Living Dangerously
Page 38
Troy lifted his hands in exasperation, but he still had a devastating smile on his face. “I didn’t say anything.”
He wouldn’t be grinning like that if she’d lost, would he?
Oh, man, she didn’t need this. She didn’t have a speech prepared or anything. She groaned mentally. Stop it! You did not win. You won’t need a speech.
All thought of winning or losing jumped out of her brain when Fido slowed the car and stopped at the entrance of the Kodak Theater.
“Give me a second,” Troy said as he exited the car. The laughter disappeared from his eyes and the serious face she was so familiar with took over. He wanted a look at the buildings across from the theater. Julie could’ve told him until she was blue in the face that a repeat of the Sporties wouldn’t happen, but he didn’t care. When it came to protecting her, he took his job as husband, partner and protector very seriously.
Fido turned and narrowed his deep blue eyes. “The last time we did this, I told you to break a leg, so I can’t say that again, and I know good luck is bad luck, so I’m just going to say, have a great evening.”
Julie smiled as Troy held out a hand for her. “Thanks, Fido. We’ll see you after the show. Don’t go putting down any money on me tonight.”
He laughed. “Too late for that. I’ve got you with good odds.”
That’s how the first cameras caught her, laughing at Fido’s words as she exited the limo in her slinky black satin gown. Troy put a protective arm around her waist and escorted her up the red carpet. She refused to look over her shoulder or consider that someone might be sighting her through a rifle scope. She wouldn’t live her life in fear or in the past.
She was a hot commodity this year and everyone wanted an interview. Who designed her dress, her shoes, her bag, her jewelry? How was married life? How did it feel to be a double nominee? Troy stayed with her through all of it, his big hand, warm and steady at the small of back, tracing circles on the bare skin the backless gown revealed, and shredding her concentration when it came to answering questions. He handled the press like a pro, like the chaos didn’t bother him in the least. He was solid as a rock and that only made her love him more.
Four hours later, after the craziness of the red carpet where her husband put up with the pictures and interviews and questions, after Julie had won her first Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for playing Josephine in a small indie film called Never Again, they sat together in the first row of the theatre as the names for Best Actress in a Leading Role were named.
Julie already had her statue and nothing could dampen her night. The clip of her movie was the last to play, and the crowd watched as her character, Elizabeth, gave the monologue at the movie’s turning point. The audience remained silent as tears slid down Elizabeth’s cheeks, as she stood up for herself and made the hard decision to leave the man she said she’d be with forever. The clip ended and the audience applauded.
Julie smiled at the camera. There were too many reasons why she wouldn’t win. First, she’d already won tonight, and second, she still didn’t have a speech prepared. Someone might have thought that after adlibbing an Oscar acceptance speech, she would’ve jotted something down in the ladies room in case she won this second award too, but no one who’d ever been nominated twice in one night ever won unless it was the director and best picture nominees. She’d tried to make up for forgetting to thank her new husband while in the press rooms, but the damage was done. She’d fucked up.
Leo Frost, last year’s winner for Best Actor in a Leading Role, read off the names again. “And the Oscar goes to...” He fumbled with the envelope.
“I am so proud of you,” Troy whispered in her ear. “And I love you.”
Julie’s heart thumped like a bongo drum as she looked at him...
“Julie Fraser-Mills for Meltdown,” Leo said from the stage.
The crowd erupted into cheers and Julie felt the sting in her eyes. Troy’s sexy smile and gorgeous eyes spoke to her on an elemental level. He leaned close to her ear. “Brad didn’t tell me anything. I just knew it in here.” He patted his chest.
Love for this man overflowed her heart. Not so much because she’d won, but because he loved her, because she’d found her soul mate, her partner for the rest of her life.
She kissed him softly, and in his eyes she saw all the love and pride he talked about. Troy helped her up the first couple of steps before taking his seat.
Her eyes burned, but she smiled as she looked out to the audience. “You all sure know how to make a girl feel welcome. Thank you.” The audience laughed. “Thank you to the Academy and the people who voted, I am truly honored and humbled to be among such amazing performers in my category. Thank you to the whole cast and crew of Meltdown because I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. But most of all, thank you to my wonderful husband, Troy. Without you, I wouldn’t be standing here. Without you, I wouldn’t be the happiest woman in the world.” A rogue grin curved his lips right before he winked at her. It was just like his wink on that first day in the hospital and her heart swelled. They’d come so far. She held up the statue. “This man is nice to have, but it’s that man...” she pointed to Troy, looking like a god in a tux, much as he had the very first time she’d met him. “...who makes my world complete. Thank you.” Julie didn’t walk off stage...she floated.
Later that night, back at the beach house with the waves rushing outside their bedroom slider doors, Troy eased the designer gown off her shoulders as he backed her up against the door.
“I’ve been waiting all night to get this dress off you,” he rumbled in her ear.
She ran her hands up the planes of his muscled chest and took a deep intoxicating breath of his cologne. She laughed again about his Brad Krazinsky joke. “I am so going to get you back for making me think you knew about the awards. Payback is a bitch, you know,” she whispered breathlessly. She felt his smile against her jaw.
“But it’s so fun to tease you,” he admitted, scattering soft kisses next to her ear. He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “Mad at me?”
Julie stroked her thumb across his bottom lip as she registered the concern on his face. “Yeah,” she said without any heat whatsoever. “You’re going to have to make it up to me tonight. Over and over and over.”
Troy teased her lips with his, the relief in his eyes easy to see. “You don’t have to tell me twice, Mrs. Mills. I am all over that.”
“You’d better be all over m—”
His kiss not only took her words, but her breath as well. A few seconds later, her dress slid down her body to pool at her feet and Julie forgot everything except the beauty of being with her husband. As Troy made love to her that night with the waves crashing outside their bedroom, Julie knew no better ending could ever be written...not in television and not in the movies. Real life didn’t get any sweeter than this.
* * * * *
Want more fast-paced romance? Look no further than the
Adrenaline Highs series from Dee J. Adams!
Dangerous Race
Four years ago, race car driver Tracey Bradshaw almost died in a horrific crash. Now scarred inside and out, she’s making a comeback, but her team is plagued by a series of “accidents.” When the team leader dies under mysterious circumstances, former driver Mac Reynolds takes charge. The pair clash as Trace resents his high-handed attempts to control her, while Mac fears Trace’s recklessness will get her killed. Neither can throttle back the desire that spins out of control whenever they touch...
Danger Zone
In her ten-year career as a stuntwoman, Ellie Morgan has experienced her share of thrills. None compares to the rush of being behind the wheel of a race car for her latest movie shoot. Certain she was born to race, Ellie’s ready to shift gears—but a secret from her past holds her back. Quinn Reynolds is tired of being in the driver’s seat of his family’s company, Formula Racing Design. He’s ready to sell—if he can get his co-owner and brother, Mac, to agree. Quinn’s
not sure what he wants to do with his future, but almost as soon as he meets Ellie, he knows he wants her to be part of it...
Dangerously Close
Bad-boy rock star Seger Hughes hit rock bottom after a near-fatal tragedy at his concert. He hates how his life has spun out of control. After changing his appearance and his name, he transforms into a different man: Mel Summers. Now he just needs a place to hide out from rabid fans and paparazzi. An isolated cliffside mansion is perfect. Ashley Bristol, his only neighbor, is blind—and her assistant is a classical music fan. They have no clue who he really is, but someone else does and she’s waited her whole life to be with him.
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About the Author
Born in El Paso, Texas, Dee J. always had a wild imagination. After graduating high school, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting. Her longest-running success was a series of Tide commercials in the late ’90s. For twenty years, she acted in television before transitioning behind the scenes as an acting/dialogue coach for sitcoms. Her experience in show business led her to narrate many of the books in the Adrenaline Highs series for
Writing happened accidentally after a vivid dream and the urging of her husband to “just write it down.” Three weeks, fourteen hours a day, and four hundred and fifty (longhand) pages later, she had her first novel. Dee J. loves writing books filled with action, mystery and love. (Not necessarily in that order.) She is the wife of a wonderful man and mother to a fabulous daughter. She’s a dog lover all the way—due in part to a deathly allergy to cats—with a fondness toward boxers and pit bulls. She is a member of several organizations, including Romance Writers of America, Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.
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ISBN: 978-14268-9550-0
Copyright © 2013 by Deanne Avner
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