was standing in a bedroom at the main estate of HAVEN, waiting for my summer soiree to start. It was the only address we’d made public—for obvious reasons—and while people had scoffed at us starting it or taking such precautions… They had since changed their tunes.

  We had been submitting reports to all the councils from the beginning, and the last one stated we had two hundred and forty-seven women we’d helped in under five months. While we wouldn’t give names, we did list species and the reasons we allowed them sanctuary and protection. Many were forced matings with abusive spouses or arranged matings with the same.

  So they could treat women like crap or think it a matter not to be concerned with, but when the numbers were right there for them to see so blatantly—and so quickly—I think a lot of them were getting a much-needed wake up call. Plus, the numbers were overwhelmingly witches and vampires. Less than an eighth were shifters, and we had a handful of dragons.

  And they were from Africa or Australia, no regions where the royals ruled, as it was explicitly outlawed.

  The best part? We were about to report another huge influx. A hundred and sixty more, all witches and vampires. People could act like they were scandalized at what happened to Izzy all they wanted, but it was incredibly common among vampires and witches.

  Not anymore. I wasn’t going to fucking allow it.

  We suspected it was worse than anyone would admit when we received phone calls, like our first with someone from the household asking for help. In response, Mel and I had sent people through all the supe high schools to spread the word that if parents tried to pull that crap, to contact us and we’d handle it.

  Our phone was ringing off the hook from the moment college acceptance letters started going out. Instead of referring them all to Claudia like before, we decided to pull them all in for a summer retreat away from their parents, and in protective custody, while we handled the assholes.

  And told their fucking councils. The hope was that all the councils that had people involved in this would pass laws to stop it.

  It was simply a happy coincidence that it might also give them something to focus on and handle, instead of fixating on me for a while. If I was lucky.

  I was rarely that lucky.

  But tonight was about the scholarship fund I had started at Artemis. After talking with Edelman and the people who handled the donations, I had learned what the average donation generally was. I set the limit slightly higher than that, given what I was going to offer in return, and announced that anyone who donated over that amount would be invited to the party.

  I wasn’t surprised that the donations came flooding in. Some were as generous as they always were, like the Vogels and the good people. Others raised their donations above what they normally gave to fit the requirement… And then we had people donate who had no association with Artemis simply to be allowed to come and get the party gifts or be near me.

  Edelman was floored and let me know the fund already had enough to cover every scholarship already granted to Artemis students, plus more than they had planned for incoming freshmen. Good, they could put that money towards more education.

  He had asked me what I’d meant by that and I was honest, telling him I planned on fairies attending Artemis again one day, and some of them might need scholarships as well. We both smiled at the thought that that day could be around the corner.

  For now, the party was here. I looked stunning in the dress my friends had prepared for me and the makeup they’d done, and it was about time to get going.

  “We have a problem,” Mel said as she flew into the room with her cousins Avril and Ellen who ran HAVEN.

  I sighed. Heavily. “I was honestly shocked we hadn’t had one yet.”

  “People brought crystals,” she told me. “Lots of them, and lots of people brought them.”

  I felt my temper flare as I fisted my hands. “Wow, they really want everything they can get for that money they donated, huh? And of course, they all thought they’d be the only ones.”

  “We’re not sure they care if they were,” Avril admitted, shrugging when I shot her a shocked look. “We wrote on the invitations that security would be tight, bags and people would be checked, but we didn’t address crystals being confiscated. That’s exactly what each of them have said when we’ve bitched about them bringing them and tried to take them or refuse them entry with them on their person.”

  Ellen sighed when my mouth dropped open. “Some seemed like they wanted you to implode, or this was the way to take you out, and in such a fantastic manner with all these witnesses at your own fucking party. I mean, they were like giddy with it, and we’re talking millions of crystals, Tams. And what would you do? Ruin your own party and toss them out because we didn’t think to cover it in the invite?”

  “No, but it also doesn’t say in the invite I’ll attend,” I chuckled darkly, shrugging when they gave me shocked looks. “Where does it say that? It’s hosted by me. Does it promise I’ll be there? No. I’ll say something from the balcony, but I’m certainly not happy enough to set off crystals, and fuck them for being such assholes. They want to play these games? They once again blew their one chance.”

  Mel looked like she was going to burst out laughing. “We did hate you attending this party in the first place before this even.”

  That was an understatement. Not only had the guest list kept growing and growing, but with so many elders who were not my friends, we knew they were going to try something bad. It was why we hired Alpha Geoff and dozens of his wolves to add to our security at the party to try and keep me and the place safe.

  Try being the key word there.

  “Oh shit, you’re really going to do this,” Ellen hissed as I slid past them out of the room.

  “I don’t bluff, and I don’t fuck around with babies.” I went to the balcony off the second floor lounge and opened the doors. It faced the terrace and backyard where the party was being held. The guests were also allowed in the party room as that had several bathrooms and led right outside.

  And that was it. We’d planned that one out well and had security posted all over so no one tried to slip into the offices or take a tour of their own. Plus, we had a store that sold hobgoblin goods that we weren’t letting people into tonight to misbehave at.

  As clearly they were all going to be such upstanding citizens.

  Mel must have radioed someone because the music was cut, and slowly people quieted down. They glanced around to see what was going on, and I bit back a smirk.

  This was going to be fun.

  “I’d like to thank everyone who donated to the new scholarship fund I sta
rted,” I said loudly, pausing to give people a chance to find me. I smiled out at them. “While I hope you all enjoy the party I painstakingly planned to celebrate the success, it seems I won’t be able to join you for it. Security has informed me that people have brought millions of crystals in the hopes I’d raise them to high-tier crystals for them.

  “So much for those charitable donations expecting nothing in return, huh? For those of you who truly gave to be kind and generous, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Those of you who gave the minimum to get into the party in the hopes of crystals—thanks for ruining the fun for me and others, as this was supposed to be a drama free night. I hope everyone enjoys the party and gets home safely.”

  “You cannot be serious,” someone shouted. “We were promised you would attend.”

  I raised an eyebrow and smirked down at the woman who wore hundreds of crystals on her dress, like I had months ago.

  “I don’t remember the invitation saying that, only that I would host the party. Isn’t that your argument why we couldn’t confiscate your crystals? We didn’t specify them on the invitation, and they were fair game then? Yes, well, you played your hand, and poorly. I’m still hosting the event, but I won’t be attending it for all of you to try and use me as a power source, see if you can get me to collapse, or kill me.”

  Several people objected or exclaimed that wasn’t fair or proper of me when it was my event. Yeah, well, they could go fuck themselves. I wasn’t risking myself either. I doubted my mood would allow me to tier up any crystals currently, but I wasn’t going to risk it either, and I preferred getting to tell them all to go fuck themselves for sure.

  I turned to head back inside, giving a little wave over my shoulder and not bothering to close the door behind me. Mel was simply shaking her head as Ellen and Avril stood there with their mouths agape.

  “You forget she didn’t really want to attend this thing in the first place,” Mrs. Rothchild said from further down the hallway. “As security, you made the right call. Logistically, you might have a nightmare on your hands.”

  I shrugged, seeing Mr. Rothchild behind her, letting me know the Vogels were already there then. “I’m not a leader. This is a scholarship fund extra thank you party, not a state dinner. They overplayed their bullshit hand to start more shit with me, and more than they understand.”

  “Oh?” She raised an eyebrow at that.

  I nodded, taking Mel’s radio off her hip. “Zack, you get a list of who came with crystals?”

  “Of course I did. Professor White is here at the front for that sole purpose. While she checks invites, and verifies who people are, and that they’re not using glamour, we’re doing the security procedures we discussed. But yeah, I got the list, why?”

  “Give it to Liluth and Esta after everyone is checked in. That many crystals could have left me fucking brain dead, and it was seriously rude. We don’t allow rude people to shop at our bakery. They get a three-month ban if they apologize. Liluth and the co-op can do as they wish, but I would bet they’ll do the same.”

  “Yes, yes, they will,” he agreed, sounding amused even over the radio. “I’ll make sure they get it.”

  “Thank you,” I sang, handing Mel back her radio. “Let’s make sure everyone not on that list gets something extra. A basket of fae fruit? Maybe with a feedback card that only they get, as we know how elites love to give their opinions and feel they get a vote on everything.”

  Mel held up her hands in surrender when her parents both looked at her accusingly. “She came like this when I met her. Don’t blame this evil genius part on me. I simply taught her to fight back and how to get bad guys.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, simply that.” I snapped my fingers and asked them to hold on as I remembered something. I hurried back into the room I had used to get ready and grabbed one of the two file folders I’d been working on in secret. Then I went back to the others and handed it over to Mr. Rothchild. “My present to your clan.”

  “For what?” he asked with a frown, glancing from the folder to my eyes.

  I smiled, handing it to Mrs. Rothchild instead, who opened the folder. “You swore your clan to be my sword should I need it. I don’t know if I am really of a noble bloodline, but I read before there are certain traditions of my people we keep to if a clan should ever do that. I went back and checked them, and that’s my gift for the honor you have bestowed upon me. I have one for the Silva clan as well.”

  Mrs. Rothchild gasped as she read it over. “She bought us a massive ranch with vast lands and paid for the construction of several separate houses for all the cousins and family to stay at when they’re off.”

  “Or retired,” I added. “You now have clan land for those retired from service who can still provide support or do whatever, but can also raise your kids away from the dangers of the Vogels if you want—whatever you want. It’s still in their territory, of course, but it’s large enough to hide a lot, and with a good sized forest.”

  “Why would you do this?” Mr. Rothchild asked as he looked over his mate’s shoulder.

  “It’s who she is, Father,” Mel said easily.

  “And it’s what my people do,” I added. “It was in several journals that it was how some packs and groups were started and how their lands were granted to them. I know that doesn’t apply here, but it never hurts to have a vacation house or even an off-the-books place to hide the Vogels, should it ever be needed. That place is buried under several layers of protection and once the work is done, I’ll put up what’s needed.”

  “What’s needed?” Mrs. Rothchild whispered, but then her eyes went bug wide. “You can do that?”

  “Not over that much land,” I clarified. “But yes, enough to keep the residences safe should you need to lock the area down. I’ll go over it all and how to activate it.” I grunted as she hugged me tightly. “Okay, not a dragon, don’t crush me.”

  She chuckled and kissed my temple, but eased up on me. “Thank you, Tamsin.”

  “Thanks for all you’ve been doing too. It’s been nice to have adults to turn to and act as my parents for stuff that people won’t listen to Mel for.”

  “Amen to that,” Mel drawled. “I like Dr. Salzman, I really do, but he’s been beat up so much by the parents that he jumps to what they want and prioritizes them. It’s like you have to be a parent to get at the front of his line, and I know I’m biased here, but the shit was pretty important.”

  I nodded. “He thought not jumping like normal would draw too much attention, but… Everyone needs to use their words more often and discuss stuff with us instead of making decisions for me or on my behalf. He’s my doctor, not my boss or keeper. Edelman kept doing the same. It’s why I trust Claudia and Geiger most. They’ve never done that aside from the stuff I’ve given them permission on.”

  “For example?” Mr. Rothchild asked after a moment.

  I nodded to the folder in his mate’s hand. “That. I translated the passages I’d found in journals and asked for his input as a dragon. He’s known some of your family and helped me find two places that could work. That’s managing what I need, not managing me. I went and… The feel of that place and the land was just everything. I could feel the vibes on the same wavelength with Mel’s dragon.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  I chuckled as I fidgeted with my dress. “I have no idea, Mel. I’ve only seen you change once now, and it wasn’t for very long, but it was like…” I sighed, trying to think of what I could compare it too. “Musical harmony. When you hear people singing, harmonize. It was that feeling with my spidey senses that it was the right place. Geiger laughed when I told him that, but it’s not like I have a clue what I’m doing.”

  “No, but you’re normally right. Thanks for this, kid.”

  I gave a sharp nod. “You’re welcome, but it’s also my duty. As one takes care of their sword and sharpens it so it’s already for battle, my people believe that rest, comfort, and the safety of having clan land is th
e same for those sworn to be our sword. I completely get it. Just like you said—you always treat the guards well and the Vogels do also. We believe that of all allies, especially those we trust most.”

  They thanked me again, still seeming in shock. Their gratitude started making me uncomfortable, so I excused myself so they could talk about it as a family, and left.

  I wasn’t going to stay upstairs and wait out the party like I had to hide… Plus my stomach had been promised food and expected it. My plan was to swing by the kitchen and pack up some yummies before clearing my head and disappointed heart with a walk on the property.

  Unfortunately, one of the last people I wanted to see was making his way towards me as I walked down the stairs. He was allowed in the area as he’d helped plan and coordinate a lot, and it made sense given he was faculty with Artemis.

  He was simply also my ex-lover.

  Dr. Julian Craftsman was what women dreamed all Brits to be. He was six-two, with deep emerald green eyes and dark blond hair he always kept styled… Unless he was working too late, and then it was messed up from hours of running his fingers through his hair. Either way worked for him. He was so sexy, just about any look would work for him.

  Our eyes locked, and I ignored the anguish in his, swallowing my reaction when he flinched. He’d seen something in my aura he didn’t like. Probably my grief and pain of us being over.

  And I’d have to go by him to get to the kitchen.

  So food was out for the moment and now I really needed some air. I hurried for the side door, away from the party or where people were being checked in while trying to act like I wasn’t rushing. I had hoped the night air would refresh me, but it wasn’t until I was a hundred feet from the building he was in that the pressure in my chest started to ease. I kicked off my heels and jogged away, needing more space.

  Needing not to be overwhelmed with the pain anymore.

  I finally felt like I could breathe again when I was far enough I couldn’t even hear the sounds of the party. The pressure left, and I had a moment to chastise myself that I was so far without backup or even weapons. That party was full of people hostile towards me and I go running off alone on the property?


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