Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6]

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Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6] Page 8

by Castle, Angela

  Forrester complied, pushing over the three-armed, medical light, proceeding to unwind the cord and plug it into an already overloaded electrical socket.

  Prov tried to steady her breathing. Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to brace herself against the oncoming humiliation.

  Bright lights flashed in front of her closed eyes and darkness fell.

  * * * *

  Must clear my head. I must fight. She needs me. Ignoring the throbbing pain from the volts of power they’d jolted him with and the dull thuds from their fists, he climbed to his feet. Wobbling, he clutched the chair.

  They took his treasure. He needed to get her back before they could harm her. He knew the dark cruelty of the human men who held him here for so long, the things they did to him and the Xersons in the cells below. His little mate was human, soft and fragile.

  Angered rolled through him for not being able to stop them from taking her.

  He knew she would not want him to blame himself, but right now, the anger helped strengthen him. The effects of the drug would wear off, but by then it would be too late.

  He sized up the door. Taking aim, he let go of the table and charged forward at full force. He bounced back but the door cracked a little. They were foolish to think this type of cell could hold him for long, not when he had something on the other side more important to him than the air he breathed.

  His head swam again, but he took time to steady himself and re-aim before charging again. Throwing his weight into his shoulder, the door cracked again.

  “Do that one more time and we’ll fuck her first, and then shoot her in the head,” a guard yelled through the door.

  Zelron paused. “We’ll bring her back to you when the docs are done with her.”

  Not good enough. He wanted—needed—her back where she belonged, with him, now. Zelron backed up, his head feeling a little clearer, and he charged again, seeing the splintering in the hinges. Two more hits and it would open.

  As he backed up, the door flew open. Zelron charged and they raised their guns and fired. He only managed to barely dodge the projectiles.

  Everything suddenly plunged into pitch black darkness. Zelron grinned when his eyes easily adjusted. Fortunately for him, he saw perfectly well in the darkness. Unfortunately for the human guards, they could not.

  * * * *

  “Damn it to hell, not again.” Martin sounded angry.

  She opened her eyes, blinking. It was dark and she realised the power had gone out. She pushed her fear aside because she knew what had happened.

  “You blew a fuse again. It’s an old circuit board down here, left over from the military days. You can’t keep plugging modern equipment in with high power demands and expect it to cope.”

  A hum and soft lights from a backup generator somewhere, kicked in.

  “We can’t work in this light.” Both Forrester and Martin stared at her. “Good thing you insisted we not kill her.”

  “You will fix the fuse.”

  Prov wanted to refuse, and then an idea struck her, but she didn’t want to look eager.

  “Why would I want to do that?” She raised a questing eyebrow at the men.

  “Do you really think refusing us is a wise move? Remember, be good and you get our fringe benefits.”

  Heaving a dramatic sigh, she nodded. “You’ll have to let me loose, and I’ll need my tool belt.”

  They hesitated.

  “I can’t fix shit without my tools. Up to you.”

  “Fine, fine. The sooner we get this fixed, the sooner we can get on with the examination. I have a dinner appointment with Mario from the head office tonight. He wants a full report of our progress down here.”

  Forrester sighed, heading for the door. “I’ll go get her tools, you unbuckle her.”

  Forrester left the room and Martin undid her leg straps first, and then her arms. “Don’t get it into your head to try anything foolish. No one’s escaped from here.”

  We’ll see about that, asshole.

  “I’m naked with only a sheet, what the hell can I do? Zelron’s the one who can break your neck with his pinkie.”

  “You’ve watched far too many movies, Miss Velour.” Martin helped her down from the table and she wrapped the green surgical sheet around her body like a towel, doing her best to ignore the squishy feeling of the shaving cream between her legs.

  Martin’s mouth twisted up into an amused grin, watching her shift from foot to foot.

  “It’s not really that bad. I think your big beast has taken quite a shine to you.”

  She pursed her lips, stopping herself from telling him it was none of his business.

  “And there are worse things we could be doing to you than letting him breed with you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re a sick bastard, you know that.”

  He didn’t seem to take offense. “Water off a duck’s back, Miss Velour.”

  The doors pushed open and Forrester returned, dangling in his hand her portable tool apron. To see it was like a breath of fresh air. She heaved in a deep breath, reaching for it as he moved closer. Gripped in his other hand was her sturdy, black flashlight.

  “That’s mine, too.”

  “Not anymore. Now, fix it.” He shined the light in the direction of the fuse box in the corner of the room.

  She buckled the apron around her waist and rifled through her equipment. If it was the same problem as before, all it needed was a wire replacement—a thirty second job, if that. Fucked-up scientists they may be, but it was clear they didn’t know the first thing about electric circuitry. She pulled her amp meter out. Opening the box, she fiddled around, pulling every fuse out, so it would take her longer to fix. Spying the blown one, she pulled it too.

  “How long did it take you to fix last time?”

  “Uh, I think five minutes. I have to check each one to find the blown fuse.” It was easy to lie to the ignorant.

  “Hurry up.”

  “I’m going to see if the guards got back down. You watch the beast’s princess.”

  Martin snorted, seeing Forrester leave the room. A plan formed in her mind. This was her chance, if she did it right. She quickly yanked out her portable power charger. Using a small screwdriver, she undid the head and pulled the wiring.

  “What are you doing?” He leaned over her shoulder.

  “I have to check if the right voltage of power is coming through. If I’m good, and I know am, I can make sure this doesn’t happen again. Oh, and you may want to get a safety switch installed down here. It’s not as if I can pick up a phone and order the part.”

  She glanced over her shoulder, shooting him an accusing glare. He moved back a foot. “Just hurry up.”

  Without him glancing over her shoulder, she stuck her charger right into the main power circuit. Within a few seconds, it was over-charged and ready to explode. She pulled it out.

  A loud roar and crash from outside of the room made them both turn. Martin stared at the door.

  “What the...”

  Providence struck, jabbing the exposed wiring straight into Martin’s neck and hitting the power button. The electricity jolted through his body, making him jerk backwards. He fell heavily to the floor, his body convulsing like a fish out of water.

  She stood over him, swung back her foot and kicked him right between the legs. He grunted and gurgled. “Homemade stun gun. Asshole.”

  She jumped back in fright when the door burst open and Forrester rushed in, fear clear in his eyes. He skidded to a halt, his gaze falling on where Martin lay, still jerking slightly. She clutched her stun gun, but it was only good for one shot. In a panic move, she dived for her heavy flashlight, the one Martin dropped.

  “Stay back.” She clutched it like a baseball bat ready to swing at his head.


  The door again burst open. Prov’s heart stopped in her chest, elation soaring through her at the sight of Zelron. His hair was a wild
mess, reminding her of something primitive and untamed. God, she loved him.

  Now is not the time for mushy crap. Is that blood splashed over his arms and chest?

  His gaze darted from her to where Forrester backed up, inching towards her. No way in hell was he getting anywhere near her again. She leapt over Martin, who groaned, and darted around the table, launching herself at Zelron.

  He caught her easily, holding her tight against his chest.

  “Did they hurt you?” His voice was rough with anger, his gaze fixed on Forrester.

  “No, never got the chance, the power went out before they could.”

  “I will kill them.” He moved to set her down.

  “No, Zelron, please don’t sink to their level. You are so much better than they are. Can we just get the hell out of here, please? We’ll go to the police, the proper authorities. They will arrest them and the law will punish them.”

  He met her gaze. She saw the murder in his eyes. “I could not look at you if you killed them in front of me.”

  His gaze softened and he nodded. “Human law better be just.” He set her down. “Wait.”

  She sighed at her bossy Z man, but grew worried while he stalked Forrester. The man whimpered, backing into a corner, the fear evident on his face.

  “I never meant any harm! The head office people made us!”

  Zelron growled, threw back his arm and hit Forrester square in the face. He crumpled like a wet rag onto the floor.

  “That is for hitting my female.” Zelron stalked back to her. “Time to go.”

  She held out her hand and he gripped it, throwing open the doors and tugging her from the room.

  “I know the way out.” She pointed down the corridor. “Freedom is this way.”

  Chapter 11

  Forget her lock picking skills; she didn’t need them with a heavy foot like Zelron’s. The red door flew across the room, and she only glimpsed the guard with his gun drawn before the door slammed into him. She winced half in sympathy as it flattened him, well, almost like a pancake.

  Bright sunlight shone through vents in the upper parts of the building. She wanted to weep at the sight and her heart ached for Zelron, knowing his imprisonment was a hell of a lot longer than hers.

  He tugged her behind him, an iron grip on her hand as he marched forward,and put a foot on the door, leaning over the wounded, groaning guard.

  “Transport. We require it,” rumbled Zelron.

  “Car. We need a car. Tell us or he’ll make a permanent pancake out of you.”

  The radio on the guard’s belt crackled to life. “Code red, code red. Escaped lab subjects loose on grounds, apprehend with deadly force.”

  Oh great. “Z, if they catch us they’re going to kill us.”

  “I will not allow it.” He leaned on the door harder, making the guard whimper in pain. “Answer or die, human,” he growled at the guard.

  “T…he rack…K…keys, d…desk, cars…round back.” The guard groaned and slumped unconscious to the floor.

  “We need a diversion. I have a plan. Let me go, please, Z.”

  He nodded, letting her hand go. “Open the front door while I get the keys.”

  Splitting ways, he went for the front door while she ran to the other side of the room, curled her hand into a fist and punched the glass cover of the fire alarm. Yanking it down, alarm bells sounded throughout the buildings.

  Zelron kicked out the door. As she went around the big reception desk, there sat a tall, thin, key box. Of course, it would be locked.

  “Z, help.”

  He jogged around the desk. “This, we need it. Let’s take the whole thing, so they can’t use any other cars.”

  With a grip and a tug, he ripped the whole thing from the wall. “Smart.”

  She grinned up at him. “I have my moments, let’s go.”

  The heat of the Australian summer hit her as they burst outside, the key box clutched under his arm. Prov blinked trying to get her bearings. She saw a car park around the corner to the right.

  “There.” She pointed, but hissed when the hot concrete seared the tender soles of her feet. Zelron didn’t have the same problem. “Hot…too hot.”

  He paused, glanced down at her and, in the next moment, he hoisted her up on his shoulders, bouncing her as he ran in the direction she pointed.

  Setting her down on her feet under the shade of a gum tree, he dropped the box, ripping it open.

  “I assume those small things with wheels are transport?”

  She wobbled on her feet for a moment before regaining her equilibrium. There were rows of cars to choose from; she rifled around in the box, pulling out several with electronic keys. She pointed and clicked. A Mercedes sparked to life, then next to it a shiny, black Jeep Wrangler.

  “That one. Throw the rest of these away.” She nodded towards the keys.

  Zelron threw them and lifted her again, making a dash for the Wrangler.

  “Does it fly?” Zelron followed her lead, yanking open the door, but having to fold his large bulk to fit into the passenger seat.

  She wanted to laugh, but held it in. “Ah, no, we don’t have flying cars, yet.”

  “I do not fit here.” He frowned at his seat and climbed out. Prov’s jaw dropped when he reached in and with one hard yank ripped the passenger seat out. He climbed back in.

  She grinned. She had one hell of a guy.

  No you don’t, idiot, focus; we’re almost free and he’ll want to go back to his planet and have nothing to do with humans ever again.

  “Command this transport; I would, but do not know how.” The sound of his urgent voice snapped her out of her eye-popping moment. “We have more guards approaching.”

  “Yes, right.” Buckling in, she started the Wrangler and threw it into reverse. “Hang onto, uh, something.” She floored the accelerator, making the wheels squeal as she spun them around.

  Zelron grabbed the dash and the other side of her seat as she drove, his eyes glancing around.

  Her heart racing faster than the horsepower in the engine, she shoved it back into Drive. The guards, who were running with their guns drawn, dived out of the way as she headed straight towards them.

  Loud pops, coming from behind them made her jump, crap! They are firing at us. “Faster, faster.” Pedal to the metal, they rounded the corner of the building and the exit appeared ahead, but the chain mesh gates were closed.

  “Oh shit, oh shit!”

  “Do not stop, this transport will make it. I believe in you.” Zelron placed a hand on her shoulder, his strength and calm words helping ease her panic.

  Raw determination settled over her and she pushed the Wrangler faster, her knuckles white on the steering wheel. The booth guard dived out of their path.

  Wham! They hit the gate, the car jerking but the gates flew apart allowing them to speed away.

  “We did it!” She bounced in her seat, grinning widely at Zelron. He nodded his approval, but did not smile.

  “Yes, freedom. Now, we have to find a way to contact my people. Do you know how?”

  Her heart sank and her smile fell. She focused on the road. She knew this day would have to come, but he deserved everything she could give him.

  “I think I know someone who can help us. He’s a good friend.”


  “Yes, he.” Is that jealousy she heard in Zelron’s tone? Naah, I’m imagining things after such a big adrenaline spike due to our big escape. “I do electrical work for him and he helps with my accounting software. We’re just friends.”

  He sighed and moved to a more comfortable position, his head resting on the back seat.

  “Are you alright?” Worry for him made her shift in her seat.

  “The drug in my body, I fought hard against it, but I need to rest. Can you navigate to our destination?”

  “Yes. Rest, Z man. Trust me to get us there safely.”

  “Trust you I do, but awaken me if there is trouble.”

  She was
already in big trouble. Her heart hurt more than she wanted to admit. Their freedom would come at a high price. Once he was with his people, she would be left, once again alone, and with a broken heart. She could no longer deny the fact she loved him, but he deserved so much more, so much better than what she could give him.

  “I will, I promise.”

  He closed his eyes, his breathing evened out. Providence tore her gaze from him to stare at the road ahead. She swallowed down the lump in her throat and blinked back the tears threating to spill.

  Suck it up woman; remember it’s not over yet.

  * * * *

  “If they reach the wrong people, it’s all over. Even if they do, then we have to silence them and fast.” ordered Mario Vatelli, owner of M.A.R.C Cosmetics, through Frankie’s bluetooth headset.

  “This is a royal cluster fuck. I’ve already got teams heading to the factory to do a clean-up. I need the runaways sorted, no matter what it takes.”

  With apt, nimble hands, he screwed the silencer onto his nine millimetre. “A little faith, Mario. When have I ever let you down?” It wasn’t a question but a clear statement.

  Silence from the other end of the line greeted him. Frankie smiled.

  “Well, I pay you enough.”

  “I’ll call you when it’s done.” He hit the off button and pulled out his smart phone. All employees’ cars underwent regular inspection, which included the more trusted security teams placing tracers on each one, unbeknown to their owners.

  The fugitives took the accountant’s black Jeep Wrangler. Frankie accessed the information with a few touches on his phone, and then tapped into the satellite tracer.

  He sighed when the signal beeped onto his screen. Gone were the days of a good old-fashioned hunt. Modern technology took the challenge out of the game, but still, it was a hunt, and as they were so few, he would relish it while it lasted.

  Chapter 12

  Most of Providence’s friends were a bit like her—different. Her skills as an electrician brought her to homes like Win and Marg’s. The big, plastic, Star Trek symbol bolted to the front of the house clued any passer-by what they were ‘into.’

  Sci-fi fans, but warm, friendly and always welcoming to anyone who wanted to drop by, watch DVDs or play on the myriad of computers they kept out in the back.


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