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Elemental Rising

Page 34

by Toni Cox

  Her body reacted in ways she had not thought possible. She felt as if she could not contain the feelings within her. She arched her back as he moved over to her other breast and he slid his arm underneath her to pull her close to him.

  She was almost disappointed when he let go of her nipple and kissed along her neck, before he found her mouth again. Then he moved down once more, down her neck, along her collarbone, briefly kissed her breast and then all along her stomach. She held her breath as he kissed along the inside of her thigh, gently spreading her legs to allow him access. One hand still cupped her breast, but with the other, he was touching her in places no-one had ever touched her before. She moaned at the pleasure of his touch and as his mouth traced kisses up along her stomach again, the hand still touching her, evoked feelings she had never before experienced. Her breath came in short, little gasps, until he covered her mouth with his, kissing her, gently exploring with his tongue.

  Just when she thought her feelings could not get any more intense, he shifted his body, aligning it with hers and, still kissing her, eased slowly into her warm fold. He rested there for a moment, giving her time to get used to the feeling of him inside of her. Then, slowly, he started to move. The sensation of him sliding in and out slowly was almost too much for her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her, urging him on. She gave herself to him completely, moving in rhythm with his movements, which became more urgent with every stroke. Their breath was coming fast and hot and they moaned together as, with one final stroke, came the exquisite release.

  He kissed her again, on the mouth and then along her neck. Then he moved and turned her so she lay within his arms. The last thing she remembered before she fell asleep, was him whispering in her ear, “We are one.”

  She woke with a start and realised it was morning. It took her a moment before she remembered where she was. Once she did, the events of the last three days came crashing down on her. They had won the war, but at what cost? So many dead, so many injured. She shuddered and suddenly realised how sore she was. Every muscle ached. When she looked down, she saw bruising all along her ribs, her arms and on her right thigh.

  She got up, splashed some water in her face and then dug in her bag for something clean to wear. She had just buckled on her knife belt, when her hands froze in mid-motion and she started to shake. Another memory had drifted to the surface and she had to take a few steadying breaths, before she could continue dressing herself.

  What have I done? she thought. It was not only a complete violation of their law to be with someone out of wedlock, but he was also an Opposite and it was written in the ancient texts that Prime Opposites should never become familiar. It was seen as morally incorrect and was despised by the people.

  Still shaking, she packed her few belongings into her bag, then made her way out of the tent and into brilliant sunshine. There was a cool breeze blowing and she drew her jacket a little tighter around her body.

  Bright-Shining-Silver-Star! Midnight’s thought immediately touched her, as she stepped away from the tent. She looked up and was surprised to find him resting on the ground only a few paces away. The area around him was cleared in all directions for about a hundred paces – they had moved the camp to make space for him. She dropped her bag and went to him, leaning her forehead against his muzzle. She did not have to explain her feelings to him and she did not need to ask him why he was here, but based on his feelings of disapproval, she was surprised that he had let Blaid get away.

  Blaid! She wondered where he was now, but she knew he could not stay. Wearily, she made her way to the makeshift hospital and checked on the injured. Most were doing better this morning and all were looking forward to going home. Silas eventually joined her and brought her a cup of tea.

  “Your father would like to see you,” he said to her, then gave her a strange look before he turned to his patient.

  She rapped the canvas of her father’s tent and then stepped through the opening. Jaik was immediately beside her and took her in his arms.

  “I didn’t get a chance to do this last night. You were so busy with the injured. I am just so glad you’re all right. I was so worried about you,” he said softly.

  He held her fast for a moment longer and she leant into his embrace, drawing strength from his presence.

  “Father,” she said as she stepped away from Jaik.

  He rose and embraced her too for a moment. Then, he indicated for her to sit. Her father’s tent was much larger than hers. Besides his cot, it also contained a large, foldable table, which they used to plan their strategies; as well as chairs for his Commanders to sit.

  “Birds have been sent to the cities to spread the news of our victory, but I am afraid we cannot celebrate yet. Our Scouts have reported that many of the Vampyres have managed to escape. We have sent riders and hope to run them down before they can cause any more deaths. We are unsure of their numbers, or even if they are armed. Some of the Werewolves got away too. I am leaving a contingent of warriors here at Greystone, not only to prevent more from coming through, but also to prevent those that have escaped from going home. The rest of our army needs to return to their homes. Everyone is exhausted and most are injured. Are they well enough to travel?”

  “Yes, Father. Some might need stretchers, but most should be able to walk or ride.”

  “Good. We will be leaving within the hour then.” He paused and looked up at her.

  There was a strange look on his face and she felt the blood rising to her ears. Guilt made her nervous and she felt her hands start to shake again.

  “Maia, I…” He cleared his throat. He was clearly fighting with some kind of emotion. Maia suspected it was disgust, but she was not sure. “I wanted to thank you…thank you for what you have done. I have spoken to Silas and he has told me what it must have meant for you and… work together.”

  It took them longer to get home than expected. They stopped and rested often, making sure the injured were comfortable. Maia used much of her strength to heal all minor injuries completely, but she simply did not have enough energy for the hundreds that were hurt.

  Midnight stayed close, travelling on foot, only a few hundred paces to the east. At first, it made the people nervous, but after the first day, they became used to him.

  “Is something bothering you, Maia?” Silas asked one evening.

  “What makes you say that?” she asked in return.

  He glanced in the direction of Midnight, then back to her.

  “You forget that I have known you since your birth. I know something is troubling you. But even if that was not the case, that,” he pointed towards her dragon, “would be reason enough for me to be asking.”

  Maia blushed. She had not been able to convince Midnight that there was nothing to worry about. Somehow, he felt it was his duty to make sure that she was not caught in a moment of weakness again and nothing she could say, would change his mind.

  “He is worried about me,” she finally said.

  “Yes, so am I,” Silas replied. “The question though, is why.”

  “Silas,” she smiled bravely at him, “you have always been there for me and you probably know more about me than I know myself, but…” she faltered for a moment, “I don’t think I am ready to talk about it.”

  They walked on in silence for a while and Maia was starting to believe that Silas had dropped the subject.

  “Did he hurt you?” Silas then asked quietly.

  Maia stopped dead in her tracks. The people around her carried on walking and after a while it was just the two of them standing on a field half a day’s march from home. The buzz of the insects was overly loud to her ears. Midnight looked on from a distance.

  “No,” she said softly.

  How did he know? By now, she wasn’t even sure herself that it had been real. If it wasn’t for Midnight’s behaviour, she could easily believe it had only been a dream.

  Silas touched her arm. “Maia, look at me.”

  She looked up, fearing reproach, but found only concern in his eyes.

  “I can only speculate on why such things occur, but the fact that a Life Prime and a Death Prime have come together has saved our people yet again. Whatever happened, I am sure it was all part of the magic that the two of you wrought to defeat the Vampyre army. Remember, I am always here if you feel the need to talk about it.”

  The stone was dug deep into the fissure between his toes and he was starting to become angry. He was not used to spending this much time on the ground. If Bright-Shining-Silver-Star would just consent to flying with him, then he could have her home before the sun touched the mountains. He had asked her time and time again, but she insisted of walking with her injured. He understood her worry for her people, even if they were all insignificant to him, but he knew it was not the reason she did not want to fly with him. He worried about her. She was in such deep turmoil, he was afraid she would not be able to find her own way out of it.

  He growled and a puff of smoke rose from his nostrils, making the nearest horse whinny in fear.

  Dark-Silver-Moon was the reason she was feeling like this and he had a good mind to tear him to pieces should he ever catch him. However, Dark-Silver-Moon had eluded him twice already. He was cunning and dangerous. He would have to keep a close watch on Bright-Shining-Silver-Star, so Dark-Silver-Moon could not take advantage of her again.

  Another puff of smoke curled from his nostrils at the thought. Even Red-Angry-Flesh would be preferable. Although, he had to admit, the Human’s colours had faded somewhat since he had arrived. His red that had looked like blood when he had first seen him, had gentled to the soft red of a sunset in the time that he had been here. Maybe Red-Dusky-Sunset was a name more appropriate for him now. He had never felt anything but disdain for the man that had such strong feelings for his Bright-Shining-Silver-Star, but in light of these new developments, he might be preferable to the alternative. He would think on it some more. If Bright-Shining-Silver-Star was to mate, then she should do so with the right male. Suddenly, the affairs of the Shining-People were of more concern to him than they had ever been before.

  They reached home without further incident. The warriors from the other clans returned to their cities and life in Shadow Hall took on some semblance of normalcy once more.

  Shadow Hall had lost many. Three hundred and twenty-three, of which one, Lenoro, was Guard and many were of the Warrior Houses. Once the people that had been sent to Tarron Heights returned, they held a great ceremony, mourning their dead. In total, including the people from the other cities, there had been over three thousand dead. It was a dark time for Maia.

  Watch rotation was arranged between the cities of Grildor, and Greystone was now under guard night and day. Scouts, Trackers and Hunters were out in the mountains and forests every day, searching for the escaped Vampyres and their beasts. They still kept double Night Watch and no-one was really at peace. The threat remained and everyone was on edge.

  For Maia, every day was torture. Was Silas right? Had what happened between her and Blaid just been a result of the magic they had created? It did not feel like that to her. She pined for him every day. She felt her life was somehow emptier without him. Knowing that being with him was not only against their laws, but would also alienate her from her people, made her infinitely sad. One did not associate with Death.

  She kept herself busy throughout the days that followed the War of Greystone and cried herself to sleep every night. She spent much time with Aaron and his children, but could find no solace in their company either. By the time the first frosts came over the land, she had resigned herself to the fact that she meant nothing to Blaid and that what had happened was only the result of their magic.

  She had taken to sleeping in Silas’ cave, craving the solitude it provided. Silas would often sit with her in the evenings, but then left before the moons were high, so she could be alone. It was how she wanted it.

  She now climbed into her furs, for it was cold in the cave, and dimmed the shutter on the lantern. She was tired, always so tired. She would toss and turn all night. Nightmare after nightmare would wake her and she would sit up, screaming. She was so tired. She put her head on her pillow and closed her eyes.

  !!! Midnight’s thought came crushing down on her. Adrenaline rushed through her veins and she was instantly alert.

  She sat up and in the half-light of the shuttered lantern, she found herself looking into Blaid’s deep blue eyes.

  Things had changed. Aaron could not quite put his finger on it, but something was fundamentally different. It wasn’t just that the whole city was on edge with those Vampyres still at large. It wasn’t even the fact that most people were still in mourning and the general atmosphere within the community was subdued.

  No. The change had more to do with him, and he now also believed, with Luke and Jasmin. He felt different. More part of the whole. He felt a kinship with the people that had not been there before. He felt their loss and their suffering as his own; he shared their concerns and worries.

  Most of all he felt it within his body. There were changes. Very subtle at first, but he noticed them more and more. His eyesight had become keener, of that, he was sure. He had built muscle and, in a certain light, it looked like he had a ribbed stomach. His skin was smoother and the wrinkles on his face were barely visible. He even sometimes fancied, that his ears now had a slight tip to them.

  Since the war, his confidence had soared. He felt bold and brave and would now often do things, that would have been out of his comfort zone before. He had fired Jasmin’s crossbow on more than one occasion. He had picked up a sword and hewn at a straw dummy until it was lying destroyed on the floor. He had cooked and, with Jasmin’s help, served some tasty dishes.

  He also finally understood why he often had difficulties expressing himself, even though the thoughts were clear in his head – he spoke a different language here. Elvish, he presumed. Therefore, when he wanted to talk about a thing that did not exist on Elveron, for example a car, then he would have to use the English term. Sometimes, it was hard to remember, but Luke and Jasmin had made a game out of it and they now had a repertoire of about fifty words.

  The best part of all of this, was how he felt about Maia. The war had changed her as well. She was quiet and restrained. Often deep in thought and unapproachable. She had changed her attire from the soft suede pants and loose cotton tops she used to wear, to black leather pants and a black leather jacket, over a fitted cloth shirt. She now always wore her weapons. It made her look strong and in control, and incredibly sexy, but he knew that she felt vulnerable and scared. It enhanced his feelings for to such a degree, he could almost not contain it.

  However, he bid his time. He knew it was not yet. Slowly, with much care, he spent more and more time with her. He came to realise that something had happened out there by the Gate, that had shaken her to the core. He worked every day to gain her trust and, he was sure that, one day, she would know that it was him that had stood by her through this difficult time. Then, and only then, he would make his move. He was hers and one day, she would be his.

  Shadow Hall

  The Royal House of Longshadow

  Jarra Longshadow - Maia’s great grandfather, father of Jadae

  Algen Longshadow - Maia’s great grandmother, mother of Jadae

  Jadae Longshadow - Maia’s grandfather, father of Jagaer

  Ikari Longshadow - Maia’s grandmother, mother of Jagaer

  Jagaer Longshadow - Maia’s father, Lord of Shadow Hall & Elderlord of Grildor

  Malyn Longshadow - Maia’s mother & wife to the Lord of Grildor

  Jaik Longshadow - Maia’s twin brother, prince of Grildor & Commander of the Guard

  Maia Longshadow - Princess of Grildor & Life Elemental

  Wolf - Forest Wolf, honorary member of the Longshadow family

  The Noble Houses of Birkenheart & Elderken

  Maël Birkenheart - Maia’s grandmother, mother of Malyn
  Alandrien Birkenheart - Maia’s grandfather, father of Malyn (deceased)

  Kian Elderken - Maël’s life partner

  Danyar - Giant Hare, honorary member of the Birkenheart-Elderken family

  The Noble House of Chesterfort

  Emrik Chesterfort - Maia’s great grandfather, father of Maël

  Maraël Chesterfort - Maia’s great grandmother, mother of Maël

  The Noble House of Moonswain

  Ramaer Moonswain - Elder & father of Riker

  Lilonda Moonswain - Wife of Ramaer

  Riker Moonswain - Son of Ramaer & member of the Guard

  The Noble House of Nightshield

  Silas Nightshield - Healer, Elemental, royal advisor & mentor to Maia

  Elders of Shadow Hall

  Jadae Longshadow

  Emrik Chesterfort

  Ramaer Moonswain

  Lamar Oakencrest

  Dictennia Hollowberg

  Eilin Shallowaters

  Livarion Summerlot

  Janeke Oldenrift

  Beccithalia Nordenfall

  Falorien Deepsword

  Baltor Owen

  The Guard of Shadow Hall

  Jaik Longshadow (Commander)

  Argar Fairwen (2nd in Command)

  Riker Moonswain

  Boron Flowersfield

  Filithrin Overmer

  Munnar Shallowaters

  Tallson Robynreed

  Lenoro Woods

  Somas Birkenstock

  Aari Fyrlane

  Glark Gnarkstrov (Dwarf)

  The Warrior Houses of Shadow Hall & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Jaik Longshadow

  The Regiment - Commander Rowlean Ridgewell

  The Legion - Commander Calemir Willowbay


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